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Rivet 4.0.3

Functor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Jets. More...

#include <JetSmearingFunctions.hh>

Public Member Functions

 JetEffSmearFn (const JetSmearFn &s, const JetEffFn &e)
 JetEffSmearFn (const JetEffFn &e, const JetSmearFn &s)
 JetEffSmearFn (const JetSmearFn &s)
 JetEffSmearFn (const JetEffFn &e)
 JetEffSmearFn (double eff)
pair< Jet, double > operator() (const Jet &j) const
 Smear and calculate an efficiency for the given jet.
CmpState cmp (const JetEffSmearFn &other) const
 Compare to another, for use in the projection system.
 operator JetSmearFn ()
 Automatic conversion to a smearing function.

Public Attributes

JetSmearFn sfn
JetEffFn efn

Detailed Description

Functor for simultaneous efficiency-filtering and smearing of Jets.

A central element of the SmearedJets system

Include tagging efficiency functions?

Member Data Documentation

◆ sfn

JetSmearFn Rivet::JetEffSmearFn::sfn

Automatic conversion to an efficiency function

Ambiguity re. whether reco eff or a tagging efficiency...

Referenced by cmp(), operator JetSmearFn(), and operator()().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: