SimpleAnalysis.hh 111 declare(SmearedJets(jetfs, _smears_jet[jditem.first], _effs_btag[jditem.first]), "Jets"+jditem.first);
141 void setElectronReco(const ParticleEffFn& eff, const ParticleSmearFn& smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) {
146 void setMuonReco(const ParticleEffFn& eff, const ParticleSmearFn& smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) {
151 void setPhotonReco(const ParticleEffFn& eff, const ParticleSmearFn& smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) {
156 void setTauReco(const ParticleEffFn& eff, const ParticleSmearFn& smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) {
161 void setTrkReco(const ParticleEffFn& eff, const ParticleSmearFn& smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY) {
166 void setJetReco(const JetSmearFn& smear, const JetEffFn& btageff, const std::string& jetname="DEFAULT") {
193 void setJetDef(const JetScheme& jdef, const std::string& jetname="DEFAULT") { _jdefs[jetname] = jdef; }
413 const ParticleFinder& electronsProj(IDClass eclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) {
417 const ParticleFinder& muonsProj(IDClass muclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) {
421 const ParticleFinder& tausProj(IDClass tauclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) {
425 const ParticleFinder& photonsProj(IDClass phoclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) {
446 std::map<IDClass, ParticleEffFn> _effs_electron{ { IDClass::LOOSE, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::MEDIUM, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::TIGHT, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE } };
447 std::map<IDClass, ParticleEffFn> _effs_muon{ { IDClass::LOOSE, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::MEDIUM, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::TIGHT, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE } };
448 std::map<IDClass, ParticleEffFn> _effs_photon{ { IDClass::LOOSE, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::MEDIUM, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::TIGHT, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE } };
449 std::map<IDClass, ParticleEffFn> _effs_tau{ { IDClass::LOOSE, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::MEDIUM, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE }, { IDClass::TIGHT, PARTICLE_EFF_ONE } };
450 ParticleSmearFn _smear_electron{PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY}, _smear_muon{PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY}, _smear_photon{PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY}, _smear_tau{PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY};
double crossSection() const Get the process cross-section in pb. Throws if this hasn't been set. const Event & currentEvent() const Access the current event. Definition Analysis.hh:425 void scale(MultiplexPtr< Multiplexer< T > > &ao, CounterAdapter factor) Multiplicatively scale the given AnalysisObject, ao, by factor factor. Definition Analysis.hh:1271 virtual std::string name() const Get the name of the analysis. Definition Analysis.hh:164 Representation of a HepMC event, and enabler of Projection caching. Definition Event.hh:22 Project out all final-state particles in an event. Probably the most important projection in Rivet! Definition FinalState.hh:12 Abstract base class for projections which can return a set of Jets. Definition JetFinder.hh:41 Reconstruct leptons, generally including "dressing" with clustered photons. Definition LeptonFinder.hh:29 Interface for projections that find missing transverse energy/momentum. Definition METFinder.hh:11 Calculate missing , etc. as complements to the total visible momentum. Definition MissingMomentum.hh:22 Base class for projections which return subsets of an event's particles. Definition ParticleFinder.hh:11 Particle representation, either from a HepMC::GenEvent or reconstructed. Definition Particle.hh:45 const PROJ & declare(const PROJ &proj, const std::string &name) const Register a contained projection (user-facing version) Definition ProjectionApplier.hh:184 bool hasProjection(const std::string &name) const Does this applier have a projection registered under the name name? Definition ProjectionApplier.hh:55 Find final state particles directly connected to the hard process. Definition PromptFinalState.hh:25 Simplified analysis API with predefined physics objects. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:16 Particles photons(const Cut &cut, IDClass phoclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed prompt and isolated photons, with extra cuts. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:251 const Particles & taus(IDClass tauclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed prompt (hadronic) taus. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:257 const ParticleFinder & tracksProj() Direct access to the underlying projection. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:429 const Jets & bjets(const std::string &jetname="DEFAULT") const Get a pT-ordered named set of reconstructed b-tagged jets. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:309 const ParticleFinder & electronsProj(IDClass eclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) Direct access to the underlying projection. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:413 const Particles & photons(IDClass phoclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false, double dRiso=0.4, double isofrac=0.1) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed prompt and isolated photons. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:233 void setTauReco(const ParticleEffFn &eff, const ParticleSmearFn &smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) Set the tau reco functions for a given ID class. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:156 Particles electrons(const Cut &cut, IDClass eclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed prompt electrons, with extra cuts. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:213 void setPhotonReco(const ParticleEffFn &eff, const ParticleSmearFn &smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) Set the photon reco functions for a given ID class. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:151 const Jets & jets(const std::string &jetname="DEFAULT") const Get a pT-ordered named set of reconstructed jets. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:295 const ParticleFinder & muonsProj(IDClass muclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) Direct access to the underlying projection. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:417 double metSignf() const Get the MET significance. