Rivet analyses referenceSLD_1999_I469925Production of $\pi^+$, $K^+$, $K^0$, $K^{*0}$, $\Phi$, $p$ and $\Lambda^0$ in hadronic $Z^0$ decayExperiment: SLD (SLC) Inspire ID: 469925 Status: VALIDATED Authors:
Beam energies: (45.6, 45.6) GeV Run details:
Measurement of scaled momentum distributions and fragmentation functions in flavour tagged events at SLC. SLD measured these observables in uds-, c-, and b-events separately. An inclusive measurement is also included. Source code: SLD_1999_I469925.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
5#include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableParticles.hh"
6#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
7#include "Rivet/Projections/Thrust.hh"
10#include "Rivet/Projections/InitialQuarks.hh"
12namespace Rivet {
15 /// @brief SLD flavour-dependent fragmentation paper
16 ///
17 /// @author Peter Richardson
18 class SLD_1999_I469925 : public Analysis {
19 public:
21 /// Constructor
25 /// @name Analysis methods
26 /// @{
28 void analyze(const Event& e) {
29 // First, veto on leptonic events by requiring at least 4 charged FS particles
30 const FinalState& fs = apply<FinalState>(e, "FS");
31 const size_t numParticles = fs.particles().size();
33 // Even if we only generate hadronic events, we still need a cut on numCharged >= 2.
34 if (numParticles < 2) {
35 MSG_DEBUG("Failed ncharged cut");
36 vetoEvent;
37 }
38 MSG_DEBUG("Passed ncharged cut");
40 // Get beams and average beam momentum
41 const ParticlePair& beams = apply<Beam>(e, "Beams").beams();
42 const double meanBeamMom = ( beams.first.p3().mod() +
43 beams.second.p3().mod() ) / 2.0;
44 MSG_DEBUG("Avg beam momentum = " << meanBeamMom);
45 int flavour = 0;
46 const InitialQuarks& iqf = apply<InitialQuarks>(e, "IQF");
48 // If we only have two quarks (qqbar), just take the flavour.
49 // If we have more than two quarks, look for the highest energetic q-qbar pair.
50 /// @todo Can we make this based on hadron flavour instead?
51 Particles quarks;
52 if (iqf.particles().size() == 2) {
53 flavour = iqf.particles().front().abspid();
54 quarks = iqf.particles();
55 } else {
56 map<int, Particle > quarkmap;
57 for (const Particle& p : iqf.particles()) {
58 if (quarkmap.find(p.pid()) == quarkmap.end()) quarkmap[p.pid()] = p;
59 else if (quarkmap[p.pid()].E() < p.E()) quarkmap[p.pid()] = p;
60 }
61 double maxenergy = 0.;
62 for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
63 double energy(0.);
64 if (quarkmap.find( i) != quarkmap.end())
65 energy += quarkmap[ i].E();
66 if (quarkmap.find(-i) != quarkmap.end())
67 energy += quarkmap[-i].E();
68 if (energy > maxenergy)
69 flavour = i;
70 }
71 if (quarkmap.find(flavour) != quarkmap.end())
72 quarks.push_back(quarkmap[flavour]);
73 if (quarkmap.find(-flavour) != quarkmap.end())
74 quarks.push_back(quarkmap[-flavour]);
