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Rivet analyses reference


MC analysis for ttbar studies
Experiment: ()
  • Hendrik Hoeth
  • Andy Buckley
  • Christian Gutschow
  • Dave Mallows
  • Michal Kawalec
No references listed
Beams: * *
Beam energies: ANY
Run details:
  • pp -> tt, force top decays to be one of all hadronic / single leptonic / dileptonic / non-all-hadronic.

A pure Monte Carlo study for $t\bar{t}$ production, characterising the top-quark final-state via jet and lepton reconstruction rather than the unreliable partonic tops.

Source code: MC_TTBAR.cc
  1#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  2#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedLeptons.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/MissingMomentum.hh"
  6#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
  7#include "Rivet/AnalysisLoader.hh"
  9namespace Rivet {
 12  class MC_TTBAR : public Analysis {
 13  public:
 15    /// Minimal constructor
 19    /// @name Analysis methods
 20    /// @{
 22    /// Set up projections and book histograms
 23    void init() {
 25      _mode = 1; string pre = "onelep_"; // default is single-lepton decay mode
 26      if ( getOption("TTMODE") == "ALLHAD" ) { _mode = 0; pre = "allhad_"; }
 27      if ( getOption("TTMODE") == "ONELEP" ) { _mode = 1; pre = "onelep_"; }
 28      if ( getOption("TTMODE") == "TWOLEP" ) { _mode = 2; pre = "twolep_"; }
 29      if ( getOption("TTMODE") == "ANYLEP" ) { _mode = 3; pre = "anylep_"; }
 31      // A FinalState is used to select particles within |eta| < 4.2 and with pT
 32      // > 30 GeV, out of which the ChargedLeptons projection picks only the
 33      // electrons and muons, to be accessed later as "LFS".
 34      ChargedLeptons lfs(FinalState(Cuts::abseta < 4.2 && Cuts::pT > 30*GeV));
 35      declare(lfs, "LFS");
 37      // A second FinalState is used to select all particles in |eta| < 4.2,
 38      // with no pT cut. This is used to construct jets and measure missing
 39      // transverse energy.
 40      VetoedFinalState fs(FinalState(Cuts::abseta < 4.2));
 41      fs.addVetoOnThisFinalState(lfs);
 42      declare(FastJets(fs, JetAlg::ANTIKT, 0.6), "Jets");
 43      declare(MissingMomentum(fs), "MissingET");
 45      // Booking of histograms
 46      book(_h["njets"], pre + "jet_mult", 11, -0.5, 10.5);
 47      //
 48      book(_h["jet_1_pT"], pre + "jet_1_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 500.0));
 49      book(_h["jet_2_pT"], pre + "jet_2_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 400.0));
 50      book(_h["jet_3_pT"], pre + "jet_3_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 300.0));
 51      book(_h["jet_4_pT"], pre + "jet_4_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 200.0));
 52      book(_h["jet_HT"],   pre + "jet_HT", logspace(50, 100.0, 2000.0));
 53      //
 54      book(_h["bjet_1_pT"], pre + "jetb_1_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 400.0));
 55      book(_h["bjet_2_pT"], pre + "jetb_2_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 300.0));
 56      //
 57      book(_h["ljet_1_pT"], pre + "jetl_1_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 400.0));
 58      book(_h["ljet_2_pT"], pre + "jetl_2_pT", logspace(50, 20.0, 300.0));
 59      //
 60      if (_mode != 2)  book(_h["tt_mass"], pre + "tt_mass", 200, 300.0, 700.0);
 61      //
 62      if (_mode < 2) { // these rely on a hadronic W being part of the ttbar decay
 63        book(_h["W_mass"], pre + "W_mass", 75, 30, 180);
 64        book(_h["t_mass"], pre + "t_mass", 150, 130, 430);
 65        book(_h["t_mass_W_cut"], pre + "t_mass_W_cut", 150, 130, 430);
 66        book(_h["t_pT"], pre + "t_pT", 100, 0., 1000.);
 67        book(_h["t_pT_W_cut"], pre + "t_pT_W_cut", 100, 0., 1000.);
 68        book(_h["jetb_1_W_dR"],  pre + "jetb_1_W_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 69        book(_h["jetb_1_W_deta"], pre + "jetb_1_W_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 70        book(_h["jetb_1_W_dphi"], pre + "jetb_1_W_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI);
 71      }
 72      //
 73      book(_h["jetb_1_jetb_2_dR"],   pre + "jetb_1_jetb_2_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 74      book(_h["jetb_1_jetb_2_deta"], pre + "jetb_1_jetb_2_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 75      book(_h["jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi"], pre + "jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI);