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:337 Jets bjets(const Cut &cut, const std::string &jetname="DEFAULT") const Get a pT-ordered named set of reconstructed b-tagged jets, with extra cuts. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:316 const ParticleFinder & photonsProj(IDClass phoclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) Direct access to the underlying projection. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:425 const Particles & electrons(IDClass eclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed prompt electrons. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:205 void scaleToIntLumi(T &ao, double intlumi) Helper function to elide the xsec/sumW scalefactor. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:402 const std::vector< std::string > jetnames() const Get the set of jet-collection names (also usable for b-jets) Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:287 const JetFinder & jetsProj(const std::string &jetname="DEFAULT") Direct access to the underlying projection. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:433 Jets jets(const Cut &cut, const std::string &jetname="DEFAULT") const Get a pT-ordered named set of reconstructed jets, with extra cuts. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:303 const METFinder & metProj() Direct access to the underlying projection. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:437 const ParticleFinder & tausProj(IDClass tauclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) Direct access to the underlying projection. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:421 void setTrkReco(const ParticleEffFn &eff, const ParticleSmearFn &smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY) Set the track reco functions for a given jet name. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:161 Particles taus(const Cut &cut, IDClass tauclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed prompt (hadronic) taus, with extra cuts. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:265 void setElectronReco(const ParticleEffFn &eff, const ParticleSmearFn &smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) Set the electron reco functions for a given ID class. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:141 void preAnalyze(const Event &event) Reset per-event members, before the user analyze() Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:121 virtual ~SimpleAnalysis() Destructor to support subclassing. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:28 void setJetReco(const JetSmearFn &smear, const JetEffFn &btageff, const std::string &jetname="DEFAULT") Set the jet reco functions for a given jet name. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:166 const Particles & muons(IDClass muclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed muons. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:219 void doSimpleOverlapRemoval(IDClass eclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, IDClass muclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, IDClass phoclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false, const std::string &jetname="DEFAULT") Perform a simple, in-place overlap removal between all physics objects. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:364 void setMETReco(const METSmearParamsFn &smearps, const METSmearFn &smear) Set the MET reco functions. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:175 Particles muons(const Cut &cut, IDClass muclass=IDClass::MEDIUM, bool include_nonprompt=false) const Get the pT-ordered set of reconstructed muons, with extra cuts. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:227 SimpleAnalysis(const std::string &name) Constructor, passing arg to base class and supporting subclassing. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:23 void setMuonReco(const ParticleEffFn &eff, const ParticleSmearFn &smear=PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY, IDClass idc=IDClass::MEDIUM) Set the muon reco functions for a given ID class. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:146 void setMETReco(const METSmearParamsFn &smearps) Set the MET reco-params function. Definition SimpleAnalysis.hh:171 Wrapper projection for smearing Jets with detector resolutions and efficiencies. Definition SmearedJets.hh:19 Wrapper projection for smearing missing (transverse) energy/momentum with detector resolutions. Definition SmearedMET.hh:15 Wrapper projection for smearing Jets with detector resolutions and efficiencies. Definition SmearedParticles.hh:14 Jets select(const Jets &jets, const Cut &c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. Definition JetUtils.hh:157 Vector3 MET_SMEAR_IDENTITY(const Vector3 &met, double) Identity MET smearing just returns the input. Definition MomentumSmearingFunctions.hh:177 METSmearParams MET_SMEARPARAMS_IDENTITY(const Vector3 &met, double) Identity resolution is 0 (perfect delta function, no offset) Definition MomentumSmearingFunctions.hh:172 function< Vector3(const Vector3 &, double)> METSmearFn Definition MomentumSmearingFunctions.hh:139 function< METSmearParams(const Vector3 &, double)> METSmearParamsFn Definition MomentumSmearingFunctions.hh:134 double PARTICLE_EFF_ONE(const Particle &) Take a Particle and return 1. Definition ParticleSmearingFunctions.hh:33 function< Particle(const Particle &)> ParticleSmearFn Typedef for Particle smearing functions/functors. Definition ParticleSmearingFunctions.hh:19 Particle PARTICLE_SMEAR_IDENTITY(const Particle &p) Take a Particle and return it unmodified. Definition ParticleSmearingFunctions.hh:50 double JET_BTAG_IDENTITY(const Jet &j) Alias for JET_BTAG_PERFECT. Definition JetSmearingFunctions.hh:58 function< double(const Particle &)> ParticleEffFn Typedef for Particle efficiency functions/functors. Definition ParticleSmearingFunctions.hh:22 function< Jet(const Jet &)> JetSmearFn Typedef for Jet smearing functions/functors. Definition JetSmearingFunctions.hh:20 function< double(const Jet &)> JetEffFn Typedef for Jet efficiency functions/functors. Definition JetSmearingFunctions.hh:23 Definition MC_CENT_PPB_Projections.hh:10 double deltaR(double rap1, double phi1, double rap2, double phi2) Definition MathUtils.hh:697 (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) less-than functor Definition ParticleBaseUtils.hh:205 B-tagging functor, with a tag selection cut as the stored state. Definition JetUtils.hh:101 Convenience container of params for simple jet definitions. Definition JetFinder.hh:22 Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 10:12:18 for Rivet by |