75 }
76 switch (flavour) {
77 case PID::DQUARK:
78 case PID::UQUARK:
79 case PID::SQUARK:
80 _SumOfudsWeights->fill();
81 break;
82 case PID::CQUARK:
83 _SumOfcWeights->fill();
84 break;
85 case PID::BQUARK:
86 _SumOfbWeights->fill();
87 break;
88 }
89 // thrust axis for projections
90 Vector3 axis = apply<Thrust>(e, "Thrust").thrustAxis();
91 double dot(0.);
92 if (!quarks.empty()) {
93 dot = quarks[0].p3().dot(axis);
94 if (quarks[0].pid() < 0) dot *= -1;
95 }
96 vector<unsigned int> multTmp = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
97 for (const Particle& p : fs.particles()) {
98 const double xp = p.p3().mod()/meanBeamMom;
99 // if in quark or antiquark hemisphere
100 bool quark = p.p3().dot(axis)*dot > 0.;
101 _h_XpChargedN->fill(xp);
102 _temp_XpChargedN1->fill(xp);
103 _temp_XpChargedN2->fill(xp);
104 _temp_XpChargedN3->fill(xp);
105 int id = p.abspid();
106 // charged pions
107 if (id == PID::PIPLUS) {
108 _h_XpPiPlusN->fill(xp);
109 ++multTmp[0];
110 switch (flavour) {
111 case PID::DQUARK:
112 case PID::UQUARK:
113 case PID::SQUARK:
114 _h_XpPiPlusLight->fill(xp);
115 if( ( quark && p.pid()>0 ) || ( !quark && p.pid()<0 ))
116 _h_RPiPlus->fill(xp);
117 else
118 _h_RPiMinus->fill(xp);
119 break;
120 case PID::CQUARK:
121 _h_XpPiPlusCharm->fill(xp);
122 break;
123 case PID::BQUARK:
124 _h_XpPiPlusBottom->fill(xp);
125 break;
126 }
127 }
128 else if (id == PID::KPLUS) {
129 _h_XpKPlusN->fill(xp);
130 ++multTmp[1];
131 switch (flavour) {
132 case PID::DQUARK:
133 case PID::UQUARK:
134 case PID::SQUARK:
135 _temp_XpKPlusLight->fill(xp);
136 _h_XpKPlusLight->fill(xp);
137 if( ( quark && p.pid()>0 ) || ( !quark && p.pid()<0 ))
138 _h_RKPlus->fill(xp);
139 else
140 _h_RKMinus->fill(xp);
141 break;
142 break;
143 case PID::CQUARK:
144 _h_XpKPlusCharm->fill(xp);
145 _temp_XpKPlusCharm->fill(xp);
146 break;
147 case PID::BQUARK:
148 _h_XpKPlusBottom->fill(xp);
149 break;
150 }
151 }
152 else if (id == PID::PROTON) {
153 _h_XpProtonN->fill(xp);
154 ++multTmp[5];
155 switch (flavour) {
156 case PID::DQUARK:
157 case PID::UQUARK:
158 case PID::SQUARK:
159 _temp_XpProtonLight->fill(xp);
160 _h_XpProtonLight->fill(xp);
161 if( ( quark && p.pid()>0 ) || ( !quark && p.pid()<0 ))
162 _h_RProton->fill(xp);
163 else
164 _h_RPBar ->fill(xp);
165 break;
166 break;
167 case PID::CQUARK:
168 _temp_XpProtonCharm->fill(xp);
169 _h_XpProtonCharm->fill(xp);
170 break;
171 case PID::BQUARK:
172 _h_XpProtonBottom->fill(xp);
173 break;
174 }
175 }
176 }
178 const UnstableParticles& ufs = apply<UnstableParticles>(e, "UFS");
179 for (const Particle& p : ufs.particles()) {
180 const double xp = p.p3().mod()/meanBeamMom;
181 // if in quark or antiquark hemisphere
182 bool quark = p.p3().dot(axis)*dot>0.;
183 int id = p.abspid();
184 if (id == PID::LAMBDA) {
185 ++multTmp[6];
186 _h_XpLambdaN->fill(xp);
