rivet is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
Rivet 4.0.3
Deprecated List
Member Rivet::DileptonFinder::DileptonFinder (const FinalState &allfs, const Cut &lcuts, double masstarget, PdgId pid, double minmass, double maxmass, double dRdress)
Member Rivet::DileptonFinder::DileptonFinder (const FinalState &allfs, PdgId pid, double masstarget, double dRdress, const Cut &lcuts=Cuts::OPEN, double minmass=-DBL_MAX, double maxmass=DBL_MAX)
Member Rivet::DileptonFinder::DileptonFinder (PdgId pid, double masstarget, double dRdress, const Cut &lcuts=Cuts::OPEN, double minmass=-DBL_MAX, double maxmass=DBL_MAX, LeptonOrigin whichleptons=LeptonOrigin::PROMPT, PhotonOrigin whichphotons=PhotonOrigin::NODECAY, TauDecaysAs tauDecays=TauDecaysAs::PROMPT, MuDecaysAs muDecays=MuDecaysAs::PROMPT, DressingType dressing=DressingType::CONE)
Member Rivet::DileptonFinder::DileptonFinder (double masstarget, double dRdress, const Cut &lcuts=Cuts::OPEN, double minmass=-DBL_MAX, double maxmass=DBL_MAX, LeptonOrigin whichleptons=LeptonOrigin::PROMPT, PhotonOrigin whichphotons=PhotonOrigin::NODECAY, TauDecaysAs tauDecays=TauDecaysAs::PROMPT, MuDecaysAs muDecays=MuDecaysAs::PROMPT, DressingType dressing=DressingType::CONE)
Member Rivet::DileptonFinder::DileptonFinder (const FinalState &allfs, double masstarget, double dRdress, const Cut &lcuts=Cuts::OPEN, double minmass=-DBL_MAX, double maxmass=DBL_MAX)
Member Rivet::DISFinalState::DISFinalState (DISFrame boosttype, const Cut &c)
The DISKinematics has no parameters, hence explicitly passing it as an arg shouldn't be necessary.
Class Rivet::DressedLepton
Prefer to use Particle.constituents()
Member Rivet::Event::Event (GenEvent &ge, const vector< size_t > &weightindices={})
HepMC uses pointers, so we should talk to HepMC via pointers: no need to duplicate.
Member Rivet::FastJets::pseudojets (double ptmin=0.0) const
Use pseudojets
Class Rivet::InitialQuarks
We're not sure exactly when we'll get rid of this, but it's going to happen...
Struct Rivet::ParticleEffFilter
Prefer... ?
Member Rivet::VetoedFinalState::addVetoOnThisFinalState (const ParticleFinder &fs)
Prefer the shorter version