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Recursive jigsaw chargino-neutralino search with 2 or 3 charged leptons in 36/fb of 13 TeV pp
Experiment: ATLAS (LHC)
Inspire ID: 1676551
  • Derek Yeung
  • Andy Buckley
  • Public page: ATLAS-SUSY-2017-03
  • Phys.Rev. D98 (2018) no.9, 092012
  • DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.092012
  • CERN-EP-2018-113
Beams: p+ p+
Beam energies: (6500.0, 6500.0) GeV
Run details:
  • BSM signal events, with 2 or 3 high-pT leptons.

A search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in two-lepton and three-lepton final states using recursive jigsaw reconstruction, a technique that assigns reconstructed objects to the most probable hemispheres of the decay trees, allowing one to construct tailored kinematic variables to separate the signal and background. The search uses data collected in 2015 and 2016 by the ATLAS experiment in $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV proton-proton collisions at the CERN Large Hadron Collider corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1/fb. Chargino-neutralino pair production, with decays via W/Z bosons, is studied in final states involving leptons and jets and missing transverse momentum for scenarios with large and intermediate mass splittings between the parent particle and lightest supersymmetric particle, as well as for the scenario where this mass splitting is close to the mass of the $Z$ boson. The latter case is challenging since the vector bosons are produced with kinematic properties that are similar to those in Standard Model processes. Results are found to be compatible with the Standard Model expectations in the signal regions targeting large and intermediate mass splittings, and chargino-neutralino masses up to 600 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level for a massless lightest supersymmetric particle. Excesses of data above the expected background are found in the signal regions targeting low mass splittings, and the largest local excess amounts to 3.0 standard deviations.

Source code: ATLAS_2018_I1676551.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/DirectFinalState.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/IndirectFinalState.hh"
  6#include "Rivet/Projections/TauFinder.hh"
  7#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
  8#include "Rivet/Projections/MissingMomentum.hh"
  9#include "Rivet/Projections/Smearing.hh"
 10#include "Rivet/Tools/Cutflow.hh"
 12namespace Rivet {
 15  /// Recursive jigsaw chargino-neutralino search with 2 or 3 charged leptons in 36/fb of 13 TeV pp
 16  ///
 17  /// @author Derek Yeung, Andy Buckley
 18  class ATLAS_2018_I1676551 : public Analysis {
 19  public:
 21    /// Constructor
 25    /// Analysis initialization
 26    void init() {
 28      PromptFinalState electrons(Cuts::abspid == PID::ELECTRON);
 29      SmearedParticles recoelectrons(electrons, ELECTRON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2_MEDIUM, ELECTRON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2);
 30      declare(recoelectrons, "Electrons");
 32      PromptFinalState muons(Cuts::abspid == PID::MUON);
 33      SmearedParticles recomuons(muons, MUON_EFF_ATLAS_RUN2, MUON_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2);
 34      declare(recomuons, "Muons");
 36      FastJets jets4(IndirectFinalState(Cuts::open()), JetAlg::ANTIKT, 0.4);
 37      SmearedJets recojets4(jets4, JET_SMEAR_CMS_RUN2, JET_BTAG_EFFS(0.77, 1/6., 1/134.));
 38      declare(recojets4, "Jets");
 40      MissingMomentum met(FinalState(Cuts::abseta < 4.9));
 41      SmearedMET recomet(met, MET_SMEAR_ATLAS_RUN2);
 42      declare(recomet, "MET");
 44      // Cutflow Setup for 2l-High
 45      const strings edges = {"2l-high", "2l-int", "2l-low", "2l-ISR",
 46                             "3l-high", "3l-int", "3l-low", "3l-ISR" };
 47      book(_cutflows, edges);
 48      const strings cfnames1 = {"Trigger matching & 2 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 49                                "Fraction 1 > 0.8", "Fraction 2 < 0.05",
 50                                "Delta Phi in [0.3, 2.9]", "H_PP_4,1 > 800 GeV"};
 51      const strings cfnames2 = {"Trigger matching & 2 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 52                                "Fraction 1 > 0.8", "Fraction 2 < 0.05",
 53                                "Delta Phi in [0.3, 2.6]", "H_PP_4,1 > 600 GeV"};
 54      const strings cfnames3 = {"Trigger matching & 2 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 55                                "Fraction 1 in [0.35, 0.6]", "Fraction 2 < 0.05",
 56                                "Min Delta Phi > 2.4", "H_PP_4,1 > 400 GeV"};
 57      const strings cfnames4 = {"Trigger matching & 2 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 58                                "m_Z in [80, 100] GeV", "m_J in [50, 110] GeV",
 59                                "Delta Phi > 2.8", "R_ISR in [0.4, 0.75]", "p_CM_T_ISR > 180 GeV",
 60                                "p_CM_T_I > 100 GeV", "p_CM_T < 30 GeV"};
 61      const strings cfnames5 = {"Trigger matching & 3 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 62                                "m_ll in [75,105] GeV", "m_W_T > 150 GeV",
 63                                "Fraction 1 > 0.75", "Fraction 2 < 0.8",
