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Dijet photoproduction analysis
Experiment: ZEUS (HERA Run I)
Inspire ID: 568665
  • Andy Buckley
  • Ilkka Helenius
  • Jon Butterworth
  • Eur.Phys.J.C23:615,2002
  • DESY 01/220
  • hep-ex/0112029
Beams: p+ e+
Beam energies: (820.0, 27.5) GeV
Run details:
  • 820 GeV protons colliding with 27.5 GeV positrons; Direct and resolved photoproduction of dijets; Leading jet $pT > 14$ GeV, second jet $pT > 11$ GeV; Jet pseudorapidity $-1 < |\eta| < 2.4$

ZEUS photoproduction of jets from proton--positron collisions at beam energies of 820 GeV on 27.5 GeV. Photoproduction can either be direct, in which case the photon interacts directly with the parton, or resolved, in which case the photon acts as a source of quarks and gluons. A photon-proton centre of mass energy of between 134 GeV and 227 GeV is probed, with values of $x_P$, the fractional momentum of the partons inside the proton, predominantly in the region between 0.01 and 0.1. The fractional momentum of the partons from the photon, $x_\gamma$, is in the region 0.1 to 1. Jets are reconstructed in the range $-1 < |\eta| < 2.4$ using the $k_\perp$ algorithm with an $R$ parameter of 1.0. The minimum $p_\perp$ of the leading jet should be greater than 14 GeV, and at least one other jet must have $p_\perp$ > 11$ GeV.

Source code: ZEUS_2001_I568665.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/DISKinematics.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
  7namespace Rivet {
 10  /// @brief ZEUS dijet photoproduction study used in the ZEUS jets PDF fit
 11  ///
 12  /// This class is a reproduction of the HZTool routine for the ZEUS
 13  /// dijet photoproduction paper which was used in the ZEUS jets PDF fit.
 14  ///
 15  /// @note Cleaning cuts on event pT/sqrt(Et) and y_e are not needed in MC analysis.
 16  ///
 17  /// @author Andy Buckley
 18  /// @author Ilkka Helenius
 19  class ZEUS_2001_I568665 : public Analysis {
 20  public:
 22    /// Constructor
 26    /// @name Analysis methods
 27    /// @{
 29    // Book projections and histograms
 30    void init() {
 32      // Projections
 33      /// @todo Acceptance
 34      // checking recombination scheme and radius checked with original code from M.Wing
 35      FinalState fs;
 36      declare(FastJets(fs, fastjet::JetAlgorithm::kt_algorithm, fastjet::RecombinationScheme::Et_scheme, 1.0), "Jets");
 37      declare(DISKinematics(), "Kinematics");
 39      // Table 1
 40      book(_h_costh[0] ,1, 1, 1);
 41      book(_h_costh[1] ,1, 1, 2);
 42      // Table 2
 43      book(_h_etjet1[1][0] ,2, 1, 1);
 44      book(_h_etjet1[1][1] ,3, 1, 1);
 45      book(_h_etjet1[1][2] ,4, 1, 1);
 46      book(_h_etjet1[1][3] ,5, 1, 1);
 47      book(_h_etjet1[1][4] ,6, 1, 1);
 48      book(_h_etjet1[1][5] ,7, 1, 1);
 49      // Table 3
 50      book(_h_etjet1[0][0] ,8, 1, 1);
 51      book(_h_etjet1[0][1] ,9, 1, 1);
 52      book(_h_etjet1[0][2] ,10, 1, 1);
 53      book(_h_etjet1[0][3] ,11, 1, 1);
 54      book(_h_etjet1[0][4] ,12, 1, 1);
 55      book(_h_etjet1[0][5] ,13, 1, 1);
 56      // Table 4
 57      book(_h_etajet2[1][0] ,14, 1, 1);
 58      book(_h_etajet2[1][1] ,15, 1, 1);
 59      book(_h_etajet2[1][2] ,16, 1, 1);
 60      // Table 5
 61      book(_h_etajet2[0][0] ,17, 1, 1);
 62      book(_h_etajet2[0][1] ,18, 1, 1);
 63      book(_h_etajet2[0][2] ,19, 1, 1);
 64      // Table 6
 65      book(_h_xobsy[0] ,20, 1, 1);
 66      book(_h_xobsy[1] ,21, 1, 1);
 67      book(_h_xobsy[2] ,22, 1, 1);
 68      book(_h_xobsy[3] ,23, 1, 1);
 69    }
 72    // Do the analysis
 73    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 75      // Determine kinematics, including event orientation since ZEUS coord system is for +z = proton direction
 76      const DISKinematics& kin = apply<DISKinematics>(event, "Kinematics");
 77      if ( kin.failed() ) vetoEvent;
