The Rivet MC analysis system
List of all members.
Public Member Functions |
| CMS_2011_S8950903 () |
void | init () |
void | analyze (const Event &event) |
void | finalize () |
Analysis & | setCrossSection (double xs) |
| Set the cross section from the generator.
AnalysisHandler & | handler () const |
| Access the controlling AnalysisHandler object.
const vector< AnalysisObjectPtr > & | analysisObjects () const |
| List of registered analysis data objects.
Metadata is used for querying from the command line and also for building web pages and the analysis pages in the Rivet manual.
const AnalysisInfo & | info () const |
| Get the actual AnalysisInfo object in which all this metadata is stored.
virtual std::string | name () const |
| Get the name of the analysis.
virtual std::string | inspireId () const |
| Get the Inspire ID code for this analysis.
virtual std::string | spiresId () const |
| Get the SPIRES ID code for this analysis (~deprecated).
virtual std::vector< std::string > | authors () const |
| Names & emails of paper/analysis authors.
virtual std::string | summary () const |
| Get a short description of the analysis.
virtual std::string | description () const |
| Get a full description of the analysis.
virtual std::string | runInfo () const |
| Information about the events needed as input for this analysis.
virtual std::string | experiment () const |
| Experiment which performed and published this analysis.
virtual std::string | collider () const |
| Collider on which the experiment ran.
virtual std::string | year () const |
| When the original experimental analysis was published.
virtual std::vector< std::string > | references () const |
| Journal, and preprint references.
virtual std::string | bibKey () const |
| BibTeX citation key for this article.
virtual std::string | bibTeX () const |
| BibTeX citation entry for this article.
virtual std::string | status () const |
| Whether this analysis is trusted (in any way!)
virtual std::vector< std::string > | todos () const |
| Any work to be done on this analysis.
virtual const std::vector
< PdgIdPair > & | requiredBeams () const |
| Return the allowed pairs of incoming beams required by this analysis.
virtual Analysis & | setRequiredBeams (const std::vector< PdgIdPair > &requiredBeams) |
| Declare the allowed pairs of incoming beams required by this analysis.
virtual const std::vector
< std::pair< double, double > > & | requiredEnergies () const |
| Sets of valid beam energy pairs, in GeV.
virtual Analysis & | setRequiredEnergies (const std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > &requiredEnergies) |
| Declare the list of valid beam energy pairs, in GeV.
bool | needsCrossSection () const |
Analysis & | setNeedsCrossSection (bool needed=true) |
AnalysisInfo & | info () |
| Get the actual AnalysisInfo object in which all this metadata is stored (non-const).
const ParticlePair & | beams () const |
| Incoming beams for this run.
const PdgIdPair | beamIds () const |
| Incoming beam IDs for this run.
double | sqrtS () const |
| Centre of mass energy for this run.
bool | isCompatible (const ParticlePair &beams) const |
| Check if analysis is compatible with the provided beam particle IDs and energies.
bool | isCompatible (PdgId beam1, PdgId beam2, double e1, double e2) const |
| Check if analysis is compatible with the provided beam particle IDs and energies.
bool | isCompatible (const PdgIdPair &beams, const std::pair< double, double > &energies) const |
| Check if analysis is compatible with the provided beam particle IDs and energies.
- Todo:
- Should really be protected: only public to keep BinnedHistogram happy for now...
void | normalize (Histo1DPtr histo, double norm=1.0, bool includeoverflows=true) |
void | scale (Histo1DPtr histo, double scale) |
void | divide (Histo1DPtr h1, Histo1DPtr h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const |
void | divide (Profile1DPtr p1, Profile1DPtr p2, Scatter2DPtr s) const |
void | divide (const YODA::Histo1D &h1, const YODA::Histo1D &h2, Scatter2DPtr s) const |
void | divide (const YODA::Profile1D &p1, const YODA::Profile1D &p2, Scatter2DPtr s) const |
void | integrate (Histo1DPtr h, Scatter2DPtr s) const |
void | integrate (const Histo1D &h, Scatter2DPtr s) const |
std::set< ConstProjectionPtr > | getProjections () const |
| Get the contained projections, including recursion.
template<typename PROJ > |
const PROJ & | getProjection (const std::string &name) const |
| Get the named projection, specifying return type via a template argument.
const Projection & | getProjection (const std::string &name) const |
template<typename PROJ > |
const PROJ & | applyProjection (const Event &evt, const PROJ &proj) const |
| Apply the supplied projection on event.
template<typename PROJ > |
const PROJ & | applyProjection (const Event &evt, const Projection &proj) const |
| Apply the supplied projection on event.
template<typename PROJ > |
const PROJ & | applyProjection (const Event &evt, const std::string &name) const |
| Apply the named projection on event.
Protected Member Functions |
Log & | getLog () const |
| Get a Log object based on the name() property of the calling analysis object.
double | crossSection () const |
| Get the process cross-section in pb. Throws if this hasn't been set.
double | crossSectionPerEvent () const |
size_t | numEvents () const |
double | sumOfWeights () const |
ProjectionHandler & | getProjHandler () const |
| Get a reference to the ProjectionHandler for this thread.
const std::string | histoDir () const |
| Get the canonical histogram "directory" path for this analysis.
const std::string | histoPath (const std::string &hname) const |
| Get the canonical histogram path for the named histogram in this analysis.
const std::string | histoPath (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const |
| Get the canonical histogram path for the numbered histogram in this analysis.
const std::string | makeAxisCode (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const |
| Get the internal histogram name for given d, x and y (cf. HepData)
const YODA::Scatter2D & | refData (const string &hname) const |
| Get reference data for a named histo.
const YODA::Scatter2D & | refData (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const |
| Get reference data for a numbered histo.
Histo1DPtr | bookHisto1D (const std::string &name, size_t nbins, double lower, double upper, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D histogram with nbins uniformly distributed across the range lower - upper .
Histo1DPtr | bookHisto1D (const std::string &name, const std::vector< double > &binedges, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D histogram with non-uniform bins defined by the vector of bin edges binedges .
Histo1DPtr | bookHisto1D (const std::string &name, const Scatter2D &refscatter, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D histogram with binning from a reference scatter.
Histo1DPtr | bookHisto1D (const std::string &name, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D histogram, using the binnings in the reference data histogram.
Histo1DPtr | bookHisto1D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
Book a 2D histogram with binning from a reference scatter.
Profile1DPtr | bookProfile1D (const std::string &name, size_t nbins, double lower, double upper, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D profile histogram with nbins uniformly distributed across the range lower - upper .
Profile1DPtr | bookProfile1D (const std::string &name, const std::vector< double > &binedges, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D profile histogram with non-uniform bins defined by the vector of bin edges binedges .
Profile1DPtr | bookProfile1D (const std::string &name, const Scatter2D &refscatter, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D profile histogram with binning from a reference scatter.
Profile1DPtr | bookProfile1D (const std::string &name, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 1D profile histogram, using the binnings in the reference data histogram.
Profile1DPtr | bookProfile1D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
Book a 2D profile histogram with binning from a reference scatter.
Scatter2DPtr | bookScatter2D (const std::string &name, bool copy_pts=false, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 2-dimensional data point set with the given name.
Scatter2DPtr | bookScatter2D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId, bool copy_pts=false, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 2-dimensional data point set, using the binnings in the reference data histogram.
Scatter2DPtr | bookScatter2D (const std::string &name, size_t npts, double lower, double upper, const std::string &title="", const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="") |
| Book a 2-dimensional data point set with equally spaced x-points in a range.
