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Rivet analyses reference


4 or more lepton plus missing transverse energy SUSY search
Experiment: ATLAS (LHC)
  • Peter Richardson
References: Beams: p+ p+
Beam energies: (3500.0, 3500.0) GeV
Run details:
  • BSM signal events at 7000 GeV.

Search for SUSY using events with 4 or more leptons in association with missing transverse energy in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. The data sample has a total integrated luminosity of 2.06 fb$^{-1}$. There is no reference data and in addition to the control plots from the paper the number of events in the two signal regions, correctly normalized to an integrated luminosity 2.06 fb$^{-1}$, are calculated.

Source code: ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/VisibleFinalState.hh"
  6#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
  7#include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
  8#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
  9#include "Rivet/Tools/RivetMT2.hh"
 11namespace Rivet {
 14  /// @author Peter Richardson
 15  class ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001 : public Analysis {
 16  public:
 18    /// Constructor
 19    ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001()
 20      : Analysis("ATLAS_2012_CONF_2012_001")
 21    {    }
 24    /// @name Analysis methods
 25    /// @{
 27    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 28    void init() {
 30      // projection to find the electrons
 31      IdentifiedFinalState elecs(Cuts::abseta < 2.47 && Cuts::pT > 10*GeV);
 32      elecs.acceptIdPair(PID::ELECTRON);
 33      declare(elecs, "elecs");
 35      // projection to find the muons
 36      IdentifiedFinalState muons(Cuts::abseta < 2.4 && Cuts::pT > 10*GeV);
 37      muons.acceptIdPair(PID::MUON);
 38      declare(muons, "muons");
 40      // for pTmiss
 41      declare(VisibleFinalState(Cuts::abseta < 4.9),"vfs");
 43      VetoedFinalState vfs;
 44      vfs.addVetoPairId(PID::MUON);
 46      /// Jet finder
 47      declare(FastJets(vfs, JetAlg::ANTIKT, 0.4), "AntiKtJets04");
 49      // all tracks (to do deltaR with leptons)
 50      declare(ChargedFinalState(Cuts::abseta < 3.0),"cfs");
 52      // Book histograms
 53      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT.push_back(book(tmp,1,1,1));}
 54      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT.push_back(book(tmp,2,1,1));}
 55      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT.push_back(book(tmp,3,1,1));}
 56      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT.push_back(book(tmp,4,1,1));}
 57      book(_hist_njet   ,5,1,1);
 58      book(_hist_etmiss ,6,1,1);
 59      book(_hist_mSFOS  ,7,1,1);
 60      book(_hist_meff   ,8,1,1);
 62      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(book(tmp, "hist_lepton_pT_1", 26, 0., 260));}
 63      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(book(tmp, "hist_lepton_pT_2", 15, 0., 150));}
 64      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(book(tmp, "hist_lepton_pT_3", 20, 0., 100));}
 65      {Histo1DPtr tmp; _hist_leptonpT_MC.push_back(book(tmp, "hist_lepton_pT_4", 20, 0., 100));}
 66      book(_hist_njet_MC   ,"hist_njet", 7, -0.5, 6.5);
 67      book(_hist_etmiss_MC ,"hist_etmiss",11,0.,220.);
 68      book(_hist_mSFOS_MC  ,"hist_m_SFOS",13,0.,260.);
 69      book(_hist_meff_MC   ,"hist_m_eff",19,0.,950.);
 71      book(_count_SR1 ,"count_SR1", 1, 0., 1.);
 72      book(_count_SR2 ,"count_SR2", 1, 0., 1.);
 73    }
 76    /// Perform the per-event analysis
 77    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 78      // get the jet candidates
 79      Jets cand_jets = apply<FastJets>(event, "AntiKtJets04").jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 20*GeV && Cuts::abseta < 2.8);
 81      // candidate muons
 82      Particles cand_mu;
 83      Particles chg_tracks =
 84        apply<ChargedFinalState>(event, "cfs").particles();
 85      for ( const Particle & mu :
 86                apply<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "muons").particlesByPt() ) {
 87        double pTinCone = -mu.pT();
 88        for ( const Particle & track : chg_tracks ) {
 89          if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
 90            pTinCone += track.pT();
 91        }
 92        if ( pTinCone < 1.8*GeV )
 93          cand_mu.push_back(mu);
 94      }
 96      // candidate electrons
 97      Particles cand_e;
 98      for ( const Particle & e :
 99                apply<IdentifiedFinalState>(event, "elecs").particlesByPt() ) {
100        double eta = e.eta();
101        // remove electrons with pT<15 in old veto region
102        if( fabs(eta)>1.37 && fabs(eta) < 1.52 && e.perp()< 15.*GeV)
103          continue;
104        double pTinCone = -e.perp();
105        for ( const Particle & track : chg_tracks ) {
106          if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),track.momentum()) <= 0.2 )
107            pTinCone += track.pT();
108        }
109        if (pTinCone/e.perp()<0.1) {
110          cand_e.push_back(e);
111        }
112      }
114      // resolve jet/lepton ambiguity
115      Jets recon_jets;
116      for ( const Jet& jet : cand_jets ) {
117        bool away_from_e = true;
118        for ( const Particle & e : cand_e ) {
119          if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) <= 0.2 ) {
120            away_from_e = false;
121            break;
122          }
123        }
124        if ( away_from_e )
125          recon_jets.push_back( jet );
126      }
128      // only keep electrons more than R=0.4 from jets
129      Particles cand2_e;
130      for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand_e.size();++ie) {
131        const Particle & e = cand_e[ie];
132        // at least 0.4 from any jets
133        bool away = true;
134        for ( const Jet& jet : recon_jets ) {
135          if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
136            away = false;
137            break;
138          }
139        }
140        // and 0.1 from any muons
141        if ( away ) {
142          for ( const Particle & mu : cand_mu ) {
143            if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
144              away = false;
145              break;
146            }
147          }
148        }
149        // and 0.1 from electrons
150        for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand_e.size();++ie2) {
151          if(ie==ie2) continue;
152          if ( deltaR(e.momentum(),cand_e[ie2].momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
153            away = false;
154            break;
155          }
156        }
157        // if isolated keep it
158        if ( away ) cand2_e.push_back( e );
159      }
160      // remove e+e- pairs with mass < 20.
