Rivet analyses referenceZEUS_2007_I753991High E_T Dijet Photoproduction events at HERAExperiment: ZEUS (HERA) Inspire ID: 753991 Status: VALIDATED Authors:
Beam energies: (920.0, 27.5); (920.0, 27.5) GeV Run details:
Cross sections of dijets from photoproduction are shown from collisons between protons and electrons/positrons with beam energies 920GeV and 27.5GeV, respectively. Jet with high transverse energies $E_t^{jet1} > 20GeV,\ E_t^{jet2}>15GeV$ were selected. This data is compared to next-to leading order QCD calculations, and measurements were found that show sensitivity to parton distribution functions of both the proton and photon, and to beyond next-to leading order QCD calculations. Source code: ZEUS_2007_I753991.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Projections/DISKinematics.hh"
5#include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
7namespace Rivet {
9 /// @brief 2007 Dijet Photoproduction Paper of HERA e-P and e+P collisions from 1998-2000
10 class ZEUS_2007_I753991 : public Analysis {
11 public:
13 /// Constructor
16 /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
17 void init() {
19 // Initialise and register projections
20 FinalState fs;
21 declare(FastJets(fs, fastjet::JetAlgorithm::kt_algorithm,
22 fastjet::RecombinationScheme::Et_scheme, 1.0), "Jets");
23 declare(DISKinematics(), "Kinematics");
25 // Histograms
26 book(_h_etbar[1], 1, 1, 1); // Table 2
27 book(_h_etbar[0], 2, 1, 1); // Table 3
28 book(_h_etjet1[1], 3, 1, 1); // Table 4
29 book(_h_etjet1[0], 4, 1, 1); // Table 5
30 book(_h_etabar[1], 5, 1, 1); // Table 6
31 book(_h_etabar[0], 6, 1, 1); // Table 7
32 book(_h_xpobs[1], 7, 1, 1); // Table 8
33 book(_h_xpobs[0], 8, 1, 1); // Table 9
34 book(_h_deltaphi[1], 9, 1, 1); // Table 10
35 book(_h_deltaphi[0], 10, 1, 1); // Table 11
36 book(_h_xpobs2, 11, 1, 1); // Table 12
37 book(_h_xpobs3, 12, 1, 1); // Table 13
38 book(_h_xpobs4, 13, 1, 1); // Table 14
39 book(_h_xpobs5, 14, 1, 1); // Table 15
40 book(_h_xpobs6, 15, 1, 1); // Table 16
41 book(_h_xpobs7, 16, 1, 1); // Table 17
42 book(_h_xpobs8, 17, 1, 1); // Table 18
43 book(_h_xpobs9, 18, 1, 1); // Table 19
44 book(_h_xyobs, 19, 1, 1); // Table 20
45 }
47 /// Perform the per-event analysis
48 void analyze(const Event &event) {
50 // Determine kinematics
51 const DISKinematics &kin = apply<DISKinematics>(event, "Kinematics");
52 if (kin.failed()) vetoEvent;
53 const int orientation = kin.orientation();
55 // Q2 cut and inelasticity cut
56 if (kin.Q2() > 1 * GeV2) vetoEvent;
57 if (!inRange(kin.y(), 0.2, 0.85)) vetoEvent;
60 // Jet Selection
61 const Jets jets = apply<FastJets>(event, "Jets")
62 .jets(Cuts::Et > 15 * GeV && Cuts::etaIn(-1 * orientation, 3 * orientation), cmpMomByEt);
63 MSG_DEBUG("Jet Multiplicity = " << jets.size());
64 if (jets.size() < 2) vetoEvent;
65 const Jet &j1 = jets[0];
66 const Jet &j2 = jets[1];
67 if (j1.Et() < 20 * GeV) vetoEvent;
68 const double eta1 = orientation * j1.eta();
69 const double eta2 = orientation * j2.eta();
