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Rivet 4.0.3
ParticleBase classifier -> bool functors


struct  Rivet::BoolParticleBaseFunctor
 Base type for Particle -> bool functors. More...
struct  Rivet::PtGtr
 Transverse momentum greater-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::PtLess
 Transverse momentum less-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::PtInRange
 Transverse momentum in-range functor. More...
struct  Rivet::EtaGtr
 Pseudorapidity greater-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::EtaLess
 Pseudorapidity less-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::EtaInRange
 Pseudorapidity in-range functor. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsEtaGtr
 Abs pseudorapidity greater-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsEtaLess
 Abs pseudorapidity momentum less-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsEtaInRange
 Abs pseudorapidity in-range functor. More...
struct  Rivet::RapGtr
 Rapidity greater-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::RapLess
 Rapidity momentum less-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::RapInRange
 Rapidity in-range functor. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsRapGtr
 Abs rapidity greater-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsRapLess
 Abs rapidity momentum less-than functor. More...
struct  Rivet::AbsRapInRange
 Abs rapidity in-range functor. More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRGtr
 \( \Delta R \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) greater-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRLess
 \( \Delta R \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) less-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRInRange
 \( \Delta R \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaPhiGtr
 \( |\Delta \phi| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) greater-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaPhiLess
 \( |\Delta \phi| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) less-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaPhiInRange
 \( \Delta \phi \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaEtaGtr
 \( |\Delta \eta| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) greater-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaEtaLess
 \( |\Delta \eta| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) less-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaEtaInRange
 \( \Delta \eta \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRapGtr
 \( |\Delta y| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) greater-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRapLess
 \( |\Delta y| \) (with respect to another momentum, vec) less-than functor More...
struct  Rivet::DeltaRapInRange
 \( \Delta y \) (with respect to another 4-momentum, vec) in-range functor More...


using Rivet::ParticleBaseSelector = function< bool(const ParticleBase &)>
 std::function instantiation for functors taking a ParticleBase and returning a bool
using Rivet::ParticleBaseSorter = function< bool(const ParticleBase &, const ParticleBase &)>
 std::function instantiation for functors taking two ParticleBase and returning a bool
using Rivet::pTGtr = PtGtr
using Rivet::ptGtr = PtGtr
using Rivet::pTLess = PtLess
using Rivet::ptLess = PtLess
using Rivet::pTInRange = PtInRange
using Rivet::ptInRange = PtInRange
using Rivet::etaGtr = EtaGtr
using Rivet::etaLess = EtaLess
using Rivet::etaInRange = EtaInRange
using Rivet::absEtaGtr = AbsEtaGtr
using Rivet::absetaGtr = AbsEtaGtr
using Rivet::absEtaLess = AbsEtaLess
using Rivet::absetaLess = AbsEtaLess
using Rivet::absEtaInRange = AbsEtaInRange
using Rivet::absetaInRange = AbsEtaInRange
using Rivet::rapGtr = RapGtr
using Rivet::rapLess = RapLess
using Rivet::rapInRange = RapInRange
using Rivet::absRapGtr = AbsRapGtr
using Rivet::absrapGtr = AbsRapGtr
using Rivet::absRapLess = AbsRapLess
using Rivet::absrapLess = AbsRapLess
using Rivet::absRapInRange = AbsRapInRange
using Rivet::absrapInRange = AbsRapInRange
using Rivet::deltaRGtr = DeltaRGtr
using Rivet::deltaRLess = DeltaRLess
using Rivet::deltaRInRange = DeltaRInRange
using Rivet::deltaPhiGtr = DeltaPhiGtr
using Rivet::deltaPhiLess = DeltaPhiLess
using Rivet::deltaPhiInRange = DeltaPhiInRange
using Rivet::deltaEtaGtr = DeltaEtaGtr
using Rivet::deltaEtaLess = DeltaEtaLess
using Rivet::deltaEtaInRange = DeltaEtaInRange
using Rivet::deltaRapGtr = DeltaRapGtr
using Rivet::deltaRapLess = DeltaRapLess
using Rivet::deltaRapInRange = DeltaRapInRange

Detailed Description

Move to FourMomentum functions

To be passed to any() or all() e.g. any(jets, DeltaRLess(electron, 0.4))