 76      book(_h["jetb_1_jetl_1_dR"],   pre + "jetb_1_jetl_1_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 77      book(_h["jetb_1_jetl_1_deta"], pre + "jetb_1_jetl_1_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 78      book(_h["jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi"], pre + "jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI);
 79      book(_h["jetl_1_jetl_2_dR"],   pre + "jetl_1_jetl_2_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 80      book(_h["jetl_1_jetl_2_deta"], pre + "jetl_1_jetl_2_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 81      book(_h["jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi"], pre + "jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI);
 82      if (_mode > 0) { // these rely on at least one leptonic decay mode
 83        book(_h["jetb_1_l_dR"],   pre + "jetb_1_l_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 84        book(_h["jetb_1_l_deta"], pre + "jetb_1_l_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 85        book(_h["jetb_1_l_dphi"], pre + "jetb_1_l_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI);
 86        book(_h["jetb_1_l_mass"], pre + "jetb_1_l_mass", 40, 0.0, 500.0);
 87        if (_mode > 1) {
 88          book(_h["jetb_1_l2_dR"],   pre + "jetb_1_l2_dR", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 89          book(_h["jetb_1_l2_deta"], pre + "jetb_1_l2_deta", 20, 0.0, 7.0);
 90          book(_h["jetb_1_l2_dphi"], pre + "jetb_1_l2_dphi", 20, 0.0, M_PI);
 91          book(_h["jetb_1_l2_mass"], pre + "jetb_1_l2_mass", 40, 0.0, 500.0);
 92        }
 93      }
 94    }
 97    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 99      // Use the "LFS" projection to require at least one hard charged
100      // lepton. This is an experimental signature for the leptonically decaying
101      // W. This helps to reduce pure QCD backgrounds.
102      const ChargedLeptons& lfs = apply<ChargedLeptons>(event, "LFS");
103      MSG_DEBUG("Charged lepton multiplicity = " << lfs.chargedLeptons().size());
104      for (const Particle& lepton : lfs.chargedLeptons()) {
105        MSG_DEBUG("Lepton pT = " << lepton.pT());
106      }
108      size_t nLeps = lfs.chargedLeptons().size();
109      bool leptonMultiFail = _mode == 3 && nLeps == 0; // non-all-hadronic
110      leptonMultiFail |= _mode == 2 && nLeps != 2; // dilepton
111      leptonMultiFail |= _mode == 1 && nLeps != 1; // single lepton
112      leptonMultiFail |= _mode == 0 && nLeps != 0; // all-hadronic
113      if (leptonMultiFail) {
114        MSG_DEBUG("Event failed lepton multiplicity cut");
115        vetoEvent;
116      }
118      // Use a missing ET cut to bias toward events with a hard neutrino from
119      // the leptonically decaying W. This helps to reduce pure QCD backgrounds.
120      // not applied in all-hadronic mode
121      const Vector3& met = apply<MissingMomentum>(event, "MissingET").vectorMissingPt();
122      MSG_DEBUG("Vector pT = " << met.mod() << " GeV");
123      if (_mode > 0 && met.mod() < 30*GeV) {
124        MSG_DEBUG("Event failed missing ET cut");
125        vetoEvent;
126      }
128      // Use the "Jets" projection to check how many jets with pT > 30 GeV there are
129      // remove jets overlapping with any lepton (dR < 0.3)
130      // cut on jet multiplicity depending on ttbar decay mode
131      const FastJets& jetpro = apply<FastJets>(event, "Jets");
132      const Jets jets = discardIfAnyDeltaRLess(jetpro.jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 30*GeV), lfs.chargedLeptons(), 0.3);
134      if (     _mode == 0 && jets.size() < 6)  vetoEvent; // all-hadronic
135      else if (_mode == 1 && jets.size() < 4)  vetoEvent; // single lepton
136      else if (_mode == 2 && jets.size() < 2)  vetoEvent; // dilepton
137      else if (_mode == 3 && nLeps == 1 && jets.size() < 4)  vetoEvent; // non-allhadronic
138      else if (_mode == 3 && nLeps == 2 && jets.size() < 2)  vetoEvent;
139      MSG_DEBUG("Event failed jet multiplicity cut");
141      // Fill histograms for inclusive jet kinematics
142      _h["njets"]->fill(jets.size());
143      if (jets.size() > 0)  _h["jet_1_pT"]->fill(jets[0].pT()/GeV);
144      if (jets.size() > 1)  _h["jet_2_pT"]->fill(jets[1].pT()/GeV);
145      if (jets.size() > 2)  _h["jet_3_pT"]->fill(jets[2].pT()/GeV);
146      if (jets.size() > 3)  _h["jet_4_pT"]->fill(jets[3].pT()/GeV);
147      double ht = 0.0;
148      for (const Jet& j : jets) { ht += j.pT(); }
149      _h["jet_HT"]->fill(ht/GeV);
151      // Sort the jets into b-jets and light jets. We expect one hard b-jet from
152      // each top decay, so our 4 hardest jets should include two b-jets. The
153      // Jet::bTagged() method is equivalent to perfect experimental
154      // b-tagging, in a generator-independent way.