187 switch (flavour) {
188 case PID::DQUARK:
189 case PID::UQUARK:
190 case PID::SQUARK:
191 _h_XpLambdaLight->fill(xp);
192 if( ( quark && p.pid()>0 ) || ( !quark && p.pid()<0 ))
193 _h_RLambda->fill(xp);
194 else
195 _h_RLBar ->fill(xp);
196 break;
197 case PID::CQUARK:
198 _h_XpLambdaCharm->fill(xp);
199 break;
200 case PID::BQUARK:
201 _h_XpLambdaBottom->fill(xp);
202 break;
203 }
204 }
205 else if (id == 313) {
206 ++multTmp[3];
207 _h_XpKStar0N->fill(xp);
208 switch (flavour) {
209 case PID::DQUARK:
210 case PID::UQUARK:
211 case PID::SQUARK:
212 _temp_XpKStar0Light->fill(xp);
213 _h_XpKStar0Light->fill(xp);
214 if ( ( quark && p.pid()>0 ) || ( !quark && p.pid()<0 ))
215 _h_RKS0 ->fill(xp);
216 else
217 _h_RKSBar0->fill(xp);
218 break;
219 break;
220 case PID::CQUARK:
221 _temp_XpKStar0Charm->fill(xp);
222 _h_XpKStar0Charm->fill(xp);
223 break;
224 case PID::BQUARK:
225 _h_XpKStar0Bottom->fill(xp);
226 break;
227 }
228 }
229 else if (id == 333) {
230 ++multTmp[4];
231 _h_XpPhiN->fill(xp);
232 switch (flavour) {
233 case PID::DQUARK:
234 case PID::UQUARK:
235 case PID::SQUARK:
236 _h_XpPhiLight->fill(xp);
237 break;
238 case PID::CQUARK:
239 _h_XpPhiCharm->fill(xp);
240 break;
241 case PID::BQUARK:
242 _h_XpPhiBottom->fill(xp);
243 break;
244 }
245 }
246 else if (id == PID::K0S || id == PID::K0L) {
247 ++multTmp[2];
248 _h_XpK0N->fill(xp);
249 switch (flavour) {
250 case PID::DQUARK:
251 case PID::UQUARK:
252 case PID::SQUARK:
253 _h_XpK0Light->fill(xp);
254 break;
255 case PID::CQUARK:
256 _h_XpK0Charm->fill(xp);
257 break;
258 case PID::BQUARK:
259 _h_XpK0Bottom->fill(xp);
260 break;
261 }
262 }
263 }
264 if(_labels.empty()) _labels=_mult[0]->xEdges();
265 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<7;++ix) {
266 _mult[0]->fill(_labels[ix],multTmp[ix]);
267 switch (flavour) {
268 case PID::DQUARK:
269 case PID::UQUARK:
270 case PID::SQUARK:
271 _mult[1]->fill(_labels[ix],multTmp[ix]);
272 break;
273 case PID::CQUARK:
274 _mult[2]->fill(_labels[ix],multTmp[ix]);
275 break;
276 case PID::BQUARK:
277 _mult[3]->fill(_labels[ix],multTmp[ix]);
278 break;
279 }
280 }
281 }
284 void init() {
285 // Projections
286 declare(Beam(), "Beams");
287 declare(ChargedFinalState(), "FS");
288 declare(UnstableParticles(), "UFS");
289 declare(InitialQuarks(), "IQF");
290 declare(Thrust(FinalState()), "Thrust");
292 book(_temp_XpChargedN1 ,"TMP/XpChargedN1", refData( 1, 1, 1));
293 book(_temp_XpChargedN2 ,"TMP/XpChargedN2", refData( 2, 1, 1));
294 book(_temp_XpChargedN3 ,"TMP/XpChargedN3", refData( 3, 1, 1));
296 book(_h_XpPiPlusN , 1, 1, 2);
297 book(_h_XpKPlusN , 2, 1, 2);
298 book(_h_XpProtonN , 3, 1, 2);
299 book(_h_XpChargedN , 4, 1, 1);
300 book(_h_XpK0N , 5, 1, 1);
301 book(_h_XpLambdaN , 7, 1, 1);
302 book(_h_XpKStar0N , 8, 1, 1);
303 book(_h_XpPhiN , 9, 1, 1);
305 book(_h_XpPiPlusLight ,10, 1, 1);
