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Rivet 4.0.3
Unbound functions for filtering particles


ParticlesRivet::iselect (Particles &particles, const Cut &c)
 Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
Particles Rivet::select (const Particles &particles, const Cut &c)
 Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
Particles Rivet::select (const Particles &particles, const Cut &c, Particles &out)
 Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut.
ParticlesRivet::idiscard (Particles &particles, const Cut &c)
 Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
Particles Rivet::discard (const Particles &particles, const Cut &c)
 Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.
Particles Rivet::discard (const Particles &particles, const Cut &c, Particles &out)
 Filter a particle collection in-place to the subset that fails the supplied Cut.

Detailed Description