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Rivet 4.1.0
String utils


struct  Rivet::bad_lexical_cast
 Exception class for throwing from lexical_cast when a parse goes wrong. More...


template<typename T , typename U >
Rivet::lexical_cast (const U &in)
 Convert between any types via stringstream.
template<typename T >
string Rivet::to_str (const T &x)
 Convert any object to a string.
template<typename T >
string Rivet::toString (const T &x)
 Convert any object to a string.
string & Rivet::replace_first (string &str, const string &patt, const string &repl)
 Replace the first instance of patt with repl.
string & Rivet::replace_all (string &str, const string &patt, const string &repl)
 Replace all instances of patt with repl.
int Rivet::nocase_cmp (const string &s1, const string &s2)
 Case-insensitive string comparison function.
bool Rivet::nocase_equals (const string &s1, const string &s2)
 Case-insensitive string equality function.
string Rivet::toLower (const string &s)
 Convert a string to lower-case.
string Rivet::toUpper (const string &s)
 Convert a string to upper-case.
bool Rivet::startsWith (const string &s, const string &start)
 Check whether a string start is found at the start of s.
bool Rivet::endsWith (const string &s, const string &end)
 Check whether a string end is found at the end of s.
string Rivet::strcat ()
template<typename T , typename... Ts>
string Rivet::strcat (T value, Ts... fargs)
 Make a string containing the concatenated string representations of each item in the variadic list.
template<typename T >
string Rivet::join (const vector< T > &v, const string &sep=" ")
 Make a string containing the string representations of each item in v, separated by sep.
string Rivet::join (const vector< string > &v, const string &sep)
 Make a string containing the string representations of each item in v, separated by sep.
template<typename T >
string Rivet::join (const set< T > &s, const string &sep=" ")
 Make a string containing the string representations of each item in s, separated by sep.
string Rivet::join (const set< string > &s, const string &sep)
 Make a string containing the string representations of each item in s, separated by sep.
vector< string > Rivet::split (const string &s, const string &sep)
 Split a string on a specified separator string.
string Rivet::lpad (const string &s, size_t width, const string &padchar=" ")
 Left-pad the given string s to width width.
string Rivet::rpad (const string &s, size_t width, const string &padchar=" ")
 Right-pad the given string s to width width.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ replace_all()

string & Rivet::replace_all ( string &  str,
const string &  patt,
const string &  repl 

Replace all instances of patt with repl.

Finding is interleaved with replacement, so the second search happens after first replacement, etc. This could lead to infinite loops and other counterintuitive behaviours if not careful.

References Rivet::contains().

◆ to_str()

template<typename T >
string Rivet::to_str ( const T &  x)

Convert any object to a string.

Just a convenience wrapper for the more general Boost lexical_cast

Referenced by Rivet::join(), Rivet::join(), Rivet::FourMomentum::setPE(), Rivet::FourMomentum::setPM(), and Rivet::VetoedFinalState::vetoFinalState().

◆ toString()

template<typename T >
string Rivet::toString ( const T &  x)

Convert any object to a string.

An alias for to_str() with a more "Rivety" mixedCase name.