Scatter2DPtr | bookScatter2D (const std::string &hname, const std::vector< double > &binedges, const std::string &title, const std::string &xtitle, const std::string &ytitle) |
| Book a 2-dimensional data point set based on provided contiguous "bin edges".
void | addAnalysisObject (AnalysisObjectPtr ao) |
| Register a data object in the histogram system.
template<typename AO > |
const shared_ptr< AO > | getAnalysisObject (const std::string &name) const |
template<typename AO > |
shared_ptr< AO > | getAnalysisObject (const std::string &name) |
void | removeAnalysisObject (const std::string &path) |
| Unregister a data object from the histogram system (by name)
void | removeAnalysisObject (AnalysisObjectPtr ao) |
| Unregister a data object from the histogram system (by pointer)
const Histo1DPtr | getHisto1D (const std::string &name) const |
| Get a named Histo1D object from the histogram system.
Histo1DPtr | getHisto1D (const std::string &name) |
| Get a named Histo1D object from the histogram system (non-const)
const Histo1DPtr | getHisto1D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const |
| Get a Histo1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
Histo1DPtr | getHisto1D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) |
| Get a Histo1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
const Profile1DPtr | getProfile1D (const std::string &name) const |
| Get a named Profile1D object from the histogram system.
Profile1DPtr | getProfile1D (const std::string &name) |
| Get a named Profile1D object from the histogram system (non-const)
const Profile1DPtr | getProfile1D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const |
| Get a Profile1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
Profile1DPtr | getProfile1D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) |
| Get a Profile1D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
const Scatter2DPtr | getScatter2D (const std::string &name) const |
| Get a named Scatter2D object from the histogram system.
Scatter2DPtr | getScatter2D (const std::string &name) |
| Get a named Scatter2D object from the histogram system (non-const)
const Scatter2DPtr | getScatter2D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) const |
| Get a Scatter2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
Scatter2DPtr | getScatter2D (unsigned int datasetId, unsigned int xAxisId, unsigned int yAxisId) |
| Get a Scatter2D object from the histogram system by axis ID codes (non-const)
template<typename PROJ > |
const PROJ & | addProjection (const PROJ &proj, const std::string &name) |
const Projection & | _addProjection (const Projection &proj, const std::string &name) |
| Untemplated function to do the work...
Protected Attributes |
bool | _allowProjReg |
| Flag to forbid projection registration in analyses until the init phase.
Private Attributes |
BinnedHistogram< double > | _h_deltaPhi |
Detailed Description
Definition at line 10 of file CMS_2011_S8950903.cc.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
const PROJ& addProjection |
( |
const PROJ & |
proj, |
const std::string & |
name |
) |
| [inline, protected, inherited] |
Register a contained projection. The type of the argument is used to instantiate a new projection internally: this new object is applied to events rather than the argument object. Hence you are advised to only use locally-scoped Projection objects in your Projection and Analysis constructors, and to avoid polymorphism (e.g. handling ConcreteProjection via a pointer or reference to type Projection ) since this will screw up the internal type management.
Definition at line 116 of file ProjectionApplier.hh.
References ProjectionApplier::_addProjection().
Referenced by VetoedFinalState::addVetoOnThisFinalState(), BeamThrust::BeamThrust(), CDF_2009_S8057893::CDF_2009_S8057893::init(), CentralEtHCM::CentralEtHCM(), ChargedFinalState::ChargedFinalState(), ChargedLeptons::ChargedLeptons(), DISFinalState::DISFinalState(), DISKinematics::DISKinematics(), DISLepton::DISLepton(), DressedLeptons::DressedLeptons(), FinalState::FinalState(), FoxWolframMoments::FoxWolframMoments(), FParameter::FParameter(), HadronicFinalState::HadronicFinalState(), HeavyHadrons::HeavyHadrons(), Hemispheres::Hemispheres(), IdentifiedFinalState::IdentifiedFinalState(), CMS_2010_S8656010::init(), CMS_2010_S8547297::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8894728::init(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8994773::init(), CMS_2011_S8950903::init(), CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010::init(), LHCB_2013_I1208105::init(), ALICE_2011_S8909580::init(), CMS_2011_S8941262::init(), CMS_2011_S8968497::init(), CMS_2011_S8973270::init(), CMS_2011_S8978280::init(), ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049::init(), ATLAS_2011_I894867::init(), CMS_2011_S9086218::init(), CMS_2011_S9215166::init(), TOTEM_2012_I1115294::init(), CMS_2012_I1087342::init(), CMS_2012_I1184941::init(), CMS_2012_I1193338::init(), ALICE_2011_S8945144::init(), CDF_2007_S7057202::init(), TOTEM_2012_002::init(), CMS_2011_I954992::init(), CMS_2011_S8957746::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8591806::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9002537::init(), D0_2011_I895662::init(), CMS_2011_S9088458::init(), LHCF_2012_I1115479::init(), ATLAS_2011_I930220::init(), D0_2010_S8570965::init(), MC_JETS::init(), MC_KTSPLITTINGS::init(), CDF_2012_NOTE10874::init(), STAR_2006_S6500200::init(), STAR_2008_S7993412::init(), UA5_1987_S1640666::init(), CMS_2013_I1209721::init(), CMS_QCD_10_024::init(), CDF_1997_S3541940::init(), CDF_2005_S6080774::init(), MC_DIJET::init(), MC_DIPHOTON::init(), CDF_2006_S6450792::init(), MC_HINC::init(), MC_WINC::init(), MC_ZINC::init(), MC_ZZINC::init(), SFM_1984_S1178091::init(), ARGUS_1993_S2789213::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1204784::init(), CMS_2013_I1258128::init(), BABAR_2007_S7266081::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::init(), CDF_1993_S2742446::init(), CDF_2000_S4155203::init(), MC_ZKTSPLITTINGS::init(), STAR_2006_S6870392::init(), UA5_1982_S875503::init(), UA5_1989_S1926373::init(), D0_2008_S6879055::init(), D0_2010_S8821313::init(), MC_HJETS::init(), MC_HKTSPLITTINGS::init(), MC_PHOTONINC::init(), CDF_2008_S8093652::init(), MC_WKTSPLITTINGS::init(), MC_WWINC::init(), MC_ZJETS::init(), CDF_2008_S7782535::init(), ARGUS_1993_S2669951::init(), MC_ZZJETS::init(), MC_ZZKTSPLITTINGS::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1091481::init(), ALEPH_1991_S2435284::init(), CMS_2012_I1102908::init(), MC_WWKTSPLITTINGS::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1183818::init(), ATLAS_2013_I1243871::init(), D0_2008_S7863608::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9035664::init(), D0_2010_S8671338::init(), CMS_2012_I1107658::init(), E735_1998_S3905616::init(), MC_PHOTONJETS::init(), MC_PHOTONKTSPLITTINGS::init(), MC_WJETS::init(), MC_WWJETS::init(), ATLAS_2011_I944826::init(), OPAL_1998_S3749908::init(), OPAL_2000_S4418603::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8924791::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8817804::init(), D0_1996_S3324664::init(), D0_2007_S7075677::init(), ALEPH_1996_S3196992::init(), D0_2009_S8202443::init(), DELPHI_1999_S3960137::init(), CDF_1990_S2089246::init(), UA5_1986_S1583476::init(), CDF_1988_S1865951::init(), EXAMPLE_CUTS::init(), ALEPH_2002_S4823664::init(), MC_GENERIC::init(), CDF_2005_S6217184::init(), MC_IDENTIFIED::init(), MC_LEADJETUE::init(), MC_TTBAR::init(), MC_PHOTONJETUE::init(), OPAL_1995_S3198391::init(), OPAL_1996_S3257789::init(), OPAL_1997_S3608263::init(), OPAL_1998_S3702294::init(), ATLAS_2011_I945498::init(), ATLAS_2011_I954