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Rivet 4.0.2
Jet classifier -> bool functors


struct  Rivet::BoolJetFunctor
 Base type for Jet -> bool functors. More...
struct  Rivet::BoolJetAND
 Functor for and-combination of selector logic. More...
struct  Rivet::BoolJetOR
 Functor for or-combination of selector logic. More...
struct  Rivet::BoolJetNOT
 Functor for inverting selector logic. More...
struct  Rivet::HasBTag
 B-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. More...
struct  Rivet::HasCTag
 C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. More...
struct  Rivet::HasTauTag
 Tau-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. More...
struct  Rivet::HasNoTag
 Anti-B/C-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. More...


using Rivet::JetSelector = function< bool(const Jet &)>
 std::function instantiation for functors taking a Jet and returning a bool
using Rivet::JetSorter = function< bool(const Jet &, const Jet &)>
 std::function instantiation for functors taking two Jets and returning a bool
using Rivet::hasBTag = HasBTag
using Rivet::hasCTag = HasCTag
using Rivet::hasTauTag = HasTauTag
using Rivet::hasNoTag = HasNoTag


BoolJetAND Rivet::operator&& (const JetSelector &a, const JetSelector &b)
 Operator syntactic sugar for AND construction.
BoolJetOR Rivet::operator|| (const JetSelector &a, const JetSelector &b)
 Operator syntactic sugar for OR construction.
BoolJetNOT Rivet::operator! (const JetSelector &a)
 Operator syntactic sugar for NOT construction.

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