 64                                "H_PP_31 > 500 GeV", "Fraction 3 < 0.2"};
 65      const strings cfnames6 = {"Trigger matching & 3 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 66                                "m_ll in [75,105] GeV", "m_W_T > 130 GeV",
 67                                "Fraction 1 > 0.8", "Fraction 2 < 0.75",
 68                                "H_PP_31 > 450 GeV", "Fraction 3 < 0.15"};
 69      const strings cfnames7 = {"Trigger matching & 3 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 70                                "m_ll in [75,105] GeV", "m_W_T > 100 GeV",
 71                                "Fraction 1 > 0.9", "H_PP_31 > 250 GeV", "Fraction 2 < 0.05"};
 72      const strings cfnames8 = {"Trigger matching & 3 signal leptons", "Preselection",
 73                                "m_ll in [75, 105] GeV", "m_W_T > 100 GeV",
 74                                "Delta Phi > 2.0", "R_ISR in [0.55, 1.0]", "p_CM_T_ISR > 100 GeV",
 75                                "p_CM_T_I > 80 GeV", "p_CM_T < 25 GeV"};
 76      book(_cutflows->bin(1), edges[0], cfnames1); // Cutflow Setup for 2l-High
 77      book(_cutflows->bin(2), edges[1], cfnames2); // Cutflow Setup for 2l-Int
 78      book(_cutflows->bin(3), edges[2], cfnames3); // Cutflow Setup for 2l-Low
 79      book(_cutflows->bin(4), edges[3], cfnames4); // Cutflow Setup for 2l-ISR
 80      book(_cutflows->bin(5), edges[4], cfnames5); // Cutflow Setup for 3l-High
 81      book(_cutflows->bin(6), edges[5], cfnames6); // Cutflow Setup for 3l-Int
 82      book(_cutflows->bin(7), edges[6], cfnames7); // Cutflow Setup for 3l-Low
 83      book(_cutflows->bin(8), edges[7], cfnames8); // Cutflow Setup for 3l-ISR
 85    }
 88    // Per-event analysis
 89    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 91      _cutflows->groupfillinit();
 93      // Obtain Electrons, Muons and Jets
 94      Particles elecs = apply<ParticleFinder>(event, "Electrons").particlesByPt(Cuts::pT > 10*GeV && Cuts::abseta < 2.47);
 95      Particles muons = apply<ParticleFinder>(event, "Muons").particlesByPt(Cuts::pT > 10*GeV && Cuts::abseta < 2.4);
 96      Particles leptons = sortByPt(elecs + muons);
 97      Jets jets = apply<SmearedJets>(event, "Jets").jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 20*GeV && Cuts::abseta < 2.4);
 99      // Discard jets within DR = 0.4 of prompt leptons
100      idiscardIfAnyDeltaRLess(jets, leptons, 0.4);
102      // 2-lepton High (n=0), Int (n=1) and Low (n=2) Selection
103      for (size_t n=0; n<_types.size(); ++n) {
105        while (true) {
107          // Require the leading electron and the leading muon to have pT > 25GeV
108          if (elecs.size() != 0 && elecs[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
109          if (muons.size() != 0 && muons[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
111          // Obtain the missing transverse momentum vector
112          Vector3 EtMissX = apply<SmearedMET>(event,"MET").vectorPt();
113          Vector3 EtMiss  = -EtMissX;
115          // Require only 2 opposite charged, same flavoured leptons
116          double n_leptons = leptons.size();
117          if (n_leptons != 2) break;
118          if (leptons[0].abspid() != leptons[1].abspid()) break;
119          if (leptons[0].charge() * leptons[1].charge() >= 0) break;
121          // Obtain the 4-momenta of leptons and implement requirements on them
122          vector<FourMomentum> lepton;
123          for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) lepton.push_back(leptons[l].mom());
125          double p_l1_T = lepton[0].pT();
126          if (p_l1_T < 25*GeV) break;
128          double p_l2_T = lepton[1].pT();
129          if (p_l2_T < 25*GeV) break;
131          _cutflows->fillnext("2l"s + _types[n]);
133          // Requirement on m_ll
134          double m_ll = (lepton[0]+lepton[1]).mass();
135          if (!inRange(m_ll, 80*GeV, 100*GeV)) break;
137          // Obtain the 4-momenta of jets and implement requirements on them
138          double n_jets = jets.size();
139          if (n != 2) {
140            if (n_jets < 2) break;
141            if (any(jets,hasBTag())) break;
142          } else{
143            if (n_jets != 2) break;
144            if (any(jets,hasBTag())) break;
145          }
147          vector<FourMomentum> jet;
148          for (int l = 0; l < 2; ++l) jet.push_back(jets[l].momentum());
150          double p_j1_T = jet[0].pT();
151          if (p_j1_T < 30*GeV) break;
153          double p_j2_T = jet[1].pT();
154          if (p_j2_T < 30*GeV) break;
156          double m_jj = (jet[0]+jet[1]).mass();
157          if (n != 2) {
158            if (m_jj < 60*GeV || m_jj > 100*GeV) break;
159          } else{
160            if (m_jj < 70*GeV || m_jj > 90*GeV) break;
161          }
163          // Pre-selection requirements cut
164          _cutflows->fillnext("2l"s+_types[n]);
166          // Invisible mass JR and Invisible Rapidity JR to obtain Invisible System 4-momentum
167          FourMomentum P_V = lepton[0] + lepton[1] + jet[0] + jet[1];
168          double M_I = sqrt(P_V.mass2() - 4*m_ll*m_jj);
169          double M_V = P_V.mass();
170          double p_I_z = P_V.pz() * sqrt(EtMiss.dot(EtMiss) + sqr(M_I)) / sqrt(P_V.pT2() + sqr(M_V));
172          FourMomentum P_I;
173          P_I.setPM(EtMiss.x(), EtMiss.y(), p_I_z, M_I);
