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Rivet analyses reference


Enhanced production of multi-strange hadrons in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions.
Experiment: ALICE (LHC)
Inspire ID: 1471838
  • Christian Bierlich
References: Beams: p+ p+
Beam energies: (3500.0, 3500.0) GeV
Run details:
  • Minimum bias pp

Measurements of pT spectra and yields of (multi)strange hadrons, as well as protons and pions (yields only) in forward multiplicity classes at 7 TeV. Ratios of yields to pion yields are constructed. The analysis takes care of particle reconstruction as the experiment does, so no finite lifetime should be imposed on generator level. Experimental results are scaled to inelastic cross section, and generator setup should be adjusted accordingly.

Source code: ALICE_2016_I1471838.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/CentralityProjection.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Analyses/AliceCommon.hh"
  7namespace Rivet {
 10  /// @brief Strangeness enhancement in pp 7 TeV by ALICE.
 11  class ALICE_2016_I1471838 : public Analysis {
 12  public:
 14    /// Constructor
 17    int profileIndex(vector<double> cBins, double c) {
 18      int index = 100;
 19      if (c > 0 && c <= cBins[0]) return cBins.size() - 1;
 20      for (size_t i = 0; i < cBins.size() - 1; ++i) {
 21        if (c > cBins[i] && c <= cBins[i + 1]) {
 22          index = i;
 23          break;
 24        }
 25      }
 26      return max(0, int(cBins.size() - index - 2));
 27    }
 29    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 30    void init() {
 31      // Centrality projection.
 32      declareCentrality(ALICE::V0MMultiplicity(),
 33        "ALICE_2015_PPCentrality","V0M","V0M");
 34      // Central primary particles
 35      declare(ChargedFinalState(Cuts::abseta < 1.0),"PP");
 36      declare(ALICE::PrimaryParticles(Cuts::absrap < 0.5),"PPy");
 37      centralityBins = {1.,5.,10.,15.,20., 30., 40., 50., 70., 100.};
 38      centralityBinsOmega = {5.,15.,30.,50.,100.};
 39      // Book histograms
 40      for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
 41        book(K0SpT[centralityBins[i]], i+1,1,1);
 42        book(LambdapT[centralityBins[i]], i+11,1,1);
 43        book(XipT[centralityBins[i]], i+21,1,1);
 44        book(sow[centralityBins[i]], "sow_" + toString(i));
 45      }
 46      for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
 47        book(OmegapT[centralityBinsOmega[i]], i+31,1,1);
 48        book(sowOmega[centralityBinsOmega[i]], "sowO_" + toString(i));
 49      }
 50      book(piYield, 40,1,1);
 51      book(pYield, 41,1,1);
 52      book(kYield, 42,1,1);
 53      book(lambdaYield, 43,1,1);
 54      book(xiYield, 44,1,1);
 55      book(omegaYield, 45,1,1);
 56      book(piRebinned, "/piRebinned", refData(45,1,1));
 58      // Make the ratios
 59      book(kpi, 36, 1, 1);
 60      book(ppi, 47, 1, 1);
 61      book(lpi, 37, 1, 1);
 62      book(xpi, 38, 1, 1);
 63      book(opi, 39, 1, 1);
 64      book(lk, 46, 1, 1);
 65    }
 68    /// Perform the per-event analysis
 69    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 70      if (apply<ChargedFinalState>(event,"PP").particles().size() < 1) vetoEvent;
 71      const ALICE::PrimaryParticles& prim = apply<ALICE::PrimaryParticles>(event,"PPy");
 72      const CentralityProjection& cent = apply<CentralityProjection>(event,"V0M");
 73      double c  = cent();
 74      // Find the correct histograms
 75      auto kptItr = K0SpT.upper_bound(c);
 76      if (kptItr == K0SpT.end()) return;
 77      auto lptItr = LambdapT.upper_bound(c);
 78      if (lptItr == LambdapT.end()) return;
