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Rivet analyses reference


Analysis of $\psi(2S)\to\gamma\chi_{c(0,2)}$ decays with $\chi_{c(0,2)}\to \Xi^-\bar{\Xi}^+/\Xi^0\bar{\Xi}^0$
Experiment: BESIII (BEPC)
Inspire ID: 2033855
  • Peter Richardson
  • JHEP06(2022)074
Beams: e- e+
Beam energies: (1.8, 1.8) GeV
Run details:
  • e+e- > psi(2S)

Analysis of the angular distribution of the photons and baryons produced in $\psi(2S)\to\gamma\chi_{c(0,2)}$ decays with $\chi_{c(0,2)}\to \Xi^-\bar{\Xi}^+/\Xi^0\bar{\Xi}^0$ Gives information about the decay and is useful for testing correlations in charmonium decays. N.B. the distributions were read from the figures in the paper and are not corrected and should only be used qualatively, however the $\alpha$ results are fully corrected.

Source code: BESIII_2022_I2033855.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableParticles.hh"
  7namespace Rivet {
 10  /// @brief psi(2S) -> gamma chi_c0,2 -> Xi Xibar
 11  class BESIII_2022_I2033855 : public Analysis {
 12  public:
 14    /// Constructor
 18    /// @name Analysis methods
 19    /// @{
 21    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 22    void init() {
 23      // Initialise and register projections
 24      declare(Beam(), "Beams");
 25      declare(UnstableParticles(Cuts::pid==10441 || Cuts::pid==445), "UFS");
 26      declare(FinalState(), "FS");
 27      // book hists
 28      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix)
 29	for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<2;++iy)
 30	  book(_h[ix][iy],4+ix,1,1+iy);
 31    }
 33    void findChildren(const Particle & p,map<long,int> & nRes, int &ncount) {
 34      for( const Particle &child : p.children()) {
 35	if(child.children().empty()) {
 36	  nRes[child.pid()]-=1;
 37	  --ncount;
 38	}
 39	else
 40	  findChildren(child,nRes,ncount);
 41      }
 42    }
 44    /// Perform the per-event analysis
 45    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 46      // get the axis, direction of incoming electron
 47      const ParticlePair& beams = apply<Beam>(event, "Beams").beams();
 48      Vector3 axis;
 49      if(beams.first.pid()>0)
 50	axis = beams.first .momentum().p3().unit();
 51      else
 52	axis = beams.second.momentum().p3().unit();
 53      // types of final state particles
 54      const FinalState& fs = apply<FinalState>(event, "FS");
 55      map<long,int> nCount;
 56      int ntotal(0);
 57      for (const Particle& p :  fs.particles()) {
 58	nCount[p.pid()] += 1;
 59	++ntotal;
 60      }
 61      // loop over chi_c states
 62      Particle chi;
 63      bool matched = false;
 64      const UnstableParticles & ufs = apply<UnstableParticles>(event, "UFS");
 65      for (const Particle& p :  ufs.particles()) {
 66       	if(p.children().empty()) continue;
 67       	map<long,int> nRes=nCount;
 68       	int ncount = ntotal;
 69       	findChildren(p,nRes,ncount);
 70	if(ncount==1) {
 71	  matched = true;
 72	  for(auto const & val : nRes) {
 73	    if(val.first==PID::PHOTON) {
 74	      if(val.second!=1) {
 75	      matched = false;
 76	      break;
 77	      }
 78	    }
 79	    else if(val.second!=0) {
 80	      matched = false;
 81	      break;
 82	    }
 83	  }
 84	  if(matched) {
 85	    chi=p;
 86	    break;
 87	  }
 88	}
 89      }
 90      if(!matched) vetoEvent;
 91      // have chi_c find psi2S
 92      if(chi.parents().empty() || chi.children().size()!=2 ||
 93	 chi.children()[0].pid() != -chi.children()[1].pid()) vetoEvent;
 94      Particle psi2S = chi.parents()[0];
