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00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
00003 #include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
00004 #include "Rivet/Projections/IdentifiedFinalState.hh"
00005 #include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableFinalState.hh"
00007 namespace Rivet {
00010   /// @brief STAR strange particle spectra in pp at 200 GeV
00011   class STAR_2006_S6860818 : public Analysis {
00012   public:
00014     /// Constructor
00015     STAR_2006_S6860818()
00016       : Analysis("STAR_2006_S6860818"),
00017         _sumWeightSelected(0.0)
00018     {
00019       for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
00020         _nBaryon[i] = 0;
00021         _nAntiBaryon[i] = 0;
00022         _nWeightedBaryon[i] = 0.;
00023         _nWeightedAntiBaryon[i] = 0.;
00024       }
00025     }
00027     /// Book projections and histograms
00028     void init() {
00029       ChargedFinalState bbc1(-5.0,-3.5, 0.0*GeV); // beam-beam-counter trigger
00030       ChargedFinalState bbc2( 3.5, 5.0, 0.0*GeV); // beam-beam-counter trigger
00031       addProjection(bbc1, "BBC1");
00032       addProjection(bbc2, "BBC2");
00034       UnstableFinalState ufs(-2.5, 2.5, 0.0*GeV);
00035       addProjection(ufs, "UFS");
00037       _h_pT_k0s        = bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1);
00038       _h_pT_kminus     = bookHisto1D(1, 2, 1);
00039       _h_pT_kplus      = bookHisto1D(1, 3, 1);
00040       _h_pT_lambda     = bookHisto1D(1, 4, 1);
00041       _h_pT_lambdabar  = bookHisto1D(1, 5, 1);
00042       _h_pT_ximinus    = bookHisto1D(1, 6, 1);
00043       _h_pT_xiplus     = bookHisto1D(1, 7, 1);
00044       //_h_pT_omega      = bookHisto1D(1, 8, 1);
00045       _h_antibaryon_baryon_ratio = bookScatter2D(2, 1, 1);
00046       _h_lambar_lam = bookScatter2D(2, 2, 1);
00047       _h_xiplus_ximinus = bookScatter2D(2, 3, 1);
00048       _h_pT_vs_mass    = bookProfile1D(3, 1, 1);
00049     }
00052     /// Do the analysis
00053     void analyze(const Event& event) {
00054       const ChargedFinalState& bbc1 = applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "BBC1");
00055       const ChargedFinalState& bbc2 = applyProjection<ChargedFinalState>(event, "BBC2");
00056       if (bbc1.size()<1 || bbc2.size()<1) {
00057         MSG_DEBUG("Failed beam-beam-counter trigger");
00058         vetoEvent;
00059       }
00061       const double weight = event.weight();
00063       const UnstableFinalState& ufs = applyProjection<UnstableFinalState>(event, "UFS");
00064       foreach (const Particle& p, ufs.particles()) {
00065         if (fabs(p.rapidity()) < 0.5) {
00066           const PdgId pid = p.pdgId();
00067           const double pT = p.pT() / GeV;
00068           switch (abs(pid)) {
00069           case PID::PIPLUS:
00070             if (pid < 0) _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(0.1396, pT, weight);
00071             break;
00072           case PID::PROTON:
00073             if (pid < 0) _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(0.9383, pT, weight);
00074             if (pT > 0.4) {
00075               pid > 0 ? _nBaryon[0]++ : _nAntiBaryon[0]++;
00076               pid > 0 ? _nWeightedBaryon[0]+=weight : _nWeightedAntiBaryon[0]+=weight;
00077             }
00078             break;
00079           case PID::K0S:
00080             if (pT > 0.2) {
00081               _h_pT_k0s->fill(pT, weight/pT);
00082             }
00083             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(0.5056, pT, weight);
00084             break;
00085           case PID::K0L:
00086             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(0.5056, pT, weight);
00087             break;
00088           case 113: // rho0(770)
00089             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(0.7755, pT, weight);
00090             break;
00091           case 313: // K0*(892)
00092             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(0.8960, pT, weight);
00093             break;
00094           case 333: // phi(1020)
00095             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.0190, pT, weight);
00096             break;
00097           case 3214: // Sigma(1385)
00098             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.3840, pT, weight);