 78      const int orientation = kin.orientation();
 80      // Q2 and inelasticity cuts
 81      if (kin.Q2() > 1*GeV2) vetoEvent;
 82      if (!inRange(kin.y(), 0.2, 0.85)) vetoEvent;
 84      // Jet selection
 85      const Jets jets = apply<FastJets>(event, "Jets") \
 86        .jets(Cuts::Et > 11*GeV && Cuts::etaIn(-1*orientation, 2.4*orientation), cmpMomByEt);
 87      MSG_DEBUG("Jet multiplicity = " << jets.size());
 88      if (jets.size() < 2) vetoEvent;
 89      const Jet& j1 = jets[0];
 90      const Jet& j2 = jets[1];
 91      if (j1.Et() < 14*GeV) vetoEvent;
 93      // Jet eta and cos(theta*) computation
 94      const double eta1 = orientation*j1.eta(), eta2 = orientation*j2.eta();
 95      const double etabar = (eta1 + eta2)/2;
 96      const double etadiff = eta1 - eta2;
 97      const double costhetastar = tanh(etadiff/2);
 99      // Computation of x_y^obs
100      /// @note Assuming Ee is the lab frame positron momentum, not in proton rest frame cf. the ambiguous phrase in the paper
101      const double xyobs = (j1.Et() * exp(-eta1) + j2.Et() * exp(-eta2)) / (2*kin.y()*kin.beamLepton().E());
102      const size_t i_xyobs = (xyobs < 0.75) ? 0 : 1;
104      // Calculate the invariant mass of the dijet as in the paper
105      const double mjj = sqrt( 2.*j1.Et()*j2.Et()*( cosh(j1.eta() - j2.eta()) - cos(j1.phi() - j2.phi()) ) );
107      // Fill histograms
108      // T1
109      if (mjj > 42*GeV && inRange(etabar, 0.1, 1.3))
110        _h_costh[i_xyobs]->fill(abs(costhetastar));
111      // T2, T3: Symmetrize eta selection, each event contribute twice to the cross section
112      for (size_t isel = 0; isel < 2; ++isel) {
113        double etaJet1 = (isel == 0) ? orientation*j1.eta() : orientation*j2.eta();
114        double etaJet2 = (isel == 0) ? orientation*j2.eta() : orientation*j1.eta();
115        if (inRange(etaJet1, -1, 0) && inRange(etaJet2, -1, 0))
116          _h_etjet1[i_xyobs][0]->fill(j1.Et()/GeV);
117        else if (inRange(etaJet1, 0, 1) && inRange(etaJet2, -1, 0))
118          _h_etjet1[i_xyobs][1]->fill(j1.Et()/GeV);
119        else if (inRange(etaJet1, 0, 1) && inRange(etaJet2, 0, 1))
120          _h_etjet1[i_xyobs][2]->fill(j1.Et()/GeV);
121        else if (inRange(etaJet1, 1, 2.4) && inRange(etaJet2, -1, 0))
122          _h_etjet1[i_xyobs][3]->fill(j1.Et()/GeV);
123        else if (inRange(etaJet1, 1, 2.4) && inRange(etaJet2, 0, 1))
124          _h_etjet1[i_xyobs][4]->fill(j1.Et()/GeV);
125        else if (inRange(etaJet1, 1, 2.4) && inRange(etaJet2, 1, 2.4))
126          _h_etjet1[i_xyobs][5]->fill(j1.Et()/GeV);
127        // T4, T5
128        if (inRange(etaJet1, -1, 0))
129          _h_etajet2[i_xyobs][0]->fill(etaJet2);
130        else if (inRange(etaJet1, 0, 1))
131          _h_etajet2[i_xyobs][1]->fill(etaJet2);
132        else if (inRange(etaJet1, 1, 2.4))
133          _h_etajet2[i_xyobs][2]->fill(etaJet2);
134      }
135      // T6
136      if (inRange(j1.Et()/GeV, 14, 17))
137        _h_xobsy[0]->fill(xyobs);
138      else if (inRange(j1.Et()/GeV, 17, 25))
139        _h_xobsy[1]->fill(xyobs);
140      else if (inRange(j1.Et()/GeV, 25, 35))
141        _h_xobsy[2]->fill(xyobs);
142      else if (inRange(j1.Et()/GeV, 35, 90))
143        _h_xobsy[3]->fill(xyobs);
144    }
147    // Finalize
148    void finalize() {
149      const double sf = crossSection()/picobarn/sumOfWeights();
150      for (size_t ix = 0; ix < 2; ++ix) {
151        scale(_h_costh[ix], sf);
152        for (auto& h : _h_etjet1[ix]) scale(h, sf);
153        for (auto& h : _h_etajet2[ix]) scale(h, sf);
154      }
155      for (auto& h : _h_xobsy) scale(h, sf);
156    }
158    /// @}
161  private:
163    /// @name Histograms
164    /// @{
165    Histo1DPtr _h_costh[2], _h_etjet1[2][6], _h_etajet2[2][3], _h_xobsy[4];
166    /// @}
168  };
171  RIVET_DECLARE_ALIASED_PLUGIN(ZEUS_2001_I568665, ZEUS_2001_S4815815);