993::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1119557::init(), D0_2001_S4674421::init(), D0_2008_S7554427::init(), CDF_1994_S2952106::init(), H1_1995_S3167097::init(), MC_QCD_PARTONS::init(), UA1_1990_S2044935::init(), ZEUS_2001_S4815815::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1188891::init(), D0_2008_S7837160::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9131140::init(), LHCB_2011_I919315::init(), CDF_2008_S7540469::init(), CDF_2008_S7828950::init(), D0_1996_S3214044::init(), OPAL_1997_S3396100::init(), STAR_2006_S6860818::init(), DELPHI_1995_S3137023::init(), EXAMPLE::init(), CMS_2012_I941555::init(), CDF_2008_S8095620::init(), JADE_1998_S3612880::init(), JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807::init(), STAR_2009_UE_HELEN::init(), ALICE_2010_S8624100::init(), MC_PHOTONS::init(), MC_SUSY::init(), ATLAS_2011_I925932::init(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1125575::init(), CMS_2013_I1218372::init(), ALICE_2010_S8625980::init(), LHCB_2013_I1218996::init(), CDF_2009_NOTE_9936::init(), D0_2000_S4480767::init(), ALICE_2010_S8706239::init(), D0_2009_S8349509::init(), CDF_1996_S3108457::init(), CDF_2001_S4563131::init(), CDF_2009_S8383952::init(), CDF_1998_S3618439::init(), ATLAS_2011_I926145::init(), CDF_2000_S4266730::init(), CDF_2009_S8436959::init(), D0_2009_S8320160::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8971293::init(), SLD_2002_S4869273::init(), DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603::init(), MC_WPOL::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8919674::init(), CDF_1996_S3349578::init(), D0_2006_S6438750::init(), ALEPH_2001_S4656318::init(), CDF_2001_S4517016::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1082936::init(), D0_2010_S8566488::init(), SLD_1996_S3398250::init(), CDF_1996_S3418421::init(), UA5_1988_S1867512::init(), D0_2008_S7662670::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9108483::init(), CDF_2006_S6653332::init(), CDF_2008_S7541902::init(), ATLAS_2013_I1230812::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1095236::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1083318::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1125961::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9212183::init(), ATLAS_2012_I943401::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1112263::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1190891::init(), ATLAS_2012_I946427::init(), TASSO_1990_S2148048::init(), ATLAS_2013_I1217867::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1082009::init(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090::init(), OPAL_2002_S5361494::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1180197::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001::init(), DELPHI_2000_S4328825::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9019561::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8983313::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1117704::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9212353::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9225137::init(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098::init(), CMS_2013_I1224539_ZJET::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1084540::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1126136::init(), CMS_2013_I1224539_WJET::init(), CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1186556::init(), CDF_2009_S8233977::init(), CDF_2010_S8591881_DY::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153::init(), CDF_2010_S8591881_QCD::init(), D0_2004_S5992206::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8914702::init(), LHCB_2011_I917009::init(), CDF_2001_S4751469::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9120807::init(), D0_2008_S7719523::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8918562::init(), LHCB_2012_I1119400::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1094568::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9041966::init(), DELPHI_1996_S3430090::init(), ALEPH_1996_S3486095::init(), ALEPH_1999_S4193598::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1093738::init(), OPAL_2004_S6132243::init(), OPAL_1994_S2927284::init(), STAR_2008_S7869363::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9126244::init(), BABAR_2007_S6895344::init(), MC_VH2BB::init(), BABAR_2005_S6181155::init(), BELLE_2001_S4598261::init(), ATLAS_2011_I919017::init(), OPAL_2001_S4553896::init(), DELPHI_2003_WUD_03_11::init(), CDF_2004_S5839831::init(), BABAR_2003_I593379::init(), ARGUS_1993_S2653028::init(), CLEO_2004_S5809304::init(), OPAL_1998_S3780481::init(), OPAL_1993_S2692198::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1093734::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1094564::init(), H1_1994_S2919893::init(), H1_2000_S4129130::init(), SLD_2004_S5693039::init(), BELLE_2006_S6265367::init(), SLD_1999_S3743934::init(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES::init(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS::init(), JetAlg::JetAlg(), JetShape::JetShape(), LeadingParticlesFinalState::LeadingParticlesFinalState(), LossyFinalState< ConstRandomFilter >::LossyFinalState(), MergedFinalState::MergedFinalState(), MissingMomentum::MissingMomentum(), NeutralFinalState::NeutralFinalState(), NonHadronicFinalState::NonHadronicFinalState(), ParisiTensor::ParisiTensor(), PrimaryHadrons::PrimaryHadrons(), Sphericity::Sphericity(), Spherocity::Spherocity(), Thrust::Thrust(), TriggerCDFRun0Run1::TriggerCDFRun0Run1(), TriggerCDFRun2::TriggerCDFRun2(), TriggerUA5::TriggerUA5(), VetoedFinalState::VetoedFinalState(), VisibleFinalState::VisibleFinalState(), WFinder::WFinder(), and ZFinder::ZFinder().
const Projection& reg = _addProjection(proj, name);
const PROJ& rtn = dynamic_cast<const PROJ&>(reg);
return rtn;
const PROJ& applyProjection |
( |
const Event & |
evt, |
const std::string & |
name |
) |
| const [inline, inherited] |
virtual std::vector<std::string> authors |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Incoming beams for this run.
Definition at line 31 of file Analysis.cc.
References AnalysisHandler::beams(), and Analysis::handler().
Referenced by BABAR_2005_S6181155::analyze(), BABAR_2007_S6895344::analyze(), BELLE_2006_S6265367::analyze(), CLEO_2004_S5809304::analyze(), OPAL_1994_S2927284::analyze(), SLD_2004_S5693039::analyze(), OPAL_1998_S3780481::analyze(), SLD_1999_S3743934::analyze(), OPAL_1995_S3198391::analyze(), OPAL_1997_S3608263::analyze(), OPAL_2000_S4418603::analyze(), ALEPH_2002_S4823664::analyze(), DELPHI_1999_S3960137::analyze(), OPAL_1996_S3257789::analyze(), OPAL_1998_S3702294::analyze(), DELPHI_1995_S3137023::analyze(), SLD_2002_S4869273::analyze(), ALEPH_2001_S4656318::analyze(), DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603::analyze(), OPAL_1998_S3749908::analyze(), OPAL_1997_S3396100::analyze(), ALEPH_1999_S4193598::analyze(), MC_WPOL::analyze(), ALEPH_1996_S3486095::analyze(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::analyze(), DELPHI_1996_S3430090::analyze(), MC_WPOL::init(), and Analysis::isCompatible().
virtual std::string bibKey |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
virtual std::string bibTeX |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Histo1DPtr bookHisto1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
size_t |
nbins, |
double |
lower, |
double |
upper, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Book a 1D histogram with nbins uniformly distributed across the range lower - upper .
Definition at line 199 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::addAnalysisObject(), Analysis::histoPath(), MSG_TRACE, and Analysis::name().
