| Jet (const fastjet::PseudoJet &pj, const Particles &particles=Particles(), const Particles &tags=Particles()) |
| Constructor from a FastJet PseudoJet, with optional full particle constituents information.
| Jet (const FourMomentum &pjet, const Particles &particles=Particles(), const Particles &tags=Particles()) |
| Set the jet data, with optional full particle information.
| Jet () |
| Default constructor – only for STL storability.
size_t | size () const |
| Number of particles in this jet.
Particles & | particles () |
| Get the particles in this jet.
const Particles & | particles () const |
| Get the particles in this jet (const version)
const Particles | particles (const Cut &c) const |
| Get the particles in this jet which pass a cut (const)
const Particles | particles (const ParticleSelector &s) const |
| Get the particles in this jet which pass a filtering functor (const)
Particles & | constituents () |
| Get the particles in this jet (FastJet-like alias)
const Particles & | constituents () const |
| Get the particles in this jet (FastJet-like alias, const version)
const Particles | constituents (const Cut &c) const |
| Get the particles in this jet which pass a cut (FastJet-like alias, const)
const Particles | constituents (const ParticleSelector &s) const |
| Get the particles in this jet which pass a filtering functor (FastJet-like alias, const)
bool | containsParticle (const Particle &particle) const |
| Check whether this jet contains a particular particle.
bool | containsPID (const Particle &particle) const |
| Nicer alias for containsParticleId.
bool | containsParticleId (PdgId pid) const |
| Check whether this jet contains a certain particle type.
bool | containsPID (PdgId pid) const |
| Nicer alias for containsParticleId.
bool | containsParticleId (const vector< PdgId > &pids) const |
| Check whether this jet contains at least one of certain particle types.
bool | containsPID (const vector< PdgId > &pids) const |
| Nicer alias for containsParticleId.
- Note
- General sources of tag particles are planned. The default jet finding adds b-hadron, c-hadron, and tau tags by ghost association.
Particles & | tags () |
| Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet.
const Particles & | tags () const |
| Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet (const version)
Particles | tags (const ParticleSelector &f, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a selector function or dR requirement.
Particles | tags (const Cut &c, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Particles which have been tag-matched to this jet and pass a Cut or dR requirement.
Particles | bTags (const Cut &c=Cuts::open(), double dRmax=-1) const |
| Get the b particles tag-matched to this jet.
Particles | bTags (const ParticleSelector &f, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Get the b particles tag-matched to this jet (with optional selector function and dR restriction)
bool | bTagged (const Cut &c=Cuts::open(), double dRmax=-1) const |
| Does this jet have at least one b-tag? (with optional Cut and dR restriction)
bool | bTagged (const ParticleSelector &f, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Does this jet have at least one b-tag? (with optional selector function and dR restriction)
Particles | cTags (const Cut &c=Cuts::open(), double dRmax=-1) const |
| Get the c (and not b) particles tag-matched to this jet.
Particles | cTags (const ParticleSelector &f, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Get the c (and not b) particles which have been tag-matched to this jet.
bool | cTagged (const Cut &c=Cuts::open(), double dRmax=-1) const |
| Does this jet have at least one c-tag? (with optional Cut and dR restriction)
bool | cTagged (const ParticleSelector &f, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Does this jet have at least one c-tag? (with optional selector function and dR restriction)
Particles | tauTags (const Cut &c=Cuts::open(), double dRmax=-1) const |
| Get the tau particles tag-matched to this jet.
Particles | tauTags (const ParticleSelector &f, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Get the tau particles tag-matched to this jet.
bool | tauTagged (const Cut &c=Cuts::open(), double dRmax=-1) const |
| Does this jet have at least one tau-tag (with optional Cut and dR restriction)
bool | tauTagged (const ParticleSelector &f, double dRmax=-1) const |
| Does this jet have at least one tau-tag (with optional selector function and dR restriction)
- Todo:
- Extend to arbitrary tagging types
const FourMomentum & | momentum () const |
| Get equivalent single momentum four-vector.
