rivet is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
Rivet 4.0.3


std::string Rivet::AnalysisInfo::name () const
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the analysis.
std::string Rivet::AnalysisInfo::getRefDataName () const
 Get the reference data name of the analysis (if different from plugin name).
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setRefDataName (const std::string &name)
 Set the reference data name of the analysis (if different from plugin name).
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::inspireID () const
 Get the Inspire (SPIRES replacement) ID code for this analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setInspireID (const std::string &inspireID)
 Set the Inspire (SPIRES replacement) ID code for this analysis.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::spiresID () const
 Get the SPIRES ID code for this analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setSpiresID (const std::string &spiresID)
 Set the SPIRES ID code for this analysis.
const std::vector< std::string > & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::authors () const
 Names & emails of paper/analysis authors.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setAuthors (const std::vector< std::string > &authors)
 Set the author list.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::summary () const
 Get a short description of the analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setSummary (const std::string &summary)
 Set the short description for this analysis.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::description () const
 Get a full description of the analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setDescription (const std::string &description)
 Set the full description for this analysis.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::runInfo () const
 Information about the events needed as input for this analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setRunInfo (const std::string &runInfo)
 Set the full description for this analysis.
const std::vector< PdgIdPair > & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::beamIDs () const
 Beam particle types.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setBeamIDs (const std::vector< PdgIdPair > &beamids)
 Set beam particle types.
const std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::energies () const
 Sets of valid beam energies.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setEnergies (const std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > &energies)
 Set the valid beam energies.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::experiment () const
 Experiment which performed and published this analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setExperiment (const std::string &experiment)
 Set the experiment which performed and published this analysis.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::collider () const
 Collider on which the experiment ran.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setCollider (const std::string &collider)
 Set the collider on which the experiment ran.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::year () const
 When the original experimental analysis was published.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setYear (const std::string &year)
 Set the year in which the original experimental analysis was published.
double Rivet::AnalysisInfo::luminosityfb () const
 The integrated data luminosity of the data set in 1/fb.
double Rivet::AnalysisInfo::luminosity () const
 The integrated data luminosity of the data set in 1/pb.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setLuminosityfb (const double luminosityfb)
 Set the integrated data luminosity of the data set.
const std::vector< std::string > & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::references () const
 Journal and preprint references.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setReferences (const std::vector< std::string > &references)
 Set the journal and preprint reference list.
const std::vector< std::string > & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::keywords () const
 Analysis keywords, for grouping etc.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setKeywords (const std::vector< std::string > &keywords)
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::warning () const
 Any warning message.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setWarning (const std::string warning)
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::refMatch () const
 Positive filtering regex for ref-data HepData sync.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setRefMatch (const std::string refmatch)
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::refUnmatch () const
 Negative filtering regex for ref-data HepData sync.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setRefUnmatch (const std::string refunmatch)
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::writerDoublePrecision () const
 Positive filtering regex for setting double precision in Writer.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setWriterDoublePrecision (const std::string dp)
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::bibKey () const
 BibTeX citation key for this article.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setBibKey (const std::string &bibKey)
 Set the BibTeX citation key for this article.
const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::bibTeX () const
 BibTeX citation entry for this article.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setBibTeX (const std::string &bibTeX)
 Set the BibTeX citation entry for this article.
const std::vector< std::string > & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::todos () const
 Any work to be done on this analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setTodos (const std::vector< std::string > &todos)
 Set the to-do list.

Detailed Description

Metadata is used for querying from the command line and also for building web pages and the analysis pages in the Rivet manual.

Function Documentation

◆ authors()

const std::vector< std::string > & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::authors ( ) const

Names & emails of paper/analysis authors.

Names and email of authors in 'NAME <EMAIL>' format. The first name in the list should be the primary contact person.

Referenced by Rivet::Analysis::authors(), and Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setAuthors().

◆ description()

const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::description ( ) const

Get a full description of the analysis.

Full textual description of this analysis, what it is useful for, what experimental techniques are applied, etc. Should be treated as a chunk of restructuredText (http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html), with equations to be rendered as LaTeX with amsmath operators.

Referenced by Rivet::Analysis::description(), and Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setDescription().

◆ name()

std::string Rivet::AnalysisInfo::name ( ) const

Get the name of the analysis. By default this is computed using the experiment, year and Inspire/Spires ID metadata methods.

References Rivet::AnalysisInfo::experiment(), Rivet::AnalysisInfo::inspireID(), Rivet::AnalysisInfo::spiresID(), and Rivet::AnalysisInfo::year().

Referenced by Rivet::AnalysisInfo::getRefDataName(), Rivet::Analysis::name(), Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setName(), and Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setRefDataName().

◆ runInfo()

const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::runInfo ( ) const

Information about the events needed as input for this analysis.

Event types, energies, kinematic cuts, particles to be considered stable, etc. etc. Should be treated as a restructuredText bullet list (http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html)

Referenced by Rivet::Analysis::runInfo(), and Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setRunInfo().

◆ summary()

const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::summary ( ) const

Get a short description of the analysis.

Short (one sentence) description used as an index entry. Use description() to provide full descriptive paragraphs of analysis details.

Referenced by Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setSummary(), and Rivet::Analysis::summary().

◆ year()

const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::year ( ) const

When the original experimental analysis was published.

When the refereed paper on which this is based was published, according to Inspire-HEP.

Referenced by Rivet::AnalysisInfo::name(), Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setYear(), and Rivet::Analysis::year().