175          // Lorentz boost to CM frame
176          LorentzTransform LT = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(P_I+P_V);
178          FourMomentum P_F_I; //4-momentum of invisible system in CM frame
179          FourMomentum P_F_Va; //4-momentum of visible system a in CM frame
180          FourMomentum P_F_Vb; //4-momentum of visible system b in CM frame
181          FourMomentum P_F_V; //4-momentum of visible system in CM frame
182          FourMomentum P_F_Va1; //4-momentum of visible system a1 in CM frame
183          FourMomentum P_F_Va2; //4-momentum of visible system a2 in CM frame
184          FourMomentum P_F_Vb1; //4-momentum of visible system b1 in CM frame
185          FourMomentum P_F_Vb2; //4-momentum of visible system b2 in CM frame
186          if ((jet[0]+jet[1]).mass() > (lepton[0]+lepton[1]).mass()) {
187            P_F_I = LT.transform(P_I);
188            P_F_Va = LT.transform(jet[0]+jet[1]);
189            P_F_Vb = LT.transform(lepton[0]+lepton[1]);
190            P_F_V = LT.transform(P_V);
191            //
192            P_F_Va1 = LT.transform(jet[0]);
193            P_F_Va2 = LT.transform(jet[1]);
194            P_F_Vb1 = LT.transform(lepton[0]);
195            P_F_Vb2 = LT.transform(lepton[1]);
196          } else {
197            P_F_I = LT.transform(P_I);
198            P_F_Va = LT.transform(lepton[0]+lepton[1]);
199            P_F_Vb = LT.transform(jet[0]+jet[1]);
200            P_F_V = LT.transform(P_V);
201            //
202            P_F_Va1 = LT.transform(lepton[0]);
203            P_F_Va2 = LT.transform(lepton[1]);
204            P_F_Vb1 = LT.transform(jet[0]);
205            P_F_Vb2 = LT.transform(jet[1]);
206          }
208          // Obtain variables defined in the Contra-boost Invariant JR
209          double M2c = 2*((P_F_Va.E())*(P_F_Vb.E())+(P_F_Va.p3()).dot(P_F_Vb.p3()));
210          double m2Va = sqr(P_F_Va.mass());
211          double m2Vb = sqr(P_F_Vb.mass());
212          double ka = m2Va-m2Vb+M2c-2*sqrt(m2Va)*sqrt(m2Vb);
213          double kb = m2Vb-m2Va+M2c-2*sqrt(m2Va)*sqrt(m2Vb);
214          double kn = ka*m2Va - kb*m2Vb + M2c*(kb-ka)/2 + (0.5)*sqrt(pow(ka+kb,2)*(pow(M2c,2)-4*m2Va*m2Vb));
215          double k2d = sqr(ka)*m2Va+sqr(kb)*m2Vb+ka*kb*M2c;
216          double k = kn/k2d;
217          double ca = (1+k*ka)/2;
218          double cb = (1+k*kb)/2;
219          double c = 0.5*(P_F_V.E()+sqrt(pow(P_F_V.E(),2)+pow(M_I,2)-pow(P_V.mass(),2)))/(ca*(P_F_Va.E())+cb*(P_F_Vb.E()));
221          // Apply Contra-boost Invariant JR to obtain invisible particles' 4-momenta
222          double p_F_Iax = (P_F_Va.px())*(c*ca-1)-(P_F_Vb.px())*c*cb;
223          double p_F_Iay = (P_F_Va.py())*(c*ca-1)-(P_F_Vb.py())*c*cb;
224          double p_F_Iaz = (P_F_Va.pz())*(c*ca-1)-(P_F_Vb.pz())*c*cb;
225          double p_F_Ibx = (P_F_Vb.px())*(c*cb-1)-(P_F_Va.px())*c*ca;
226          double p_F_Iby = (P_F_Vb.py())*(c*cb-1)-(P_F_Va.py())*c*ca;
227          double p_F_Ibz = (P_F_Vb.pz())*(c*cb-1)-(P_F_Va.pz())*c*ca;
228          double E_F_Ia = (c*ca-1)*(P_F_Va.E())+c*cb*(P_F_Vb.E());
229          double E_F_Ib = (c*cb-1)*(P_F_Vb.E())+c*ca*(P_F_Va.E());
231          FourMomentum P_F_Ia;
232          FourMomentum P_F_Ib;
233          P_F_Ia.setPE(p_F_Iax,p_F_Iay,p_F_Iaz,E_F_Ia);
234          P_F_Ib.setPE(p_F_Ibx,p_F_Iby,p_F_Ibz,E_F_Ib);
236          // Lorentz boost from the CM frame to the P_a and P_b frame
237          LorentzTransform LTPa=LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(P_F_Va+P_F_Ia);
238          LorentzTransform LTPb=LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(P_F_Vb+P_F_Ib);
240          // min(H_Pa_11,H_Pb_11)/min(H_Pa_21,H_Pb,21) requirement
241          if (n != 2) {
242            double H_Pa_11 = (LTPa.transform(P_F_Va1+P_F_Va2)).p()+(LTPa.transform(P_F_Ia)).p();
243            double H_Pb_11 = (LTPb.transform(P_F_Vb1+P_F_Vb2)).p()+(LTPb.transform(P_F_Ib)).p();
244            double H_Pa_21 = (LTPa.transform(P_F_Va1)).p()+(LTPa.transform(P_F_Va2)).p()+(LTPa.transform(P_F_Ia)).p();
245            double H_Pb_21 = (LTPa.transform(P_F_Vb1)).p()+(LTPb.transform(P_F_Vb2)).p()+(LTPb.transform(P_F_Ib)).p();
246            vector<double> V1 = {H_Pa_11,H_Pb_11};
247            vector<double> V2 = {H_Pa_21,H_Pb_21};
248            double fraction1 = min(V1)/min(V2);
249            if (fraction1 < 0.8) break;
250          } else {
251            double H_PP_41 = P_F_Va1.p()+P_F_Va2.p()+P_F_Vb1.p()+P_F_Vb2.p()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).p();
252            double H_PP_11 = (P_F_Va1+P_F_Va2+P_F_Vb1+P_F_Vb2).p()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).p();
253            double fraction1 = H_PP_11/H_PP_41;
254            if (fraction1 < 0.35 || fraction1 > 0.6) break;
255          }
256          _cutflows->fillnext("2l"s+_types[n]);
258          // Lorentz boost from the CM frame to the lab frame
259          LorentzTransform LTR = LorentzTransform::mkObjTransform(P_I+P_V);
261          // p_lab_T_PP/(p_lab_T_PP+p_lab_T_41) requirement
262          double p_lab_T_PP = (LTR.transform(P_F_Va1+P_F_Va2+P_F_Vb1+P_F_Vb2+P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib)).pT();
263          double H_PP_T_41 = P_F_Va1.pT()+P_F_Va2.pT()+P_F_Vb1.pT()+P_F_Vb2.pT()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).pT();