155      Jets bjets, ljets;
156      for (const Jet& jet : jets) {
157        if (jet.bTagged())  bjets += jet;
158        else                ljets += jet;
159      }
160      MSG_DEBUG("Number of b-jets = " << bjets.size());
161      MSG_DEBUG("Number of l-jets = " << ljets.size());
162      if (bjets.size() != 2) {
163        MSG_DEBUG("Event failed post-lepton-isolation b-tagging cut");
164        vetoEvent;
165      }
166      if (_mode == 0 && ljets.size() < 4)  vetoEvent;
167      else if (_mode == 1 && ljets.size() < 2)  vetoEvent;
168      else if (_mode == 3 && nLeps == 1 && ljets.size() < 2)  vetoEvent;
170      // Plot the pTs of the identified jets.
171      _h["bjet_1_pT"]->fill(bjets[0].pT());
172      _h["bjet_2_pT"]->fill(bjets[1].pT());
173      // need to check size to cater for dileptonic mode
174      if (ljets.size() > 0)  _h["ljet_1_pT"]->fill(ljets[0].pT());
175      if (ljets.size() > 1)  _h["ljet_2_pT"]->fill(ljets[1].pT());
178      // Try to reconstruct ttbar pair (doesn't really work in the dileptonic mode)
179      FourMomentum ttpair = bjets[0].mom() + bjets[1].mom();
180      if (_mode == 0) {
181        ttpair += ljets[0].mom() + ljets[1].mom() + ljets[2].mom() + ljets[3].mom();
182      }
183      else if (nLeps < 2) {
184        ttpair += ljets[0].mom() + ljets[1].mom();
185        const FourMomentum lep = lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].mom();
186        double pz = findZcomponent(lep, met);
187        FourMomentum neutrino(sqrt(sqr(met.x()) + sqr(met.y()) + sqr(pz)), met.x(), met.y(), pz);
188        ttpair += lep + neutrino;
189      }
190      if (nLeps < 2)  _h["tt_mass"]->fill(ttpair.mass()/GeV);
192      if (_mode < 2) {
193        // Construct the hadronically decaying W momentum 4-vector from pairs of
194        // non-b-tagged jets. The pair which best matches the W mass is used. We start
195        // with an always terrible 4-vector estimate which should always be "beaten" by
196        // a real jet pair.
197        FourMomentum W(10*(sqrtS()>0.?sqrtS():14000.), 0, 0, 0);
198        for (size_t i = 0; i < ljets.size()-1; ++i) {
199          for (size_t j = i + 1; j < ljets.size(); ++j) {
200            const FourMomentum Wcand = ljets[i].momentum() + ljets[j].momentum();
201            MSG_TRACE(i << "," << j << ": candidate W mass = " << Wcand.mass()/GeV
202                      << " GeV, vs. incumbent candidate with " << W.mass()/GeV << " GeV");
203            if (fabs(Wcand.mass() - 80.4*GeV) < fabs(W.mass() - 80.4*GeV)) {
204              W = Wcand;
205            }
206          }
207        }
208        MSG_DEBUG("Candidate W mass = " << W.mass() << " GeV");
210        // There are two b-jets with which this can be combined to make the
211        // hadronically decaying top, one of which is correct and the other is
212        // not... but we have no way to identify which is which, so we construct
213        // both possible top momenta and fill the histograms with both.
