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00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
00003 #include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
00004 #include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
00005 #include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
00006 #include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
00007 #include "fastjet/JadePlugin.hh"
00009 namespace Rivet {
00012   /// @brief OPAL photon production
00013   /// @author Peter Richardson
00014   class OPAL_1993_S2692198 : public Analysis {
00015   public:
00017     /// Constructor
00018     OPAL_1993_S2692198()
00019       : Analysis("OPAL_1993_S2692198")
00020     {    }
00023     /// @name Analysis methods
00024     //@{
00026     void analyze(const Event& e) {
00027       // Get event weight for histo filling
00028       const double weight = e.weight();
00030       // Extract the photons
00031       Particles photons;
00032       Particles nonPhotons;
00033       FourMomentum ptotal;
00034       const FinalState& fs = applyProjection<FinalState>(e, "FS");
00035       foreach (const Particle& p, fs.particles()) {
00036         ptotal+= p.momentum();
00037         if (p.pdgId() == PID::PHOTON) {
00038           photons.push_back(p);
00039         } else {
00040           nonPhotons.push_back(p);
00041         }
00042       }
00043       // No photon return but still count for normalisation
00044       if (photons.empty()) return;
00045       // Definition of the Durham algorithm
00046       fastjet::JetDefinition durham_def(fastjet::ee_kt_algorithm, fastjet::E_scheme, fastjet::Best);
00047       // Definition of the JADE algorithm
00048       fastjet::JadePlugin jade;
00049       fastjet::JetDefinition jade_def = fastjet::JetDefinition(&jade);
00050       // Now for the weird jet algorithm
00051       double evis = ptotal.mass();
00052       vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> input_particles;
00053       // Pseudo-jets from the non photons
00054       foreach (const Particle& p,  nonPhotons) {
00055         const FourMomentum p4 = p.momentum();
00056         input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(p4.px(), p4.py(), p4.pz(), p4.E()));
00057       }
00058       // Pseudo-jets from all bar the first photon
00059       for (size_t ix = 1; ix < photons.size(); ++ix) {
00060         const FourMomentum p4 = photons[ix].momentum();
00061         input_particles.push_back(fastjet::PseudoJet(p4.px(), p4.py(), p4.pz(), p4.E()));
00062       }
00063       // Now loop over the photons
00064       for (size_t ix = 0; ix < photons.size(); ++ix) {
00065         FourMomentum pgamma = photons[ix].momentum();
00066         // Run the jet clustering DURHAM
00067         fastjet::ClusterSequence clust_seq(input_particles, durham_def);
00068         // Cluster the jets
00069         for (size_t j = 0; j < _nPhotonDurham->numBins(); ++j) {
00070           bool accept(true);
00071           double ycut = _nPhotonDurham->bin(j).midpoint(); //< @todo Should this be xMin?
00072           double dcut = sqr(evis)*ycut;
00073           vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> exclusive_jets = sorted_by_E(clust_seq.exclusive_jets(dcut));
00074           for (size_t iy = 0; iy < exclusive_jets.size(); ++iy) {
00075             FourMomentum pjet(momentum(exclusive_jets[iy]));
00076             double cost = pjet.vector3().unit().dot(pgamma.vector3().unit());
00077             double ygamma = 2 * min(sqr(pjet.E()/evis), sqr(pgamma.E()/evis)) * (1 - cost);
00078             if (ygamma < ycut) {
00079               accept = false;
00080               break;
00081             }
00082           }
00083           if (!accept) continue;
00084           _nPhotonDurham->fill(ycut, weight*_nPhotonDurham->bin(j).width());
00085           size_t njet = min(size_t(4), exclusive_jets.size()) - 1;
00086           if (j < _nPhotonJetDurham[njet]->numBins()) {
00087             _nPhotonJetDurham[njet]->fillBin(j, weight*_nPhotonJetDurham[njet]->bin(j).width());
00088           }
00089         }
00090         // Run the jet clustering JADE
00091         fastjet::ClusterSequence clust_seq2(input_particles, jade_def);
00092         for (size_t j = 0; j < _nPhotonJade->numBins(); ++j) {
00093           bool accept(true);
00094           double ycut = _nPhotonJade->bin(j).midpoint(); //< @todo Should this be xMin?
00095           double dcut = sqr(evis)*ycut;
00096           vector<fastjet::PseudoJet> exclusive_jets = sorted_by_E(clust_seq2.exclusive_jets(dcut));
00097           for (size_t iy = 0; iy < exclusive_jets.size(); ++iy) {
00098             FourMomentum pjet(momentum(exclusive_jets[iy]));
00099             double cost = pjet.vector3().unit().dot(pgamma.vector3().unit());
00100             double ygamma = 2.*pjet.E()*pgamma.E()/sqr(evis)*(1.-cost);
00101             if (ygamma < ycut) {
00102               accept = false;
00103               break;
00104             }
00105           }
00106           if (!accept) continue;
00107           /// @todo Really want to use a "bar graph" here (i.e. ignore bin width)
00108           _nPhotonJade->fill(ycut, weight*_nPhotonJade->bin(j).width());
00109           size_t njet = min(size_t(4), exclusive_jets.size()) - 1;
00110           if (j < _nPhotonJetJade[njet]->numBins()) {
00111             _nPhotonJetJade[njet]->fillBin(j, weight*_nPhotonJetJade[njet]->bin(j).width());
00112           }
00113         }
00114         // Add this photon back in for the next iteration of the loop
00115         if (ix+1 != photons.size()) {
00116           input_particles[nonPhotons.size()+ix] = fastjet::PseudoJet(pgamma.px(), pgamma.py(), pgamma.pz(), pgamma.E());
00117         }
00118       }
00119     }
00122     void init() {
00123       // Projections
00124       addProjection(FinalState(), "FS");
00126       // Book datasets
00127       _nPhotonJade   = bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1);
00128       _nPhotonDurham = bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1);
00129       for (size_t ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) {
00130         _nPhotonJetJade  [ix] = bookHisto1D(3 , 1, 1+ix);
00131         _nPhotonJetDurham[ix] = bookHisto1D(4 , 1, 1+ix);
00132       }
00133     }
00136     /// Finalize
00137     void finalize() {
00138       const double fact = 1000/sumOfWeights();
00139       scale(_nPhotonJade, fact);
00140       scale(_nPhotonDurham, fact);
00141       for (size_t ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) {
00142         scale(_nPhotonJetJade  [ix],fact);
00143         scale(_nPhotonJetDurham[ix],fact);
00144       }
00145     }
00147     //@}
00149   private:
00151     Histo1DPtr _nPhotonJade;
00152     Histo1DPtr _nPhotonDurham;
00153     Histo1DPtr _nPhotonJetJade  [4];
00154     Histo1DPtr _nPhotonJetDurham[4];
00156   };
00160   // The hook for the plugin system
00161   DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(OPAL_1993_S2692198);
00163 }