Rivet analyses referenceATLAS_2012_I11908914 or more lepton plus missing transverse energy SUSY searchExperiment: ATLAS (LHC) Inspire ID: 1190891 Status: UNVALIDATED Authors:
Beam energies: (3500.0, 3500.0) GeV Run details:
Search for R-parity violating SUSY using events with 4 or more leptons in association with missing transverse energy in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. The data sample has a total integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb$^{-1}$. Source code: ATLAS_2012_I1190891.cc 1// -*- C++ -*-
2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
3#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
4#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
5#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
6#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
7#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
8#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
9#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
11namespace Rivet {
14 /// @author Peter Richardson
15 class ATLAS_2012_I1190891 : public Analysis {
16 public:
18 /// Constructor
19 ATLAS_2012_I1190891()
20 : Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1190891")
21 { }
24 /// @name Analysis methods
25 /// @{
27 /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
28 void init() {
30 // projection to find the electrons
31 IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Cuts::abseta < 2.47 && Cuts::pT > 10*GeV);
32 elecs.acceptIdPair(PID::ELECTRON);
33 declare(elecs, "elecs");
35 // projection to find the muons
36 IdentifiedFinalState muons(Cuts::abseta < 2.4 && Cuts::pT > 10*GeV);
37 muons.acceptIdPair(PID::MUON);
38 declare(muons, "muons");
40 // for pTmiss
41 declare(VisibleFinalState(Cuts::abseta < 4.9),"vfs");
43 VetoedFinalState vfs;
44 vfs.addVetoPairId(PID::MUON);
46 /// Jet finder
47 declare(FastJets(vfs, JetAlg::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
49 // all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
50 declare(ChargedFinalState((Cuts::etaIn(-3.0,3.0))),"cfs");
52 // Book histograms
53 book(_hist_etmiss ,"hist_etmiss",10,0.,500.);
54 book(_hist_meff ,"hist_m_eff",7,0.,1050.);
55 book(_count_SR1 ,"count_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
56 book(_count_SR2 ,"count_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
57 }
60 /// Perform the per-event analysis
61 void analyze(const Event& event) {
63 // get the jet candidates
64 Jets cand_jets = apply<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 20*GeV && Cuts::abseta < 2.5);
66 // candidate muons
67 Particles cand_mu;
68 Particles chg_tracks =
69 apply<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
70 for ( const Particle & mu :
71 apply<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
72 double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
73 for ( const Particle & track : chg_tracks ) {
74 if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
75 pTinCone += track.pT();
76 }
77 if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
78 cand_mu.push_back(mu);
79 }
81 // candidate electrons
82 Particles cand_e;
83 for ( const Particle & e :
84 apply<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt() ) {
85 double pTinCone = -e.perp();
86 for ( const Particle & track : chg_tracks ) {
87 if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
88 pTinCone += track.pT();
89 }
90 if (pTinCone/e.perp()<0.1) {
91 cand_e.push_back(e);
92 }
93 }
95 // resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
96 Jets recon_jets;
97 for ( const Jet& jet : cand_jets ) {
98 bool away_from_e = true;
99 for ( const Particle & e : cand_e ) {
100 if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
101 away_from_e = false;
102 break;
103 }
104 }
105 if ( away_from_e )
106 recon_jets.push_back( jet );
107 }
109 // only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
110 Particles cand2_e;
111 for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand_e.size();++ie) {
112 const Particle & e = cand_e[ie];
113 // at least 0.4 from any jets
114 bool away = true;
115 for ( const Jet& jet : recon_jets ) {
116 if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
117 away = false;
118 break;
119 }
120 }
121 // and 0.1 from any muons
122 if ( away ) {
123 for ( const Particle & mu : cand_mu ) {
124 if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
125 away = false;
126 break;
127 }
128 }
129 }
130 // and 0.1 from electrons ( keep higher energy)
131 for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand_e.size();++ie2) {
132 if(ie==ie2) continue;
133 if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),cand_e[ie2].momentum()) < 0.1 &&
134 e.E() < cand_e[ie2].E() ) {
135 away = false;
136 break;
137 }
138 }
139 // if isolated keep it
140 if ( away )
141 cand2_e.push_back( e );
142 }
144 // remove e+e- pairs with mass < 20.
145 Particles recon_e;
146 for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand2_e.size();++ie) {
147 bool pass = true;
148 for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand2_e.size();++ie2) {
149 if(cand2_e[ie].pid()*cand2_e[ie2].pid()>0) continue;
150 double mtest = (cand2_e[ie].momentum()+cand2_e[ie2].momentum()).mass();
151 if(mtest<=20.) {
152 pass = false;
153 break;
154 }
155 }
156 if(pass) recon_e.push_back(cand2_e[ie]);
157 }
159 // only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
160 Particles cand2_mu;
161 for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand_mu.size();++imu) {
162 const Particle & mu = cand_mu[imu];
163 bool away = true;
164 // at least 0.4 from any jets
165 for ( const Jet& jet : recon_jets ) {
166 if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
167 away = false;
168 break;
169 }
170 }
171 // and 0.1 from any electrona
172 if ( away ) {
173 for ( const Particle & e : cand_e ) {
174 if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
175 away = false;
176 break;
177 }
178 }
179 }
180 if ( away )
181 cand2_mu.push_back( mu );
182 }
184 // remove mu+mu- pairs with mass < 20.
185 Particles recon_mu;
186 for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand2_mu.size();++imu) {
187 bool pass = true;
188 for(unsigned int imu2=0;imu2<cand2_mu.size();++imu2) {
189 if(cand2_mu[imu].pid()*cand2_mu[imu2].pid()>0) continue;
190 double mtest = (cand2_mu[imu].momentum()+cand2_mu[imu2].momentum()).mass();
191 if(mtest<=20.) {
192 pass = false;
193 break;
194 }
195 }
196 if(pass) recon_mu.push_back(cand2_mu[imu]);
197 }
199 // pTmiss
200 Particles vfs_particles =
201 apply<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
202 FourMomentum pTmiss;
203 for ( const Particle & p : vfs_particles ) {
204 pTmiss -= p.momentum();
205 }
206 double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
208 // now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
210 // reject events with less than 4 electrons and muons
211 if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() < 4 ) {
212 MSG_DEBUG("To few charged leptons left after selection");
213 vetoEvent;
214 }
216 // check if passes single lepton trigger
217 bool passSingle =
218 ( !recon_e .empty() && recon_e[0] .perp()>25. )||
219 ( !recon_mu.empty() && recon_mu[0].perp()>20.);
221 // or two lepton trigger
222 bool passDouble =
223 ( recon_mu.size()>=2 && recon_mu[1].perp()>12.) ||
224 ( recon_e .size()>=2 && recon_e [1].perp()>17.) ||
225 ( !recon_e.empty() && !recon_mu.empty() &&
226 recon_e[0].perp()>15. && recon_mu[0].perp()>10.);
228 // must pass a trigger
229 if( !passSingle && !passDouble ) {
230 MSG_DEBUG("Hardest lepton fails trigger");
231 vetoEvent;
232 }
234 // calculate meff
235 double meff = eTmiss;
236 for ( const Particle & e : recon_e )
237 meff += e.perp();
238 for ( const Particle & mu : recon_mu )
239 meff += mu.perp();
240 for ( const Jet & jet : recon_jets ) {
241 double pT = jet.perp();
242 if(pT>40.) meff += pT;
243 }
245 // mass of SFOS pairs closest to the Z mass
246 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_e.size();++ix) {
247 for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_e.size();++iy) {
248 if(recon_e[ix].pid()*recon_e[iy].pid()>0) continue;
249 double mtest = (recon_e[ix].momentum()+recon_e[iy].momentum()).mass();
250 if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
251 }
252 }
253 for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_mu.size();++ix) {
254 for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_mu.size();++iy) {
255 if(recon_mu[ix].pid()*recon_mu[iy].pid()>0) continue;
256 double mtest = (recon_mu[ix].momentum()+recon_mu[iy].momentum()).mass();
257 if(mtest>81.2 && mtest<101.2) vetoEvent;
258 }
259 }
261 // make the control plots
262 _hist_etmiss ->fill(eTmiss);
263 _hist_meff ->fill(meff );
264 // finally the counts
265 if(eTmiss>50.) _count_SR1->fill(0.5);
266 if(meff >300.) _count_SR2->fill(0.5);
267 }
269 /// @}
271 void finalize() {
272 double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*4.7/sumOfWeights();
273 scale(_hist_etmiss,norm* 50.);
274 scale(_hist_meff ,norm*150.);
275 scale(_count_SR1,norm);
276 scale(_count_SR2,norm);
277 }
279 private:
281 /// @name Histograms
282 /// @{
283 Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss;
284 Histo1DPtr _hist_meff;
285 Histo1DPtr _count_SR1;
286 Histo1DPtr _count_SR2;
287 /// @}
289 };