►CRivet::Matrix< 3 > | |
CRivet::Matrix3 | Specialisation of MatrixN to aid 3 dimensional rotations |
CRivet::AnalysisHandler | The key class for coordination of Analysis objects and the event loop |
CRivet::AnalysisInfo | Holder of analysis metadata |
CRivet::AnalysisLoader | Internal class which loads and registers analyses from plugin libs |
►CRivet::BoolJetFunctor | Base type for Jet -> bool functors |
CRivet::BoolJetAND | Functor for and-combination of selector logic |
CRivet::BoolJetNOT | Functor for inverting selector logic |
CRivet::BoolJetOR | Functor for or-combination of selector logic |
CRivet::HasBTag | B-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state |
CRivet::HasCTag | C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state |
CRivet::HasNoTag | Anti-B/C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state |
CRivet::HasTauTag | Tau-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state |
►CRivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor | Base type for Particle -> bool functors |
CRivet::AbsEtaGtr | Abs pseudorapidity greater-than functor |
CRivet::AbsEtaInRange | Abs pseudorapidity in-range functor |
CRivet::AbsEtaLess | Abs pseudorapidity momentum less-than functor |
CRivet::AbsRapGtr | Abs rapidity greater-than functor |
CRivet::AbsRapInRange | Abs rapidity in-range functor |
CRivet::AbsRapLess | Abs rapidity momentum less-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaEtaGtr | \( |\Delta \eta| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) greater-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaEtaInRange | \( \Delta \eta \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
CRivet::DeltaEtaLess | \( |\Delta \eta| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) less-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaPhiGtr | \( |\Delta \phi| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) greater-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaPhiInRange | \( \Delta \phi \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
CRivet::DeltaPhiLess | \( |\Delta \phi| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) less-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaRGtr | \( \Delta R \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) greater-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaRInRange | \( \Delta R \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
CRivet::DeltaRLess | \( \Delta R \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) less-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaRapGtr | \( |\Delta y| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) greater-than functor |
CRivet::DeltaRapInRange | \( \Delta y \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor |
CRivet::DeltaRapLess | \( |\Delta y| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) less-than functor |
CRivet::EtaGtr | Pseudorapidity greater-than functor |
CRivet::EtaInRange | Pseudorapidity in-range functor |
CRivet::EtaLess | Pseudorapidity less-than functor |
CRivet::PtGtr | Transverse momentum greater-than functor |
CRivet::PtInRange | Transverse momentum in-range functor |
CRivet::PtLess | Transverse momentum less-than functor |
CRivet::RapGtr | Rapidity greater-than functor |
CRivet::RapInRange | Rapidity in-range functor |
CRivet::RapLess | Rapidity momentum less-than functor |
►CRivet::BoolParticleFunctor | Base type for Particle -> bool functors |
CRivet::BoolParticleAND | Functor for and-combination of selector logic |
CRivet::BoolParticleNOT | Functor for inverting selector logic |
CRivet::BoolParticleOR | Functor for or-combination of selector logic |
CRivet::FirstParticleWith | Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the cut/function |
CRivet::FirstParticleWithout | Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function |
CRivet::HasAbsPID | |PID| matching functor |
CRivet::HasPID | PID matching functor |
CRivet::HasParticleAncestorWith | Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which meets the cut/function |
CRivet::HasParticleAncestorWithout | Determine whether a particle has an ancestor which doesn't meet the cut/function |
CRivet::HasParticleChildWith | Determine whether a particle has a child which meets the cut/function |
CRivet::HasParticleChildWithout | Determine whether a particle has a child which doesn't meet the cut/function |
CRivet::HasParticleDescendantWith | Determine whether a particle has a descendant which meets the cut/function |
CRivet::HasParticleDescendantWithout | Determine whether a particle has a descendant which doesn't meet the cut/function |
CRivet::HasParticleParentWith | Determine whether a particle has an parent which meets the cut/function |
CRivet::HasParticleParentWithout | Determine whether a particle has an parent which doesn't meet the cut/function |
CRivet::LastParticleWith | Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the cut/function |
CRivet::LastParticleWithout | Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the cut/function |