161      Particles recon_e;
162      for(unsigned int ie=0;ie<cand2_e.size();++ie) {
163	bool pass = true;
164	for(unsigned int ie2=0;ie2<cand2_e.size();++ie2) {
165	  if(cand2_e[ie].pid()*cand2_e[ie2].pid()>0) continue;
166	  double mtest = (cand2_e[ie].momentum()+cand2_e[ie2].momentum()).mass();
167	  if(mtest<=20.) {
168	    pass = false;
169	    break;
170	  }
171	}
172	if(pass) recon_e.push_back(cand2_e[ie]);
173      }
175      // only keep muons more than R=0.4 from jets
176      Particles cand2_mu;
177      for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand_mu.size();++imu) {
178        const Particle & mu = cand_mu[imu];
179        bool away = true;
180        // at least 0.4 from any jets
181        for ( const Jet& jet : recon_jets ) {
182          if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),jet.momentum()) < 0.4 ) {
183            away = false;
184            break;
185          }
186        }
187        // and 0.1 from any electrona
188        if ( away ) {
189          for ( const Particle & e : cand_e ) {
190            if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),e.momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
191              away = false;
192              break;
193            }
194          }
195        }
196        // and 0.1 from muons
197        for(unsigned int imu2=0;imu2<cand_mu.size();++imu2) {
198          if(imu==imu2) continue;
199          if ( deltaR(mu.momentum(),cand_mu[imu2].momentum()) < 0.1 ) {
200            away = false;
201            break;
202          }
203        }
204        if ( away )
205          cand2_mu.push_back( mu );
206      }
208      // remove mu+mu- pairs with mass < 20.
209      Particles recon_mu;
210      for(unsigned int imu=0;imu<cand2_mu.size();++imu) {
211	bool pass = true;
212	for(unsigned int imu2=0;imu2<cand2_mu.size();++imu2) {
213	  if(cand2_mu[imu].pid()*cand2_mu[imu2].pid()>0) continue;
214	  double mtest = (cand2_mu[imu].momentum()+cand2_mu[imu2].momentum()).mass();
215	  if(mtest<=20.) {
216	    pass = false;
217	    break;
218	  }
219	}
220	if(pass) recon_mu.push_back(cand2_mu[imu]);
221      }
223      // pTmiss
224      Particles vfs_particles =
225        apply<VisibleFinalState>(event, "vfs").particles();
226      FourMomentum pTmiss;
227      for ( const Particle & p : vfs_particles ) {
228        pTmiss -= p.momentum();
229      }
230      double eTmiss = pTmiss.pT();
232      // now only use recon_jets, recon_mu, recon_e
234      // reject events with less than 4 electrons and muons
235      if ( recon_mu.size() + recon_e.size() < 4 ) {
236        MSG_DEBUG("To few charged leptons left after selection");
237        vetoEvent;
238      }
240      // ATLAS calo problem
241      if(rand()/static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX)<=0.42) {
242        for ( const Particle & e : recon_e ) {
243          double eta = e.eta();
244          double phi = e.azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
245          if(eta>-0.1&&eta<1.5&&phi>-0.9&&phi<-0.5)
246            vetoEvent;
247        }
248        for ( const Jet & jet : recon_jets ) {
249          double eta = jet.rapidity();
250          double phi = jet.azimuthalAngle(MINUSPI_PLUSPI);
251          if(jet.perp()>40 && eta>-0.1&&eta<1.5&&phi>-0.9&&phi<-0.5)
252            vetoEvent;
253        }
254      }
256      // check at least one e/mu passing trigger
257      if( !( !recon_e .empty() && recon_e[0] .perp()>25.)  &&
258          !( !recon_mu.empty() && recon_mu[0].perp()>20.) ) {
259        MSG_DEBUG("Hardest lepton fails trigger");
260        vetoEvent;
261      }
263      // calculate meff
264      double meff = eTmiss;
265      for ( const Particle & e  : recon_e  )
266        meff += e.perp();
267      for ( const Particle & mu : recon_mu )
268        meff += mu.perp();
269      for ( const Jet & jet : recon_jets ) {
270        double pT = jet.perp();
271        if(pT>40.) meff += pT;
272      }
