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Rivet 4.1.0
Histogram paths


const std::string Rivet::Analysis::histoDir () const
 Get the canonical histogram "directory" path for this analysis.
const std::string Rivet::Analysis::histoPath (const std::string &hname) const
 Get the canonical histogram path for the named histogram in this analysis.
const std::string Rivet::Analysis::histoPath (unsigned int datasetID, unsigned int xAxisID, unsigned int yAxisID) const
 Get the canonical histogram path for the numbered histogram in this analysis.
const std::string Rivet::Analysis::mkAxisCode (unsigned int datasetID, unsigned int xAxisID, unsigned int yAxisID) const
 Get the internal histogram name for given d, x and y (cf. HepData)

Detailed Description

Add "tmp" flags to return /ANA/TMP/foo/bar paths