File Reference

#include <cmath>
#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleIdUtils.hh"

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namespace  Rivet
namespace  Rivet::PID


enum  location {
  nj = 1, nq3, nq2, nq1,
  nl, nr, n, n8,
  n9, n10


unsigned short digit (location loc, const int &pid)
 return the digit at a named location in the PID
int fundamentalID (const int &pid)
 extract fundamental ID (1-100) if this is a "fundamental" particle
int extraBits (const int &pid)
 if this is a fundamental particle, does it have a valid antiparticle?
int Z (const int &pid)
int A (const int &pid)
int lambda (const int &pid)
PID operations on Rivet::Particle wrapper
int abspid (const int &pid)
 absolute value of particle ID
bool isValid (const int &pid)
 is this a valid ID?
bool isMeson (const int &pid)
 is this a valid meson ID?
bool isBaryon (const int &pid)
 is this a valid baryon ID?
bool isDiQuark (const int &pid)
 is this a valid diquark ID?
bool isHadron (const int &pid)
 is this a valid hadron ID?
bool isLepton (const int &pid)
 is this a valid lepton ID?
bool isNucleus (const int &pid)
 is this a valid ion ID?
bool isPentaquark (const int &pid)
 is this a valid pentaquark ID?
bool isSUSY (const int &pid)
 is this a valid SUSY ID?
bool isRhadron (const int &pid)
 is this a valid R-hadron ID?
bool hasUp (const int &pid)
 does this particle contain an up quark?
bool hasDown (const int &pid)
 does this particle contain a down quark?
bool hasStrange (const int &pid)
 does this particle contain a strange quark?
bool hasCharm (const int &pid)
 does this particle contain a charm quark?
bool hasBottom (const int &pid)
 does this particle contain a bottom quark?
bool hasTop (const int &pid)
 does this particle contain a top quark?
int jSpin (const int &pid)
 jSpin returns 2J+1, where J is the total spin
int sSpin (const int &pid)
 sSpin returns 2S+1, where S is the spin
int lSpin (const int &pid)
 lSpin returns 2L+1, where L is the orbital angular momentum
int threeCharge (const int &pid)
 return 3 times the charge (3 x quark charge is an int)