Rivet analyses referenceCMS_2016_I1413748Measurements of ttbar spin correlations and top quark polarization using dilepton final states in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeVExperiment: CMS (LHC) Inspire ID: 1413748 Status: VALIDATED Authors:
Beam energies: (4000.0, 4000.0) GeV Run details:
$\textbf{Abstract:}$ Measurements of the top quark-antiquark ($\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$) spin correlations and the top quark polarization are presented for $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ pairs produced in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=8\:$TeV. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.5 $\mathrm{fb^{-1}}$ collected with the CMS detector at the LHC. The measurements are performed using events with two oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons) and two or more jets, where at least one of the jets is identified as originating from a bottom quark. The spin correlations and polarization are measured from the angular distributions of the two selected leptons, both inclusively and differentially, with respect to the invariant mass, rapidity, and transverse momentum of the $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ system. The measurements are unfolded to the parton level and found to be in agreement with predictions of the standard model. A search for new physics in the form of anomalous top quark chromo moments is performed. No evidence of new physics is observed, and exclusion limits on the real part of the chromo-magnetic dipole moment and the imaginary part of the chromo-electric dipole moment are evaluated. $\textbf{Particle-level addition to Rivet routine:}$ While the analysis was performed at the parton-level only, $\left|\Delta \phi_{\ell^+\ell^-}\right|$ is a purely leptonic variable and it has been checked that the results of the analysis would have been essentially unchanged had it been defined at particle-level using dressed leptons instead of using the parton-level top quark daughter leptons. We therefore include both particle- and parton-level versions of this distribution in the Rivet routine, with the former identified in the plot title. For same-flavour dilepton final states, the particle-level definition in the full phase space is problematic because the two leptons can come from fully-hadronic $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ plus a dilepton pair from radiation. Such pairs have invariant mass $M_{\ell\ell}\sim 0$ and produce a peak near zero in the $\left|\Delta \phi_{\ell^+\ell^-}\right|$ distribution. We therefore select only the $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}\to e\mu$ final state, by requiring exactly one electron and exactly one muon. Note this means $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}\to e\mu$ events with additional dilepton pairs from radiation are vetoed. For PYTHIA8 this amounts to 0.5% of $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}\to e\mu$ events - well below the level of sensitivity of the measured distribution. $\textbf{Histograms and covariance matrices:}$ The error bars in the measured distributions should not be used for fitting because there are significant correlations between bins. The covariance matrices for the statistical and systematic uncertainties in each distribution can be found in hepdata. The single-differential cross sections in hepdata are normalised to unit area (i.e. the integral is equal to one), while the double-differential cross sections in hepdata are normalised to the sum of entries (such that the sum of all bin heights is equal to one). This should be taken into account when comparing the measured distributions to the Rivet results and when using the covariance matrices. $\textbf{Overflow bins:}$ The upper $M_\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$, $p_\mathrm{T}^\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$, and $\left|y_\mathrm{t\bar{t}}\right|$ bins contain overflow events up to infinity. Source code: CMS_2016_I1413748.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
5#include "Rivet/Projections/PromptFinalState.hh"
6#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonFinder.hh"
7#include "Rivet/Projections/PartonicTops.hh"
9namespace Rivet {
12 /// CMS 8 TeV dilepton channel ttbar spin correlations and polarisation analysis
13 class CMS_2016_I1413748 : public Analysis {
14 public:
16 /// Constructor
20 /// Book histograms and initialise projections
21 void init() {
23 // Complete final state
24 FinalState fs;
26 // Projection for dressed electrons and muons
27 IdentifiedFinalState photons(fs);
28 photons.acceptIdPair(PID::PHOTON);
30 IdentifiedFinalState el_id(fs);
31 el_id.acceptIdPair(PID::ELECTRON);
32 PromptFinalState electrons(el_id);
33 declare(electrons, "Electrons");
34 LeptonFinder dressed_electrons(electrons, photons, 0.1);
35 declare(dressed_electrons, "DressedElectrons");
37 IdentifiedFinalState mu_id(fs);
38 mu_id.acceptIdPair(PID::MUON);
39 PromptFinalState muons(mu_id);
40 declare(muons, "Muons");
41 LeptonFinder dressed_muons(muons, photons, 0.1);
42 declare(dressed_muons, "DressedMuons");
44 // Parton-level top quarks
45 declare(PartonicTops(TopDecay::E_MU, PromptEMuFromTau::NO), "LeptonicPartonTops");
48 // Booking of histograms
50 // This histogram is independent of the parton-level information, and is an addition to the original analysis.
