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Differential branching ratio, polarization and asymmetries in $B\to K^{(*)}\ell^+\ell^-$
Experiment: BELLE (KEKB)
Inspire ID: 817326
  • Peter Richardson
  • Phys.Rev.Lett. 103 (2009) 171801
Beams: * *
Beam energies: ANY
Run details:
  • Any process production B0 and B+ mesons, oeiginally Upsilon(4S) decay

Measurement of the differential branching ratio, polarization and asymmetries in $B\to K^{(*)}\ell^+\ell^-$ as a function of $q^2$.

Source code: BELLE_2009_I817326.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableParticles.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/DecayedParticles.hh"
  6namespace Rivet {
  9  /// @brief B -> K(*) l+ l-
 10  class BELLE_2009_I817326 : public Analysis {
 11  public:
 13    /// Constructor
 17    /// @name Analysis methods
 18    /// @{
 20    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 21    void init() {
 22      // Initialise and register projections
 23      UnstableParticles ufs = UnstableParticles(Cuts::abspid==511 or
 24						Cuts::abspid==521);
 25      declare(ufs, "UFS");
 26      DecayedParticles BB(ufs);
 27      BB.addStable(   443);
 28      BB.addStable(100443);
 29      BB.addStable(PID::K0S);
 30      BB.addStable(PID::K0L);
 31      BB.addStable( 313);
 32      BB.addStable(-313);
 33      BB.addStable( 323);
 34      BB.addStable(-323);
 35      declare(BB, "BB");
 36      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
 37	book(_p_FL[ix],1,1+ix,2);
 38	for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<2;++iy) {
 39	  book(_h_br[ix][iy],1+ix,1+iy,1);
 40	  book(_p_FB[ix][iy],1+ix,1+iy,4);
 41	  for(unsigned int iz=0;iz<2;++iz)
 42	    book(_h_br_B[ix][iy][iz],
 43		 "TMP/h_br_"+toString(ix+1)+"_"+toString(iy+1)+"_"+toString(iz+1),
 44		 refData(1+ix,1+iy,1));
 45	}
 46      };
 47      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<3;++ix)
 48	book(_c[ix],"TMP/c_"+toString(ix+1));
 49    }
 52    /// Perform the per-event analysis
 53    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 54      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode1   = { { 321,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 55      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode1CC = { {-321,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 56      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode2   = { { 310,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 57      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode2CC = { { 130,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 58      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode3   = { { 321,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 59      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode3CC = { {-321,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 60      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode4   = { { 310,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 61      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode4CC = { { 130,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 62      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode5   = { { 323,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 63      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode5CC = { {-323,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 64      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode6   = { { 313,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 65      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode6CC = { {-313,1},{ 13,1}, {-13,1}};
 66      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode7   = { { 323,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 67      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode7CC = { {-323,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 68      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode8   = { { 313,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 69      static const map<PdgId,unsigned int> & mode8CC = { {-313,1},{ 11,1}, {-11,1}};
 70      DecayedParticles BB = apply<DecayedParticles>(event, "BB");
 71      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<BB.decaying().size();++ix) {
 72	_c[0]->fill();
 73	if(BB.decaying()[ix].abspid()==521) _c[1]->fill();
 74	else                                _c[2]->fill();
 75	int imode=0;
 76	if ((BB.decaying()[ix].pid()>0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode1)) ||
 77	    (BB.decaying()[ix].pid()<0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode1CC)))      imode=0;
 78	else if (BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode2)||BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode2CC))    imode=1;
 79	else if ((BB.decaying()[ix].pid()>0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode3)) ||
 80		 (BB.decaying()[ix].pid()<0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode3CC))) imode=2;
 81	else if (BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode4) || BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode4CC))  imode=3;
 82      	else if ((BB.decaying()[ix].pid()>0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode5)) ||
 83		 (BB.decaying()[ix].pid()<0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode5CC))) imode=4;
