PartonicTops.hh 97 MSG_WARNING("PartonicTops is not recommended: MC generators do not guarantee physical properties for, or even the existence of, partonic event-record entries. Caveat emptor!");
102 _theParticles = select(event.allParticles(_cuts), (_topmode == WhichTop::LAST ? lastParticleWith(isTop) : firstParticleWith(isTop)));
108 const bool prompt_e = any(descendants, [&](const Particle& p){ return p.abspid() == PID::ELECTRON && p.isPrompt(_emu_from_prompt_tau) && !p.hasAncestorWith(Cuts::pid == PID::PHOTON, false); });
109 const bool prompt_mu = any(descendants, [&](const Particle& p){ return p.abspid() == PID::MUON && p.isPrompt(_emu_from_prompt_tau) && !p.hasAncestorWith(Cuts::pid == PID::PHOTON, false); });
110 if (prompt_e && (_decaymode == TopDecay::ELECTRON || _decaymode == TopDecay::E_MU || _decaymode == TopDecay::E_MU_TAU)) return true;
111 if (prompt_mu && (_decaymode == TopDecay::MUON || _decaymode == TopDecay::E_MU || _decaymode == TopDecay::E_MU_TAU)) return true;
112 const bool prompt_tau = any(descendants, [&](const Particle& p){ return p.abspid() == PID::TAU && p.isPrompt() && !p.hasAncestorWith(Cuts::pid == PID::PHOTON, false); });
113 const bool prompt_hadronic_tau = any(descendants, [&](const Particle& p){ return p.abspid() == PID::TAU && p.isPrompt() && !p.hasAncestorWith(Cuts::pid == PID::PHOTON, false) && none(p.children(), isChargedLepton); });
114 if (prompt_tau && (_decaymode == TopDecay::TAU || _decaymode == TopDecay::E_MU_TAU)) return (_include_hadronic_taus || !prompt_hadronic_tau);
Representation of a HepMC event, and enabler of Projection caching. Definition Event.hh:22 const Particles & allParticles() const All the raw GenEvent particles, wrapped in Rivet::Particle objects. Base class for projections which return subsets of an event's particles. Definition ParticleFinder.hh:11 Particle representation, either from a HepMC::GenEvent or reconstructed. Definition Particle.hh:45 const Particles & tops() const Access to the found partonic tops. Definition PartonicTops.hh:80 PartonicTops(TopDecay decaymode, PromptEMuFromTau emu_from_prompt_tau=PromptEMuFromTau::YES, InclHadronicTau include_hadronic_taus=InclHadronicTau::NO, const Cut &c=Cuts::OPEN, WhichTop whichtop=WhichTop::LAST) Constructor taking decay mode details (and an optional cuts object) Definition PartonicTops.hh:46 CmpState compare(const Projection &p) const Compare projections. Definition PartonicTops.hh:134 PartonicTops(TopDecay decaymode, const Cut &c, PromptEMuFromTau emu_from_prompt_tau=PromptEMuFromTau::YES, InclHadronicTau include_hadronic_taus=InclHadronicTau::NO, WhichTop whichtop=WhichTop::LAST) Constructor taking decay mode details (and a non-optional cuts object) Definition PartonicTops.hh:56 PartonicTops(const Cut &c=Cuts::OPEN, WhichTop whichtop=WhichTop::LAST) Simple constructor optionally taking cuts object. Definition PartonicTops.hh:64 RIVET_DEFAULT_PROJ_CLONE(PartonicTops) Clone on the heap. void project(const Event &event) Apply the projection on the supplied event. Definition PartonicTops.hh:92 bool any(const CONTAINER &c) Return true if x is true for any x in container c, otherwise false. Definition Utils.hh:330 bool none(const CONTAINER &c) Return true if x is false for all x in container c, otherwise false. Definition Utils.hh:379 Jets select(const Jets &jets, const Cut &c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. Definition JetUtils.hh:152 Jets & iselect(Jets &jets, const Cut &c) Filter a jet collection in-place to the subset that passes the supplied Cut. #define MSG_WARNING(x) Warning messages for non-fatal bad things, using MSG_LVL. Definition Logging.hh:187 Definition MC_CENT_PPB_Projections.hh:10 WhichTop Enum for categorising which top quark to be selected: last (weakly decaying) or first? Definition PartonicTops.hh:24 Cmp< T > cmp(const T &t1, const T &t2) Global helper function for easy creation of Cmp objects. Definition Cmp.hh:255 Determine whether a particle is the first in a decay chain to meet the cut/function. Definition ParticleUtils.hh:547 Determine whether a particle is the last in a decay chain to meet the cut/function. Definition ParticleUtils.hh:566 Generated on Wed Oct 30 2024 15:42:55 for Rivet by 1.9.8 |