Referenced by Analysis::bookHisto1D(), ATLAS_2012_I1118269::init(), CMS_2010_S8656010::init(), LHCB_2010_I867355::init(), CMS_2010_S8547297::init(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::init(), CMS_2011_S8950903::init(), ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049::init(), ATLAS_2011_I894867::init(), ALICE_2011_S8909580::init(), CMS_2011_S8941262::init(), CMS_2011_S8968497::init(), CMS_2011_S8973270::init(), CMS_2011_S8978280::init(), CMS_2012_I1087342::init(), CMS_2012_I1184941::init(), CMS_2012_I1193338::init(), CDF_2007_S7057202::init(), ALICE_2011_S8945144::init(), TOTEM_2012_I1115294::init(), CMS_2011_S9086218::init(), CMS_2011_S9215166::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8591806::init(), D0_2011_I895662::init(), LHCF_2012_I1115479::init(), TOTEM_2012_002::init(), CMS_2011_I954992::init(), CMS_2011_S8957746::init(), ATLAS_2011_I930220::init(), D0_2010_S8570965::init(), UA5_1987_S1640666::init(), CMS_2013_I1209721::init(), CMS_QCD_10_024::init(), CDF_1997_S3541940::init(), STAR_2006_S6500200::init(), CMS_2013_I1258128::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1204784::init(), ARGUS_1993_S2789213::init(), CDF_1993_S2742446::init(), BABAR_2007_S7266081::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::init(), MC_DIJET::init(), MC_DIPHOTON::init(), MC_HINC::init(), CDF_2000_S4155203::init(), MC_WINC::init(), MC_ZINC::init(), CDF_2005_S6080774::init(), MC_ZZINC::init(), CDF_2006_S6450792::init(), SFM_1984_S1178091::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1091481::init(), UA5_1989_S1926373::init(), D0_2008_S6879055::init(), ARGUS_1993_S2669951::init(), D0_2010_S8821313::init(), MC_HJETS::init(), MC_JetSplittings::init(), MC_PHOTONINC::init(), MC_WWINC::init(), MC_ZJETS::init(), MC_ZZJETS::init(), CDF_2008_S8093652::init(), STAR_2006_S6870392::init(), UA5_1982_S875503::init(), ALEPH_1991_S2435284::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1183818::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9035664::init(), D0_2008_S7863608::init(), D0_2010_S8671338::init(), E735_1998_S3905616::init(), MC_JetAnalysis::init(), MC_PDFS::init(), MC_PHOTONJETS::init(), MC_WJETS::init(), MC_WWJETS::init(), ATLAS_2011_I944826::init(), CMS_2012_I1107658::init(), OPAL_1996_S3257789::init(), D0_1996_S3324664::init(), D0_2007_S7075677::init(), D0_2009_S8202443::init(), ALEPH_1996_S3196992::init(), DELPHI_1999_S3960137::init(), EXAMPLE_CUTS::init(), CDF_1988_S1865951::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8817804::init(), CDF_1990_S2089246::init(), MC_GENERIC::init(), MC_IDENTIFIED::init(), MC_TTBAR::init(), MC_PHOTONJETUE::init(), OPAL_1995_S3198391::init(), OPAL_1997_S3608263::init(), OPAL_1998_S3702294::init(), OPAL_1998_S3749908::init(), OPAL_2000_S4418603::init(), ALEPH_2002_S4823664::init(), UA5_1986_S1583476::init(), ATLAS_2011_I945498::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1119557::init(), ATLAS_2011_I954993::init(), D0_2001_S4674421::init(), D0_2008_S7554427::init(), H1_1995_S3167097::init(), CDF_1994_S2952106::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1188891::init(), D0_2008_S7837160::init(), ZEUS_2001_S4815815::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9131140::init(), CDF_2008_S7828950::init(), CDF_2008_S7540469::init(), LHCB_2011_I919315::init(), UA1_1990_S2044935::init(), JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807::init(), OPAL_1997_S3396100::init(), DELPHI_1995_S3137023::init(), MC_SUSY::init(), CDF_2008_S8095620::init(), ALICE_2010_S8624100::init(), D0_1996_S3214044::init(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::init(), JADE_1998_S3612880::init(), EXAMPLE::init(), STAR_2006_S6860818::init(), MC_PHOTONS::init(), CMS_2012_I941555::init(), ATLAS_2011_I925932::init(), CMS_2013_I1218372::init(), D0_2000_S4480767::init(), ALICE_2010_S8625980::init(), ALICE_2010_S8706239::init(), LHCB_2013_I1218996::init(), MC_XS::init(), CDF_2009_NOTE_9936::init(), CDF_2009_S8436959::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8971293::init(), D0_2009_S8320160::init(), D0_2009_S8349509::init(), CDF_1996_S3108457::init(), CDF_1998_S3618439::init(), CDF_2001_S4563131::init(), ATLAS_2011_I926145::init(), CDF_2009_S8383952::init(), CDF_2000_S4266730::init(), D0_2006_S6438750::init(), D0_2010_S8566488::init(), DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603::init(), CDF_1996_S3349578::init(), ALEPH_2001_S4656318::init(), SLD_2002_S4869273::init(), CDF_2001_S4517016::init(), MC_WPOL::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8919674::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1082936::init(), CDF_1996_S3418421::init(), SLD_1996_S3398250::init(), D0_2008_S7662670::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9108483::init(), CDF_2006_S6653332::init(), CDF_2008_S7541902::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1125961::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1095236::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1083318::init(), ATLAS_2013_I1230812::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9212183::init(), ATLAS_2012_I946427::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1112263::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8983313::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105::init(), TASSO_1990_S2148048::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1117704::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1180197::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9225137::init(), ATLAS_2012_I943401::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1082009::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9019561::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1190891::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9212353::init(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090::init(), ATLAS_2013_I1217867::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103::init(), CMS_2013_I1224539_ZJET::init(), CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET::init(), CMS_2013_I1224539_WJET::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1126136::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1186556::init(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1084540::init(), CDF_2009_S8233977::init(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153::init(), D0_2004_S5992206::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8914702::init(), CDF_2001_S4751469::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8918562::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9120807::init(), D0_2008_S7719523::init(), LHCB_2012_I1119400::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9041966::init(), DELPHI_1996_S3430090::init(), ALEPH_1996_S3486095::init(), ALEPH_1999_S4193598::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1093738::init(), OPAL_2004_S6132243::init(), OPAL_1994_S2927284::init(), STAR_2008_S7869363::init(), BABAR_2007_S6895344::init(), MC_VH2BB::init(), BABAR_2005_S6181155::init(), BELLE_2001_S4598261::init(), ATLAS_2011_I919017::init(), OPAL_2001_S4553896::init(), DELPHI_2003_WUD_03_11::init(), CDF_2004_S5839831::init(), BABAR_2003_I593379::init(), ARGUS_1993_S2653028::init(), CLEO_2004_S5809304::init(), OPAL_1998_S3780481::init(), OPAL_1993_S2692198::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1094564::init(), H1_1994_S2919893::init(), H1_2000_S4129130::init(), SLD_2004_S5693039::init(), BELLE_2006_S6265367::init(), SLD_1999_S3743934::init(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES::init(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1125575::initializeHistograms(), ATLAS_2012_I1094568::initializePlots(), and ATLAS_2011_S9126244::initializePlots().
const string path = histoPath(hname);
Histo1DPtr hist( new Histo1D(nbins, lower, upper, path, title) );
MSG_TRACE("Made histogram " << hname << " for " << name());
hist->setAnnotation("XLabel", xtitle);
hist->setAnnotation("YLabel", ytitle);
return hist;
Histo1DPtr bookHisto1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
const std::vector< double > & |
binedges, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Histo1DPtr bookHisto1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
const Scatter2D & |
refscatter, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Histo1DPtr bookHisto1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Histo1DPtr bookHisto1D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Profile1DPtr bookProfile1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
size_t |
nbins, |
double |
lower, |
double |
upper, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Book a 1D profile histogram with nbins uniformly distributed across the range lower - upper .
- Todo:
- Add booking methods which take a path, titles and *a reference Scatter from which to book*
Definition at line 350 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::addAnalysisObject(), Analysis::histoPath(), MSG_TRACE, and Analysis::name().
Referenced by Analysis::bookProfile1D(), ATLAS_2010_S8894728::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8994773::init(), CMS_2012_PAS_QCD_11_010::init(), ALICE_2011_S8945144::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8591806::init(), CDF_2012_NOTE10874::init(), STAR_2008_S7993412::init(), CDF_2008_S7782535::init(), CMS_2012_I1107658::init(), ATLAS_2013_I1243871::init(), D0_1996_S3324664::init(), CDF_2005_S6217184::init(), MC_GENERIC::init(), MC_PHOTONJETUE::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8924791::init(), MC_LEADJETUE::init(), UA1_1990_S2044935::init(), MC_PHOTONS::init(), STAR_2006_S6860818::init(), STAR_2009_UE_HELEN::init(), ALICE_2010_S8706239::init(), MC_WPOL::init(), ALEPH_2001_S4656318::init(), DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603::init(), CDF_2009_S8233977::init(), CDF_2010_S8591881_DY::init(), CDF_2010_S8591881_QCD::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8918562::init(), CDF_2001_S4751469::init(), DELPHI_1996_S3430090::init(), CDF_2004_S5839831::init(), H1_1994_S2919893::init(), H1_2000_S4129130::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9126244::initializePlots(), and ATLAS_2012_I1125575::initializeProfiles().
