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Rivet 4.0.3
Rivet::ProjectionApplier Class Referenceabstract

Common base class for Projection and Analysis, used for internal polymorphism. More...

#include <ProjectionApplier.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Rivet::ProjectionApplier:
Rivet::Analysis Rivet::CentralityBinner< T, MDist > Rivet::Projection Rivet::CumulantAnalysis Rivet::MC_JETS_BASE Rivet::MC_KTSPLITTINGS_BASE Rivet::MC_PARTICLES_BASE Rivet::AxesDefinition Rivet::Beam Rivet::BeamThrust Rivet::CentralEtHCM Rivet::CentralityEstimator Rivet::Correlators Rivet::DISDiffHadron Rivet::DISKinematics Rivet::DISRapidityGap Rivet::DecayedParticles Rivet::EventMixingBase Rivet::FParameter Rivet::GammaGammaKinematics Rivet::GammaGammaLeptons Rivet::Hemispheres Rivet::HepMCHeavyIon Rivet::InitialQuarks Rivet::JetFinder Rivet::JetShape Rivet::METFinder Rivet::ParisiTensor Rivet::ParticleFinder Rivet::SingleValueProjection Rivet::TriggerCDFRun0Run1 Rivet::TriggerCDFRun2 Rivet::TriggerProjection Rivet::TriggerUA5

Public Member Functions

 ProjectionApplier ()
void markAsOwned () const
 Mark this object as owned by a proj-handler.
Metadata functions

Get the name of this Projection or Analysis class

virtual std::string name () const =0
Projection "getting" functions
std::set< ConstProjectionPtr > getProjections () const
 Get the contained projections, including recursion.
std::set< ConstProjectionPtr > getImmediateChildProjections () const
 Get the contained projections, excluding recursion.
bool hasProjection (const std::string &name) const
 Does this applier have a projection registered under the name name?
template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & getProjection (const std::string &name) const
template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & get (const std::string &name) const
const ProjectiongetProjection (const std::string &name) const
template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & getProjectionFromDeclQueue (const std::string name) const
Projection applying functions
template<typename PROJ = Projection>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply (const Event &evt, const Projection &proj) const
 Apply the supplied projection on event evt.
template<typename PROJ = Projection>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply (const Event &evt, const PROJ &proj) const
 Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).
template<typename PROJ = Projection>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply (const Event &evt, const std::string &name) const
 Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).
template<typename PROJ = Projection>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > apply (const std::string &name, const Event &evt) const
 Apply the supplied projection on event evt (convenience arg-reordering alias).

Protected Member Functions

LoggetLog () const
ProjectionHandlergetProjHandler () const
 Get a reference to the ProjectionHandler for this thread.
void setProjectionHandler (ProjectionHandler &projectionHandler) const

Projection registration functions

template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & declare (const PROJ &proj, const std::string &name) const
 Register a contained projection (user-facing version)
template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & declare (const std::string &name, const PROJ &proj) const
 Register a contained projection (user-facing, arg-reordered version)

Detailed Description

Common base class for Projection and Analysis, used for internal polymorphism.

Empty interface used for storing Projection and Analysis pointers in the same container (used by the ProjectionHandler)

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply()

template<typename PROJ = Projection>
std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< Projection, PROJ >::value, const PROJ & > Rivet::ProjectionApplier::apply ( const Event evt,
const Projection proj 
) const

Apply the supplied projection on event evt.

Apply the supplied projection on event evt (user-facing alias).

Referenced by Rivet::ALICE::V0Trigger< MODE >::project().

◆ declare() [1/2]

template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & Rivet::ProjectionApplier::declare ( const PROJ &  proj,
const std::string &  name 
) const

Register a contained projection (user-facing version)

Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

Referenced by Rivet::CentralEtHCM::CentralEtHCM(), Rivet::CentralityEstimator::CentralityEstimator(), Rivet::ChargedLeptons::ChargedLeptons(), Rivet::ALICE::CLMultiplicity< INNER >::CLMultiplicity(), Rivet::DISDiffHadron::DISDiffHadron(), Rivet::DISFinalState::DISFinalState(), Rivet::DISKinematics::DISKinematics(), Rivet::DISLepton::DISLepton(), Rivet::EventMixingBase::EventMixingBase(), Rivet::GammaGammaKinematics::GammaGammaKinematics(), Rivet::GammaGammaLeptons::GammaGammaLeptons(), Rivet::GammaGammaLeptons::GammaGammaLeptons(), Rivet::GeneratedCentrality::GeneratedCentrality(), Rivet::HadronicFinalState::HadronicFinalState(), Rivet::HeavyHadrons::HeavyHadrons(), Rivet::Hemispheres::Hemispheres(), Rivet::InvisibleFinalState::InvisibleFinalState(), Rivet::LeadingParticlesFinalState::LeadingParticlesFinalState(), Rivet::LossyFinalState< FILTER >::LossyFinalState(), Rivet::LossyFinalState< FILTER >::LossyFinalState(), Rivet::MC_pPbMinBiasTrigger::MC_pPbMinBiasTrigger(), Rivet::MC_SumETFwdPbCentrality::MC_SumETFwdPbCentrality(), Rivet::ATLAS::MinBiasTrigger::MinBiasTrigger(), Rivet::MissingMomentum::MissingMomentum(), Rivet::NeutralFinalState::NeutralFinalState(), Rivet::NeutralFinalState::NeutralFinalState(), Rivet::NonHadronicFinalState::NonHadronicFinalState(), Rivet::ParisiTensor::ParisiTensor(), Rivet::PercentileProjection::PercentileProjection(), Rivet::PrimaryHadrons::PrimaryHadrons(), Rivet::PrimaryHadrons::PrimaryHadrons(), Rivet::SmearedMET::SmearedMET(), Rivet::SmearedMET::SmearedMET(), Rivet::Spherocity::Spherocity(), Rivet::ATLAS::SumET_PB_Centrality::SumET_PB_Centrality(), Rivet::ATLAS::SumET_PBPB_Centrality::SumET_PBPB_Centrality(), Rivet::TauFinder::TauFinder(), Rivet::TriggerCDFRun0Run1::TriggerCDFRun0Run1(), Rivet::TriggerCDFRun2::TriggerCDFRun2(), Rivet::UndressBeamLeptons::UndressBeamLeptons(), Rivet::ALICE::V0AndTrigger::V0AndTrigger(), Rivet::ALICE::V0Trigger< MODE >::V0Trigger(), Rivet::VetoedFinalState::VetoedFinalState(), Rivet::VisibleFinalState::VisibleFinalState(), Rivet::VisibleFinalState::VisibleFinalState(), Rivet::CentralityProjection::add(), Rivet::CentralityBinner< T, MDist >::setProjection(), and Rivet::VetoedFinalState::vetoFinalState().

◆ declare() [2/2]

template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & Rivet::ProjectionApplier::declare ( const std::string &  name,
const PROJ &  proj 
) const

Register a contained projection (user-facing, arg-reordered version)

Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

◆ get()

template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & Rivet::ProjectionApplier::get ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the named projection, specifying return type via a template argument (user-facing alias).

Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

◆ getProjection() [1/2]

template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & Rivet::ProjectionApplier::getProjection ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the named projection, specifying return type via a template argument.

Add SFINAE to require that PROJ inherit from Projection

References Rivet::ProjectionHandler::getProjection(), and getProjHandler().

Referenced by Rivet::CentralityProjection::compare(), Rivet::pcmp(), Rivet::pcmp(), Rivet::pcmp(), and Rivet::pcmp().

◆ getProjection() [2/2]

const Projection & Rivet::ProjectionApplier::getProjection ( const std::string &  name) const

Get the named projection (non-templated, so returns as a reference to a Projection base class).

References Rivet::ProjectionHandler::getProjection(), and getProjHandler().

◆ getProjectionFromDeclQueue()

template<typename PROJ >
const PROJ & Rivet::ProjectionApplier::getProjectionFromDeclQueue ( const std::string  name) const

Get a named projection from this projection appliers declqueue TODO for TP: Recursion?

References MSG_ERROR.

◆ name()

virtual std::string Rivet::ProjectionApplier::name ( ) const
pure virtual

◆ setProjectionHandler()

void Rivet::ProjectionApplier::setProjectionHandler ( ProjectionHandler projectionHandler) const
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