Rivet analyses referenceBESIII_2023_I2689064Kinematic distributions in $\Lambda_c^+\to \Lambda^0 \ell^+\nu_\ell$Experiment: BESIII (BEPC) Inspire ID: 2689064 Status: VALIDATED NOHEPDATA Authors:
Beam energies: ANY Run details:
Measurement of the kinematic distributions in $\Lambda_c^+\to \Lambda^0 \ell^+\nu_\ell$ by BES-III. N.B. The data were read from the paper, the decay for the asymmetries has been correct, however the kinematic distributions and may not have been corrected for acceptance, although the background given in the paper has been subtracted. Source code: BESIII_2023_I2689064.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableParticles.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Projections/DecayedParticles.hh"
5#include "Rivet/Tools/HistoGroup.hh"
8namespace Rivet {
11 /// @brief Lambda_c+ -> Lambda0 l+ nu_l
12 class BESIII_2023_I2689064 : public Analysis {
13 public:
15 /// Constructor
19 /// @name Analysis methods
20 /// @{
22 /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
23 void init() {
25 // Initialise and register projections
26 UnstableParticles ufs = UnstableParticles(Cuts::pid==4122);
27 declare(ufs, "UFS");
28 DecayedParticles LAMBDAC(ufs);
29 LAMBDAC.addStable(PID::PI0);
30 LAMBDAC.addStable(PID::K0S);
31 LAMBDAC.addStable(PID::ETA);
33 declare(LAMBDAC, "LAMBDAC");
34 for (unsigned int ix=0; ix<2; ++ix) {
35 book(_h_q[ix], 1, 1+ix, 1);
36 for (unsigned int iy=0; iy<4; ++iy) {
37 book(_h_kin[ix][iy], 3, ix+1, iy+1);
38 if (iy<2) {
39 book(_h_asym_l[ix][iy],"/TMP/h_asym_l_"+toString(ix+1)+"_"+toString(iy+1),refData(1,ix+1,2));
40 book(_h_asym_p[ix][iy],"/TMP/h_asym_p_"+toString(ix+1)+"_"+toString(iy+1),refData(2,1,ix+1));
41 }
42 }
43 }
44 book(_b_ctheta, {0.,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.37});
45 for (auto& b : _b_ctheta->bins()) {
46 book(b, "/TMP/hLambda_"+toString(b.index()), 20, -1., 1.);
47 }
48 book(_c,"/TMP/n_lambda");
49 }
52 /// Perform the per-event analysis
53 void analyze(const Event& event) {
54 DecayedParticles LAMBDAC = apply<DecayedParticles>(event, "LAMBDAC");
55 // loop over particles
56 for (unsigned int ix=0; ix<LAMBDAC.decaying().size(); ++ix) {
57 _c->fill();
58 unsigned int il=0;
59 if (LAMBDAC.modeMatches(ix,4,mode1) ) il=0;
60 else if (LAMBDAC.modeMatches(ix,4,mode2) ) il=1;
61 else {
62 continue;
63 }
64 const Particle& pp = LAMBDAC.decayProducts()[ix].at(2212)[0];
65 const Particle& pim= LAMBDAC.decayProducts()[ix].at(-211)[0];
66 const Particle& ep = LAMBDAC.decayProducts()[ix].at( -11-2*il)[0];
67 const Particle& nue= LAMBDAC.decayProducts()[ix].at( 12+2*il)[0];
68 if (LAMBDAC.decaying()[ix].children(Cuts::pid==PID::LAMBDA).empty()) continue;
69 FourMomentum pLambda = pp.mom()+pim.mom();
70 FourMomentum qq = LAMBDAC.decaying()[ix].mom()-pLambda;
71 double q2 = qq.mass2();
72 _h_kin[il][0]->fill(q2);
73 _h_q[il]->fill(q2);
74 // boost momenta to LAMBDAC rest frame
75 LorentzTransform boost = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta(LAMBDAC.decaying()[ix].mom().betaVec());
76 FourMomentum pLam = boost.transform(pLambda);
77 Matrix3 ptoz(-pLam.p3().unit(), Vector3(0,0,1));
78 boost.preMult(ptoz);
79 // the momenta in frane to W along z
