Particle.hh 59 Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum& mom, const FourVector& pos=FourVector(), ConstGenParticlePtr gp=nullptr)
67 Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum& mom, ConstGenParticlePtr gp, const FourVector& pos=FourVector())
307 const Particles constituents(const ParticleSelector& selector, const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
342 const Particles rawConstituents(const ParticleSelector& selector, const ParticleSorter& sorter) const {
Specialized version of the FourVector with momentum/energy functionality. Definition Vector4.hh:316 Specialisation of VectorN to a general (non-momentum) Lorentz 4-vector. Definition Vector4.hh:30 Object implementing Lorentz transform calculations and boosts. Definition LorentzTrans.hh:21 Base class for particle-like things like Particle and Jet. Definition ParticleBase.hh:13 const FourMomentum & mom() const Get equivalent single momentum four-vector (const) (alias). Definition ParticleBase.hh:39 double phi(const PhiMapping mapping=ZERO_2PI) const Get the directly. Definition ParticleBase.hh:105 double p() const Get the 3-momentum magnitude directly. Definition ParticleBase.hh:110 Particle representation, either from a HepMC::GenEvent or reconstructed. Definition Particle.hh:45 Particle & setMomentum(double E, double px, double py, double pz) Set the momentum via components. Definition Particle.hh:107 Particles allDescendants(const ParticleSelector &f, bool remove_duplicates=true) const Get a list of all the descendants from the current particle (with selector function) Definition Particle.hh:574 const Particles constituents(const ParticleSelector &selector, const ParticleSorter &sorter) const Direct constituents of this particle, filtered and sorted by functors. Definition Particle.hh:307 const Particles rawConstituents(const ParticleSorter &sorter) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. Definition Particle.hh:318 bool hasStableDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector &f) const Definition Particle.hh:640 virtual fastjet::PseudoJet pseudojet() const Converter to FastJet3 PseudoJet. Definition Particle.hh:161 bool hasChildWith(const ParticleSelector &f) const Definition Particle.hh:544 Vector3 closestApproach() const Find the point of closest approach to the primary vertex. Definition Particle.hh:143 bool isDirect(bool allow_from_direct_tau=false, bool allow_from_direct_mu=false) const Shorthand definition of 'promptness' based on set definition flags. bool hasDescendantWith(const Cut &c, bool remove_duplicates=true) const virtual void addConstituent(const Particle &c, bool addmom=false) Add a single direct constituent to this particle. bool isPrompt(bool allow_from_prompt_tau=false, bool allow_from_prompt_mu=false) const Alias for isDirect. Definition Particle.hh:515 bool hasAncestorWith(const ParticleSelector &f, bool only_physical=true) const Definition Particle.hh:422 Particles rawConstituents() const Fundamental constituents of this particle. bool hasAncestorWith(const Cut &c, bool only_physical=true) const const Particles constituents(const Cut &c, const ParticleSorter &sorter) const Direct constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. Definition Particle.hh:295 virtual void addConstituents(const Particles &cs, bool addmom=false) Add direct constituents to this particle. bool fromBottom() const Determine whether the particle is from a b-hadron decay. bool hasParentWithout(const Cut &c) const const Particles rawConstituents(const ParticleSelector &selector, const ParticleSorter &sorter) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered and sorted by functors. Definition Particle.hh:342 Particle & setOrigin(const FourVector &position) Set the origin position. Definition Particle.hh:126 const Particles & constituents() const Direct constituents of this particle, returned by reference. Definition Particle.hh:279 bool hasChildWithout(const Cut &c) const bool hasParentWith(const ParticleSelector &f) const Definition Particle.hh:373 bool isChargedLepton() const Is this a charged lepton? Definition Particle.hh:235 bool hasParentWith(const Cut &c) const bool hasBottom() const Does this (hadron) contain a b quark? Definition Particle.hh:241 bool hasChildWithout(const ParticleSelector &f) const Definition Particle.hh:559 bool isLastWith(const ParticleSelector &f) const Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the function requirement. Definition Particle.hh:675 Particles ancestors(const Cut &c=Cuts::OPEN, bool only_physical=true) const const Particles constituents(const ParticleSelector &selector) const Direct constituents of this particle, filtered by a selection functor. Definition Particle.hh:301 double abscharge() const The absolute charge of this Particle. Definition Particle.hh:205 bool isFirstWith(const ParticleSelector &f) const Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the function requirement. Definition Particle.hh:663 bool hasDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector &f, bool remove_duplicates=true) const Definition Particle.hh:583 bool hasStableDescendantWith(const Cut &c) const bool isLastWithout(const ParticleSelector &f) const Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement. Definition Particle.hh:682 Particles ancestors(const ParticleSelector &f, bool only_physical=true) const Definition Particle.hh:413 Particle(const RivetHepMC::GenParticle &gp) Constructor from a HepMC GenParticle reference. Definition Particle.hh:85 const Particles constituents(const Cut &c) const Direct constituents of this particle, filtered by a Cut. Definition Particle.hh:289 double flightLength() const bool fromHadron() const Determine whether the particle is from a hadron decay. bool hasAncestorWithout(const Cut &c, bool only_physical=true) const bool hasChildWith(const Cut &c) const const Particles rawConstituents(const ParticleSelector &selector) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered by a selection functor. Definition Particle.hh:336 Particles allDescendants(const Cut &c=Cuts::OPEN, bool remove_duplicates=true) const Get a list of all the descendants from the current particle (with optional selection Cut) bool fromTau(bool prompt_taus_only=false) const Determine whether the particle is from a tau decay. Particle & setGenParticle(ConstGenParticlePtr gp) Set a const pointer to the original GenParticle. Definition