rivet is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
JetShape Member List
This is the complete list of members for JetShape, including all inherited members.
_addProjection(const Projection &proj, const std::string &name)ProjectionApplier [protected]
_allowProjRegProjectionApplier [protected]
_binedgesJetShape [private]
_diffjetshapesJetShape [private]
_ptcutsJetShape [private]
_rapcutsJetShape [private]
_rapschemeJetShape [private]
addPdgIdPair(PdgId beam1, PdgId beam2)Projection [inline]
addProjection(const PROJ &proj, const std::string &name)ProjectionApplier [inline, protected]
applyProjection(const Event &evt, const PROJ &proj) const ProjectionApplier [inline]
applyProjection(const Event &evt, const Projection &proj) const ProjectionApplier [inline]
applyProjection(const Event &evt, const std::string &name) const ProjectionApplier [inline]
beamPairs() const Projection [virtual]
before(const Projection &p) const Projection
calc(const Jets &jets)JetShape
clone() const JetShape [inline, virtual]
Cmp< Projection > classProjection [friend]
compare(const Projection &p) const JetShape [protected, virtual]
diffJetShape(size_t ijet, size_t rbin) const JetShape [inline]
Event classProjection [friend]
getLog() const Projection [inline]
getProjection(const std::string &name) const ProjectionApplier [inline]
getProjection(const std::string &name) const ProjectionApplier [inline]
getProjections() const ProjectionApplier [inline]
getProjHandler() const ProjectionApplier [inline, protected]
intJetShape(size_t ijet, size_t rbin) const JetShape [inline]
JetShape(const JetAlg &jetalg, double rmin, double rmax, size_t nbins, double ptmin=0, double ptmax=MAXDOUBLE, double absrapmin=-MAXDOUBLE, double absrapmax=-MAXDOUBLE, RapScheme rapscheme=RAPIDITY)JetShape
JetShape(const JetAlg &jetalg, vector< double > binedges, double ptmin=0, double ptmax=MAXDOUBLE, double absrapmin=-MAXDOUBLE, double absrapmax=-MAXDOUBLE, RapScheme rapscheme=RAPIDITY)JetShape
mkNamedPCmp(const Projection &otherparent, const std::string &pname) const Projection [protected]
mkPCmp(const Projection &otherparent, const std::string &pname) const Projection [protected]
name() const Projection [inline, virtual]
numBins() const JetShape [inline]
numJets() const JetShape [inline]
project(const Event &e)JetShape [protected, virtual]
ptMax() const JetShape [inline]
ptMin() const JetShape [inline]
rBinMax(size_t rbin) const JetShape [inline]
rBinMid(size_t rbin) const JetShape [inline]
rBinMin(size_t rbin) const JetShape [inline]
rMax() const JetShape [inline]
rMin() const JetShape [inline]
setName(const std::string &name)Projection [inline]
~Projection()Projection [virtual]
~ProjectionApplier()ProjectionApplier [virtual]