Profile1DPtr bookProfile1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
const std::vector< double > & |
binedges, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Profile1DPtr bookProfile1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
const Scatter2D & |
refscatter, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Profile1DPtr bookProfile1D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Profile1DPtr bookProfile1D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Scatter2DPtr bookScatter2D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
bool |
copy_pts = false , |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Book a 2-dimensional data point set with the given name.
- Note:
- Unlike histogram booking, scatter booking by default makes no attempt to use reference data to pre-fill the data object. If you want this, which is sometimes useful e.g. when the x-position is not really meaningful and can't be extracted from the data, then set the copy_pts parameter to true. This creates points to match the reference data's x values and errors, but with the y values and errors zeroed... assuming that there is a reference histo with the same name: if there isn't, an exception will be thrown.
Definition at line 427 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::addAnalysisObject(), Analysis::histoPath(), MSG_TRACE, Analysis::name(), Analysis::refData(), and Rivet::s.
Referenced by Analysis::bookScatter2D(), OPAL_2002_S5361494::finalize(), DELPHI_2000_S4328825::finalize(), BABAR_2007_S7266081::finalize(), LHCB_2011_I917009::finalize(), ARGUS_1993_S2669951::finalize(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::finalize(), SLD_2004_S5693039::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9126244::finalize(), SLD_1999_S3743934::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8894728::init(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::init(), LHCB_2013_I1208105::init(), ALICE_2011_S8909580::init(), CMS_2011_S8978280::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9002537::init(), CMS_2011_S9088458::init(), STAR_2006_S6500200::init(), MC_WINC::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::init(), CDF_2008_S7782535::init(), MC_JetSplittings::init(), MC_JetAnalysis::init(), CMS_2012_I1102908::init(), ATLAS_2011_I944826::init(), MC_GENERIC::init(), CDF_2005_S6217184::init(), ATLAS_2011_I945498::init(), CDF_1994_S2952106::init(), D0_2001_S4674421::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1188891::init(), D0_2008_S7837160::init(), STAR_2006_S6860818::init(), MC_XS::init(), CMS_2013_I1218372::init(), CDF_1996_S3418421::init(), UA5_1988_S1867512::init(), CDF_2008_S7541902::init(), ATLAS_2013_I1230812::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1083318::init(), D0_2008_S7719523::init(), LHCB_2012_I1119400::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1093734::init(), SLD_2004_S5693039::init(), SLD_1999_S3743934::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1094568::initializePlots(), ATLAS_2011_S9126244::initializePlots(), and SLD_1996_S3398250::multiplicity_subtract().
Scatter2DPtr bookScatter2D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId, |
bool |
copy_pts = false , |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Book a 2-dimensional data point set, using the binnings in the reference data histogram.
The paper, dataset and x/y-axis IDs will be used to build the histo name in the HepData standard way.
- Note:
- Unlike histogram booking, scatter booking by default makes no attempt to use reference data to pre-fill the data object. If you want this, which is sometimes useful e.g. when the x-position is not really meaningful and can't be extracted from the data, then set the copy_pts parameter to true. This creates points to match the reference data's x values and errors, but with the y values and errors zeroed.
Definition at line 417 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::bookScatter2D(), and Analysis::makeAxisCode().
const string axisCode = makeAxisCode(datasetId, xAxisId, yAxisId);
return bookScatter2D(axisCode, copy_pts, title, xtitle, ytitle);
Scatter2DPtr bookScatter2D |
( |
const std::string & |
name, |
size_t |
npts, |
double |
lower, |
double |
upper, |
const std::string & |
title = "" , |
const std::string & |
xtitle = "" , |
const std::string & |
ytitle = "" |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
Scatter2DPtr bookScatter2D |
( |
const std::string & |
hname, |
const std::vector< double > & |
binedges, |
const std::string & |
title, |
const std::string & |
xtitle, |
const std::string & |
ytitle |
) |
| [protected, inherited] |
virtual std::string collider |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Get the process cross-section in pb. Throws if this hasn't been set.
Definition at line 155 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::_crossSection, Analysis::_gotCrossSection, and Analysis::name().
Referenced by MC_JetSplittings::finalize(), MC_JetAnalysis::finalize(), CDF_2006_S6450792::finalize(), TOTEM_2012_002::finalize(), CMS_2011_S9086218::finalize(), D0_2010_S8671338::finalize(), D0_2000_S4480767::finalize(), CDF_2008_S7828950::finalize(), MC_XS::finalize(), CDF_2000_S4155203::finalize(), CDF_2008_S8093652::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8941262::finalize(), CDF_2001_S4563131::finalize(), CDF_1998_S3618439::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1087342::finalize(), MC_HINC::finalize(), MC_HJETS::finalize(), MC_ZJETS::finalize(), CMS_2011_I954992::finalize(), MC_WJETS::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1118269::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1184941::finalize(), BABAR_2005_S6181155::finalize(), MC_ZINC::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8383952::finalize(), D0_2010_S8566488::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6870392::finalize(), LHCB_2010_I867355::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I894867::finalize(), CDF_2000_S4266730::finalize(), CDF_2001_S4517016::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8436959::finalize(), D0_2011_I895662::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1193338::finalize(), CDF_2005_S6080774::finalize(), MC_DIPHOTON::finalize(), D0_2006_S6438750::finalize(), D0_2008_S7863608::finalize(), MC_WINC::finalize(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::finalize(), CLEO_2004_S5809304::finalize(), D0_2008_S7662670::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9035664::finalize(), MC_ZZJETS::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049::finalize(), MC_WWJETS::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I954993::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8233977::finalize(), LHCB_2013_I1218996::finalize(), D0_2010_S8570965::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8973270::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I946427::finalize(), CDF_2008_S7541902::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8919674::finalize(), MC_ZZINC::finalize(), MC_WWINC::finalize(), D0_2008_S7719523::finalize(), CDF_2006_S6653332::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I926145::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9108483::finalize(), CDF_2008_S7540469::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8914702::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1083318::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9120807::finalize(), BELLE_2006_S6265367::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1084540::finalize(), MC_VH2BB::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1186556::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1117704::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1093738::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1125961::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1095236::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9019561::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1126136::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1190891::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9212183::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S8983313::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1112263::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9225137::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I943401::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1180197::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9212353::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9041966::finalize(), and ATLAS_2011_I919017::finalize().
Get the process cross-section per generated event in pb. Throws if this hasn't been set.
Definition at line 163 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::_crossSection, and Analysis::sumOfWeights().
Referenced by CDF_2007_S7057202::finalize(), CDF_1988_S1865951::finalize(), LHCB_2011_I919315::finalize(), MC_PHOTONINC::finalize(), MC_PHOTONJETS::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8817804::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1082936::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I930220::finalize(), D0_2009_S8349509::finalize(), UA1_1990_S2044935::finalize(), D0_2001_S4674421::finalize(), MC_WPOL::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::finalize(), ATLAS_2013_I1230812::finalize(), and ATLAS_2011_I945498::finalize().
virtual std::string description |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Normalize the given histogram, histo, to area = norm.
- Note:
- The histogram is no longer invalidated by this procedure. Multiplicatively scale the given histogram, histo, by factor scale.
The histogram is no longer invalidated by this procedure. Helper for histogram division.
Preserves the path information of the target.
Definition at line 495 of file Analysis.cc.