80 FourMomentum pD = boost.transform(LAMBDAC.decaying()[ix].mom());
81 FourMomentum pP = boost.transform(pp .mom());
82 FourMomentum ppi = boost.transform(pim.mom());
83 FourMomentum pe = boost.transform(ep .mom());
84 FourMomentum pnu = boost.transform(nue.mom());
85 pLambda = pP+ppi;
86 qq = pD-pLambda;
87 LorentzTransform boostL = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta(pLambda.betaVec());
88 Vector3 axisP = boostL.transform(pP).p3().unit();
89 const double cThetaP = axisP.dot(pLambda.p3().unit());
90 _h_kin[il][1]->fill(cThetaP);
91 _b_ctheta->fill(q2,cThetaP);
92 if (cThetaP>0.) _h_asym_p[il][0]->fill(q2);
93 else _h_asym_p[il][1]->fill(q2);
94 LorentzTransform boostW = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta( qq.betaVec());
95 Vector3 axisE = boostW.transform(pe).p3().unit();
96 double cThetaE = -axisE.dot(qq.p3().unit());
97 _h_kin[il][2]->fill(cThetaE);
98 if (cThetaE>0.) _h_asym_l[il][0]->fill(q2);
99 else _h_asym_l[il][1]->fill(q2);
100 axisP.setZ(0.);
101 axisE.setZ(0.);
102 double chi = atan2(axisE.cross(axisP).dot(qq.p3().unit()), axisE.dot(axisP));
103 _h_kin[il][3]->fill(chi);
104 }
105 }
107 pair<double,double> calcAlpha(Histo1DPtr hist) {
108 if (hist->numEntries()==0.) return make_pair(0.,0.);
109 double sum1(0.),sum2(0.);
110 for (const auto& bin : hist->bins()) {
111 const double Oi = bin.sumW();
112 if (Oi==0.) continue;
113 const double ai = 0.5*(bin.xMax()-bin.xMin());
114 const double bi = 0.5*ai*(bin.xMax()+bin.xMin());
115 const double Ei = bin.errW();
116 sum1 += sqr(bi/Ei);
117 sum2 += bi/sqr(Ei)*(Oi-ai);
118 }
119 return make_pair(sum2/sum1,sqrt(1./sum1));
120 }
122 /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
123 void finalize() {
124 const double tau = 201.5e-3; // lifetime in ps from PDG 2023
125 const double br = 0.641; // br for lambda -> p pi from PDG 2023
126 for (unsigned int ix=0; ix<2; ++ix) {
127 scale(_h_q[ix], 1.0/tau/br/ *_c);
128 normalize(_h_kin[ix], 1.0, false);
129 }
130 // asymmetries
131 Estimate1DPtr ap[2];
132 for (unsigned int ix=0; ix<2; ++ix) {
133 Estimate1DPtr as;
134 book(as, 1, 1+ix, 2);
135 asymm(_h_asym_l[ix][1], _h_asym_l[ix][0], as);
136 book(ap[ix], 2, 1, 1+ix);
137 asymm(_h_asym_p[ix][0], _h_asym_p[ix][1], ap[ix]);
138 }
139 Estimate1DPtr a2;
140 book(a2, 1, 3, 2);
141 divide(ap[1], ap[0], a2);
142 // ratios
143 Estimate1DPtr r1;
144 book(r1,1,3,1);
145 divide(_h_q[1], _h_q[0],r1);
146 // alpha parameters
147 Estimate1DPtr _h_alpha;
148 book(_h_alpha,2,2,1);
149 double lambda = 0.748; // PDG 2023
150 normalize(_b_ctheta);
151 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<7;++ix) {
152 pair<double,double> alpha = calcAlpha(_b_ctheta->bin(ix+1));
153 alpha.first /= lambda;
154 alpha.second /= lambda;
155 _h_alpha->bin(ix+1).set(alpha.first, alpha.second);
156 }
157 }
159 /// @}
162 /// @name Histograms
163 /// @{
164 Histo1DPtr _h_kin[2][4], _h_q[2] ,_h_asym_l[2][2], _h_asym_p[2][2];
165 Histo1DGroupPtr _b_ctheta;
166 CounterPtr _c;
167 const map<PdgId,unsigned int> mode1 = { { 2212,1}, {-211,1}, {-11,1}, { 12,1}};
168 const map<PdgId,unsigned int> mode2 = { { 2212,1}, {-211,1}, {-13,1}, { 14,1}};
169 /// @}
172 };