306 book(_h_XpPiPlusCharm ,10, 1, 2);
307 book(_h_XpPiPlusBottom ,10, 1, 3);
308 book(_h_XpKPlusLight ,12, 1, 1);
309 book(_h_XpKPlusCharm ,12, 1, 2);
310 book(_h_XpKPlusBottom ,12, 1, 3);
311 book(_h_XpKStar0Light ,14, 1, 1);
312 book(_h_XpKStar0Charm ,14, 1, 2);
313 book(_h_XpKStar0Bottom ,14, 1, 3);
314 book(_h_XpProtonLight ,16, 1, 1);
315 book(_h_XpProtonCharm ,16, 1, 2);
316 book(_h_XpProtonBottom ,16, 1, 3);
317 book(_h_XpLambdaLight ,18, 1, 1);
318 book(_h_XpLambdaCharm ,18, 1, 2);
319 book(_h_XpLambdaBottom ,18, 1, 3);
320 book(_h_XpK0Light ,20, 1, 1);
321 book(_h_XpK0Charm ,20, 1, 2);
322 book(_h_XpK0Bottom ,20, 1, 3);
323 book(_h_XpPhiLight ,22, 1, 1);
324 book(_h_XpPhiCharm ,22, 1, 2);
325 book(_h_XpPhiBottom ,22, 1, 3);
327 book(_temp_XpKPlusCharm ,"TMP/XpKPlusCharm", refData(13, 1, 1));
328 book(_temp_XpKPlusLight ,"TMP/XpKPlusLight", refData(13, 1, 1));
329 book(_temp_XpKStar0Charm ,"TMP/XpKStar0Charm", refData(15, 1, 1));
330 book(_temp_XpKStar0Light ,"TMP/XpKStar0Light", refData(15, 1, 1));
331 book(_temp_XpProtonCharm ,"TMP/XpProtonCharm", refData(17, 1, 1));
332 book(_temp_XpProtonLight ,"TMP/XpProtonLight", refData(17, 1, 1));
334 book(_h_RPiPlus , 26, 1, 1);
335 book(_h_RPiMinus , 26, 1, 2);
336 book(_h_RKS0 , 28, 1, 1);
337 book(_h_RKSBar0 , 28, 1, 2);
338 book(_h_RKPlus , 30, 1, 1);
339 book(_h_RKMinus , 30, 1, 2);
340 book(_h_RProton , 32, 1, 1);
341 book(_h_RPBar , 32, 1, 2);
342 book(_h_RLambda , 34, 1, 1);
343 book(_h_RLBar , 34, 1, 2);
345 book(_s_Xp_PiPl_Ch , 1, 1, 1);
346 book(_s_Xp_KPl_Ch , 2, 1, 1);
347 book(_s_Xp_Pr_Ch , 3, 1, 1);
348 book(_s_Xp_PiPlCh_PiPlLi, 11, 1, 1);
349 book(_s_Xp_PiPlBo_PiPlLi, 11, 1, 2);
350 book(_s_Xp_KPlCh_KPlLi , 13, 1, 1);
351 book(_s_Xp_KPlBo_KPlLi , 13, 1, 2);
352 book(_s_Xp_KS0Ch_KS0Li , 15, 1, 1);
353 book(_s_Xp_KS0Bo_KS0Li , 15, 1, 2);
354 book(_s_Xp_PrCh_PrLi , 17, 1, 1);
355 book(_s_Xp_PrBo_PrLi , 17, 1, 2);
356 book(_s_Xp_LaCh_LaLi , 19, 1, 1);
357 book(_s_Xp_LaBo_LaLi , 19, 1, 2);
358 book(_s_Xp_K0Ch_K0Li , 21, 1, 1);
359 book(_s_Xp_K0Bo_K0Li , 21, 1, 2);
360 book(_s_Xp_PhiCh_PhiLi , 23, 1, 1);
361 book(_s_Xp_PhiBo_PhiLi , 23, 1, 2);
363 book(_s_PiM_PiP , 27, 1, 1);
364 book(_s_KSBar0_KS0, 29, 1, 1);
365 book(_s_KM_KP , 31, 1, 1);
366 book(_s_Pr_PBar , 33, 1, 1);
367 book(_s_Lam_LBar , 35, 1, 1);
369 book(_SumOfudsWeights, "_SumOfudsWeights");
370 book(_SumOfcWeights, "_SumOfcWeights");
371 book(_SumOfbWeights, "_SumOfbWeights");
373 for ( size_t i=0; i<4; ++i)
374 book(_mult[i],24,1,1+i);
375 }
378 /// Finalize
379 void finalize() {
380 // Get the ratio plots sorted out first
381 divide(_h_XpPiPlusN, _temp_XpChargedN1, _s_Xp_PiPl_Ch);
382 divide(_h_XpKPlusN, _temp_XpChargedN2, _s_Xp_KPl_Ch);
383 divide(_h_XpProtonN, _temp_XpChargedN3, _s_Xp_Pr_Ch);
384 divide(_h_XpPiPlusCharm, _h_XpPiPlusLight, _s_Xp_PiPlCh_PiPlLi);