 84	else if ((BB.decaying()[ix].pid()>0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode6)) ||
 85		 (BB.decaying()[ix].pid()<0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode6CC))) imode=5;
 86      	else if ((BB.decaying()[ix].pid()>0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode7)) ||
 87		 (BB.decaying()[ix].pid()<0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode7CC))) imode=6;
 88      	else if ((BB.decaying()[ix].pid()>0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode8)) ||
 89		 (BB.decaying()[ix].pid()<0 && BB.modeMatches(ix,3,mode8CC))) imode=7;
 90      	else continue;
 91	int il = imode<2 || imode==4 || imode==5 ? 13 : 11;
 92	const Particle & lp = BB.decayProducts()[ix].at(-il)[0];
 93	const Particle & lm = BB.decayProducts()[ix].at( il)[0];
 94	double qq = (lp.momentum()+lm.momentum()).mass2();
 95	for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<2;++iy) {
 96	  if(imode<4) {
 97	    _h_br[1][iy]->fill(qq);
 98	    if(BB.decaying()[ix].abspid()==521)
 99	      _h_br_B[1][iy][0]->fill(qq);
100	    else
101	      _h_br_B[1][iy][1]->fill(qq);
102	  }
103	  else {
104	    _h_br[0][iy]->fill(qq);
105	    if(BB.decaying()[ix].abspid()==521)
106	      _h_br_B[0][iy][0]->fill(qq);
107	    else
108	      _h_br_B[0][iy][1]->fill(qq);
109	  }
110	}
111	// first boost to bottom frame
112	const LorentzTransform boost  =
113	  LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta(BB.decaying()[ix].momentum().betaVec());
114	FourMomentum plp    = boost.transform(lp   .momentum());
115	FourMomentum plm    = boost.transform(lm   .momentum());
116	FourMomentum pB     = boost.transform(BB.decaying()[ix].momentum());
117	// lepton stuff
118	const LorentzTransform boost2 = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta((plp+plm).betaVec());
119	plp = boost2.transform(plp);
120	double cTheta = plp.p3().unit().dot(boost .transform(pB ).p3().unit());
121	double AFB = cTheta>0 ? 1 : -1;
122	for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<2;++iy) {
123	  if(imode<4) _p_FB[1][iy]->fill(qq,AFB);
124	  else        _p_FB[0][iy]->fill(qq,AFB);
125	}
126	// only K* for FL
127	if(imode<4) continue;
128	int iK = BB.decaying()[ix].abspid()==521 ? 323 : 313;
129	iK *=  BB.decaying()[ix].pid()/BB.decaying()[ix].abspid();
130	const Particle & Kstar = BB.decayProducts()[ix].at( iK)[0];
131	FourMomentum pKstar = boost.transform(Kstar.momentum());
132	if(Kstar.children().size()!=2) continue;
133	Particle KK;
134	if(Kstar.abspid()==313) {
135	  if(Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==321 &&
136	     Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==211)
137	    KK = Kstar.children()[0];
138	  else if(Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==321 &&
139		  Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==211)
140	    KK = Kstar.children()[1];
141	  else continue;
142	}
143	else {
144	  if(Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==311 &&
145	     Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==211)
146	    KK = Kstar.children()[0];
147	  else if(Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==311 &&
148		  Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==211)
149	    KK = Kstar.children()[1];
150	  else if(Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==310 &&
151		  Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==211)
152	    KK = Kstar.children()[0];
153	  else if(Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==310 &&
154		  Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==211)
155	    KK = Kstar.children()[1];
156	  else if(Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==321 &&
157		  Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==111 && il==11)
158	    KK = Kstar.children()[0];
159	  else if(Kstar.children()[1].abspid()==321 &&
160		  Kstar.children()[0].abspid()==111 && il==11)
161	    KK = Kstar.children()[1];
162	  else continue;
163	  if(KK.abspid()==311) {
164	    if(KK.children().size()==1 && KK.children()[0].pid()==310)
165	      KK = KK.children()[0];
166	    else
167	      continue;
168	  }
169	}
170	FourMomentum pK     = boost.transform(KK   .momentum());
171	const LorentzTransform boost3 = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta(pKstar.betaVec());
172	pK = boost3.transform(pK);
173	cTheta = pK.p3().unit().dot(boost .transform(pB ).p3().unit());
174	double FL = .5*(5.*sqr(cTheta)-1.);
175	for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<2;++iy) _p_FL[iy]->fill(qq,FL);
176      }
177    }
180    /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
181    void finalize() {
182      // ratio of lifetimes
183      double rLife = 1./1.078;
184      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<2;++ix) {
185      	for(unsigned int iy=0;iy<2;++iy) {
186	  scale(_h_br[ix][iy],0.5e7/ *_c[0]);
187	  for(unsigned int il=0;il<2;++il) {
188	    scale(_h_br_B[ix][iy][il],0.5e7/ *_c[il+1]);
189	    if (il==0) scale(_h_br_B[ix][iy][il],rLife);
190	  }
191	  // A_I plots
192	  Estimate1DPtr AI;
193	  book(AI,1+ix,1+iy,3);
194	  asymm(_h_br_B[ix][iy][1],_h_br_B[ix][iy][0],AI);
195	}
196      }
197    }
199    /// @}
202    /// @name Histograms
203    /// @{
204    Histo1DPtr _h_br[2][2],_h_br_B[2][2][2];
205    Profile1DPtr _p_FL[2],_p_FB[2][2];
206    CounterPtr _c[3];
207    /// @}
210  };