70 if ((eta1 > 2.5) && (eta2 > 2.5)) vetoEvent;
72 // Jet eta bar and E bar calculation
73 const double etabar = (eta1 + eta2) / 2;
74 const double ebar = (j1.Et() + j2.Et()) / 2;
76 // Calculate x_y^obs and x_p^obs
77 const double xyobs = (j1.Et() * exp(-eta1) + j2.Et() * exp(-eta2)) / (2 * kin.y() * kin.beamLepton().E());
78 const size_t i_xyobs = (xyobs < 0.75) ? 0 : 1;
79 const double xpobs = (j1.Et() * exp(eta1) + j2.Et() * exp(eta2)) / (2 * kin.beamHadron().E());
81 // Delta Phi Calculation
82 const double phi1 = j1.phi();
83 const double phi2 = j2.phi();
84 const double dPhi = mapAngleMPiToPi(phi1 - phi2);
85 const double deltaPhi = abs(dPhi);
87 // Fill Histograms
88 _h_etbar[i_xyobs]->fill(ebar / GeV);
89 _h_etjet1[i_xyobs]->fill(j1.Et() / GeV);
90 _h_etabar[i_xyobs]->fill(etabar);
91 _h_xpobs[i_xyobs]->fill(xpobs);
92 _h_deltaphi[i_xyobs]->fill(deltaPhi);
94 // Symmetrize histograms with different eta regions
95 for (size_t isel = 0; isel < 2; ++isel) {
96 double etaJet1 = (isel == 0) ? orientation*j1.eta() : orientation*j2.eta();
97 double etaJet2 = (isel == 0) ? orientation*j2.eta() : orientation*j1.eta();
99 if (i_xyobs > 0.75) {
100 if (inRange(etaJet1, 0, 1) && inRange(etaJet2, 2, 3)) {
101 if (j1.Et() > 25*GeV) {
102 _h_xpobs2->fill(xpobs);
103 }
104 if (j1.Et() > 20*GeV) {
105 _h_xpobs3->fill(xpobs);
106 }
107 }
108 else if (inRange(etaJet1, -1, 0) && inRange(etaJet2, 0, 1)) {
109 if (j1.Et() > 20*GeV) {
110 _h_xpobs5->fill(xpobs);
111 }
112 }
113 }
114 else {
115 if (inRange(etaJet1, 2, 2.5) && inRange(etaJet2, 2, 3)) {
116 if (j1.Et() > 20*GeV) {
117 _h_xpobs6->fill(xpobs);
118 }
119 }
120 else if (inRange(etaJet1, 1, 2) && inRange(etaJet2, 2, 3)) {
121 if (j1.Et() > 20*GeV) {
122 _h_xpobs8->fill(xpobs);
123 }
124 if (j1.Et() > 25*GeV) {
125 _h_xpobs9->fill(xpobs);
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 }
131 if (i_xyobs > 0.75) {
132 if (inRange(eta1, 1, 2) && inRange(eta2, 1, 2)) {
133 if (j1.Et() > 30*GeV) {
134 _h_xpobs4->fill(xpobs);
135 }
136 }
137 }
138 else {
139 if (inRange(eta1, 1, 2) && inRange(eta2, 1, 2)) {
140 if (j1.Et() > 25*GeV) {
141 _h_xpobs7->fill(xpobs);
142 }
143 }
144 }
146 _h_xyobs->fill(xyobs);
147 }
149 /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
150 void finalize() {
151 const double sf = crossSection() / picobarn / sumOfWeights();
152 scale(_h_etbar, sf);
153 scale(_h_etjet1, sf);
154 scale(_h_etabar, sf);
155 scale(_h_xpobs, sf);
156 scale(_h_deltaphi, sf);
157 scale(_h_xpobs2, sf);
158 scale(_h_xpobs3, sf);
159 scale(_h_xpobs4, sf);
160 scale(_h_xpobs5, sf);
161 scale(_h_xpobs6, sf);
162 scale(_h_xpobs7, sf);
163 scale(_h_xpobs8, sf);
164 scale(_h_xpobs9, sf);
165 scale(_h_xyobs, sf);
166 }
168 /// @}
170 private:
171 /// @name Histograms
172 /// @{
173 Histo1DPtr _h_etbar[2], _h_etjet1[2], _h_etabar[2], _h_xpobs[2], _h_deltaphi[2];
174 Histo1DPtr _h_xpobs2, _h_xpobs3, _h_xpobs4, _h_xpobs5, _h_xpobs6;
175 Histo1DPtr _h_xpobs7, _h_xpobs8, _h_xpobs9, _h_xyobs;
176 /// @}
177 };