51 // It is compared to the same data as the parton-level delta_phi histogram d02-x01-y01.
52 book(_h_dphidressedleptons, "d00-x01-y01", _bins_dphi);
54 // The remaining histos use parton-level information
55 book(_h_dphi, "d02-x01-y01", _bins_dphi);
56 book(_h_cos_opening_angle, "d05-x01-y01", _bins_cos_opening_angle);
57 book(_h_c1c2, "d08-x01-y01", _bins_c1c2);
58 book(_h_lep_costheta, "d11-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta);
59 book(_h_lep_costheta_CPV, "d14-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta_CPV);
61 // 2D histos
62 book(_h_dphi_var[0], "d20-x01-y01", _bins_dphi, _bins_tt_mass);
63 book(_h_cos_opening_angle_var[0], "d26-x01-y01", _bins_cos_opening_angle, _bins_tt_mass);
64 book(_h_c1c2_var[0], "d32-x01-y01", _bins_c1c2, _bins_tt_mass);
65 book(_h_lep_costheta_var[0], "d38-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta, _bins_tt_mass);
66 book(_h_lep_costheta_CPV_var[0], "d44-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta_CPV, _bins_tt_mass);
68 book(_h_dphi_var[1], "d50-x01-y01", _bins_dphi, _bins_tt_pT);
69 book(_h_cos_opening_angle_var[1], "d56-x01-y01", _bins_cos_opening_angle, _bins_tt_pT);
70 book(_h_c1c2_var[1], "d62-x01-y01", _bins_c1c2, _bins_tt_pT);
71 book(_h_lep_costheta_var[1], "d68-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta, _bins_tt_pT);
72 book(_h_lep_costheta_CPV_var[1], "d74-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta_CPV, _bins_tt_pT);
74 book(_h_dphi_var[2], "d80-x01-y01", _bins_dphi, _bins_tt_absrapidity);
75 book(_h_cos_opening_angle_var[2], "d86-x01-y01", _bins_cos_opening_angle, _bins_tt_absrapidity);
76 book(_h_c1c2_var[2], "d92-x01-y01", _bins_c1c2, _bins_tt_absrapidity);
77 book(_h_lep_costheta_var[2], "d98-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta, _bins_tt_absrapidity);
78 book(_h_lep_costheta_CPV_var[2], "d104-x01-y01", _bins_lep_costheta_CPV, _bins_tt_absrapidity);
80 // Profile histos for asymmetries
81 book(_h_dphi_profile[0], "d17-x01-y01", _bins_tt_mass);
82 book(_h_cos_opening_angle_profile[0], "d23-x01-y01", _bins_tt_mass);
83 book(_h_c1c2_profile[0], "d29-x01-y01", _bins_tt_mass);
84 book(_h_lep_costheta_profile[0], "d35-x01-y01", _bins_tt_mass);
85 book(_h_lep_costheta_CPV_profile[0], "d41-x01-y01", _bins_tt_mass);
87 book(_h_dphi_profile[1], "d47-x01-y01", _bins_tt_pT);
88 book(_h_cos_opening_angle_profile[1], "d53-x01-y01", _bins_tt_pT);
89 book(_h_c1c2_profile[1], "d59-x01-y01", _bins_tt_pT);
90 book(_h_lep_costheta_profile[1], "d65-x01-y01", _bins_tt_pT);
91 book(_h_lep_costheta_CPV_profile[1], "d71-x01-y01", _bins_tt_pT);
93 book(_h_dphi_profile[2], "d77-x01-y01", _bins_tt_absrapidity);
94 book(_h_cos_opening_angle_profile[2], "d83-x01-y01", _bins_tt_absrapidity);
95 book(_h_c1c2_profile[2], "d89-x01-y01", _bins_tt_absrapidity);
96 book(_h_lep_costheta_profile[2], "d95-x01-y01", _bins_tt_absrapidity);
97 book(_h_lep_costheta_CPV_profile[2], "d101-x01-y01", _bins_tt_absrapidity);
99 }
102 /// Perform the per-event analysis
103 void analyze(const Event& event) {
106 // Use particle-level leptons for the first histogram
107 const LeptonFinder& dressed_electrons = apply<LeptonFinder>(event, "DressedElectrons");
108 const LeptonFinder& dressed_muons = apply<LeptonFinder>(event, "DressedMuons");
110 const DressedLeptons dressedels = dressed_electrons.dressedLeptons();
111 const DressedLeptons dressedmus = dressed_muons.dressedLeptons();
113 const size_t ndressedel = dressedels.size();
114 const size_t ndressedmu = dressedmus.size();
116 // For the particle-level histogram, require exactly one electron and exactly one muon, to select
117 // the ttbar->emu channel. Note this means ttbar->emu events with additional PromptFinalState
118 // dilepton pairs from the shower are vetoed - for PYTHIA8, this affects ~0.5% of events, so the
119 // effect is well below the level of sensitivity of the measured distribution.