274      double mSFOS=1e30, mdiff=1e30;
275      // mass of SFOS pairs closest to the Z mass
276      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_e.size();++ix) {
277        for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_e.size();++iy) {
278          if(recon_e[ix].pid()*recon_e[iy].pid()>0) continue;
279          double mtest = (recon_e[ix].momentum()+recon_e[iy].momentum()).mass();
280          if(fabs(mtest-90.)<mdiff) {
281            mSFOS = mtest;
282            mdiff = fabs(mtest-90.);
283          }
284        }
285      }
286      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<recon_mu.size();++ix) {
287        for(unsigned int iy=ix+1;iy<recon_mu.size();++iy) {
288          if(recon_mu[ix].pid()*recon_mu[iy].pid()>0) continue;
289          double mtest = (recon_mu[ix].momentum()+recon_mu[iy].momentum()).mass();
290          if(fabs(mtest-91.118)<mdiff) {
291            mSFOS = mtest;
292            mdiff = fabs(mtest-91.118);
293          }
294        }
295      }
297      // make the control plots
298      // lepton pT
299      unsigned int ie=0,imu=0;
300      for(unsigned int ix=0;ix<4;++ix) {
301        double pTe  = ie <recon_e .size() ?
302          recon_e [ie ].perp() : -1*GeV;
303        double pTmu = imu<recon_mu.size() ?
304          recon_mu[imu].perp() : -1*GeV;
305        if(pTe>pTmu) {
306          _hist_leptonpT   [ix]->fill(pTe );
307          _hist_leptonpT_MC[ix]->fill(pTe );
308          ++ie;
309        }
310        else {
311          _hist_leptonpT   [ix]->fill(pTmu);
312          _hist_leptonpT_MC[ix]->fill(pTmu);
313          ++imu;
314        }
315      }
316      // njet
317      _hist_njet   ->fill(recon_jets.size());
318      _hist_njet_MC->fill(recon_jets.size());
319      // etmiss
320      _hist_etmiss   ->fill(eTmiss);
321      _hist_etmiss_MC->fill(eTmiss);
322      if(mSFOS<1e30) {
323        _hist_mSFOS   ->fill(mSFOS);
324        _hist_mSFOS_MC->fill(mSFOS);
325      }
326      _hist_meff   ->fill(meff);
327      _hist_meff_MC->fill(meff);
329      // finally the counts
330      if(eTmiss>50.) {
331        _count_SR1->fill(0.5);
332        if(mdiff>10.) _count_SR2->fill(0.5);
333      }
334    }
336    /// @}
338    void finalize() {
339      double norm = crossSection()/femtobarn*2.06/sumOfWeights();
340      // these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 10 GeV
341      scale(_hist_leptonpT   [0],norm*10.);
342      scale(_hist_leptonpT   [1],norm*10.);
343      scale(_hist_leptonpT_MC[0],norm*10.);
344      scale(_hist_leptonpT_MC[1],norm*10.);
345      // these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 5 GeV
346      scale(_hist_leptonpT   [2],norm*5.);
347      scale(_hist_leptonpT   [3],norm*5.);
348      scale(_hist_leptonpT_MC[2],norm*5.);
349      scale(_hist_leptonpT_MC[3],norm*5.);
350      // these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 20 GeV
351      scale(_hist_etmiss      ,norm*20.);
352      scale(_hist_mSFOS       ,norm*20.);
353      scale(_hist_etmiss_MC   ,norm*20.);
354      scale(_hist_mSFOS_MC    ,norm*20.);
355      // these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1 per 50 GeV
356      scale(_hist_meff        ,norm*50.);
357      scale(_hist_meff_MC     ,norm*50.);
358      // these are number of events at 2.06fb^-1
359      scale(_hist_njet        ,norm);
360      scale(_hist_njet_MC     ,norm);
361      scale(_count_SR1,norm);
362      scale(_count_SR2,norm);
363    }
365  private:
367    /// @name Histograms
368    /// @{
369    vector<Histo1DPtr> _hist_leptonpT,_hist_leptonpT_MC;
370    Histo1DPtr _hist_njet;
371    Histo1DPtr _hist_njet_MC;
372    Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss;
373    Histo1DPtr _hist_etmiss_MC;
374    Histo1DPtr _hist_mSFOS;
375    Histo1DPtr _hist_mSFOS_MC;
376    Histo1DPtr _hist_meff;
377    Histo1DPtr _hist_meff_MC;
378    Histo1DPtr _count_SR1;
379    Histo1DPtr _count_SR2;
380    /// @}
382  };