 95      if(psi2S.pid()!=100443 || psi2S.children().size()!=2) vetoEvent;
 96      // then the first photon
 97      Particle gamma1;
 98      if(psi2S.children()[0].pid()==PID::PHOTON)
 99	gamma1 = psi2S.children()[0];
100      else if(psi2S.children()[1].pid()==PID::PHOTON)
101	gamma1 = psi2S.children()[1];
102      else
103	vetoEvent;
104      // now the decay products of the chi_c
105      Particle bPlus,bMinus;
106      bool foundBaryon=false;
107      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
108	if(chi.children()[ix].pid()==PID::XIMINUS ||
109	   chi.children()[ix].pid()==PID::XI0 ) {
110	  foundBaryon=true;
111	  bPlus=chi.children()[ix];
112	}
113	else if(chi.children()[ix].pid()==-PID::XIMINUS ||
114		chi.children()[ix].pid()==-PID::XI0 ) {
115	  bMinus=chi.children()[ix];
116	}
117      }
118      if(!foundBaryon) vetoEvent;
119      // type chi state
120      unsigned int ichi = 0;
121      if(chi.pid()==20443) ichi = 1;
122      else if(chi.pid()==445) ichi = 2;
123      LorentzTransform boost1 = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta(chi.momentum().betaVec());
124      Vector3 e1z = gamma1.momentum().p3().unit();
125      FourMomentum pBaryon = boost1.transform(bPlus.momentum());
126      Vector3 axis1 = pBaryon.p3().unit();
127      double cBaryon = e1z.dot(axis1);
128      if(bPlus.pid()==PID::XIMINUS)
129	_h[ichi][0]->fill(cBaryon);
130      else
131	_h[ichi][1]->fill(cBaryon);
132    }
134    pair<double,pair<double,double> > calcAlpha0(Histo1DPtr hist) {
135      if(hist->numEntries()==0.) return make_pair(0.,make_pair(0.,0.));
136      double d = 3./(pow(hist->xMax(),3)-pow(hist->xMin(),3));
137      double c = 3.*(hist->xMax()-hist->xMin())/(pow(hist->xMax(),3)-pow(hist->xMin(),3));
138      double sum1(0.),sum2(0.),sum3(0.),sum4(0.),sum5(0.);
139      for (const auto& bin : hist->bins() ) {
140       	double Oi = bin.sumW();
141        if(Oi==0.) continue;
142        double a =  d*(bin.xMax() - bin.xMin());
143        double b = d/3.*(pow(bin.xMax(),3) - pow(bin.xMin(),3));
144       	double Ei = bin.errW();
145        sum1 +=   a*Oi/sqr(Ei);
146        sum2 +=   b*Oi/sqr(Ei);
147        sum3 += sqr(a)/sqr(Ei);
148        sum4 += sqr(b)/sqr(Ei);
149        sum5 +=    a*b/sqr(Ei);
150      }
151      // calculate alpha
152      double alpha = (-c*sum1 + sqr(c)*sum2 + sum3 - c*sum5)/(sum1 - c*sum2 + c*sum4 - sum5);
153      // and error
154      double cc = -pow((sum3 + sqr(c)*sum4 - 2*c*sum5),3);
155      double bb = -2*sqr(sum3 + sqr(c)*sum4 - 2*c*sum5)*(sum1 - c*sum2 + c*sum4 - sum5);
156      double aa =  sqr(sum1 - c*sum2 + c*sum4 - sum5)*(-sum3 - sqr(c)*sum4 + sqr(sum1 - c*sum2 + c*sum4 - sum5) + 2*c*sum5);
157      double dis = sqr(bb)-4.*aa*cc;
158      if(dis>0.) {
159	dis = sqrt(dis);
160	return make_pair(alpha,make_pair(0.5*(-bb+dis)/aa,-0.5*(-bb-dis)/aa));
161      }
162      else {
163	return make_pair(alpha,make_pair(0.,0.));
164      }
165    }
167    /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
168    void finalize() {
169      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix) {
170        for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<2;++iy) {
171          normalize(_h[ix][iy],1.,false);
172          pair<double,pair<double,double> > alpha0 = calcAlpha0(_h[ix][iy]);
173          Estimate0DPtr _h_alpha0;
174          book(_h_alpha0,1+ix,1,1+iy);
175          _h_alpha0->set(alpha0.first, alpha0.second);
176        }
177      }
178    }
180    /// @}
183    /// @name Histograms
184    /// @{
185    Histo1DPtr _h[3][2];
186    /// @}
189  };