Referenced by D0_2008_S7837160::calc_asymm(), CMS_2011_S9088458::finalize(), CDF_1996_S3418421::finalize(), ALICE_2011_S8909580::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6500200::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8978280::finalize(), MC_WINC::finalize(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::finalize(), LHCB_2011_I917009::finalize(), MC_GENERIC::finalize(), D0_2008_S7719523::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6860818::finalize(), CMS_2013_I1218372::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1188891::finalize(), LHCB_2012_I1119400::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I944826::finalize(), SLD_2004_S5693039::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9126244::finalize(), and SLD_1999_S3743934::finalize().
const string path = s->path();
*s = *h1 / *h2;
Helper for profile histogram division.
- Note:
- Preserves the path information of the target.
void divide |
( |
const YODA::Histo1D & |
h1, |
const YODA::Histo1D & |
h2, |
Scatter2DPtr |
s |
) |
| const [inherited] |
Helper for histogram division.
- Note:
- Preserves the path information of the target.
Definition at line 509 of file Analysis.cc.
const string path = s->path();
*s = h1 / h2;
void divide |
( |
const YODA::Profile1D & |
p1, |
const YODA::Profile1D & |
p2, |
Scatter2DPtr |
s |
) |
| const [inherited] |
Helper for profile histogram division
- Note:
- Preserves the path information of the target.
Definition at line 516 of file Analysis.cc.
const string path = s->path();
*s = p1 / p2;
virtual std::string experiment |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
const shared_ptr<AO> getAnalysisObject |
( |
const std::string & |
name | ) |
const [inline, protected, inherited] |
shared_ptr<AO> getAnalysisObject |
( |
const std::string & |
name | ) |
[inline, protected, inherited] |
Get a named Histo1D object from the histogram system.
Definition at line 696 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::name().
return getAnalysisObject<Histo1D>(name);
Get a named Histo1D object from the histogram system (non-const)
Definition at line 701 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::name().
return getAnalysisObject<Histo1D>(name);
const Histo1DPtr getHisto1D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| const [inline, protected, inherited] |
Histo1DPtr getHisto1D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| [inline, protected, inherited] |
Log & getLog |
( |
| ) |
const [protected, inherited] |
Get a named Profile1D object from the histogram system.
Definition at line 738 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::name().
return getAnalysisObject<Profile1D>(name);
Get a named Profile1D object from the histogram system (non-const)
Definition at line 743 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::name().
return getAnalysisObject<Profile1D>(name);
const Profile1DPtr getProfile1D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| const [inline, protected, inherited] |
Profile1DPtr getProfile1D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| [inline, protected, inherited] |
const PROJ& getProjection |
( |
const std::string & |
name | ) |
const [inline, inherited] |
Get a named Scatter2D object from the histogram system.
Definition at line 780 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::name().
return getAnalysisObject<Scatter2D>(name);
Get a named Scatter2D object from the histogram system (non-const)
Definition at line 785 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::name().
return getAnalysisObject<Scatter2D>(name);
const Scatter2DPtr getScatter2D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| const [inline, protected, inherited] |
Scatter2DPtr getScatter2D |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| [inline, protected, inherited] |
const string histoDir |
( |
| ) |
const [protected, inherited] |
const string histoPath |
( |
const std::string & |
hname | ) |
const [protected, inherited] |
const string histoPath |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| const [protected, inherited] |
Get the actual AnalysisInfo object in which all this metadata is stored.
Definition at line 104 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::_info.
Referenced by Analysis::authors(), Analysis::bibKey(), Analysis::bibTeX(), Analysis::collider(), Analysis::description(), Analysis::experiment(), Analysis::inspireId(), Analysis::name(), Analysis::needsCrossSection(), Analysis::references(), Analysis::requiredBeams(), Analysis::requiredEnergies(), Analysis::runInfo(), Analysis::setNeedsCrossSection(), Analysis::setRequiredBeams(), Analysis::setRequiredEnergies(), Analysis::spiresId(), Analysis::status(), Analysis::summary(), Analysis::todos(), and Analysis::year().
assert(_info.get() != 0 && "No AnalysisInfo object :O");
return *_info;
void init |
( |
| ) |
[inline, virtual] |
Initialize this analysis object. A concrete class should here book all necessary histograms. An overridden function must make sure it first calls the base class function.
Reimplemented from Analysis.
Definition at line 16 of file CMS_2011_S8950903.cc.
References CMS_2011_S8950903::_h_deltaPhi, BinnedHistogram< T >::addHistogram(), ProjectionApplier::addProjection(), FastJets::ANTIKT, and Analysis::bookHisto1D().
FinalState fs;
FastJets akt(fs, FastJets::ANTIKT, 0.5);
addProjection(akt, "antikT");
_h_deltaPhi.addHistogram( 80., 110., bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1));
_h_deltaPhi.addHistogram(110., 140., bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1));
_h_deltaPhi.addHistogram(140., 200., bookHisto1D(3, 1, 1));
_h_deltaPhi.addHistogram(200., 300., bookHisto1D(4, 1, 1));
_h_deltaPhi.addHistogram(300., 7000., bookHisto1D(5, 1, 1));
virtual std::string inspireId |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Helper for converting a differential histo to an integral one.
- Note:
- Preserves the path information of the target.
- Todo:
- 2D versions of scale and normalize...
Definition at line 571 of file Analysis.cc.
const string path = s->path();
*s = toIntegralHisto(*h);
Helper for converting a differential histo to an integral one.
- Note:
- Preserves the path information of the target.
Definition at line 578 of file Analysis.cc.
const string path = s->path();
*s = toIntegralHisto(h);
bool isCompatible |
( |
const PdgIdPair & |
beams, |
const std::pair< double, double > & |
energies |
) |
| const [inherited] |
Check if analysis is compatible with the provided beam particle IDs and energies.
const string makeAxisCode |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| const [protected, inherited] |
virtual std::string name |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Get the name of the analysis.
By default this is computed by combining the results of the experiment, year and Spires ID metadata methods and you should only override it if there's a good reason why those won't work.
Implements ProjectionApplier.
Definition at line 114 of file Analysis.hh.
References Analysis::_defaultname, Analysis::info(), and AnalysisInfo::name().
Referenced by Analysis::_cacheRefData(), Analysis::Analysis(), Analysis::bookHisto1D(), Analysis::bookProfile1D(), Analysis::bookScatter2D(), Analysis::crossSection(), Analysis::getHisto1D(), Analysis::getLog(), Analysis::getProfile1D(), Analysis::getScatter2D(), Analysis::histoDir(), Analysis::normalize(), Analysis::refData(), and Analysis::scale().
void normalize |
( |
Histo1DPtr |
histo, |
double |
norm = 1.0 , |
bool |
includeoverflows = true |
) |
| [inherited] |
Normalize the given histogram, histo, to area = norm.
- Note:
- The histogram is no longer invalidated by this procedure.
Definition at line 523 of file Analysis.cc.
References MSG_ERROR, MSG_TRACE, MSG_WARNING, and Analysis::name().