00099             break;
00100           case 3124: // Lambda(1520)
00101             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.5200, pT, weight);
00102             break;
00103           case PID::KPLUS:
00104             if (pid < 0) _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(0.4856, pT, weight);
00105             if (pT > 0.2) {
00106               pid > 0 ? _h_pT_kplus->fill(pT, weight/pT) : _h_pT_kminus->fill(pT, weight/pT);
00107             }
00108             break;
00109           case PID::LAMBDA:
00110             pid > 0 ? _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.1050, pT, weight) : _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.1250, pT, weight);
00111             if (pT > 0.3) {
00112               pid > 0 ? _h_pT_lambda->fill(pT, weight/pT) : _h_pT_lambdabar->fill(pT, weight/pT);
00113               pid > 0 ? _nBaryon[1]++ : _nAntiBaryon[1]++;
00114               pid > 0 ? _nWeightedBaryon[1]+=weight : _nWeightedAntiBaryon[1]+=weight;
00115             }
00116             break;
00117           case PID::XIMINUS:
00118             pid > 0 ? _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.3120, pT, weight) : _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.3320, pT, weight);
00119             if (pT > 0.5) {
00120               pid > 0 ? _h_pT_ximinus->fill(pT, weight/pT) : _h_pT_xiplus->fill(pT, weight/pT);
00121               pid > 0 ? _nBaryon[2]++ : _nAntiBaryon[2]++;
00122               pid > 0 ? _nWeightedBaryon[2]+=weight : _nWeightedAntiBaryon[2]+=weight;
00123             }
00124             break;
00125           case PID::OMEGAMINUS:
00126             _h_pT_vs_mass->fill(1.6720, pT, weight);
00127             if (pT > 0.5) {
00128               //_h_pT_omega->fill(pT, weight/pT);
00129               pid > 0 ? _nBaryon[3]++ : _nAntiBaryon[3]++;
00130               pid > 0 ? _nWeightedBaryon[3]+=weight : _nWeightedAntiBaryon[3]+=weight;
00131             }
00132             break;
00133           }
00135         }
00136       }
00138       _sumWeightSelected += event.weight();
00139     }
00142     /// Finalize
00143     void finalize() {
00144       std::vector<Point2D> points;
00145       for (size_t i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
00146         if (_nWeightedBaryon[i]==0 || _nWeightedAntiBaryon[i]==0) {
00147           points.push_back(Point2D(i,0,0.5,0));
00148         } else {
00149           double y  = _nWeightedAntiBaryon[i]/_nWeightedBaryon[i];
00150           double dy = sqrt( 1./_nAntiBaryon[i] + 1./_nBaryon[i] );
00151           points.push_back(Point2D(i,y,0.5,y*dy));
00152         }
00153       }
00154       _h_antibaryon_baryon_ratio->addPoints( points );
00156       divide(_h_pT_lambdabar,_h_pT_lambda, _h_lambar_lam);
00157       divide(_h_pT_xiplus,_h_pT_ximinus, _h_xiplus_ximinus);
00159       scale(_h_pT_k0s,       1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00160       scale(_h_pT_kminus,    1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00161       scale(_h_pT_kplus,     1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00162       scale(_h_pT_lambda,    1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00163       scale(_h_pT_lambdabar, 1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00164       scale(_h_pT_ximinus,   1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00165       scale(_h_pT_xiplus,    1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00166       //scale(_h_pT_omega,     1./(2*M_PI*_sumWeightSelected));
00167       MSG_DEBUG("sumOfWeights()     = " << sumOfWeights());
00168       MSG_DEBUG("_sumWeightSelected = " << _sumWeightSelected);
00169     }
00171   private:
00173     double _sumWeightSelected;
00174     int _nBaryon[4];
00175     int _nAntiBaryon[4];
00176     double _nWeightedBaryon[4];
00177     double _nWeightedAntiBaryon[4];
00179     Histo1DPtr _h_pT_k0s, _h_pT_kminus, _h_pT_kplus, _h_pT_lambda, _h_pT_lambdabar, _h_pT_ximinus, _h_pT_xiplus;
00180     //Histo1DPtr _h_pT_omega;
00181     Scatter2DPtr _h_antibaryon_baryon_ratio;
00182     Profile1DPtr  _h_pT_vs_mass;
00183     Scatter2DPtr _h_lambar_lam;
00184     Scatter2DPtr _h_xiplus_ximinus;
00186   };
00189   // The hook for the plugin system
00190   DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(STAR_2006_S6860818);
00193 }