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00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 /**
00003  * @name ATLAS Diffractive Gaps Rivet Analysis
00004  * @author Tim Martin, tim.martin@cern.ch
00005  * @version 1.0
00006  * @date 16/01/2012
00007  * @see http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.2808
00008  * @note pp, sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
00009  * @note Rapidity gap finding algorithm designed to compliment
00010  * the ATLAS detector acceptance. Forward rapidity gap sizes
00011  * are calculated for each event, considering all stable
00012  * particles above pT cut values 200, 400, 600 and 800 MeV in
00013  * turn. A forward rapidity gap is defined to be the largest
00014  * continuous region stretching inward from either edge of the
00015  * detector at eta = |4.9| which contains zero particles above
00016  * pT Cut. Soft diffractive topologies are isolated at large
00017  * gap sizes.
00018  *
00019  */
00020 #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
00021 #include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
00023 namespace Rivet {
00026   class ATLAS_2012_I1084540 : public Analysis {
00027   public:
00029     ATLAS_2012_I1084540() : Analysis("ATLAS_2012_I1084540"), _etaBins(49), _etaMax(4.9) {
00030     }
00033     /// @name Analysis methods
00034     //@{
00035     /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
00036     void init() {
00037       //All final states. Rapidity range = ATLAS calorimetry. Lowest pT cut = 200 MeV.
00038       const FinalState cnfs2(-_etaMax, _etaMax, 0.2 * GeV);
00039       const FinalState cnfs4(-_etaMax, _etaMax, 0.4 * GeV);
00040       const FinalState cnfs6(-_etaMax, _etaMax, 0.6 * GeV);
00041       const FinalState cnfs8(-_etaMax, _etaMax, 0.8 * GeV);
00042       addProjection(cnfs2, "CNFS2");
00043       addProjection(cnfs4, "CNFS4");
00044       addProjection(cnfs6, "CNFS6");
00045       addProjection(cnfs8, "CNFS8");
00047       _etaBinSize = (2. * _etaMax)/(double)_etaBins;
00049       //Book histogram
00050       _h_DeltaEtaF_200 = bookHisto1D(1, 1, 1);
00051       _h_DeltaEtaF_400 = bookHisto1D(2, 1, 1);
00052       _h_DeltaEtaF_600 = bookHisto1D(3, 1, 1);
00053       _h_DeltaEtaF_800 = bookHisto1D(4, 1, 1);
00054     }
00056   private:
00057     void fillMap(const FinalState& fs, bool* energyMap, double pTcut) {
00058       // Fill true/false array by iterating over particles and compare their
00059       // pT with pTcut
00060       foreach (const Particle& p, fs.particlesByEta()) {
00061         int checkBin = -1;
00062         double checkEta = -_etaMax;
00063         while (1) {
00064           checkEta += _etaBinSize;
00065           ++checkBin;
00066           if (p.eta() < checkEta) {
00067             energyMap[checkBin] = (p.pT() > pTcut * GeV);
00068             break;
00069           }
00070         }
00071       }
00072     }
00074   public:
00075     /// Perform the per-event analysis
00076     void analyze(const Event& event) {
00077       static unsigned int event_count = 0;
00078       ++event_count;
00079       const double weight = event.weight();
00080       const FinalState& fs2 = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "CNFS2");
00081       const FinalState& fs4 = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "CNFS4");
00082       const FinalState& fs6 = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "CNFS6");
00083       const FinalState& fs8 = applyProjection<FinalState>(event, "CNFS8");
00085       // Set up Yes/No arrays for energy in each eta bin at each pT cut
00086       bool* energyMap_200 = new bool[_etaBins];
00087       bool* energyMap_400 = new bool[_etaBins];
00088       bool* energyMap_600 = new bool[_etaBins];
00089       bool* energyMap_800 = new bool[_etaBins];
00090       for (int i = 0; i < _etaBins; ++i) {
00091         energyMap_200[i] = false;
00092         energyMap_400[i] = false;
00093         energyMap_600[i] = false;
00094         energyMap_800[i] = false;
00095       }
00097       // Veto bins based on final state particles > Cut (Where Cut = 200 - 800 MeV pT)
00098       fillMap(fs2, energyMap_200, 0.2);
00099       fillMap(fs4, energyMap_400, 0.4);
00100       fillMap(fs6, energyMap_600, 0.6);
00101       fillMap(fs8, energyMap_800, 0.8);
00103       // Apply gap finding algorithm
00104       // Detector layout follows...
00105       // -Eta [Proton  ---  DetectorCSide  ---  DetectorBarrel  ---  DetectorASide  ---  Proton] +Eta
00106       bool gapDirectionAt200 = false; //False is gap on C size, True is gap on A side.
