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Rivet::BWHelpers Namespace Reference


double CDF (double x, double mu, double gamma)
 CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution.
double antiCDF (double p, double mu, double gamma)
 inverse CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution

Function Documentation

double Rivet::BWHelpers::antiCDF ( double  p,
double  mu,
double  gamma 
) [inline]

inverse CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution

Definition at line 247 of file MathUtils.hh.

Referenced by Rivet::BWspace().

      const double xn = std::tan(M_PI*(p-0.5));
      return gamma*xn + mu;
double Rivet::BWHelpers::CDF ( double  x,
double  mu,
double  gamma 
) [inline]

CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution.

Definition at line 240 of file MathUtils.hh.

Referenced by Rivet::BWspace().

      // normalize to (0;1) distribution
      const double xn = (x - mu)/gamma;
      return std::atan(xn)/M_PI + 0.5;