385 _s_Xp_PiPlCh_PiPlLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfcWeights));
386 divide(_h_XpPiPlusBottom, _h_XpPiPlusLight, _s_Xp_PiPlBo_PiPlLi);
387 _s_Xp_PiPlBo_PiPlLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfbWeights));
388 divide(_temp_XpKPlusCharm , _temp_XpKPlusLight, _s_Xp_KPlCh_KPlLi);
389 _s_Xp_KPlCh_KPlLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfcWeights));
390 divide(_h_XpKPlusBottom, _h_XpKPlusLight, _s_Xp_KPlBo_KPlLi);
391 _s_Xp_KPlBo_KPlLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfbWeights));
392 divide(_temp_XpKStar0Charm, _temp_XpKStar0Light, _s_Xp_KS0Ch_KS0Li);
393 _s_Xp_KS0Ch_KS0Li->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfcWeights));
394 divide(_h_XpKStar0Bottom, _h_XpKStar0Light, _s_Xp_KS0Bo_KS0Li);
395 _s_Xp_KS0Bo_KS0Li->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfbWeights));
396 divide(_temp_XpProtonCharm, _temp_XpProtonLight, _s_Xp_PrCh_PrLi);
397 _s_Xp_PrCh_PrLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfcWeights));
398 divide(_h_XpProtonBottom, _h_XpProtonLight, _s_Xp_PrBo_PrLi);
399 _s_Xp_PrBo_PrLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfbWeights));
400 divide(_h_XpLambdaCharm, _h_XpLambdaLight, _s_Xp_LaCh_LaLi);
401 _s_Xp_LaCh_LaLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfcWeights));
402 divide(_h_XpLambdaBottom, _h_XpLambdaLight, _s_Xp_LaBo_LaLi);
403 _s_Xp_LaBo_LaLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfbWeights));
404 divide(_h_XpK0Charm, _h_XpK0Light, _s_Xp_K0Ch_K0Li);
405 _s_Xp_K0Ch_K0Li->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfcWeights));
406 divide(_h_XpK0Bottom, _h_XpK0Light, _s_Xp_K0Bo_K0Li);
407 _s_Xp_K0Bo_K0Li->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfbWeights));
408 divide(_h_XpPhiCharm, _h_XpPhiLight, _s_Xp_PhiCh_PhiLi);
409 _s_Xp_PhiCh_PhiLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfcWeights));
410 divide(_h_XpPhiBottom, _h_XpPhiLight, _s_Xp_PhiBo_PhiLi);
411 _s_Xp_PhiBo_PhiLi->scale(dbl(*_SumOfudsWeights / *_SumOfbWeights));
413 // Then the leading particles
414 divide(*_h_RPiMinus - *_h_RPiPlus, *_h_RPiMinus + *_h_RPiPlus, _s_PiM_PiP);
415 divide(*_h_RKSBar0 - *_h_RKS0, *_h_RKSBar0 + *_h_RKS0, _s_KSBar0_KS0);
416 divide(*_h_RKMinus - *_h_RKPlus, *_h_RKMinus + *_h_RKPlus, _s_KM_KP);
417 divide(*_h_RProton - *_h_RPBar, *_h_RProton + *_h_RPBar, _s_Pr_PBar);
418 divide(*_h_RLambda - *_h_RLBar, *_h_RLambda + *_h_RLBar, _s_Lam_LBar);
420 // Then the rest
421 scale(_h_XpPiPlusN, 1/sumOfWeights());
422 scale(_h_XpKPlusN, 1/sumOfWeights());
423 scale(_h_XpProtonN, 1/sumOfWeights());
424 scale(_h_XpChargedN, 1/sumOfWeights());
425 scale(_h_XpK0N, 1/sumOfWeights());
426 scale(_h_XpLambdaN, 1/sumOfWeights());
427 scale(_h_XpKStar0N, 1/sumOfWeights());
428 scale(_h_XpPhiN, 1/sumOfWeights());
