rivet is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
Rivet 4.0.2
Status info and categories


const std::string & Rivet::AnalysisInfo::status () const
 Whether this analysis is trusted (in any way!)
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setStatus (const std::string &status)
 Set the analysis code status.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::reentrant () const
 Return true if finalize() can be run multiple times for this analysis.
void Rivet::AnalysisInfo::setReentrant (bool ree=true)
 Set re-entrant status.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::validated () const
 Return true if validated.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::preliminary () const
 Return true if preliminary.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::obsolete () const
 Return true if obsolete.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::unvalidated () const
 Return true if unvalidated.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::random () const
 Return true if includes random variations.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::unphysical () const
 Return true if the analysis uses generator-dependent information.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::hepdata () const
 Check if refdata comes automatically from Hepdata.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::multiweight () const
 Check if this analysis can handle multiple weights.
bool Rivet::AnalysisInfo::statuscheck (const string &word) const
 Helper function for checking status-string contents.

Detailed Description