 79      auto xptItr = XipT.upper_bound(c);
 80      if (xptItr == XipT.end()) return;
 81      auto optItr = OmegapT.upper_bound(c);
 82      if (optItr == OmegapT.end()) return;
 83      // Fill the sow.
 84      auto sowItr = sow.upper_bound(c);
 85      if (sowItr == sow.end()) return;
 86      auto sowOmegaItr = sowOmega.upper_bound(c);
 87      if (sowOmegaItr == sowOmega.end()) return;
 88      sowItr->second->fill();
 89      sowOmegaItr->second->fill();
 90      // Fill the pt histograms and count yields.
 91      int npi = 0, npr = 0, nk = 0;
 92      int nla = 0, nxi = 0, nom = 0;
 93      for (auto p : prim.particles()) {
 94        const double pT = p.pT();
 95        const int pid = abs(p.pid());
 96        if (pid == 211) ++npi;
 97        else if (pid == 2212) ++npr;
 98        else if (pid == 310) {
 99          kptItr->second->fill(pT);
100          ++nk;
101        }
102        else if (pid == 3122) {
103          lptItr->second->fill(pT);
104          ++nla;
105        }
106        else if (pid == 3312) {
107          xptItr->second->fill(pT);
108          ++nxi;
109        }
110        else if (pid == 3334) {
111          optItr->second->fill(pT);
112          ++nom;
113        }
114      }
115      // Fill the profiles of yields.
116      int index = profileIndex(centralityBins,c);
117      piYield->fill(piYield->bin(index).xMid(), double(npi));
118      pYield->fill(pYield->bin(index).xMid(), double(npr));
119      kYield->fill(kYield->bin(index).xMid(), double(nk));
120      lambdaYield->fill(lambdaYield->bin(index).xMid(), double(nla));
121      xiYield->fill(xiYield->bin(index).xMid(), double(nxi));
122      index = profileIndex(centralityBinsOmega, c);
123      omegaYield->fill(omegaYield->bin(index).xMid(), double(nom));
124      piRebinned->fill(piRebinned->bin(index).xMid(),double(npi));
125    }
128    /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
129    void finalize() {
130      // Normalize the spectra
131      for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
132        K0SpT[centralityBins[i]]->scaleW(1./sow[centralityBins[i]]->sumW());
133        XipT[centralityBins[i]]->scaleW(1./sow[centralityBins[i]]->sumW());
134        LambdapT[centralityBins[i]]->scaleW(1./sow[centralityBins[i]]->sumW());
135      }
136      for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
137        OmegapT[centralityBinsOmega[i]]->scaleW(1./sowOmega[centralityBinsOmega[i]]->sumW());
138      }
140      divide(kYield, piYield, kpi);
141      kpi->scale(2.);
142      divide(pYield, piYield, ppi);
143      divide(lambdaYield, piYield, lpi);
144      divide(xiYield, piYield, xpi);
145      divide(omegaYield, piRebinned, opi);
146      divide(lambdaYield, kYield, lk);
147      lk->scale(0.5);
148    }
150    /// @}
153    /// @name Histograms
154    /// @{
155    // Histograms ordered in centrality classes
156    vector<double> centralityBins;
157    vector<double> centralityBinsOmega;
159    // pT spectra
160    map<double, Histo1DPtr> K0SpT;
161    map<double, Histo1DPtr> LambdapT;
162    map<double, Histo1DPtr> XipT;
163    map<double, Histo1DPtr> OmegapT;
164    map<double, CounterPtr> sow;
165    map<double, CounterPtr> sowOmega;
167    // Total yields
168    Profile1DPtr piYield;
169    Profile1DPtr pYield;
170    Profile1DPtr kYield;
171    Profile1DPtr lambdaYield;
172    Profile1DPtr xiYield;
173    Profile1DPtr omegaYield;
174    Profile1DPtr piRebinned;
176    // Ratios
177    Estimate1DPtr kpi;
178    Estimate1DPtr ppi;
179    Estimate1DPtr lpi;
180    Estimate1DPtr xpi;
181    Estimate1DPtr opi;
182    Estimate1DPtr lk;
183    /// @}
184  };