120 if ( ndressedel == 1 && ndressedmu == 1 ) {
122 const int electrontouse = 0, muontouse = 0;
124 // Opposite-charge leptons only
125 if ( sameSign(dressedels[electrontouse],dressedmus[muontouse]) ) {
126 MSG_INFO("Error, e and mu have same charge, skipping event");
127 }
128 else {
129 //Get the four-momenta of the positively- and negatively-charged leptons
130 FourMomentum lepPlus = dressedels[electrontouse].charge() > 0 ? dressedels[electrontouse] : dressedmus[muontouse];
131 FourMomentum lepMinus = dressedels[electrontouse].charge() > 0 ? dressedmus[muontouse] : dressedels[electrontouse];
133 // Now calculate the variable
134 double dphi_temp = deltaPhi(lepPlus,lepMinus);
136 fillWithUFOF( _h_dphidressedleptons, dphi_temp );
137 }
139 }
142 // The remaining variables use parton-level information.
144 // Get the leptonically decaying tops
145 const Particles& leptonicpartontops = apply<ParticleFinder>(event, "LeptonicPartonTops").particlesByPt();
146 Particles chargedleptons;
147 unsigned int ntrueleptonictops = 0;
148 bool oppositesign = false;
150 if ( leptonicpartontops.size() == 2 ) {
151 for (size_t k = 0; k < leptonicpartontops.size(); ++k) {
153 // Get the lepton
154 const Particle lepTop = leptonicpartontops[k];
155 const auto isPromptChargedLepton = [](const Particle& p){return (isChargedLepton(p) && isPrompt(p, false, false));};
156 Particles lepton_candidates = lepTop.allDescendants(firstParticleWith(isPromptChargedLepton), false);
157 if ( lepton_candidates.size() < 1 ) MSG_WARNING("error, TopDecay::E_MU top quark had no daughter lepton candidate, skipping event.");
159 // In some cases there is no lepton from the W decay but only leptons from the decay of a radiated gamma.
160 // These hadronic PartonicTops are currently being mistakenly selected by TopDecay::E_MU (as of April 2017), and need to be rejected.
161 // TopDecay::E_MU is being fixed in Rivet, and when it is the veto below should do nothing.
