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Rivet 4.0.3
ParticleBase comparison -> double functors


struct  Rivet::DoubleParticleBaseFunctor
 Base type for Particle -> double functors. More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRWRT
 Calculator of \( \Delta R \) with respect to a given momentum. More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaPhiWRT
 Calculator of \( \Delta \phi \) with respect to a given momentum. More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaEtaWRT
 Calculator of \( \Delta \eta \) with respect to a given momentum. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsDeltaEtaWRT
 Calculator of \( |\Delta \eta| \) with respect to a given momentum. More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRapWRT
 Calculator of \( \Delta y \) with respect to a given momentum. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsDeltaRapWRT
 Calculator of \( |\Delta y| \) with respect to a given momentum. More...


using Rivet::deltaRWRT = DeltaRWRT
using Rivet::deltaPhiWRT = DeltaPhiWRT
using Rivet::deltaEtaWRT = DeltaEtaWRT
using Rivet::absDeltaEtaWRT = AbsDeltaEtaWRT
using Rivet::deltaRapWRT = DeltaRapWRT
using Rivet::absDeltaRapWRT = AbsDeltaRapWRT

Detailed Description

Move to FourMomentum functions

To be passed to transform()any(jets, DeltaRLess(electron, 0.4))