264          double fraction2 = p_lab_T_PP/(p_lab_T_PP+H_PP_T_41);
265          if (fraction2 > 0.05) break;
266          _cutflows->fillnext("2l"s+_types[n]);
268          // Delta-Phi requirement
269          if (n == 0) {
270            Vector3 vector1 = (P_F_Va+P_F_Ia).betaVec();
271            Vector3 vector2 = (LTPa.transform(P_F_Va)).betaVec();
272            if (deltaPhi(vector1,vector2) < 0.3 || deltaPhi(vector1,vector2) > 2.8) break;
273            Vector3 vector3 = (P_F_Vb+P_F_Ib).betaVec();
274            Vector3 vector4 = (LTPb.transform(P_F_Vb)).betaVec();
275            if (deltaPhi(vector3,vector4) < 0.3 || deltaPhi(vector3,vector4) > 2.8) break;
276          } else if (n == 1) {
277            Vector3 vector1 = (P_F_Va+P_F_Ia).betaVec();
278            Vector3 vector2 = (LTPa.transform(P_F_Va)).betaVec();
279            if (deltaPhi(vector1,vector2) < 0.6 || deltaPhi(vector1,vector2) > 2.6) break;
280            Vector3 vector3 = (P_F_Vb+P_F_Ib).betaVec();
281            Vector3 vector4 = (LTPb.transform(P_F_Vb)).betaVec();
282            if (deltaPhi(vector3,vector4) < 0.6 || deltaPhi(vector3,vector4) > 2.6) break;
283          } else {
284            Vector3 j1 = jet[0].p3();
285            Vector3 j2 = jet[1].p3();
286            double delta1 = deltaPhi(j1,EtMiss);
287            double delta2 = deltaPhi(j2,EtMiss);
288            double delta = min(delta1,delta2);
289            if (delta < 2.4) break;
290          }
291          _cutflows->fillnext("2l"s+_types[n]);
293          // H_PP_41 requirement
294          double H_PP_41 = P_F_Va1.p()+P_F_Va2.p()+P_F_Vb1.p()+P_F_Vb2.p()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).p();
295          if (n==0) {
296            if (H_PP_41 < 800*GeV) break;
297          } else if (n==1) {
298            if (H_PP_41 < 600*GeV) break;
299          } else {
300            if (H_PP_41 < 400*GeV) break;
301          }
302          _cutflows->fillnext("2l"s+_types[n]);
304          break;
305        }
306      }
309      // 2-lepton ISR Selection
310      while (true) {
312        // Require the leading electron and the leading muon to have pT > 25 GeV
313        if (elecs.size() != 0 && elecs[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
314        if (muons.size() != 0 && muons[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
316        // Require only 2 opposite charged, same flavoured leptons
317        double n_leptons = leptons.size();
318        if (n_leptons != 2) break;
319        if (leptons[0].abspid() != leptons[1].abspid()) break;
320        if (leptons[0].charge()*leptons[1].charge() >= 0) break;
322        // Obtain the 4-momenta of leptons and implement requirements on them
323        vector<FourMomentum> lepton;
324        double M;
325        for (int n = 0; n < 2; ++n) {
326          lepton.push_back(leptons[n].mom());
327          M = lepton[n].mass();
328          lepton[n].setPz(0);
329          lepton[n].setE(sqrt(pow(lepton[n].px(),2)+pow(lepton[n].py(),2)+pow(M,2)));
330        }
331        if (lepton[0].pT() < 25*GeV || lepton[1].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
333        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
335        // Obtain the 4-momenta of leptons and implement requirements on them
336        double n_jets = jets.size();
337        if (n_jets < 3 || n_jets > 4) break;
338        if (any(jets, hasBTag())) break;
340        vector<FourMomentum> jet;
341        for (int n = 0; n < n_jets; ++n) {
342          jet.push_back(jets[n].momentum());
343          M = jet[n].mass();
344          jet[n].setPz(0);
345          jet[n].setE(sqrt(pow(jet[n].px(),2)+pow(jet[n].py(),2)+pow(M,2)));
346        }
347        if (jet[0].pT() < 30*GeV || jet[1].pT() < 30*GeV) break;
349        Vector3 EtMissX = apply<SmearedMET>(event,"MET").vectorPt();
350        Vector3 EtMiss = -EtMissX;
352        // Obtain the missing transverse momentum vector
353        FourMomentum EtMiss1;
354        EtMiss1.setPM(EtMiss.x(),EtMiss.y(),EtMiss.z(),sqrt(EtMiss.dot(EtMiss)));
356        // Combinatoric Minimization JR
357        vector<double> f;
358        int indexToReturn = 0;
359        int indexValue = 0;
360        int newValue = 0;
361        if (n_jets == 3) {
362          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[1]+jet[2]).p());
363          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[2]).p());
364          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[1]).p());
365          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]).p());
366          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[1]).p());
367          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[2]).p());
369          for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
370            newValue = f[i];
371            if (newValue >= indexValue) {
372              indexToReturn = i;
373              indexValue = newValue;
374            }
375          }
377          if (indexToReturn == 3 || indexToReturn == 4 || indexToReturn == 5) break;
378        }
379        else {
380          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[1]).p());
381          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[2]).p());
382          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[3]).p());
383          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[1]+jet[2]).p());
384          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[1]+jet[3]).p());
385          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[2]+jet[3]).p());
386          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]).p());
387          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[1]).p());
388          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[2]).p());
389          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[3]).p());
390          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[1]+jet[2]+jet[3]).p());
391          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[2]+jet[3]).p());
392          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[1]+jet[3]).p());
393          f.push_back((EtMiss1+jet[0]+jet[1]+jet[2]).p());
395          for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
396            newValue = f[i];
397            if (newValue >= indexValue) {
398              indexToReturn = i;
399              indexValue = newValue;
400            }
401          }
403          if (indexToReturn == 6 || indexToReturn == 7 || indexToReturn == 8 || indexToReturn == 9 ||
404              indexToReturn == 10 || indexToReturn == 11 || indexToReturn == 12 || indexToReturn == 13) break;
405        }
407        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
409        // g1 and g2 are the set of jets belonging to the ISR and signal system respectively
410        vector<vector<double>> g1, g2;
411        if (n_jets == 3) {
412          g2 = {{1,2},{0,2},{0,1}};
413        } else {
414          g1 = {{2,3},{1,3},{1,2},{0,3},{0,2},{0,1}};
415          g2 = {{0,1},{0,2},{0,3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3}};
416        }
418        // m_Z requirement
419        double m_Z = ((leptons[0]).mom()+(leptons[1]).mom()).mass();
420        if (m_Z < 80*GeV || m_Z > 100*GeV) break;
421        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
423        // m_J requirement
424        double m_J = ((jets[g2[indexToReturn][0]]).momentum()+(jets[g2[indexToReturn][1]]).momentum()).mass();
425        if (m_J < 50*GeV || m_J > 110*GeV) break;
426        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
428        // Compute variables delta_phi, R_ISR, P_T_ISR, p_T_I, p_T and implement their requirements
429        double p_T_ISR;
430        double p_T_I;
431        double p_T;
432        double R_ISR;
433        double delta_phi;
434        if (n_jets == 3) {
435          FourMomentum CM = EtMiss1+jet[indexToReturn]+jet[g2[indexToReturn][0]]+jet[g2[indexToReturn][1]]+lepton[0]+lepton[1];
436          LorentzTransform LT=LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(CM);
437          p_T_ISR = (LT.transform(jet[indexToReturn])).pT();
438          p_T_I = (LT.transform(EtMiss1)).pT();
439          p_T = (CM).pT();
441          Vector3 p_I = (LT.transform(EtMiss1)).p3();
442          Vector3 p_S = (LT.transform(EtMiss1+jet[g2[indexToReturn][0]]+jet[g2[indexToReturn][1]]+lepton[0]+lepton[1])).p3();
443          R_ISR = (p_S.dot(p_I))/(p_S.dot(p_S));
444          delta_phi = deltaPhi((LT.transform(EtMiss1)).p3(),(LT.transform(jet[indexToReturn])).p3());
446        } else {
448          FourMomentum CM = EtMiss1+jet[g1[indexToReturn][0]]+jet[g1[indexToReturn][1]]+jet[g2[indexToReturn][0]]+jet[g2[indexToReturn][1]]+lepton[0]+lepton[1];
449          LorentzTransform LT=LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(CM);
450          p_T_ISR = (LT.transform(jet[g1[indexToReturn][0]]+jet[g1[indexToReturn][1]])).pT();
451          p_T_I = (LT.transform(EtMiss1)).pT();
452          p_T = (CM).pT();
454          Vector3 p_I = (LT.transform(EtMiss1)).p3();
455          Vector3 p_S = (LT.transform(EtMiss1+jet[g2[indexToReturn][0]]+jet[g2[indexToReturn][1]]+lepton[0]+lepton[1])).p3();
456          R_ISR = (p_S.dot(p_I))/(p_S.dot(p_S));
457          delta_phi = deltaPhi((LT.transform(EtMiss1)).p3(),(LT.transform(jet[g1[indexToReturn][0]]+jet[g1[indexToReturn][1]])).p3());
458        }
460        if (delta_phi < 2.8) break;
461        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
463        if (R_ISR < 0.4 || R_ISR > 0.75) break;
464        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
466        if (p_T_ISR < 180*GeV) break;
467        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
469        if (p_T_I < 100*GeV) break;
470        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
472        if (p_T > 20*GeV) break;
473        _cutflows->fillnext("2l-ISR");
475        break;
476      }
479      // 3-lepton High (n=0), Int (n=1) and Low (n=2) Selection
480      for (int n = 0; n < 3; ++n) {
482        while (true) {
484          // Require the leading electron and the leading muon to have pT > 25 GeV
485          if (elecs.size() != 0 && elecs[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
486          if (muons.size() != 0 && muons[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
488          // Require 3 leptons and a pair of leptons with opposite charge and same flavour
489          double n_leptons = leptons.size();
490          if (n_leptons != 3) break;
492          vector<vector<double>> g = {{1,2},{0,2},{0,1}};
493          int indexToReturn = 3;
494          int indexValue = 100000;
495          int newValue = 0;
496          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
497            if (!(leptons[g[i][0]].abspid() == leptons[g[i][1]].abspid() && leptons[g[i][0]].charge() != leptons[g[i][1]].charge())) continue;
498            newValue = abs((leptons[g[i][0]].mom()+leptons[g[i][1]].mom()).mass() - 90*GeV);
499            if (newValue <= indexValue) {
500              indexToReturn = i;
501              indexValue = newValue;
502            }
503          }
505          if (indexToReturn == 3) break;
507          _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
509          // Requirements on n_jets
510          double n_jets = jets.size();
511          if (n != 2) {
512            if (n_jets >= 3) break;
513            if (any(jets, hasBTag())) break;
514          } else {
515            if (n_jets != 0) break;
516          }
518          // Obtain 4-momentum of the leptons and implement the requirements on their transverse momentum
519          vector<FourMomentum> lepton;
520          for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l) {
521            lepton.push_back(leptons[l].mom());
522          }
524          double p_l1_T = lepton[0].pT();
525          if (p_l1_T < 60) break;
527          if (n==0) {
528            double p_l2_T = lepton[1].pT();
529            if (p_l2_T < 60*GeV) break;
530          } else if (n==1) {
531            double p_l2_T = lepton[1].pT();
532            if (p_l2_T < 50*GeV) break;
533          } else {
534            double p_l2_T = lepton[1].pT();
535            if (p_l2_T < 40*GeV) break;
536          }
538          if (n==0) {
539            double p_l3_T = (lepton[2]).pT();
540            if (p_l3_T < 40*GeV) break;
541          } else {
542            double p_l3_T = (lepton[2]).pT();
543            if (p_l3_T < 30*GeV) break;
544          }
546          // Pre-selection Cut
547          _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
549          // Requirement on m_ll
550          double m_ll = (lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]+lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]).mass();
551          if (m_ll < 75*GeV || m_ll > 105*GeV) break;
553          _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
555          // Obtain the missing transverse momentum vector
556          Vector3 EtMissX = apply<SmearedMET>(event,"MET").vectorPt();
557          Vector3 EtMiss  = -EtMissX;
559          // Requirement on m_W_T
560          double deltaphi = deltaPhi(EtMiss,(lepton[indexToReturn]).p3());
561          double m_W_T = sqrt(2*((lepton[indexToReturn]).pT())*sqrt(EtMiss.dot(EtMiss))*(1-cos(deltaphi)));
563          if (n==0) {
564            if (m_W_T < 150*GeV) break;
565          } else if (n==1) {
566            if (m_W_T < 130*GeV) break;
567          } else {
568            if (m_W_T < 100*GeV) break;
569          }
571          _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
573          // Invisible mass JR and Invisible Rapidity JR to obtain Invisible System 4-momentum
574          FourMomentum P_V = lepton[0]+lepton[1]+lepton[2];
575          double M_I = sqrt(P_V.mass2() - 4*m_ll*((lepton[indexToReturn]).mass()));
576          double M_V = P_V.mass();
577          double p_I_z = (P_V.pz())*sqrt(EtMiss.dot(EtMiss)+sqr(M_I)) / sqrt(P_V.pT2() + sqr(M_V));
579          FourMomentum P_I;
580          P_I.setPM(EtMiss.x(), EtMiss.y(), p_I_z, M_I);
582          // Lorentz boost to CM frame
583          LorentzTransform LT = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(P_I+P_V);
584          FourMomentum P_F_I; //4-momentum of invisible system in CM frame
585          FourMomentum P_F_Va; //4-momentum of visible system a in CM frame
586          FourMomentum P_F_Vb; //4-momentum of visible system b in CM frame
587          FourMomentum P_F_V; //4-momentum of visible system in CM frame
588          FourMomentum P_F_Va1; //4-momentum of visible system a1 in CM frame
589          FourMomentum P_F_Va2; //4-momentum of visible system a2 in CM frame
590          FourMomentum P_F_Vb1; //4-momentum of visible system b1 in CM frame
591          FourMomentum P_F_Vb2; //4-momentum of visible system b2 in CM frame
592          if ((lepton[indexToReturn]).mass() > (lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]+lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]).mass()) {
593            P_F_I = LT.transform(P_I);
594            P_F_Va = LT.transform(lepton[indexToReturn]);
595            P_F_Vb = LT.transform(lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]+lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]);
596            P_F_V = LT.transform(P_V);
597            //
598            P_F_Va1 = LT.transform(lepton[indexToReturn]);
599            P_F_Vb1 = LT.transform(lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]);
600            P_F_Vb2 = LT.transform(lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]);
602          } else {
604            P_F_I = LT.transform(P_I);
605            P_F_Va = LT.transform(lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]+lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]);
606            P_F_Vb = LT.transform(lepton[indexToReturn]);
607            P_F_V = LT.transform(P_V);
608            //
609            P_F_Va1 = LT.transform(lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]);
