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Rivet 4.0.3
Rivet::HTT::InputParameters Struct Reference

Public Attributes

 HTT execution mode.
JetAlg filtering_algorithm = JetAlg::CA
 Jet algorithm used for filtering.
JetAlg reclustering_algorithm = JetAlg::CA
 Reclustering jet algorithm.
Optimal-R parameters

Use the optimal-R finder (default), or use fixed R

bool do_optimalR = true
double optimalR_min = 0.5
double optimalR_step = 0.1
double optimalR_threshold = 0.2
Mass-drop declustering
double mass_drop = 0.8
double max_subjet_mass = 30*GeV
unsigned int filt_N = 5
double filtering_R = 0.3
double filtering_minpt = 0.
Top-mass ranges
Take from a central set of constants
double top_mass = 172.3*GeV
double W_mass = 80.4*GeV
double Mtop_min = 150*GeV
double Mtop_max = 200*GeV
Top-mass ratio range
double fw = 0.15
double mass_ratio_range_min = (1.-fw)*W_mass/top_mass
double mass_ratio_range_max = (1.+fw)*W_mass/top_mass
Mass-ratio cuts
double m23cut = 0.35
double m13cutmin = 0.2
double m13cutmax = 1.3
Pruning cuts
double prune_zcut = 0.1
double prune_rcut = 0.5

Member Data Documentation

◆ W_mass

double Rivet::HTT::InputParameters::W_mass = 80.4*GeV
Take from a central set of constants

Referenced by Rivet::HTT::setParams().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • /Users/chrisg/software/rivet/include/Rivet/Tools/RivetHTT.hh