Referenced by CMS_2011_S8950903::finalize(), TOTEM_2012_002::finalize(), D0_2010_S8671338::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8968497::finalize(), D0_2007_S7075677::finalize(), D0_2008_S7554427::finalize(), CDF_2009_NOTE_9936::finalize(), MC_HINC::finalize(), MC_HJETS::finalize(), MC_ZJETS::finalize(), EXAMPLE_CUTS::finalize(), BABAR_2005_S6181155::finalize(), MC_ZINC::finalize(), ALICE_2010_S8624100::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S8971293::finalize(), ALICE_2010_S8625980::finalize(), CDF_1996_S3418421::finalize(), D0_2009_S8320160::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8957746::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1119557::finalize(), DELPHI_1995_S3137023::finalize(), CDF_1993_S2742446::finalize(), D0_1996_S3324664::finalize(), D0_2010_S8821313::finalize(), SLD_2002_S4869273::finalize(), MC_ZZJETS::finalize(), D0_2008_S6879055::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1204784::finalize(), CDF_1996_S3108457::finalize(), EXAMPLE::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I954993::finalize(), CDF_1994_S2952106::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I925932::finalize(), JADE_1998_S3612880::finalize(), CMS_2013_I1224539_DIJET::finalize(), D0_1996_S3214044::finalize(), ALEPH_2001_S4656318::finalize(), DELPHI_2002_069_CONF_603::finalize(), D0_2004_S5992206::finalize(), OPAL_1997_S3396100::finalize(), MC_PHOTONS::finalize(), CDF_2008_S7541902::finalize(), MC_GENERIC::finalize(), D0_2001_S4674421::finalize(), MC_ZZINC::finalize(), OPAL_2001_S4553896::finalize(), CMS_2013_I1209721::finalize(), ATLAS_2013_I1217867::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1107658::finalize(), TASSO_1990_S2148048::finalize(), STAR_2008_S7869363::finalize(), OPAL_1998_S3780481::finalize(), CMS_2013_I1224539_WJET::finalize(), CMS_2013_I1224539_ZJET::finalize(), CDF_1997_S3541940::finalize(), DELPHI_2003_WUD_03_11::finalize(), JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807::finalize(), H1_1994_S2919893::finalize(), BELLE_2006_S6265367::finalize(), CDF_2001_S4751469::finalize(), MC_TTBAR::finalize(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::finalize(), CDF_2004_S5839831::finalize(), CDF_1996_S3349578::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1094564::finalize(), ALEPH_1996_S3486095::finalize(), DELPHI_1996_S3430090::finalize(), CMS_2013_I1258128::normalizeByContents(), and ATLAS_2011_I919017::safeinvscale().
if (!histo) {
MSG_ERROR("Failed to normalize histo=NULL in analysis " << name() << " (norm=" << norm << ")");
MSG_TRACE("Normalizing histo " << histo->path() << " to " << norm);
try {
histo->normalize(norm, includeoverflows);
} catch (YODA::Exception& we) {
MSG_WARNING("Could not normalize histo " << histo->path());
size_t numEvents |
( |
| ) |
const [protected, inherited] |
Get reference data for a named histo.
Definition at line 183 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::_cacheRefData(), Analysis::_refdata, MSG_ERROR, MSG_TRACE, and Analysis::name().
Referenced by ATLAS_2011_S8994773::analyze(), CDF_2001_S4751469::analyze(), ATLAS_2010_S8894728::analyze(), Analysis::bookHisto1D(), Analysis::bookProfile1D(), Analysis::bookScatter2D(), DELPHI_2000_S4328825::finalize(), OPAL_2002_S5361494::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::finalize(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8894728::init(), ALICE_2011_S8909580::init(), LHCB_2013_I1208105::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9002537::init(), CMS_2011_S9088458::init(), STAR_2006_S6500200::init(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::init(), CMS_2012_I1102908::init(), CDF_1994_S2952106::init(), D0_2008_S7837160::init(), CDF_1996_S3418421::init(), LHCB_2011_I917009::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1093734::init(), SLD_1999_S3743934::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1125575::initializeHistograms(), ATLAS_2012_I1094568::initializePlots(), ATLAS_2011_S9126244::initializePlots(), and Analysis::refData().
const Scatter2D & refData |
( |
unsigned int |
datasetId, |
unsigned int |
xAxisId, |
unsigned int |
yAxisId |
) |
| const [protected, inherited] |
virtual std::vector<std::string> references |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
virtual const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >& requiredEnergies |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
virtual std::string runInfo |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Multiplicatively scale the given histogram, histo, by factor scale.
- Note:
- The histogram is no longer invalidated by this procedure.
Definition at line 538 of file Analysis.cc.
References MSG_ERROR, MSG_TRACE, MSG_WARNING, and Analysis::name().
Referenced by MC_JetSplittings::finalize(), MC_JetAnalysis::finalize(), CDF_2006_S6450792::finalize(), ALEPH_1991_S2435284::finalize(), TOTEM_2012_I1115294::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8591806::finalize(), E735_1998_S3905616::finalize(), D0_2000_S4480767::finalize(), UA5_1987_S1640666::finalize(), MC_XS::finalize(), CDF_2000_S4155203::finalize(), CDF_2008_S8093652::finalize(), BABAR_2007_S6895344::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8941262::finalize(), CDF_2001_S4563131::finalize(), CDF_1998_S3618439::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1087342::finalize(), CDF_1990_S2089246::finalize(), CDF_2007_S7057202::finalize(), CMS_2010_S8656010::finalize(), CMS_2011_I954992::finalize(), CDF_1988_S1865951::finalize(), MC_WJETS::finalize(), UA5_1982_S875503::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1118269::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1184941::finalize(), BABAR_2005_S6181155::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8383952::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6870392::finalize(), CMS_QCD_10_024::finalize(), LHCB_2010_I867355::finalize(), BELLE_2001_S4598261::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I894867::finalize(), OPAL_1995_S3198391::finalize(), CDF_2000_S4266730::finalize(), CMS_2010_S8547297::finalize(), OPAL_1994_S2927284::finalize(), OPAL_1997_S3608263::finalize(), OPAL_2000_S4418603::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8436959::finalize(), ALICE_2010_S8625980::finalize(), LHCB_2011_I919315::finalize(), MC_PDFS::finalize(), D0_2011_I895662::finalize(), ALEPH_2002_S4823664::finalize(), ALICE_2010_S8706239::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1193338::finalize(), OPAL_1996_S3257789::finalize(), UA5_1989_S1926373::finalize(), CDF_2005_S6080774::finalize(), MC_IDENTIFIED::finalize(), OPAL_1998_S3702294::finalize(), ALICE_2011_S8945144::finalize(), DELPHI_1999_S3960137::finalize(), MC_DIPHOTON::finalize(), D0_2006_S6438750::finalize(), ALICE_2011_S8909580::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6500200::finalize(), MC_PHOTONINC::finalize(), UA5_1986_S1583476::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9131140::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8978280::finalize(), H1_1995_S3167097::finalize(), BABAR_2003_I593379::finalize(), MC_WINC::finalize(), D0_2008_S7863608::finalize(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::finalize(), CLEO_2004_S5809304::finalize(), ARGUS_1993_S2653028::finalize(), D0_2008_S7662670::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9035664::finalize(), MC_PHOTONJETS::finalize(), SFM_1984_S1178091::finalize(), CMS_2011_S9215166::finalize(), D0_2008_S6879055::finalize(), MC_WWJETS::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049::finalize(), BABAR_2007_S7266081::finalize(), ALEPH_1999_S4193598::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8233977::finalize(), SLD_1996_S3398250::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I930220::finalize(), D0_2009_S8202443::finalize(), CMS_2012_I941555::finalize(), OPAL_1998_S3749908::finalize(), D0_2009_S8349509::finalize(), D0_2010_S8570965::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8973270::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1082009::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I946427::finalize(), ARGUS_1993_S2669951::finalize(), UA1_1990_S2044935::finalize(), MC_WPOL::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8919674::finalize(), MC_WWINC::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1107658::finalize(), ALEPH_1996_S3196992::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1091481::finalize(), OPAL_1993_S2692198::finalize(), CDF_2006_S6653332::finalize(), D0_2008_S7719523::finalize(), CDF_2008_S8095620::finalize(), OPAL_1998_S3780481::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6860818::finalize(), CMS_2013_I1218372::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9128077::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I926145::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8918562::finalize(), JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9108483::finalize(), CDF_2008_S7540469::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8914702::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1083318::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1183818::finalize(), OPAL_2004_S6132243::finalize(), ARGUS_1993_S2789213::finalize(), H1_1994_S2919893::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9120807::finalize(), BELLE_2006_S6265367::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1084540::finalize(), MC_VH2BB::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1186556::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I944826::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103::finalize(), H1_2000_S4129130::finalize(), ATLAS_2013_I1230812::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1117704::finalize(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I945498::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1093738::finalize(), SLD_2004_S5693039::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1125961::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1095236::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9019561::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1190891::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1126136::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9212183::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S8983313::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1112263::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9225137::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I943401::finalize(), ALEPH_1996_S3486095::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1180197::finalize(), DELPHI_1996_S3430090::finalize(), SLD_1999_S3743934::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9212353::finalize(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9041966::finalize(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1125575::finalizeHistograms(), ATLAS_2011_I919017::safeinvscale(), and BinnedHistogram< T >::scale().
