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Rivet 4.1.0

Holder of analysis metadata. More...

#include <AnalysisInfo.hh>

Public Member Functions

 AnalysisInfo ()
 Default constructor.
void parseInfoFile ()
std::string name () const
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the analysis.
std::string getRefDataName () const
 Get the reference data name of the analysis (if different from plugin name).
void setRefDataName (const std::string &name)
 Set the reference data name of the analysis (if different from plugin name).
const std::string & inspireID () const
 Get the Inspire (SPIRES replacement) ID code for this analysis.
void setInspireID (const std::string &inspireID)
 Set the Inspire (SPIRES replacement) ID code for this analysis.
const std::string & spiresID () const
 Get the SPIRES ID code for this analysis.
void setSpiresID (const std::string &spiresID)
 Set the SPIRES ID code for this analysis.
const std::vector< std::string > & authors () const
 Names & emails of paper/analysis authors.
void setAuthors (const std::vector< std::string > &authors)
 Set the author list.
const std::string & summary () const
 Get a short description of the analysis.
void setSummary (const std::string &summary)
 Set the short description for this analysis.
const std::string & description () const
 Get a full description of the analysis.
void setDescription (const std::string &description)
 Set the full description for this analysis.
const std::string & runInfo () const
 Information about the events needed as input for this analysis.
void setRunInfo (const std::string &runInfo)
 Set the full description for this analysis.
const std::vector< PdgIdPair > & beamIDs () const
 Beam particle types.
void setBeamIDs (const std::vector< PdgIdPair > &beamids)
 Set beam particle types.
const std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > & energies () const
 Sets of valid beam energies.
void setEnergies (const std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > &energies)
 Set the valid beam energies.
const std::string & experiment () const
 Experiment which performed and published this analysis.
void setExperiment (const std::string &experiment)
 Set the experiment which performed and published this analysis.
const std::string & collider () const
 Collider on which the experiment ran.
void setCollider (const std::string &collider)
 Set the collider on which the experiment ran.
const std::string & year () const
 When the original experimental analysis was published.
void setYear (const std::string &year)
 Set the year in which the original experimental analysis was published.
double luminosityfb () const
 The integrated data luminosity of the data set in 1/fb.
double luminosity () const
 The integrated data luminosity of the data set in 1/pb.
void setLuminosityfb (const double luminosityfb)
 Set the integrated data luminosity of the data set.
const std::vector< std::string > & references () const
 Journal and preprint references.
void setReferences (const std::vector< std::string > &references)
 Set the journal and preprint reference list.
const std::vector< std::string > & keywords () const
 Analysis keywords, for grouping etc.
void setKeywords (const std::vector< std::string > &keywords)
const std::string & warning () const
 Any warning message.
void setWarning (const std::string warning)
const std::string & refMatch () const
 Positive filtering regex for ref-data HepData sync.
void setRefMatch (const std::string refmatch)
const std::string & refUnmatch () const
 Negative filtering regex for ref-data HepData sync.
void setRefUnmatch (const std::string refunmatch)
const std::string & writerDoublePrecision () const
 Positive filtering regex for setting double precision in Writer.
void setWriterDoublePrecision (const std::string dp)
const std::string & bibKey () const
 BibTeX citation key for this article.
void setBibKey (const std::string &bibKey)
 Set the BibTeX citation key for this article.
const std::string & bibTeX () const
 BibTeX citation entry for this article.
void setBibTeX (const std::string &bibTeX)
 Set the BibTeX citation entry for this article.
const std::vector< std::string > & todos () const
 Any work to be done on this analysis.
void setTodos (const std::vector< std::string > &todos)
 Set the to-do list.
const std::vector< std::string > & options () const
 Get the option list.
bool validOption (std::string key, std::string val) const
 Check if the given option is valid.
void setOptions (const std::vector< std::string > &opts)
 Set the option list.
void buildOptionMap ()
 Build a map of options to facilitate checking.
const std::string & status () const
 Whether this analysis is trusted (in any way!)
void setStatus (const std::string &status)
 Set the analysis code status.
bool reentrant () const
 Return true if finalize() can be run multiple times for this analysis.
void setReentrant (bool ree=true)
 Set re-entrant status.
bool validated () const
 Return true if validated.
bool preliminary () const
 Return true if preliminary.
bool obsolete () const
 Return true if obsolete.
bool unvalidated () const
 Return true if unvalidated.
bool random () const
 Return true if includes random variations.
bool unphysical () const
 Return true if the analysis uses generator-dependent information.
bool hepdata () const
 Check if refdata comes automatically from Hepdata.
bool multiweight () const
 Check if this analysis can handle multiple weights.
bool statuscheck (const string &word) const
 Helper function for checking status-string contents.
std::string refFile () const
 Find the path to the reference-data file for this analysis.
const std::vector< std::string > & validation () const
 List a series of command lines to be used for valdation.

Static Public Member Functions

static unique_ptr< AnalysisInfomake (const std::string &name)
 Static factory method: returns null pointer if no metadata found.

Detailed Description

Holder of analysis metadata.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: