Utils.cc File Reference

#include "Rivet/Rivet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Utils.hh"

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namespace  Rivet


string version ()
 A function to get the Rivet version string.
double get2dClosestApproach (const HepMC::GenParticle &track, const Vector3 &vtx3pos)
double get3dClosestApproach (const HepMC::GenParticle &track, const Vector3 &vtx3pos)
double get2dDecayLength (const Vector3 &vtx1, const Vector3 &vtx2, const FourMomentum &jetaxis)
 Return 2-dimensional decay length between two vertices in transverse plane.
double get3dDecayLength (const Vector3 &vtx1, const Vector3 &vtx2, const FourMomentum &jetaxis)
 Return 3-dimensional decay length between vertices.