162 /// @todo Should no longer be necessary -- remove
163 bool istrueleptonictop = false;
164 for (size_t i = 0; i < lepton_candidates.size(); ++i) {
165 const Particle& lepton_candidate = lepton_candidates[i];
166 if ( lepton_candidate.hasParentWith(Cuts::pid == PID::PHOTON) ) {
167 MSG_DEBUG("Found gamma parent, top: " << k+1 << " of " << leptonicpartontops.size() << " , lepton: " << i+1 << " of " << lepton_candidates.size());
168 continue;
169 }
170 if ( !istrueleptonictop && sameSign(lepTop,lepton_candidate) ) {
171 chargedleptons.push_back(lepton_candidate);
172 istrueleptonictop = true;
173 }
174 else MSG_WARNING("Found extra prompt charged lepton from top decay (and without gamma parent), ignoring it.");
175 }
176 if ( istrueleptonictop ) ++ntrueleptonictops;
177 }
178 }
180 if ( ntrueleptonictops == 2 ) {
181 oppositesign = !( sameSign(chargedleptons[0],chargedleptons[1]) );
182 if ( !oppositesign ) MSG_WARNING("error, same charge tops, skipping event.");
183 }
185 if ( ntrueleptonictops == 2 && oppositesign ) {
187 // Get the four-momenta of the positively- and negatively-charged leptons
188 FourMomentum lepPlus = chargedleptons[0].charge() > 0 ? chargedleptons[0] : chargedleptons[1];
189 FourMomentum lepMinus = chargedleptons[0].charge() > 0 ? chargedleptons[1] : chargedleptons[0];
191 const double dphi_temp = deltaPhi(lepPlus,lepMinus);
193 // Get the four-momenta of the positively- and negatively-charged tops
194 FourMomentum topPlus_p4 = leptonicpartontops[0].pid() > 0 ? leptonicpartontops[0] : leptonicpartontops[1];
195 FourMomentum topMinus_p4 = leptonicpartontops[0].pid() > 0 ? leptonicpartontops[1] : leptonicpartontops[0];
196 const FourMomentum ttbar_p4 = topPlus_p4 + topMinus_p4;
198 const double tt_mass_temp = ttbar_p4.mass();
199 const double tt_absrapidity_temp = ttbar_p4.absrapidity();
200 const double tt_pT_temp = ttbar_p4.pT();
202 // Lorentz transformations to calculate the spin observables in the helicity basis
204 // Transform everything to the ttbar CM frame
205 LorentzTransform ttCM;
206 ttCM.setBetaVec(-ttbar_p4.betaVec());
208 topPlus_p4 = ttCM.transform(topPlus_p4);
209 topMinus_p4 = ttCM.transform(topMinus_p4);
211 lepPlus = ttCM.transform(lepPlus);
212 lepMinus = ttCM.transform(lepMinus);
214 // Now boost the leptons to their parent top CM frames
215 LorentzTransform topPlus, topMinus;
216 topPlus.setBetaVec(-topPlus_p4.betaVec());
217 topMinus.setBetaVec(-topMinus_p4.betaVec());
219 lepPlus = topPlus.transform(lepPlus);
220 lepMinus = topMinus.transform(lepMinus);
222 const double lepPlus_costheta_temp = lepPlus.vector3().dot(topPlus_p4.vector3()) / (lepPlus.vector3().mod() * topPlus_p4.vector3().mod());
223 const double lepMinus_costheta_temp = lepMinus.vector3().dot(topMinus_p4.vector3()) / (lepMinus.vector3().mod() * topMinus_p4.vector3().mod());
224 const double c1c2_temp = lepPlus_costheta_temp * lepMinus_costheta_temp;
225 const double cos_opening_angle_temp = lepPlus.vector3().dot(lepMinus.vector3()) / (lepPlus.vector3().mod() * lepMinus.vector3().mod());
227 // Fill parton-level histos
228 fillWithUFOF( _h_dphi, dphi_temp );
229 fillWithUFOF( _h_cos_opening_angle, cos_opening_angle_temp );
230 fillWithUFOF( _h_c1c2, c1c2_temp );
231 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta, lepPlus_costheta_temp );
232 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta, lepMinus_costheta_temp );
233 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_CPV, lepPlus_costheta_temp );
234 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_CPV, -lepMinus_costheta_temp );
236 // Now fill the same variables in the 2D and profile histos vs ttbar invariant mass, pT, and absolute rapidity
237 for (int i_var = 0; i_var < 3; ++i_var) {
238 double var;
239 if ( i_var == 0 ) {
240 var = tt_mass_temp;
241 } else if ( i_var == 1 ) {
242 var = tt_pT_temp;
243 } else {
244 var = tt_absrapidity_temp;
