Vector3.hh File Reference

#include "Rivet/Math/MathHeader.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/MathUtils.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/VectorN.hh"

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namespace  Rivet


class  Vector3


typedef Vector3 ThreeVector


Vector3 multiply (const double, const Vector3 &)
Vector3 multiply (const Vector3 &, const double)
Vector3 add (const Vector3 &, const Vector3 &)
Vector3 operator* (const double, const Vector3 &)
Vector3 operator* (const Vector3 &, const double)
Vector3 operator/ (const Vector3 &, const double)
Vector3 operator+ (const Vector3 &, const Vector3 &)
Vector3 operator- (const Vector3 &, const Vector3 &)
double dot (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
Vector3 cross (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
Vector3 subtract (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
double angle (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
 Angle (in radians) between two 3-vectors.
double polarRadius2 (const Vector3 &v)
 Calculate transverse length sq. $ \rho^2 $ of a 3-vector.
double perp2 (const Vector3 &v)
 Synonym for polarRadius2.
double rho2 (const Vector3 &v)
 Synonym for polarRadius2.
double polarRadius (const Vector3 &v)
 Calculate transverse length $ \rho $ of a 3-vector.
double perp (const Vector3 &v)
 Synonym for polarRadius.
double rho (const Vector3 &v)
 Synonym for polarRadius.
double azimuthalAngle (const Vector3 &v, const PhiMapping mapping=ZERO_2PI)
 Calculate azimuthal angle of a 3-vector. Returns a number in (-pi, pi] or in [0, 2pi) according to the mapping scheme selected.
double phi (const Vector3 &v, const PhiMapping mapping=ZERO_2PI)
 Synonym for azimuthalAngle.
double polarAngle (const Vector3 &v)
 Calculate polar angle of a 3-vector.
double theta (const Vector3 &v)
 Synonym for polarAngle.
double pseudorapidity (const Vector3 &v)
 Calculate pseudorapidity of a 3-vector.
double eta (const Vector3 &v)
 Synonym for pseudorapidity.
double deltaR (const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b)
double deltaR (const Vector3 &v, double eta2, double phi2)
double deltaR (double eta1, double phi1, const Vector3 &v)