610            P_F_Va2 = LT.transform(lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]);
611            P_F_Vb1 = LT.transform(lepton[indexToReturn]);
612          }
614          // Obtain variables defined in the Contra-boost Invariant JR
615          double M2c = 2*((P_F_Va.E())*(P_F_Vb.E())+(P_F_Va.p3()).dot(P_F_Vb.p3()));
616          double m2Va = sqr(P_F_Va.mass());
617          double m2Vb = sqr(P_F_Vb.mass());
618          double ka = m2Va-m2Vb+M2c-2*sqrt(m2Va)*sqrt(m2Vb);
619          double kb = m2Vb-m2Va+M2c-2*sqrt(m2Va)*sqrt(m2Vb);
620          double kn = ka*m2Va - kb*m2Vb + M2c*(kb-ka)/2 + (0.5)*sqrt(pow(ka+kb,2)*(pow(M2c,2)-4*m2Va*m2Vb));
621          double k2d = sqr(ka)*m2Va+sqr(kb)*m2Vb+ka*kb*M2c;
622          double k = kn/k2d;
623          double ca = (1+k*ka)/2;
624          double cb = (1+k*kb)/2;
625          double c = 0.5*(P_F_V.E()+sqrt(pow(P_F_V.E(),2)+pow(M_I,2)-pow(P_V.mass(),2)))/(ca*(P_F_Va.E())+cb*(P_F_Vb.E()));
627          // Apply Contra-boost Invariant JR to obtain invisible particles' 4-momenta
628          double p_F_Iax = (P_F_Va.px())*(c*ca-1)-(P_F_Vb.px())*c*cb;
629          double p_F_Iay = (P_F_Va.py())*(c*ca-1)-(P_F_Vb.py())*c*cb;
630          double p_F_Iaz = (P_F_Va.pz())*(c*ca-1)-(P_F_Vb.pz())*c*cb;
631          double p_F_Ibx = (P_F_Vb.px())*(c*cb-1)-(P_F_Va.px())*c*ca;
632          double p_F_Iby = (P_F_Vb.py())*(c*cb-1)-(P_F_Va.py())*c*ca;
633          double p_F_Ibz = (P_F_Vb.pz())*(c*cb-1)-(P_F_Va.pz())*c*ca;
634          double E_F_Ia = (c*ca-1)*(P_F_Va.E())+c*cb*(P_F_Vb.E());
635          double E_F_Ib = (c*cb-1)*(P_F_Vb.E())+c*ca*(P_F_Va.E());
637          FourMomentum P_F_Ia;
638          FourMomentum P_F_Ib;
639          P_F_Ia.setPE(p_F_Iax,p_F_Iay,p_F_Iaz,E_F_Ia);
640          P_F_Ib.setPE(p_F_Ibx,p_F_Iby,p_F_Ibz,E_F_Ib);
642          // Lorentz Transform to the Pb frame from the CM frame
643          LorentzTransform LTP;
644          if ((lepton[indexToReturn]).mass() > (lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]+lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]).mass()) {
645            LTP = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(P_F_Vb+P_F_Ib);
646          } else {
647            LTP = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(P_F_Va+P_F_Ia);
648          }
650          // p_lab_T_PP/(p_lab_T_PP+p_lab_T_31) requirement
651          LorentzTransform LTR = LorentzTransform::mkObjTransform(P_I+P_V);
652          double p_lab_T_PP = (LTR.transform(P_F_Va+P_F_Vb+P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib)).pT();
653          double H_PP_T_31;
654          double H_PP_31;
655          double H_Pb_11;
656          double H_Pb_21;
657          if ((lepton[indexToReturn]).mass() > (lepton[g[indexToReturn][0]]+lepton[g[indexToReturn][1]]).mass()) {
658            H_PP_T_31 = P_F_Va1.pT()+P_F_Vb1.pT()+P_F_Vb2.pT()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).pT();
659            H_PP_31 = P_F_Va1.p()+P_F_Vb1.p()+P_F_Vb2.p()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).p();
660            H_Pb_11 = (LTP.transform(P_F_Vb1+P_F_Vb2)).p()+(LTP.transform(P_F_Ib)).p();
661            H_Pb_21 = (LTP.transform(P_F_Vb1)).p()+(LTP.transform(P_F_Vb2)).p()+(LTP.transform(P_F_Ib)).p();
662          } else {
663            H_PP_T_31 = P_F_Va1.pT()+P_F_Va2.pT()+P_F_Vb1.pT()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).pT();
664            H_PP_31 = P_F_Va1.p()+P_F_Va2.p()+P_F_Vb1.p()+(P_F_Ia+P_F_Ib).p();
665            H_Pb_11 = (LTP.transform(P_F_Va1+P_F_Va2)).p()+(LTP.transform(P_F_Ia)).p();
666            H_Pb_21 = (LTP.transform(P_F_Va1)).p()+(LTP.transform(P_F_Va2)).p()+(LTP.transform(P_F_Ia)).p();
667          }
669          double fraction1 = H_PP_T_31/H_PP_31;
670          if (n==0) {
671            if (fraction1 < 0.75) break;
672          } else if (n==1) {
673            if (fraction1 < 0.8) break;
674          } else {
675            if (fraction1 < 0.9) break;
676          }
677          _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
679          double fraction2 = H_Pb_11/H_Pb_21;
680          if (n==0) {
681            if (fraction2 < 0.8) break;
682            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
683          } else if (n==1) {
684            if (fraction2 < 0.75) break;
685            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
686          } else { /* ??? */ }
688          if (n==0) {
689            if (H_PP_31 < 550*GeV) break;
690            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
691          } else if (n==1) {
692            if (H_PP_31 < 450*GeV) break;
693            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
694          } else {
695            if (H_PP_31 < 250*GeV) break;
696            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
697          }
699          double fraction3 = p_lab_T_PP/(p_lab_T_PP+H_PP_T_31);
700          if (n==0) {
701            if (fraction3 > 0.2) break;
702            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
703          } else if (n==1) {
704            if (fraction3 > 0.15) break;
705            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
706          } else {
707            if (fraction3 > 0.05) break;
708            _cutflows->fillnext("3l"s+_types[n]);
709          }
711          break;
712        }
713      }