CRivet::ConstRandomFilter | Functor used to implement constant random lossiness |
CRivet::CumulantAnalysis::ECorrelator | A helper class to calculate all event averages of correlators |
►CRivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor | Base type for Particle -> double functors |
CRivet::AbsDeltaEtaWRT | Calculator of \( |\Delta \eta| \) with respect to a given momentum |
CRivet::AbsDeltaRapWRT | Calculator of \( |\Delta y| \) with respect to a given momentum |
CRivet::DeltaEtaWRT | Calculator of \( \Delta \eta \) with respect to a given momentum |
CRivet::DeltaPhiWRT | Calculator of \( \Delta \phi \) with respect to a given momentum |
CRivet::DeltaRWRT | Calculator of \( \Delta R \) with respect to a given momentum |
CRivet::DeltaRapWRT | Calculator of \( \Delta y \) with respect to a given momentum |
CRivet::Event | Representation of a HepMC event, and enabler of Projection caching |
CRivet::FillCollector< T > | FillCollectors which are used to temporarily cache unaggregated fills until collapsed by the Multiplexers via a call to collapseEventGroup() |
CRivet::HTT | Wrapper class for configuring use of HEPTopTagger |
CRivet::HTT::InputParameters | |
CRivet::JET_BTAG_EFFS | B-tagging efficiency functor, for more readable b-tag effs and mistag rates |
CRivet::JET_EFF_CONST | Take a Jet and return a constant efficiency |
CRivet::JetEffFilter | A functor to return true if Jet j survives a random efficiency selection |
CRivet::JetEffSmearFn | Functor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Jets |
CRivet::Log | Logging system for controlled & formatted writing to stdout |
CRivet::LorentzTransform | Object implementing Lorentz transform calculations and boosts |
CRivet::Matrix< N > | General \( N \)-dimensional mathematical matrix object |
CRivet::MendelMin | A genetic algorithm functional minimizer |
►CRivet::MultiplexedAO | Multiplexer base class |
CRivet::Multiplexer< T > | Type-specific multiplexed YODA analysis object |
CRivet::MultiplexPtr< T > | |
CRivet::P3_EFF_CONST | Take a Vector3 and return a constant number |
CRivet::P4_EFF_CONST | Take a FourMomentum and return a constant number |
CRivet::PARTICLE_EFF_CONST | Take a Particle and return a constant number |
►CRivet::ParticleBase | Base class for particle-like things like Particle and Jet |
CRivet::Jet | Representation of a clustered jet of particles |
►CRivet::Particle | Particle representation, either from a HepMC::GenEvent or reconstructed |
CRivet::DressedLepton | A charged lepton meta-particle created by clustering photons close to the bare lepton |
CRivet::ParticleEffFilter | A functor to return true if Particle p survives a random efficiency selection |
CRivet::ParticleEffSmearFn | Functor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Particles |
►CRivet::PercentileBase | PercentileBase is the base class of all Percentile classes |
►CRivet::PercentileTBase< T > | PercentileTBase is the base class of all Percentile classes |
CRivet::Percentile< T > | The Percentile class for centrality binning |
CRivet::PercentileXaxis< T > | The PercentileXaxis class for centrality binning |
►CRivet::ProjectionApplier | Common base class for Projection and Analysis, used for internal polymorphism |
►CRivet::Analysis | This is the base class of all analysis classes in Rivet |
CRivet::CumulantAnalysis | Tools for flow analyses |
CRivet::MC_JETS_BASE | Base class providing common functionality for MC jet validation analyses |
CRivet::MC_KTSPLITTINGS_BASE | Base class providing common functionality for MC jet-structure validation analyses |
CRivet::MC_PARTICLES_BASE | Base class providing common functionality for MC particle species validation analyses |
CRivet::CentralityBinner< T, MDist > | |
►CRivet::Projection | Base class for all Rivet projections |
►CRivet::AxesDefinition | Base class for projections which define a spatial basis |
CRivet::Sphericity | Calculate the sphericity event shape |
CRivet::Spherocity | Get the transverse spherocity scalars for hadron-colliders |
CRivet::Thrust | Get the e+ e- thrust basis and the thrust, thrust major and thrust minor scalars |
►CRivet::Beam | Project out the incoming beams |
CRivet::UndressBeamLeptons | Incoming lepton beams with collinear photons subtracted |
CRivet::BeamThrust | Calculator of the beam-thrust observable |
CRivet::CentralEtHCM | Summed \( E_\perp \) of central particles in HCM system |
►CRivet::CentralityEstimator | Base class for projections profile observable value vs the collision centrality |
CRivet::GeneratedCentrality | |
CRivet::Correlators | Projection for calculating correlators for flow measurements |
CRivet::DISDiffHadron | Get the incoming and outgoing hadron in a diffractive ep event |
CRivet::DISKinematics | Get the DIS kinematic variables and relevant boosts for an event |
CRivet::DISRapidityGap | Get the incoming and outgoing hadron in a diffractive ep event |
CRivet::DecayedParticles | Find the decay products of particles in the projection for subsquent analyses |
►CRivet::EventMixingBase | |