if (!histo) {
MSG_ERROR("Failed to scale histo=NULL in analysis " << name() << " (scale=" << scale << ")");
if (std::isnan(scale) || std::isinf(scale)) {
MSG_ERROR("Failed to scale histo=" << histo->path() << " in analysis: " << name() << " (invalid scale factor = " << scale << ")");
scale = 0;
MSG_TRACE("Scaling histo " << histo->path() << " by factor " << scale);
try {
} catch (YODA::Exception& we) {
MSG_WARNING("Could not scale histo " << histo->path());
virtual Analysis& setRequiredEnergies |
( |
const std::vector< std::pair< double, double > > & |
requiredEnergies | ) |
[inline, virtual, inherited] |
virtual std::string spiresId |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
double sqrtS |
( |
| ) |
const [inherited] |
Centre of mass energy for this run.
Definition at line 27 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::handler(), and AnalysisHandler::sqrtS().
Referenced by ATLAS_2011_I894867::analyze(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES::analyze(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS::analyze(), CMS_2012_I1193338::analyze(), TOTEM_2012_002::analyze(), SLD_2004_S5693039::analyze(), CMS_2012_I1184941::analyze(), CMS_2011_I954992::analyze(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::analyze(), CMS_2011_S9215166::analyze(), SFM_1984_S1178091::analyze(), ALICE_2010_S8625980::analyze(), UA1_1990_S2044935::analyze(), CMS_2013_I1218372::analyze(), JADE_1998_S3612880::analyze(), TASSO_1990_S2148048::analyze(), MC_TTBAR::analyze(), ATLAS_2010_S8894728::analyze(), ATLAS_2010_S8918562::analyze(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::analyze(), CDF_2004_S5839831::analyze(), ALICE_2010_S8625980::finalize(), DELPHI_2000_S4328825::finalize(), OPAL_2002_S5361494::finalize(), JADE_1998_S3612880::finalize(), UA1_1990_S2044935::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8918562::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1093734::finalize(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::finalize(), CDF_2004_S5839831::finalize(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS::finalize(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8894728::init(), CMS_2010_S8547297::init(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::init(), ATLAS_2011_S8994773::init(), CMS_2011_S8978280::init(), CMS_2011_S9215166::init(), CDF_2012_NOTE10874::init(), CMS_QCD_10_024::init(), MC_DIPHOTON::init(), MC_HINC::init(), SFM_1984_S1178091::init(), MC_WINC::init(), MC_ZINC::init(), MC_ZZINC::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1091481::init(), UA5_1989_S1926373::init(), MC_WWINC::init(), MC_JetSplittings::init(), MC_PHOTONINC::init(), MC_ZZJETS::init(), ATLAS_2011_I944826::init(), MC_JetAnalysis::init(), MC_WWJETS::init(), UA5_1986_S1583476::init(), CDF_1990_S2089246::init(), CDF_1988_S1865951::init(), UA1_1990_S2044935::init(), JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807::init(), ALICE_2010_S8624100::init(), JADE_1998_S3612880::init(), MC_PHOTONS::init(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::init(), CMS_2013_I1218372::init(), ALICE_2010_S8625980::init(), MC_WPOL::init(), UA5_1988_S1867512::init(), TASSO_1990_S2148048::init(), LHCB_2011_I917009::init(), ATLAS_2010_S8918562::init(), LHCB_2012_I1119400::init(), OPAL_2004_S6132243::init(), CDF_2004_S5839831::init(), ATLAS_2012_I1093734::init(), PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES::init(), and PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES_RATIOS::init().
virtual std::string status |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
virtual std::string summary |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
Get the sum of event weights seen (via the analysis handler). Use in the finalize phase only.
Definition at line 93 of file Analysis.cc.
References Analysis::handler(), and AnalysisHandler::sumOfWeights().
Referenced by Analysis::crossSectionPerEvent(), MC_JetSplittings::finalize(), MC_JetAnalysis::finalize(), ALEPH_1991_S2435284::finalize(), CDF_2006_S6450792::finalize(), CMS_2011_S9086218::finalize(), D0_2000_S4480767::finalize(), CDF_2008_S7828950::finalize(), LHCF_2012_I1115479::finalize(), MC_XS::finalize(), CDF_2000_S4155203::finalize(), CDF_2008_S8093652::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8941262::finalize(), BABAR_2007_S6895344::finalize(), CDF_2001_S4563131::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1087342::finalize(), CDF_1998_S3618439::finalize(), CMS_2010_S8656010::finalize(), CMS_2011_I954992::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1118269::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1184941::finalize(), MC_WJETS::finalize(), BABAR_2005_S6181155::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8383952::finalize(), D0_2010_S8566488::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6870392::finalize(), LHCB_2010_I867355::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I894867::finalize(), CMS_2010_S8547297::finalize(), OPAL_1995_S3198391::finalize(), CDF_2000_S4266730::finalize(), OPAL_1994_S2927284::finalize(), CDF_2001_S4517016::finalize(), OPAL_1997_S3608263::finalize(), OPAL_2000_S4418603::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8436959::finalize(), MC_PDFS::finalize(), D0_2011_I895662::finalize(), ALEPH_2002_S4823664::finalize(), CMS_2012_I1193338::finalize(), OPAL_1996_S3257789::finalize(), MC_IDENTIFIED::finalize(), CDF_2005_S6080774::finalize(), DELPHI_1999_S3960137::finalize(), MC_DIPHOTON::finalize(), OPAL_1998_S3702294::finalize(), ALICE_2011_S8945144::finalize(), D0_2006_S6438750::finalize(), DELPHI_1995_S3137023::finalize(), ALICE_2011_S8909580::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8978280::finalize(), D0_2008_S7863608::finalize(), MC_WINC::finalize(), ALICE_2012_I1181770::finalize(), CLEO_2004_S5809304::finalize(), D0_2008_S7662670::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9035664::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_CONF_2010_049::finalize(), MC_WWJETS::finalize(), CDF_2009_S8233977::finalize(), LHCB_2013_I1218996::finalize(), OPAL_1998_S3749908::finalize(), OPAL_1997_S3396100::finalize(), D0_2010_S8570965::finalize(), CMS_2011_S8973270::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I946427::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8919674::finalize(), MC_WWINC::finalize(), ALEPH_1996_S3196992::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1091481::finalize(), OPAL_1993_S2692198::finalize(), D0_2008_S7719523::finalize(), CDF_2006_S6653332::finalize(), OPAL_1998_S3780481::finalize(), STAR_2006_S6860818::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_I926145::finalize(), JADE_OPAL_2000_S4300807::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9108483::finalize(), CDF_2008_S7540469::finalize(), ATLAS_2010_S8914702::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1083318::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_105::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9120807::finalize(), BELLE_2006_S6265367::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1084540::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_104::finalize(), MC_VH2BB::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1186556::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_103::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1117704::finalize(), ALEPH_2004_S5765862::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1093738::finalize(), SLD_2004_S5693039::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1125961::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_098::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1095236::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9019561::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1190891::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1126136::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9212183::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S8983313::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1112263::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_109::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_CONF_2011_090::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9225137::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I943401::finalize(), ALEPH_1996_S3486095::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_I1180197::finalize(), SLD_1999_S3743934::finalize(), ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_153::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9212353::finalize(), ATLAS_2011_S9041966::finalize(), and PDG_HADRON_MULTIPLICITIES::finalize().
virtual std::vector<std::string> todos |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
virtual std::string year |
( |
| ) |
const [inline, virtual, inherited] |
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