rivet is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
Rivet 4.0.3
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CRivet::Matrix< 3 >
 CRivet::AnalysisHandlerThe key class for coordination of Analysis objects and the event loop
 CRivet::AnalysisInfoHolder of analysis metadata
 CRivet::AnalysisLoaderInternal class which loads and registers analyses from plugin libs
 CRivet::BoolJetFunctorBase type for Jet -> bool functors
 CRivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctorBase type for Particle -> bool functors
 CRivet::BoolParticleFunctorBase type for Particle -> bool functors
 CRivet::ConstRandomFilterFunctor used to implement constant random lossiness
 CRivet::CumulantAnalysis::ECorrelatorA helper class to calculate all event averages of correlators
 CRivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctorBase type for Particle -> double functors
 CRivet::EventRepresentation of a HepMC event, and enabler of Projection caching
 CRivet::FillCollector< T >FillCollectors which are used to temporarily cache unaggregated fills until collapsed by the Multiplexers via a call to collapseEventGroup()
 CRivet::HTTWrapper class for configuring use of HEPTopTagger
 CRivet::JET_BTAG_EFFSB-tagging efficiency functor, for more readable b-tag effs and mistag rates
 CRivet::JET_EFF_CONSTTake a Jet and return a constant efficiency
 CRivet::JetEffFilterA functor to return true if Jet j survives a random efficiency selection
 CRivet::JetEffSmearFnFunctor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Jets
 CRivet::LogLogging system for controlled & formatted writing to stdout
 CRivet::LorentzTransformObject implementing Lorentz transform calculations and boosts
 CRivet::Matrix< N >General \( N \)-dimensional mathematical matrix object
 CRivet::MendelMinA genetic algorithm functional minimizer
 CRivet::MultiplexedAOMultiplexer base class
 CRivet::MultiplexPtr< T >
 CRivet::P3_EFF_CONSTTake a Vector3 and return a constant number
 CRivet::P4_EFF_CONSTTake a FourMomentum and return a constant number
 CRivet::PARTICLE_EFF_CONSTTake a Particle and return a constant number
 CRivet::ParticleBaseBase class for particle-like things like Particle and Jet
 CRivet::ParticleEffFilterA functor to return true if Particle p survives a random efficiency selection
 CRivet::ParticleEffSmearFnFunctor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Particles
 CRivet::PercentileBasePercentileBase is the base class of all Percentile classes
 CRivet::ProjectionApplierCommon base class for Projection and Analysis, used for internal polymorphism
 CRivet::ProjectionHandlerThe projection handler is a central repository for projections to be used in a Rivet analysis run
 CRivet::ProjectionTreeGeneratorClass that deals with generating projection trees (for debugging etc.)
 CRivet::RivetONNXrtSimple interface class to take care of basic ONNX networks
 CRivet::RunInterface to handle a run of events read from a HepMC stream or file
 CRivet::TypeBaseHandleA polymorphic base type for the AO type handles
 CRivet::Vector< N >A minimal base class for \( N \)-dimensional vectors
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CRivet::Vector< 2 >
 CRivet::Vector< 3 >
 CRivet::Vector< 4 >
 Cstd::vector< Jet >
 Cstd::vector< Particle >