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Rivet 4.1.0
Experiment-specific jet efficiency and smearing functions


double Rivet::JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN1 (const Jet &j)
 Return the ATLAS Run 1 jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet, from Delphes.
double Rivet::JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN1_XXX (const Jet &j)
 Alias for naming scheme.
double Rivet::JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN2_MV2C20 (const Jet &j)
 Return the ATLAS Run 2 MC2c20 77% WP jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet.
double Rivet::JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN2_MV2C10 (const Jet &j)
 Return the ATLAS Run 2 MC2c10 77% WP jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet.
Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1 (const Jet &j)
 ATLAS Run 1 jet smearing.
Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2 (const Jet &j)
Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1 (const Jet &j)
Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2 (const Jet &j)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation


double Rivet::JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN1 ( const Jet j)

Return the ATLAS Run 1 jet flavour tagging efficiency for the given Jet, from Delphes.

This form drops past ~100 GeV, asymptotically to zero efficiency... really?!

References Rivet::ParticleBase::abseta(), Rivet::Jet::bTagged(), Rivet::Jet::cTagged(), Rivet::deltaR(), and Rivet::ParticleBase::pT().

Referenced by Rivet::JET_BTAG_ATLAS_RUN1_XXX().


Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1 ( const Jet j)

ATLAS Run 1 jet smearing.

Implemented by Matthias Danninger for GAMBIT, based roughly on https://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/GROUPS/PHYSICS/CONFNOTES/ATLAS-CONF-2015-017/

Also need a JES uncertainty component?
Is this the best way to smear? Should we preserve the energy, or pT, or direction?

References Rivet::binIndex(), Rivet::ParticleBase::mass(), Rivet::mass(), Rivet::ParticleBase::mass2(), Rivet::max(), Rivet::FourMomentum::mkXYZM(), Rivet::ParticleBase::pT(), Rivet::ParticleBase::px(), Rivet::ParticleBase::py(), Rivet::ParticleBase::pz(), and Rivet::randnorm().

Referenced by Rivet::JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2(), and Rivet::JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1().


Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2 ( const Jet j)

ATLAS Run 2 jet smearing

Just a copy of the Run 1 one: improve!!

References Rivet::JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1().


Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1 ( const Jet j)

CMS Run 2 jet smearing

Just a copy of the suboptimal ATLAS one: improve!!

References Rivet::JET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN1().

Referenced by Rivet::JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2().


Jet Rivet::JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2 ( const Jet j)

CMS Run 2 jet smearing

Just a copy of the suboptimal ATLAS one: improve!!

References Rivet::JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN1().