Particle.hh:170 bool hasParentWithout(const ParticleSelector &f) const Definition Particle.hh:388 Particle & transformBy(const LorentzTransform <) Apply an active Lorentz transform to this particle. Particles parents(const Cut &c=Cuts::OPEN) const int abscharge3() const Three times the absolute charge of this Particle (i.e. integer multiple of smallest quark charge). Definition Particle.hh:211 Particles stableDescendants(const ParticleSelector &f) const Get a list of all the stable descendants from the current particle (with selector function) Definition Particle.hh:616 bool isComposite() const Determine if this Particle is a composite of other Rivet Particles. Definition Particle.hh:272 Particle & setOrigin(double t, double x, double y, double z) Set the origin position via components. Definition Particle.hh:131 bool fromPromptTau() const Determine whether the particle is from a prompt tau decay. Definition Particle.hh:493 bool hasCharm() const Does this (hadron) contain a c quark? Definition Particle.hh:244 bool fromHadronicTau(bool prompt_taus_only=false) const Determine whether the particle is from a tau which decayed hadronically. bool isFirstWithout(const ParticleSelector &f) const Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain not to meet the function requirement. Definition Particle.hh:670 bool isStable() const Whether this particle is stable according to the generator. const FourMomentum & momentum() const The momentum. Definition Particle.hh:96 Particle(ConstGenParticlePtr gp) Constructor from a HepMC GenParticle pointer. Definition Particle.hh:72 const Particles rawConstituents(const Cut &c, const ParticleSorter &sorter) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. Definition Particle.hh:330 bool hasDescendantWithout(const Cut &c, bool remove_duplicates=true) const Particles children(const ParticleSelector &f) const Get a list of the direct descendants from the current particle (with selector function) Definition Particle.hh:535 Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum &mom, ConstGenParticlePtr gp, const FourVector &pos=FourVector()) Constructor from PID, momentum, and a GenParticle for relational links. Definition Particle.hh:67 PdgId abspid() const Absolute value of the PDG ID code. Definition Particle.hh:193 const Particles rawConstituents(const Cut &c) const Fundamental constituents of this particle, filtered by a Cut. Definition Particle.hh:324 Particles parents(const ParticleSelector &f) const Definition Particle.hh:364 Particles children(const Cut &c=Cuts::OPEN) const Get a list of the direct descendants from the current particle (with optional selection Cut) bool hasDescendantWithout(const ParticleSelector &f, bool remove_duplicates=true) const Definition Particle.hh:598 const Particles constituents(const ParticleSorter &sorter) const Direct constituents of this particle, sorted by a functor. Definition Particle.hh:283 bool fromCharm() const Determine whether the particle is from a c-hadron decay. bool hasStableDescendantWithout(const Cut &c) const Particles stableDescendants(const Cut &c=Cuts::OPEN) const ConstGenParticlePtr genParticle() const Get a const pointer to the original GenParticle. Definition Particle.hh:176 bool hasStableDescendantWith(const ParticleSelector &f) const Definition Particle.hh:625 bool isParton() const Is this a parton? (Hopefully not very often... fiducial FTW) Definition Particle.hh:253 int charge3() const Three times the charge of this Particle (i.e. integer multiple of smallest quark charge). Definition Particle.hh:208 bool hasAncestorWithout(const ParticleSelector &f, bool only_physical=true) const Definition Particle.hh:437 Particle(PdgId pid, const FourMomentum &mom, const FourVector &pos=FourVector(), ConstGenParticlePtr gp=nullptr) Constructor from PID and momentum. Definition Particle.hh:59 Particle & setMomentum(const FourMomentum &momentum) Set the momentum. Definition Particle.hh:101 virtual void setConstituents(const Particles &cs, bool setmom=false) Set direct constituents of this particle. const FourVector & origin() const The origin position (and time). Definition Particle.hh:122 bool any(const CONTAINER &c) Return true if x is true for any x in container c, otherwise false. Definition Utils.hh:330 Jets select(const Jets &jets, const Cut &c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. Definition JetUtils.hh:152 int abscharge3(int pid) Return the absolute value of 3 times the EM charge. Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:928 double charge(int pid) Return the EM charge (as floating point) Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:933 double abscharge(int pid) Return the EM charge (as floating point) Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:938 int charge3(int pid) Three times the EM charge (as integer) Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:858 bool isParton(int pid) Determine if the PID is that of a parton (quark or gluon) Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:164 bool isNeutrino(int pid) Determine if the PID is that of a neutrino. Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:196 bool isChargedLepton(int pid) Determine if the PID is that of a charged lepton. Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:190 bool hasBottom(int pid) Does this particle contain a bottom quark? Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:629 bool hasCharm(int pid) Does this particle contain a charm quark? Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:625 bool isBaryon(int pid) Check to see if this is a valid baryon. Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:297 bool isMeson(int pid) Check to see if this is a valid meson. Definition ParticleIdUtils.hh:274 MOMS sortBy(const MOMS &pbs, const CMP &cmp) Sort a container of momenta by cmp and return by value for const inputs. Definition Vector4.hh:1417 Definition MC_CENT_PPB_Projections.hh:10 std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AnalysisInfo &ai) Stream an AnalysisInfo as a text description. Definition AnalysisInfo.hh:362 std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< NUM >, bool > isZero(NUM val, double tolerance=1e-8) Compare a number to zero. Definition MathUtils.hh:24 std::pair< Particle, Particle > ParticlePair Typedef for a pair of Particle objects. Definition Particle.hh:38 STL namespace. Generated on Sun Feb 9 2025 19:44:28 for Rivet by |