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Rivet 4.0.3
Experiment-specific tau efficiency and smearing functions


double Rivet::TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1 (const Particle &t)
 ATLAS Run 1 8 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point)
double Rivet::TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1 (const Jet &j)
 ATLAS Run 1 8 TeV tau misID rates (medium working point)
double Rivet::TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2 (const Particle &t)
 ATLAS Run 2 13 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point)
double Rivet::TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2 (const Jet &j)
 ATLAS Run 2 13 TeV tau misID rate (medium working point)
Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1 (const Particle &t)
Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2 (const Particle &t)
double Rivet::TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN1 (const Particle &t)
double Rivet::TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN2 (const Particle &t)
Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1 (const Particle &t)
Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2 (const Particle &t)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation


double Rivet::TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1 ( const Particle t)

ATLAS Run 1 8 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point)

Taken from http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.7086.pdf 20-40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/10, 0.56|1/20, 0.36|1/80 20-40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/60, 0.38|1/100, 0.27|1/300

‍40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/15, 0.56|1/25, 0.36|1/80 40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/250, 0.38|1/400, 0.27|1/1300

References Rivet::ParticleBase::abseta(), Rivet::Particle::abspid(), Rivet::Particle::children(), and Rivet::inRange().


double Rivet::TAU_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2 ( const Particle t)

ATLAS Run 2 13 TeV tau efficiencies (medium working point)

From https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PUBNOTES/ATL-PHYS-PUB-2015-045/ATL-PHYS-PUB-2015-045.pdf LMT 1 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.6|1/30, 0.55|1/50, 0.45|1/120 LMT 3 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.5|1/30, 0.4|1/110, 0.3|1/300

References Rivet::ParticleBase::abseta(), Rivet::Particle::abspid(), Rivet::Particle::children(), and Rivet::inRange().


double Rivet::TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN1 ( const Particle t)

CMS Run 1 tau efficiency

Needs work; this is just a copy of the Run 2 version in Delphes 3.3.2

References Rivet::Particle::abspid().


double Rivet::TAU_EFF_CMS_RUN2 ( const Particle t)

CMS Run 2 tau efficiency

Needs work; this is the dumb version from Delphes 3.3.2

References Rivet::Particle::abspid().


Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1 ( const Particle t)

ATLAS Run 1 tau smearing

Currently a copy of the jet smearing
Also need a JES uncertainty component?
Is this the best way to smear? Should we preserve the energy, or pT, or direction?

References Rivet::binIndex(), Rivet::ParticleBase::mass(), Rivet::mass(), Rivet::ParticleBase::mass2(), Rivet::max(), Rivet::FourMomentum::mkXYZM(), Rivet::ParticleBase::pT(), Rivet::ParticleBase::px(), Rivet::ParticleBase::py(), Rivet::ParticleBase::pz(), and Rivet::randnorm().

Referenced by Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(), and Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1().


Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2 ( const Particle t)

ATLAS Run 2 tau smearing

Currently a copy of the Run 1 version

References Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1().


Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1 ( const Particle t)

CMS Run 1 tau smearing

Currently a copy of the crappy ATLAS one

References Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1().

Referenced by Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2().


Particle Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2 ( const Particle t)

CMS Run 2 tau smearing

Currently a copy of the Run 1 version

References Rivet::TAU_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1().


double Rivet::TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN1 ( const Jet j)

ATLAS Run 1 8 TeV tau misID rates (medium working point)

Taken from http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.7086.pdf 20-40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/10, 0.56|1/20, 0.36|1/80 20-40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/60, 0.38|1/100, 0.27|1/300

‍40 GeV 1-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.66|1/15, 0.56|1/25, 0.36|1/80 40 GeV 3-prong LMT eff|mis = 0.45|1/250, 0.38|1/400, 0.27|1/1300

References Rivet::ParticleBase::abseta(), Rivet::inRange(), Rivet::Jet::particles(), and Rivet::Jet::tauTags().


double Rivet::TAUJET_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2 ( const Jet j)

ATLAS Run 2 13 TeV tau misID rate (medium working point)

From https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/PUBNOTES/ATL-PHYS-PUB-2015-045/ATL-PHYS-PUB-2015-045.pdf LMT 1 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.6|1/30, 0.55|1/50, 0.45|1/120 LMT 3 prong efficiency/mistag = 0.5|1/30, 0.4|1/110, 0.3|1/300

References Rivet::ParticleBase::abseta(), Rivet::inRange(), Rivet::Jet::particles(), and Rivet::Jet::tauTags().