Namespaces |
namespace | Rivet |
namespace | Rivet::BWHelpers |
Functions |
double | CDF (double x, double mu, double gamma) |
| CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution.
double | antiCDF (double p, double mu, double gamma) |
| inverse CDF for the Breit-Wigner distribution
template<typename NUM > |
< boost::is_floating_point
< NUM >::value, bool >::type | isZero (NUM val, double tolerance=1e-8) |
| Compare a number to zero.
template<typename NUM > |
< boost::is_integral< NUM >
::value, bool >::type | isZero (NUM val, double UNUSED(tolerance)=1e-8) |
| Compare a number to zero.
template<typename N1 , typename N2 > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< N1 >
::value &&boost::is_arithmetic
< N2 >::value
< N1 >::value||boost::is_floating_point
< N2 >::value), bool >::type | fuzzyEquals (N1 a, N2 b, double tolerance=1e-5) |
| Compare two numbers for equality with a degree of fuzziness.
template<typename N1 , typename N2 > |
< boost::is_integral< N1 >
::value &&boost::is_integral
< N2 >::value, bool >::type | fuzzyEquals (N1 a, N2 b, double UNUSED(tolerance)=1e-5) |
| Compare two numbers for equality with a degree of fuzziness.
template<typename N1 , typename N2 > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< N1 >
::value &&boost::is_arithmetic
< N2 >::value, bool >::type | fuzzyGtrEquals (N1 a, N2 b, double tolerance=1e-5) |
| Compare two numbers for >= with a degree of fuzziness.
template<typename N1 , typename N2 > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< N1 >
::value &&boost::is_arithmetic
< N2 >::value, bool >::type | fuzzyLessEquals (N1 a, N2 b, double tolerance=1e-5) |
| Compare two floating point numbers for <= with a degree of fuzziness.
template<typename NUM > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< NUM >
::value, NUM >::type | sqr (NUM a) |
| Named number-type squaring operation.
template<typename NUM > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< NUM >
::value, NUM >::type | add_quad (NUM a, NUM b) |
| Named number-type addition in quadrature operation.
template<typename NUM > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< NUM >
::value, NUM >::type | add_quad (NUM a, NUM b, NUM c) |
double | safediv (double num, double den, double fail=0.0) |
template<typename NUM > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< NUM >
::value, NUM >::type | intpow (NUM val, unsigned int exp) |
| A more efficient version of pow for raising numbers to integer powers.
template<typename NUM > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< NUM >
::value, int >::type | sign (NUM val) |
| Find the sign of a number.
vector< double > | linspace (size_t nbins, double start, double end, bool include_end=true) |
| Make a list of nbins + 1 values equally spaced between start and end inclusive.
vector< double > | logspace (size_t nbins, double start, double end, bool include_end=true) |
| Make a list of nbins + 1 values exponentially spaced between start and end inclusive.
vector< double > | BWspace (size_t nbins, double start, double end, double mu, double gamma) |
| Make a list of nbins + 1 values spaced for equal area Breit-Wigner binning between start and end inclusive. mu and gamma are the Breit-Wigner parameters.
template<typename NUM > |
int | index_between (const NUM &val, const vector< NUM > &binedges) |
| Return the bin index of the given value, val, given a vector of bin edges.
double | mean (const vector< int > &sample) |
| Calculate the mean of a sample.
double | mean_err (const vector< int > &sample) |
double | covariance (const vector< int > &sample1, const vector< int > &sample2) |
| Calculate the covariance (variance) between two samples.
double | covariance_err (const vector< int > &sample1, const vector< int > &sample2) |
| Calculate the error on the covariance (variance) of two samples, assuming poissonian errors.
double | correlation (const vector< int > &sample1, const vector< int > &sample2) |
| Calculate the correlation strength between two samples.
double | correlation_err (const vector< int > &sample1, const vector< int > &sample2) |
| Calculate the error of the correlation strength between two samples assuming Poissonian errors.
double | _mapAngleM2PITo2Pi (double angle) |
| Reduce any number to the range [-2PI, 2PI].
double | mapAngleMPiToPi (double angle) |
| Map an angle into the range (-PI, PI].
double | mapAngle0To2Pi (double angle) |
| Map an angle into the range [0, 2PI).
double | mapAngle0ToPi (double angle) |
| Map an angle into the range [0, PI].
double | mapAngle (double angle, PhiMapping mapping) |
| Map an angle into the enum-specified range.
double | deltaPhi (double phi1, double phi2) |
| Calculate the difference between two angles in radians.
double | deltaEta (double eta1, double eta2) |
double | deltaRap (double y1, double y2) |
double | deltaR (double rap1, double phi1, double rap2, double phi2) |
double | rapidity (double E, double pz) |
| Calculate a rapidity value from the supplied energy E and longitudinal momentum pz.
Ranges and intervals |
enum | RangeBoundary { OPEN = 0,
SOFT = 0,
HARD = 1
} |
template<typename N1 , typename N2 , typename N3 > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< N1 >
::value &&boost::is_arithmetic
< N2 >::value
&&boost::is_arithmetic< N3 >
::value, bool >::type | inRange (N1 value, N2 low, N3 high, RangeBoundary lowbound=CLOSED, RangeBoundary highbound=OPEN) |
| Determine if value is in the range low to high, for floating point numbers.
template<typename N1 , typename N2 , typename N3 > |
< boost::is_arithmetic< N1 >
::value &&boost::is_arithmetic
< N2 >::value
&&boost::is_arithmetic< N3 >
::value, bool >::type | inRange (N1 value, pair< N2, N3 > lowhigh, RangeBoundary lowbound=CLOSED, RangeBoundary highbound=OPEN) |
| Alternative version of inRange which accepts a pair for the range arguments.