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Rivet 4.0.3
ALICE specifics


namespace  Rivet::ALICE


const Cut Rivet::ALICE::V0Aacceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(+2.8,+5.1)&&(Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))
const Cut Rivet::ALICE::V0Cacceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-3.7,-1.7)&&(Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))
const Cut Rivet::ALICE::CL0acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-2.0,2.0) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))
const Cut Rivet::ALICE::CL1acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-1.4,1.4) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))
const Cut Rivet::ALICE::Eta1acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-1,1) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))
const Cut Rivet::ALICE::FASTORacceptance = CL0acceptance

Detailed Description

This include projections to emulate trigger conditions, centrality, and selection of primary particles.

Variable Documentation

◆ CL0acceptance

const Cut Rivet::ALICE::CL0acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-2.0,2.0) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))

The acceptance cut for clusters on layer 0 of the SPD

Referenced by Rivet::ALICE::CLMultiplicity< INNER >::CLMultiplicity().

◆ CL1acceptance

const Cut Rivet::ALICE::CL1acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-1.4,1.4) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))

The acceptance cut for clusters on layer 1 of the SPD

Referenced by Rivet::ALICE::CLMultiplicity< INNER >::CLMultiplicity().

◆ Eta1acceptance

const Cut Rivet::ALICE::Eta1acceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-1,1) && (Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))

The acceptance cut for mid-rapidity

◆ FASTORacceptance

const Cut Rivet::ALICE::FASTORacceptance = CL0acceptance

The acceptance cut for SPD FASTOR

◆ V0Aacceptance

const Cut Rivet::ALICE::V0Aacceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(+2.8,+5.1)&&(Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))

The acceptance cut for the V0A

◆ V0Cacceptance

const Cut Rivet::ALICE::V0Cacceptance = (Cuts::etaIn(-3.7,-1.7)&&(Cuts::abscharge3 > 0))

The acceptance cut for the V0C