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00001 #ifndef RIVET_Cuts_HH
00002 #define RIVET_Cuts_HH
00003 #include <boost/smart_ptr.hpp>
00005 namespace Rivet {
00007   /// @internal Forward declaration of helper class. Not for end users.
00008   class CuttableBase;
00010   /// @internal Base class for cut objects. 
00011   /// @note End users should always use the @ref Cut typedef instead.
00012   class CutBase;
00013   /// Main cut object
00014   typedef boost::shared_ptr<CutBase> Cut;
00016   class CutBase {
00017   public:
00018     /// Main work method. 
00019     /// @internal Forwards the received object to @ref accept_, 
00020     /// wrapped in the Cuttable converter
00021     template <typename ClassToCheck> bool accept(const ClassToCheck &) const;
00022     /// Comparison to another Cut
00023     virtual bool operator==(const Cut & c) const = 0;
00024     /// Default destructor
00025     virtual ~CutBase() {}
00026   protected:
00027     /// @internal Actual accept implementation, overloadable by various cut combiners
00028     virtual bool accept_(const CuttableBase &) const = 0;
00029   };
00031   /// Main cut object
00032   typedef boost::shared_ptr<CutBase> Cut;
00034   // compare two cuts for equality, forwards to the cut-specific implementation
00035   inline bool operator==(const Cut & a, const Cut & b) { return *a == b; }
00037   /// Namespace used for ambiguous identifiers.
00038   namespace Cuts {
00039     /// Available categories of cut objects
00040     enum Quantity { pT, mass, rap, eta, phi };
00041     /// Fully open cut singleton, accepts everything
00042     const Cut & open();
00043   }
00045   /// @name Cut constructors
00046   //@{
00047   Cut operator < (Cuts::Quantity, double);
00048   Cut operator > (Cuts::Quantity, double);
00049   Cut operator <= (Cuts::Quantity, double);
00050   Cut operator >= (Cuts::Quantity, double);
00052   /// @name Shortcuts for common cuts
00053   //@{
00054   Cut Range(Cuts::Quantity, double m, double n);
00055   inline Cut EtaIn(double m, double n) { return Range(Cuts::eta,m,n); }
00056   /// @todo Can do more here: AbsEtaLess, PtGtr
00057   //@}
00059   /// @internal Overload helpers for integer arguments
00060   //@{
00061   inline Cut operator <  (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) { return qty <  double(i); }
00062   inline Cut operator >  (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) { return qty >  double(i); }
00063   inline Cut operator <= (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) { return qty <= double(i); }
00064   inline Cut operator >= (Cuts::Quantity qty, int i) { return qty >= double(i); }
00065   //@}
00067   //@}
00069   /// @name Cut combiners
00070   //@{
00071   /// Logical AND operation on two cuts
00072   Cut operator & (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr);
00073   /// Logical OR operation on two cuts
00074   Cut operator | (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr);
00075   /// Logical NOT operation on a cut
00076   Cut operator ~ (const Cut cptr);
00077   /// Logical XOR operation on two cuts
00078   Cut operator ^ (const Cut aptr, const Cut bptr);
00079   //@}
00080 }
00082 #endif