245 }
247 fillWithUFOF( _h_dphi_var[i_var], dphi_temp, var );
248 fillWithUFOF( _h_cos_opening_angle_var[i_var], cos_opening_angle_temp, var );
249 fillWithUFOF( _h_c1c2_var[i_var], c1c2_temp, var );
250 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_var[i_var], lepPlus_costheta_temp, var );
251 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_var[i_var], lepMinus_costheta_temp, var );
252 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_CPV_var[i_var], lepPlus_costheta_temp, var );
253 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_CPV_var[i_var], -lepMinus_costheta_temp, var );
255 fillWithUFOF( _h_dphi_profile[i_var], dphi_temp, var, (_h_dphi->xMax() + _h_dphi->xMin())/2. );
256 fillWithUFOF( _h_cos_opening_angle_profile[i_var], cos_opening_angle_temp, var, (_h_cos_opening_angle->xMax() + _h_cos_opening_angle->xMin())/2. );
257 fillWithUFOF( _h_c1c2_profile[i_var], c1c2_temp, var, (_h_c1c2->xMax() + _h_c1c2->xMin())/2. );
258 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_profile[i_var], lepPlus_costheta_temp, var, (_h_lep_costheta->xMax() + _h_lep_costheta->xMin())/2. );
259 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_profile[i_var], lepMinus_costheta_temp, var, (_h_lep_costheta->xMax() + _h_lep_costheta->xMin())/2. );
260 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_CPV_profile[i_var], lepPlus_costheta_temp, var, (_h_lep_costheta_CPV->xMax() + _h_lep_costheta_CPV->xMin())/2. );
261 fillWithUFOF( _h_lep_costheta_CPV_profile[i_var], -lepMinus_costheta_temp, var, (_h_lep_costheta_CPV->xMax() + _h_lep_costheta_CPV->xMin())/2. );
263 }
265 }
267 }
270 /// Normalise histograms to unit area
271 void finalize() {
273 normalize(_h_dphidressedleptons);
275 normalize(_h_dphi);
276 normalize(_h_cos_opening_angle);
277 normalize(_h_c1c2);
278 normalize(_h_lep_costheta);
279 normalize(_h_lep_costheta_CPV);
281 for (int i_var = 0; i_var < 3; ++i_var) {
282 normalize(_h_dphi_var[i_var]);
283 normalize(_h_cos_opening_angle_var[i_var]);
284 normalize(_h_c1c2_var[i_var]);
285 normalize(_h_lep_costheta_var[i_var]);
286 normalize(_h_lep_costheta_CPV_var[i_var]);
287 }
289 }
292 private:
294 Histo1DPtr _h_dphidressedleptons, _h_dphi, _h_lep_costheta, _h_lep_costheta_CPV, _h_c1c2, _h_cos_opening_angle;
295 Histo2DPtr _h_dphi_var[3], _h_lep_costheta_var[3], _h_lep_costheta_CPV_var[3], _h_c1c2_var[3], _h_cos_opening_angle_var[3];
296 Profile1DPtr _h_dphi_profile[3], _h_lep_costheta_profile[3], _h_lep_costheta_CPV_profile[3], _h_c1c2_profile[3], _h_cos_opening_angle_profile[3];
298 const vector<double> _bins_tt_mass = {300., 430., 530., 1200.};
299 const vector<double> _bins_tt_pT = {0., 41., 92., 300.};
300 const vector<double> _bins_tt_absrapidity = {0., 0.34, 0.75, 1.5};
301 const vector<double> _bins_dphi = {0., 5.*M_PI/60., 10.*M_PI/60., 15.*M_PI/60., 20.*M_PI/60., 25.*M_PI/60., 30.*M_PI/60., 35.*M_PI/60., 40.*M_PI/60., 45.*M_PI/60., 50.*M_PI/60., 55.*M_PI/60., M_PI};
302 const vector<double> _bins_lep_costheta = {-1., -2./3., -1./3., 0., 1./3., 2./3., 1.};
303 const vector<double> _bins_lep_costheta_CPV = {-1., -2./3., -1./3., 0., 1./3., 2./3., 1.};
304 const vector<double> _bins_c1c2 = {-1., -0.4, -10./60., 0., 10./60., 0.4, 1.};
305 const vector<double> _bins_cos_opening_angle = {-1., -2./3., -1./3., 0., 1./3., 2./3., 1.};
307 void fillWithUFOF(Histo1DPtr h, double x) {
308 h->fill(std::max(std::min(x, h->xMax()-1e-9),h->xMin()+1e-9));
309 }
311 void fillWithUFOF(Histo2DPtr h, double x, double y) {
312 h->fill(std::max(std::min(x, h->xMax()-1e-9),h->xMin()+1e-9), std::max(std::min(y, h->yMax()-1e-9),h->yMin()+1e-9));
313 }
315 void fillWithUFOF(Profile1DPtr h, double x, double y, double c) {
316 h->fill(std::max(std::min(y, h->xMax()-1e-9),h->xMin()+1e-9), float(x > c) - float(x < c));
317 }
320 };
323 RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN(CMS_2016_I1413748);