Jet & | transformBy (const LorentzTransform <) |
double | totalEnergy () const |
| Get the total energy of this jet.
double | neutralEnergy () const |
| Get the energy carried in this jet by neutral particles.
double | hadronicEnergy () const |
| Get the energy carried in this jet by hadrons.
const fastjet::PseudoJet & | pseudojet () const |
| Access the internal FastJet3 PseudoJet (as a const reference)
| operator const fastjet::PseudoJet & () const |
| Cast operator to FastJet3 PseudoJet (as a const reference)
Jet & | setState (const fastjet::PseudoJet &pj, const Particles &particles=Particles(), const Particles &tags=Particles()) |
| Set the jet data from a FastJet PseudoJet, with optional particle constituents and tags lists.
Jet & | setState (const FourMomentum &mom, const Particles &particles, const Particles &tags=Particles()) |
| Set all the jet data, with optional full particle constituent and tag information.
Jet & | setParticles (const Particles &particles) |
| Set the particles collection with full particle information.
Jet & | setConstituents (const Particles &particles) |
Jet & | clear () |
| Reset this jet as empty.
const FourMomentum & | mom () const |
| Get equivalent single momentum four-vector (const) (alias).
| operator const FourMomentum & () const |
| Cast operator for conversion to FourMomentum.
double | E () const |
| Get the energy directly.
double | energy () const |
| Get the energy directly (alias).
double | E2 () const |
| Get the energy-squared.
double | energy2 () const |
| Get the energy-squared (alias).
double | pt () const |
| Get the \( p_T \) directly.
double | pT () const |
| Get the \( p_T \) directly (alias).
double | perp () const |
| Get the \( p_T \) directly (alias).
double | pt2 () const |
| Get the \( p_T^2 \) directly.
double | pT2 () const |
| Get the \( p_T^2 \) directly (alias).
double | perp2 () const |
| Get the \( p_T^2 \) directly (alias).
double | Et () const |
| Get the \( E_T \) directly.
double | Et2 () const |
| Get the \( E_T^2 \) directly.
double | mass () const |
| Get the mass directly.
double | mass2 () const |
| Get the mass**2 directly.
double | pseudorapidity () const |
| Get the \( \eta \) directly.
double | eta () const |
| Get the \( \eta \) directly (alias).
double | abspseudorapidity () const |
| Get the \( |\eta| \) directly.
double | abseta () const |
| Get the \( |\eta| \) directly (alias).
double | rapidity () const |
| Get the \( y \) directly.
double | rap () const |
| Get the \( y \) directly (alias).
double | absrapidity () const |
| Get the \( |y| \) directly.
double | absrap () const |
| Get the \( |y| \) directly (alias).
double | azimuthalAngle (const PhiMapping mapping=ZERO_2PI) const |
| Azimuthal angle \( \phi \).
double | phi (const PhiMapping mapping=ZERO_2PI) const |
| Get the \( \phi \) directly.
ThreeMomentum | p3 () const |
| Get the 3-momentum directly.
double | p () const |
| Get the 3-momentum magnitude directly.
double | p2 () const |
| Get the 3-momentum magnitude-squared directly.
Vector3 | ptvec () const |
| Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.
Vector3 | pTvec () const |
| Get the transverse 3-momentum directly.
double | px () const |
| x component of momentum.
double | py () const |
| y component of momentum.
double | pz () const |
| z component of momentum.
double | px2 () const |
| x component of momentum, squared.
double | py2 () const |
| y component of momentum, squared.
double | pz2 () const |
| z component of momentum, squared.
double | polarAngle () const |
| Angle subtended by the 3-vector and the z-axis.
double | theta () const |
| Synonym for polarAngle.
double | angle (const ParticleBase &v) const |
| Angle between this vector and another.
double | angle (const FourVector &v) const |
| Angle between this vector and another.
double | angle (const Vector3 &v3) const |
| Angle between this vector and another (3-vector)
double | dot (const ParticleBase &v) const |
| Lorentz dot product between this 4-vector and another.
double | dot (const FourVector &v) const |
| Angle between this 4-vector and another.
Representation of a clustered jet of particles.