214        const FourMomentum t1 = W + bjets[0].momentum();
215        const FourMomentum t2 = W + bjets[1].momentum();
216        _h["W_mass"]->fill(W.mass());
217        _h["t_mass"]->fill(t1.mass());
218        _h["t_mass"]->fill(t2.mass());
219        _h["t_pT"]->fill(t1.pT()/GeV);
220        _h["t_pT"]->fill(t2.pT()/GeV);
222        // Placing a cut on the well-known W mass helps to reduce backgrounds
223        // only done for all-hadronic and semileptonic mode (since W is hadronic)
224        if (!inRange(W.mass()/GeV, 75.0, 85.0))  vetoEvent;
225        MSG_DEBUG("W found with mass " << W.mass()/GeV << " GeV");
227        _h["t_mass_W_cut"]->fill(t1.mass());
228        _h["t_mass_W_cut"]->fill(t2.mass());
230        _h["t_pT_W_cut"]->fill(t1.pT()/GeV);
231        _h["t_pT_W_cut"]->fill(t2.pT()/GeV);
233        _h["jetb_1_W_dR"]->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), W));
234        _h["jetb_1_W_deta"]->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-W.eta()));
235        _h["jetb_1_W_dphi"]->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),W));
236      }
238      _h["jetb_1_jetb_2_dR"]->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), bjets[1].momentum()));
239      _h["jetb_1_jetb_2_deta"]->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-bjets[1].eta()));
240      _h["jetb_1_jetb_2_dphi"]->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),bjets[1].momentum()));
242      if (ljets.size() > 0) {
243        _h["jetb_1_jetl_1_dR"]->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), ljets[0].momentum()));
244        _h["jetb_1_jetl_1_deta"]->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-ljets[0].eta()));
245        _h["jetb_1_jetl_1_dphi"]->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),ljets[0].momentum()));
246        if (ljets.size() > 1) {
247          _h["jetl_1_jetl_2_dR"]->fill(deltaR(ljets[0].momentum(), ljets[1].momentum()));
248          _h["jetl_1_jetl_2_deta"]->fill(fabs(ljets[0].eta()-ljets[1].eta()));
249          _h["jetl_1_jetl_2_dphi"]->fill(deltaPhi(ljets[0].momentum(),ljets[1].momentum()));
250        }
251      }
253      // lepton-centric plots
254      if (_mode > 0) {
255        FourMomentum l=lfs.chargedLeptons()[0].momentum();
256        _h["jetb_1_l_dR"]->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), l));
257        _h["jetb_1_l_deta"]->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-l.eta()));
258        _h["jetb_1_l_dphi"]->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),l));
259        _h["jetb_1_l_mass"]->fill(FourMomentum(bjets[0].momentum()+l).mass());
261        if (nLeps > 1) {
262          FourMomentum l=lfs.chargedLeptons()[1].momentum();
263          _h["jetb_1_l2_dR"]->fill(deltaR(bjets[0].momentum(), l));
264          _h["jetb_1_l2_deta"]->fill(fabs(bjets[0].eta()-l.eta()));
265          _h["jetb_1_l2_dphi"]->fill(deltaPhi(bjets[0].momentum(),l));
266          _h["jetb_1_l2_mass"]->fill(FourMomentum(bjets[0].momentum()+l).mass());
267        }
268      }
270    }
272    double findZcomponent(const FourMomentum& lepton, const Vector3& met) const {
273      // estimate z-component of momentum given lepton 4-vector and MET 3-vector
274      double pz_estimate;
275      double m_W = 80.399*GeV;
276      double k = (( sqr( m_W ) - sqr( lepton.mass() ) ) / 2 ) + (lepton.px() * met.x() + lepton.py() * met.y());
277      double a = sqr ( lepton.E() )- sqr ( lepton.pz() );
278      double b = -2*k*lepton.pz();
279      double c = sqr( lepton.E() ) * sqr( met.perp() ) - sqr( k );
280      double discriminant = sqr(b) - 4 * a * c;
281      double quad[2] = { (- b - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a), (- b + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a) }; //two possible quadratic solns
282      if (discriminant < 0)  pz_estimate = - b / (2 * a); //if the discriminant is negative
283      else { //if the discriminant is greater than or equal to zero, take the soln with smallest absolute value
284        double absquad[2];
285        for (int n=0; n<2; ++n)  absquad[n] = fabs(quad[n]);
286        if (absquad[0] < absquad[1])  pz_estimate = quad[0];
287        else                          pz_estimate = quad[1];
288      }
289      return pz_estimate;
290    }
292    void finalize() {
293      const double sf = crossSection()/picobarn / sumOfWeights();
294      for (auto hist : _h) { scale(hist.second, sf); }
295    }
297    /// @}
299  protected:
301      size_t _mode;
304  private:
306    /// @name Histogram data members
307    /// @{
308    map<string, Histo1DPtr> _h;
309    /// @}
311  };