716      // 3-lepton ISR Selection
717      while (true) {
719        // Require the leading electron and the leading muon to have pT > 25GeV
720        if (elecs.size() != 0 && elecs[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
721        if (muons.size() != 0 && muons[0].pT() < 25*GeV) break;
723        // Require only 3 leptons
724        double n_leptons = leptons.size();
725        if (n_leptons != 3) break;
727        // Require and identify the pair of opposite-charged and same-flavoured leptons
728        vector<vector<double>> g = {{1,2},{0,2},{0,1}};
729        int indexToReturn = 3;
730        int indexValue = 100000;
731        int newValue = 0;
732        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
733          if (!(leptons[g[i][0]].abspid() == leptons[g[i][1]].abspid() && leptons[g[i][0]].charge() != leptons[g[i][1]].charge())) continue;
734          newValue = abs(((leptons[g[i][0]]).mom()+(leptons[g[i][1]]).mom()).mass()-90);
735          if (newValue <= indexValue) {
736            indexToReturn = i;
737            indexValue = newValue;
738          }
739        }
741        if (indexToReturn == 3) break;
742        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
744        // Requirements on jet number and forbid B-tags
745        double n_jets=jets.size();
746        if (n_jets < 1 || n_jets > 3) break;
747        if (any(jets, hasBTag())) break;
749        // Obtain the 4-momenta of leptons and implement requirements on them
750        vector<FourMomentum> lepton;
751        double M;
752        for (int n = 0; n < 3; ++n) {
753          lepton.push_back(leptons[n].mom());
754          M = lepton[n].mass();
755          lepton[n].setPz(0);
756          lepton[n].setE(sqrt(pow(lepton[n].px(),2)+pow(lepton[n].py(),2)+pow(M,2)));
757        }
758        if (lepton[0].pT() < 25*GeV || lepton[1].pT() < 25*GeV || lepton[2].pT() < 20*GeV) break;
760        // Pre-selection Cut
761        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
763        // Obtain the missing momentum 3-vector
764        Vector3 EtMiss = apply<SmearedMET>(event,"MET").vectorMissingPt();
766        // Requirement on m_ll
767        double m_ll = (leptons[g[indexToReturn][0]].mom()+leptons[g[indexToReturn][1]].mom()).mass();
768        if (m_ll < 75*GeV || m_ll > 105*GeV) break;
769        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
771        // Requirement on m_W_T
772        double deltaphi = deltaPhi(EtMiss,(lepton[indexToReturn]).p3());
773        double m_W_T = sqrt(2*((lepton[indexToReturn]).pT())*sqrt(EtMiss.dot(EtMiss))*(1-cos(deltaphi)));
774        if (m_W_T < 100*GeV) break;
775        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
777        // Obtain the missing transverse 4-momentum
778        FourMomentum EtMiss1;
779        EtMiss1.setPM(EtMiss.x(),EtMiss.y(),EtMiss.z(),sqrt(EtMiss.dot(EtMiss)));
780        double p_T_ISR;
781        double p_T_I;
782        double p_T;
783        double R_ISR;
784        double delta_phi;
785        FourMomentum ISR;
787        // Obtain the 4-momentum of the ISR system
788        vector<FourMomentum> jet;
789        for (int n = 0; n < n_jets; ++n) {
790          jet.push_back(jets[n].momentum());
791          M = jet[n].mass();
792          jet[n].setPz(0);
793          jet[n].setE(sqrt(pow(jet[n].px(),2)+pow(jet[n].py(),2)+pow(M,2)));
794        }
796        if (n_jets==1) {
797          ISR = jet[0];
798        } else if (n_jets==2) {
799          ISR = jet[0]+jet[1];
800        } else {
801          ISR = jet[0]+jet[1]+jet[2];
802        }
804        // Four Momentum of the CM System
805        FourMomentum CM = EtMiss1+ISR+lepton[0]+lepton[1]+lepton[2];
806        LorentzTransform LT = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransform(CM);
807        p_T_ISR = (LT.transform(ISR)).pT();
808        p_T_I = (LT.transform(EtMiss1)).pT();
809        p_T = (CM).pT();
811        Vector3 p_I = (LT.transform(EtMiss1)).p3();
812        Vector3 p_S = (LT.transform(EtMiss1+lepton[0]+lepton[1]+lepton[2])).p3();
813        R_ISR = (p_S.dot(p_I))/(p_S.dot(p_S));
814        delta_phi = angle((LT.transform(EtMiss1)).p3(),(LT.transform(ISR)).p3());
816        if (delta_phi < 2.0) break;
817        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
819        if (R_ISR < 0.55 || R_ISR > 1.0) break;
820        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
822        if (p_T_ISR < 100*GeV) break;
823        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
825        if (p_T_I < 80*GeV) break;
826        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
828        if (p_T > 25*GeV) break;
829        _cutflows->fillnext("3l-ISR");
831        break;
832      }
834    }
837    /// Finalise cutflow scaling etc.
838    void finalize() {
840      vector<double> scales{ 1673., 4369., 65247 };
841      for (size_t n=0; n < _types.size(); ++n) {
842        _cutflows->binAt("2l"s+_types[n])->normalizeFirst(scales[n]);
843        _cutflows->binAt("3l"s+_types[n])->normalizeFirst(scales[n]);
844      }
845      _cutflows->binAt("2l-ISR")->normalizeFirst(scales[2]);
846      _cutflows->binAt("3l-ISR")->normalizeFirst(scales[2]);
848      MSG_INFO("CUTFLOWS:\n\n" << _cutflows);
849    }
851    CutflowsPtr _cutflows;
852    const vector<string> _types{"-high", "-int", "-low"};
854  };