CRivet::EventMixingCentrality | EventMixingCentrality has centrality as the mixing observable |
CRivet::EventMixingFinalState | EventMixingFinalState has multiplicity as the mixing observable |
CRivet::FParameter | Calculator of the \( F \)-parameter observable |
CRivet::GammaGammaKinematics | Get the gamma gamma kinematic variables and relevant boosts for an event |
CRivet::GammaGammaLeptons | Get the incoming and outgoing leptons in a gamma gamma collision event in e+e- |
CRivet::Hemispheres | Calculate the hemisphere masses and broadenings |
CRivet::HepMCHeavyIon | |
CRivet::InitialQuarks | Project out quarks from the hard process in \( e^+ e^- \to Z^0 \) events |
►CRivet::JetFinder | Abstract base class for projections which can return a set of Jet s |
CRivet::FastJets | Find jets using jet algorithms via the FastJet package |
CRivet::SmearedJets | Wrapper projection for smearing Jet s with detector resolutions and efficiencies |
CRivet::JetShape | Calculate transverse jet profiles |
►CRivet::METFinder | Interface for projections that find missing transverse energy/momentum |
CRivet::MissingMomentum | Calculate missing \( E \), \( E_\perp \) etc. as complements to the total visible momentum |
CRivet::SmearedMET | Wrapper projection for smearing missing (transverse) energy/momentum with detector resolutions |
CRivet::ParisiTensor | Calculate the Parisi event shape tensor (or linear momentum tensor) |
►CRivet::ParticleFinder | Base class for projections which return subsets of an event's particles |
►CRivet::FinalState | Project out all final-state particles in an event. Probably the most important projection in Rivet! |
►CRivet::LossyFinalState< ConstRandomFilter > | |
CRivet::ConstLossyFinalState | Randomly lose a constant fraction of particles |
CRivet::ChargedFinalState | Project only charged final state particles |
CRivet::ChargedLeptons | Get charged final-state leptons |
CRivet::DISFinalState | Final state particles boosted to the hadronic center of mass system |
CRivet::DISLepton | Get the incoming and outgoing leptons in a DIS event |
CRivet::DileptonFinder | Convenience finder of leptonically decaying Zs |
CRivet::FinalPartons | |
CRivet::GammaGammaFinalState | Final state particles boosted to the hadronic center of mass system |
CRivet::HadronicFinalState | Project only hadronic final state particles |
CRivet::HeavyHadrons | Project out the last pre-decay b and c hadrons |
CRivet::IdentifiedFinalState | Produce a final state which only contains specified particle IDs |
CRivet::InvMassFinalState | Identify particles which can be paired to fit within a given invariant mass window |
CRivet::InvisibleFinalState | Final state modifier excluding particles which are experimentally visible |
CRivet::LeadingParticlesFinalState | Get the highest-pT occurrences of FS particles with the specified PDG IDs |
CRivet::LeptonFinder | Reconstruct leptons, generally including "dressing" with clustered photons |
CRivet::LossyFinalState< FILTER > | Templated FS projection which can lose some of the supplied particles |
CRivet::MergedFinalState | Get final state particles merged from two FinalState projections |
CRivet::NeutralFinalState | Project only neutral final state particles |
CRivet::NonHadronicFinalState | Project only hadronic final state particles |
CRivet::NonPromptFinalState | Find final state particles NOT directly connected to the hard process |
CRivet::PrimaryHadrons | Project out the first hadrons from hadronisation |
CRivet::PromptFinalState | Find final state particles directly connected to the hard process |
CRivet::TauFinder | Convenience finder of unstable taus |
CRivet::UnstableParticles | Project out all physical-but-decayed particles in an event |
CRivet::VetoedFinalState | FS modifier to exclude classes of particles from the final state |
CRivet::VisibleFinalState | Final state modifier excluding particles which are not experimentally visible |
CRivet::PartonicTops | Convenience finder of partonic top quarks |
►CRivet::PrimaryParticles | Project out primary particles according to definition |
CRivet::ALICE::PrimaryParticles | Standard ALICE primary particle definition |
CRivet::SmearedParticles | Wrapper projection for smearing Jet s with detector resolutions and efficiencies |
►CRivet::SingleValueProjection | Base class for projections returning a single floating point value |
CRivet::ALICE::CLMultiplicity< INNER > | |
CRivet::ALICE::V0Multiplicity< MODE > | |
CRivet::ATLAS::SumET_PBPB_Centrality | Centrality projection for PbPb collisions (two sided) |
CRivet::ATLAS::SumET_PB_Centrality | Centrality projection for pPb collisions (one sided) |
CRivet::BRAHMSCentrality | BRAHMS Centrality projection |
CRivet::CentralityProjection | Used together with the percentile-based analysis objects Percentile and PercentileXaxis |
CRivet::GeneratedPercentileProjection | |
CRivet::ImpactParameterProjection | |
CRivet::MC_SumETFwdPbCentrality | |
CRivet::PercentileProjection | Class for projections that reports the percentile for a given SingleValueProjection when initialized with a Histo1D of the distribution in the SingleValueProjection |