429 scale(_h_XpPiPlusLight, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
430 scale(_h_XpPiPlusCharm, 1 / *_SumOfcWeights);
431 scale(_h_XpPiPlusBottom, 1 / *_SumOfbWeights);
432 scale(_h_XpKPlusLight, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
433 scale(_h_XpKPlusCharm, 1 / *_SumOfcWeights);
434 scale(_h_XpKPlusBottom, 1 / *_SumOfbWeights);
435 scale(_h_XpKStar0Light, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
436 scale(_h_XpKStar0Charm, 1 / *_SumOfcWeights);
437 scale(_h_XpKStar0Bottom, 1 / *_SumOfbWeights);
438 scale(_h_XpProtonLight, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
439 scale(_h_XpProtonCharm, 1 / *_SumOfcWeights);
440 scale(_h_XpProtonBottom, 1 / *_SumOfbWeights);
441 scale(_h_XpLambdaLight, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
442 scale(_h_XpLambdaCharm, 1 / *_SumOfcWeights);
443 scale(_h_XpLambdaBottom, 1 / *_SumOfbWeights);
444 scale(_h_XpK0Light, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
445 scale(_h_XpK0Charm, 1 / *_SumOfcWeights);
446 scale(_h_XpK0Bottom, 1 / *_SumOfbWeights);
447 scale(_h_XpPhiLight, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
448 scale(_h_XpPhiCharm , 1 / *_SumOfcWeights);
449 scale(_h_XpPhiBottom, 1 / *_SumOfbWeights);
450 scale(_h_RPiPlus, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
451 scale(_h_RPiMinus, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
452 scale(_h_RKS0, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
453 scale(_h_RKSBar0, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
454 scale(_h_RKPlus, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
455 scale(_h_RKMinus, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
456 scale(_h_RProton, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
457 scale(_h_RPBar, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
458 scale(_h_RLambda, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
459 scale(_h_RLBar, 1 / *_SumOfudsWeights);
461 // Multiplicities
462 BinnedEstimatePtr<string> diffCharm,diffBottom;
463 book(diffCharm ,25,1,1);
464 book(diffBottom,25,1,2);
465 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<7;++ix) {
466 const double val1 = _mult[2]->bin(ix+1).mean(2)-_mult[1]->bin(ix+1).mean(2);
467 const double err1 = sqrt(sqr(_mult[2]->bin(ix+1).stdErr(2))+sqr(_mult[1]->bin(ix+1).stdErr(2)));
468 diffCharm->bin(ix+1).set(val1,err1);
469 const double val2 = _mult[3]->bin(ix+1).mean(2)-_mult[1]->bin(ix+1).mean(2);
470 const double err2 = sqrt(sqr(_mult[3]->bin(ix+1).stdErr(2))+sqr(_mult[1]->bin(ix+1).stdErr(2)));
471 diffBottom->bin(ix+1).set(val2,err2);
472 }
473 }
475 /// @}
478 private:
480 /// Store the weighted sums of numbers of charged / charged+neutral
481 /// particles. Used to calculate average number of particles for the
482 /// inclusive single particle distributions' normalisations.
