Rivet analyses referenceMARKII_1988_I246184Event Shapes at 29 GeVExperiment: MARKII (PEP) Inspire ID: 246184 Status: VALIDATED Authors:
Beam energies: (14.5, 14.5) GeV Run details:
Event shapes measured by the MARKII collaboration at 29 GeV. Source code: MARKII_1988_I246184.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
5#include "Rivet/Projections/Sphericity.hh"
6#include "Rivet/Projections/Thrust.hh"
7#include "Rivet/Projections/Hemispheres.hh"
9namespace Rivet {
12 /// @brief Event shapes at 29 GeV
13 class MARKII_1988_I246184 : public Analysis {
14 public:
16 /// Constructor
20 /// @name Analysis methods
21 ///@{
23 /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
24 void init() {
25 const FinalState fs;
26 declare(fs, "FS");
27 const ChargedFinalState cfs;
28 declare(cfs, "CFS");
29 Sphericity sphere(fs);
30 declare(sphere, "Sphericity");
31 declare(Thrust (fs), "Thrust" );
32 declare(Hemispheres(sphere), "Hemispheres");
33 // histograms
34 unsigned int ioff=18;
35 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
36 book(_histAplanarity [ix] , 1+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
37 book(_histQx [ix] , 2+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
38 book(_histQ2Q1 [ix] , 3+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
39 book(_histSphericity [ix] , 4+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
40 book(_histThrust [ix] , 5+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
41 book(_histMinor [ix] , 6+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
42 book(_histOblateness [ix] , 7+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
43 book(_histMJetBroad [ix] , 8+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
44 book(_histMJetSlim [ix] , 9+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
45 book(_histMJetDiff [ix] ,10+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
46 book(_histScaledMom [ix] ,15+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
47 book(_histPt2S [ix] ,11+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
48 book(_histPtS [ix] ,12+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
49 book(_histPtSIn [ix] ,14+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
50 book(_histPtSOut [ix] ,13+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
51 book(_histRapidityS [ix] ,16+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
52 book(_histTheta [ix] ,17+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
53 book(_histETheta [ix] ,18+ioff*ix, 1, 1);
54 }
55 }
58 /// Perform the per-event analysis
59 void analyze(const Event& event) {
60 // Sphericity related
61 const Sphericity& sphericity = apply<Sphericity>(event, "Sphericity");
62 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
63 _histSphericity[ix]->fill(sphericity.sphericity());
64 _histAplanarity[ix]->fill(sphericity.aplanarity());
65 _histQx [ix]->fill((sphericity.lambda1()-sphericity.lambda2())/sqrt(3.));
66 _histQ2Q1 [ix]->fill(sphericity.lambda2()-sphericity.lambda3());
67 }
68 // thrust related
69 const Thrust& thrust = apply<Thrust>(event, "Thrust");
70 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
71 _histThrust [ix]->fill(thrust.thrust());
72 _histMinor [ix]->fill(thrust.thrustMinor());
73 _histOblateness[ix]->fill(thrust.oblateness());
74 }
75 // hemisphere related
76 const Hemispheres& hemi = apply<Hemispheres>(event, "Hemispheres");
77 double mWide = hemi.scaledM2high(), mNarrow = hemi.scaledM2low();
78 if(!hemi.massMatchesBroadening()) swap(mWide,mNarrow);
79 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
80 _histMJetBroad[ix]->fill(mWide);
81 _histMJetSlim [ix]->fill(mNarrow);
82 _histMJetDiff [ix]->fill(hemi.scaledM2diff());
83 }
84 // dists w.r.t sphericity axis
85 const FinalState& cfs = apply<FinalState>(event, "CFS");
86 for (const Particle& p : cfs.particles()) {
87 // Get momentum and energy of each particle.
88 const Vector3 mom3 = p.p3();
89 const double energy = p.E();
90 // Scaled momenta.
91 const double mom = mom3.mod();
92 const double scaledMom = 2.*mom/sqrtS();
93 // Get momenta components w.r.t. thrust and sphericity.
94 const double pTinS = dot(mom3, sphericity.sphericityMajorAxis());
95 const double pToutS = dot(mom3, sphericity.sphericityMinorAxis());
96 double pT2 = sqr(pTinS)+sqr(pToutS);
97 double pT = sqrt(pT2);
98 const double momS = dot(sphericity.sphericityAxis(), mom3);
99 const double rapidityS = 0.5 * std::log((energy + momS) / (energy - momS));
100 // angle
101 double theta = sphericity.sphericityAxis().angle(mom3)/M_PI*180.;
102 if(theta>90.) theta=180.-theta;
103 // fill histos
104 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
105 _histScaledMom[ix]->fill(scaledMom);
106 _histPt2S [ix]->fill(fabs(pT2/GeV));
107 _histPtS [ix]->fill(fabs(pT/GeV));
108 _histPtSIn [ix]->fill(fabs(pTinS/GeV));
109 _histPtSOut [ix]->fill(fabs(pToutS/GeV));
110 _histRapidityS[ix]->fill(fabs(rapidityS));
111 _histTheta [ix]->fill(theta);
112 }
113 }
114 // energy flow includes neutral w.r.t sphericity axis
115 const FinalState& fs = apply<FinalState>(event, "FS");
116 for (const Particle& p : fs.particles()) {
117 // Get momentum and energy of each particle.
118 const Vector3 mom3 = p.p3();
119 const double energy = p.E();
120 // angle
121 double theta = sphericity.sphericityAxis().angle(mom3)/M_PI*180.;
122 if(theta>90.) theta=180.-theta;
123 // fill histos
124 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
125 _histETheta [ix]->fill(theta,energy);
126 }
127 }
128 }
130 /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
131 void finalize() {
132 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
133 scale(_histAplanarity [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
134 scale(_histQx [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
135 scale(_histQ2Q1 [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
136 scale(_histSphericity [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
137 scale(_histThrust [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
138 scale(_histMinor [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
139 scale(_histOblateness [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
140 scale(_histMJetBroad [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
141 scale(_histMJetSlim [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
142 scale(_histMJetDiff [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
143 scale(_histScaledMom [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
144 scale(_histPt2S [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
145 scale(_histPtS [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
146 scale(_histPtSIn [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
147 scale(_histPtSOut [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
148 scale(_histRapidityS [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
149 scale(_histTheta [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
150 scale(_histETheta [ix] ,1./sumOfWeights());
151 }
152 }
154 ///@}
157 /// @name Histograms
158 ///@{
159 Histo1DPtr _histAplanarity[3],_histQx[3],_histQ2Q1[3],_histSphericity[3];
160 Histo1DPtr _histThrust[3],_histMinor[3],_histOblateness[3];
161 Histo1DPtr _histMJetBroad[3],_histMJetSlim[3],_histMJetDiff[3];
162 Histo1DPtr _histScaledMom[3],_histPt2S[3],_histPtS[3],_histPtSIn[3],_histPtSOut[3],_histRapidityS[3];
163 Histo1DPtr _histTheta[3],_histETheta[3];
164 ///@}
167 };