CRivet::STAR_BES_Centrality | |
CRivet::UserCentEstimate | |
CRivet::TriggerCDFRun0Run1 | Access to the min bias triggers used by CDF in Run 0 and Run 1 |
CRivet::TriggerCDFRun2 | Access to the min bias triggers used by CDF in Run 0 and Run 1 |
►CRivet::TriggerProjection | Base class for projections returning a bool corresponding to a trigger |
CRivet::ALICE::V0AndTrigger | Trigger projection for the ALICE V0-AND (a.k.a. CINT7) requirement |
CRivet::ALICE::V0Trigger< MODE > | |
CRivet::ATLAS::MinBiasTrigger | ATLAS min bias trigger conditions |
CRivet::MC_pPbMinBiasTrigger | |
CRivet::TriggerUA5 | Access to the min bias triggers used by UA5 |
CRivet::ProjectionHandler | The projection handler is a central repository for projections to be used in a Rivet analysis run |
CRivet::ProjectionTreeGenerator | Class that deals with generating projection trees (for debugging etc.) |
CRivet::RivetONNXrt | Simple interface class to take care of basic ONNX networks |
CRivet::Run | Interface to handle a run of events read from a HepMC stream or file |
►CRivet::TypeBaseHandle | A polymorphic base type for the AO type handles |
CRivet::TypeHandle< T > | The type-specific handle that can perform type-specific operations for objects of type T |
CRivet::Vector< N > | A minimal base class for \( N \)-dimensional vectors |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
►Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
►CRivet::Error | Generic runtime Rivet error |
CRivet::BeamError | Error specialisation for failures relating to beams |
►CRivet::IOError | Error for I/O failures |
CRivet::ReadError | Error for read failures |
CRivet::WriteError | Error for write failures |
CRivet::InfoError | Error specialisation for failures relating to analysis info |
CRivet::LogicError | Error specialisation for places where alg logic has failed |
CRivet::LookupError | Error relating to looking up analysis objects in the register |
CRivet::PidError | Error specialisation for failures relating to particle ID codes |
CRivet::RangeError | Error for e.g. use of invalid bin ranges |
CRivet::UserError | Error specialisation for where the problem is between the chair and the computer |
CRivet::WeightError | Errors relating to event/bin weights |
CRivet::bad_lexical_cast | Exception class for throwing from lexical_cast when a parse goes wrong |
►CRivet::Vector< 2 > | |
CRivet::Vector2 | Two-dimensional specialisation of Vector |
►CRivet::Vector< 3 > | |
►CRivet::Vector3 | Three-dimensional specialisation of Vector |
CRivet::ThreeMomentum | Specialized version of the ThreeVector with momentum functionality |
►CRivet::Vector< 4 > | |
►CRivet::FourVector | Specialisation of VectorN to a general (non-momentum) Lorentz 4-vector |
CRivet::FourMomentum | Specialized version of the FourVector with momentum/energy functionality |
►Cstd::vector< Jet > | |
CRivet::Jets | Specialised vector of Jet objects |
►Cstd::vector< Particle > | |
CRivet::Particles | Specialised vector of Particle objects |
►CYODA::BinnedDbn | |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedDbn< 1, AxisT > > | FillCollector specialisation for Histo1D |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedDbn< 2, AxisT > > | FillCollector specialisation for Profile1D |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedDbn< 2, AxisT1, AxisT2 > > | FillCollector specialisation for Histo2D |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedDbn< 3, AxisT1, AxisT2 > > | FillCollector specialisation for Histo2D |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedDbn< 3, AxisT1, AxisT2, AxisT3 > > | FillCollector specialisation for Histo3D |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedDbn< 4, AxisT1, AxisT2, AxisT3 > > | FillCollector specialisation for Histo3D |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > > | FillCollector specialisation for all BinnedDbn-like AOs |
►CYODA::BinnedEstimate | |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > > | FillCollector specialisation for BinnedEstimate |
►CYODA::BinnedHisto | |
►CRivet::Cutflow | A tracker of numbers & fractions of events passing sequential cuts |
CRivet::FillCollector< Cutflow > | FillCollector specialisation for all Cutflow-like AO |
►CYODA::Counter | |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::Counter > | FillCollector specialisation for Counter |
►CYODA::Estimate0D | |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::Estimate0D > | FillCollector specialisation for Estimate |
►CYODA::Fillable | |
CRivet::Cutflows | A container for several Cutflow objects, with some convenient batch access |
CRivet::HistoGroup< GroupAxisT, AxisT > | |
►CYODA::FillableStorage | |
CRivet::Cutflows | A container for several Cutflow objects, with some convenient batch access |
CRivet::HistoGroup< GroupAxisT, AxisT > | |
►CYODA::ScatterND | |
CRivet::FillCollector< YODA::ScatterND< N > > | FillCollector specialisation for ScatterND |