00107       double largestEdgeGap_200 = 0.;
00108       double largestEdgeGap_400 = 0.;
00109       double largestEdgeGap_600 = 0.;
00110       double largestEdgeGap_800 = 0.;
00112       for (int E = 200; E <= 800; E += 200) {
00113         double EdgeGapSizeA = -1, EdgeGapSizeC = -1;
00114         bool* energyMap = 0;
00115         switch (E) {
00116           case 200: energyMap = energyMap_200; break;
00117           case 400: energyMap = energyMap_400; break;
00118           case 600: energyMap = energyMap_600; break;
00119           case 800: energyMap = energyMap_800; break;
00120         }
00122         // Look left to right
00123         for (int a = 0; a < _etaBins; ++a) {
00124           if (energyMap[a] == true) {
00125             EdgeGapSizeA = (_etaBinSize * a);
00126             break;
00127           }
00128         }
00130         // And look right to left
00131         for (int c = _etaBins-1; c >= 0; --c) {
00132           if (energyMap[c] == true) {
00133             EdgeGapSizeC = (2 * _etaMax) - (_etaBinSize * (c+1));
00134             if (fuzzyEquals(EdgeGapSizeC, 4.47035e-08)) EdgeGapSizeC = 0.0;
00135             break;
00136           }
00137         }
00138         // Put your hands on your hips
00140         // Find the largest gap
00141         double largestEdgeGap = 0.;
00142         if (E == 200) {
00143           // If the 200 MeV pass, take the biggest of the two gaps. Make note of which side for higher pT cuts.
00144           largestEdgeGap = std::max(EdgeGapSizeA,EdgeGapSizeC);
00145           gapDirectionAt200 = (EdgeGapSizeA > EdgeGapSizeC);
00146         } else {
00147           // Use the direction from 200 MeV pass, most accurate measure of which side gap is on.
00148           if (gapDirectionAt200) {
00149             largestEdgeGap = EdgeGapSizeA;
00150           }
00151           else largestEdgeGap = EdgeGapSizeC;
00152         }
00154         // Check case of empty detector
00155         if (largestEdgeGap < 0.0) largestEdgeGap = 2.0 * _etaMax;
00157         // Fill bin centre
00158         switch (E) {
00159           case 200: _h_DeltaEtaF_200->fill(largestEdgeGap + _etaBinSize/2., weight); break;
00160           case 400: _h_DeltaEtaF_400->fill(largestEdgeGap + _etaBinSize/2., weight); break;
00161           case 600: _h_DeltaEtaF_600->fill(largestEdgeGap + _etaBinSize/2., weight); break;
00162           case 800: _h_DeltaEtaF_800->fill(largestEdgeGap + _etaBinSize/2., weight); break;
00163         }
00165         if (E == 200) largestEdgeGap_200 = largestEdgeGap;
00166         if (E == 400) largestEdgeGap_400 = largestEdgeGap;
00167         if (E == 600) largestEdgeGap_600 = largestEdgeGap;
00168         if (E == 800) largestEdgeGap_800 = largestEdgeGap;
00169       }
00171       // Algorithm result every 1000 events
00172       if (event_count % 1000 == 0) {
00173         for (int E = 200; E <= 800; E += 200) {
00174           bool* energyMap = 0;
00175           double largestEdgeGap = 0;
00176           switch (E) {
00177             case 200: energyMap = energyMap_200; largestEdgeGap = largestEdgeGap_200; break;
00178             case 400: energyMap = energyMap_400; largestEdgeGap = largestEdgeGap_400; break;
00179             case 600: energyMap = energyMap_600; largestEdgeGap = largestEdgeGap_600; break;
00180             case 800: energyMap = energyMap_800; largestEdgeGap = largestEdgeGap_800; break;
00181           }
00182           MSG_DEBUG("Largest Forward Gap at pT Cut " << E << " MeV=" << largestEdgeGap
00183             << " eta, NFinalState pT > 200 in ATLAS acceptance:" << fs2.particles().size());
00184           std::string hitPattern = "Detector HitPattern=-4.9[";
00185           for (int a = 0; a < _etaBins; ++a) {
00186             if (energyMap[a] == true) hitPattern += "X";
00187             else hitPattern += "_";
00188           }
00189           hitPattern += "]4.9";
00190           MSG_DEBUG(hitPattern);
00191           std::string gapArrow = "                         ";
00192             if (!gapDirectionAt200) {
00193             int drawSpaces = (int)(_etaBins - (largestEdgeGap/_etaBinSize) + 0.5);
00194             for (int i = 0; i < drawSpaces; ++i) gapArrow += " ";
00195           }
00196           int drawArrows = (int)((largestEdgeGap/_etaBinSize) + 0.5);
00197           for (int i = 0; i < drawArrows; ++i) gapArrow += "^";
00198           MSG_DEBUG(gapArrow);
00199         }
00200       }
00202       delete[] energyMap_200;
00203       delete[] energyMap_400;
00204       delete[] energyMap_600;
00205       delete[] energyMap_800;
00206     }
00208     /// Normalise histograms after the run, Scale to cross section
00209     void finalize() {
00210       MSG_DEBUG("Cross Section=" << crossSection() / millibarn << "mb, SumOfWeights=" << sumOfWeights());
00211       scale(_h_DeltaEtaF_200, (crossSection() / millibarn)/sumOfWeights());
00212       scale(_h_DeltaEtaF_400, (crossSection() / millibarn)/sumOfWeights());
00213       scale(_h_DeltaEtaF_600, (crossSection() / millibarn)/sumOfWeights());
00214       scale(_h_DeltaEtaF_800, (crossSection() / millibarn)/sumOfWeights());
00215     }
00216     //@}
00218   private:
00219     /// @name Histograms
00220     //@{
00221     Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaEtaF_200;
00222     Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaEtaF_400;
00223     Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaEtaF_600;
00224     Histo1DPtr _h_DeltaEtaF_800;
00225     //@}
00226     /// @name Private variables
00227     //@{
00228     int _etaBins;
00229     double _etaMax;
00230     double _etaBinSize;
00231     //@}
00232   };
00234   // The hook for the plugin system
00235   DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ATLAS_2012_I1084540);
00237 }