483 CounterPtr _SumOfudsWeights, _SumOfcWeights, _SumOfbWeights;
485 Histo1DPtr _h_XpPiPlusSig, _h_XpPiPlusN;
486 Histo1DPtr _h_XpKPlusSig, _h_XpKPlusN;
487 Histo1DPtr _h_XpProtonSig, _h_XpProtonN;
488 Histo1DPtr _h_XpChargedN;
489 Histo1DPtr _h_XpK0N, _h_XpLambdaN;
490 Histo1DPtr _h_XpKStar0N, _h_XpPhiN;
491 Histo1DPtr _h_XpPiPlusLight, _h_XpPiPlusCharm, _h_XpPiPlusBottom;
492 Histo1DPtr _h_XpKPlusLight, _h_XpKPlusCharm, _h_XpKPlusBottom;
493 Histo1DPtr _h_XpKStar0Light, _h_XpKStar0Charm, _h_XpKStar0Bottom;
494 Histo1DPtr _h_XpProtonLight, _h_XpProtonCharm, _h_XpProtonBottom;
495 Histo1DPtr _h_XpLambdaLight, _h_XpLambdaCharm, _h_XpLambdaBottom;
496 Histo1DPtr _h_XpK0Light, _h_XpK0Charm, _h_XpK0Bottom;
497 Histo1DPtr _h_XpPhiLight, _h_XpPhiCharm, _h_XpPhiBottom;
499 Histo1DPtr _temp_XpChargedN1, _temp_XpChargedN2, _temp_XpChargedN3;
500 Histo1DPtr _temp_XpKPlusCharm , _temp_XpKPlusLight;
501 Histo1DPtr _temp_XpKStar0Charm, _temp_XpKStar0Light;
502 Histo1DPtr _temp_XpProtonCharm, _temp_XpProtonLight;
504 Histo1DPtr _h_RPiPlus, _h_RPiMinus;
505 Histo1DPtr _h_RKS0, _h_RKSBar0;
506 Histo1DPtr _h_RKPlus, _h_RKMinus;
507 Histo1DPtr _h_RProton, _h_RPBar;
508 Histo1DPtr _h_RLambda, _h_RLBar;
510 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_PiPl_Ch, _s_Xp_KPl_Ch, _s_Xp_Pr_Ch;
511 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_PiPlCh_PiPlLi, _s_Xp_PiPlBo_PiPlLi;
512 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_KPlCh_KPlLi, _s_Xp_KPlBo_KPlLi;
513 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_KS0Ch_KS0Li, _s_Xp_KS0Bo_KS0Li;
514 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_PrCh_PrLi, _s_Xp_PrBo_PrLi;
515 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_LaCh_LaLi, _s_Xp_LaBo_LaLi;
516 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_K0Ch_K0Li, _s_Xp_K0Bo_K0Li;
517 Estimate1DPtr _s_Xp_PhiCh_PhiLi, _s_Xp_PhiBo_PhiLi;
519 Estimate1DPtr _s_PiM_PiP, _s_KSBar0_KS0, _s_KM_KP, _s_Pr_PBar, _s_Lam_LBar;
520 BinnedProfilePtr<string> _mult[4];
521 vector<string> _labels;
522 /// @}
523 };
527 RIVET_DECLARE_ALIASED_PLUGIN(SLD_1999_I469925, SLD_1999_S3743934);