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00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 #include <iostream>
00003 #include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
00004 #include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
00005 #include "Rivet/Projections/UnstableFinalState.hh"
00006 #include "Rivet/ParticleName.hh"
00008 namespace Rivet {
00011   /// @brief ARGUS vector meson production
00012   /// @author Peter Richardson
00013   class ARGUS_1993_S2789213 : public Analysis {
00014   public:
00016     ARGUS_1993_S2789213()
00017       : Analysis("ARGUS_1993_S2789213"),
00018         _weightSum_cont(0.),_weightSum_Ups1(0.),_weightSum_Ups4(0.)
00019     { }
00022     void init() {
00023       addProjection(Beam(), "Beams");
00024       addProjection(UnstableFinalState(), "UFS");
00026       _mult_cont_Omega     = bookHisto1D( 1, 1, 1);
00027       _mult_cont_Rho0      = bookHisto1D( 1, 1, 2);
00028       _mult_cont_KStar0    = bookHisto1D( 1, 1, 3);
00029       _mult_cont_KStarPlus = bookHisto1D( 1, 1, 4);
00030       _mult_cont_Phi       = bookHisto1D( 1, 1, 5);
00032       _mult_Ups1_Omega     = bookHisto1D( 2, 1, 1);
00033       _mult_Ups1_Rho0      = bookHisto1D( 2, 1, 2);
00034       _mult_Ups1_KStar0    = bookHisto1D( 2, 1, 3);
00035       _mult_Ups1_KStarPlus = bookHisto1D( 2, 1, 4);
00036       _mult_Ups1_Phi       = bookHisto1D( 2, 1, 5);
00038       _mult_Ups4_Omega     = bookHisto1D( 3, 1, 1);
00039       _mult_Ups4_Rho0      = bookHisto1D( 3, 1, 2);
00040       _mult_Ups4_KStar0    = bookHisto1D( 3, 1, 3);
00041       _mult_Ups4_KStarPlus = bookHisto1D( 3, 1, 4);
00042       _mult_Ups4_Phi       = bookHisto1D( 3, 1, 5);
00044       _hist_cont_KStarPlus = bookHisto1D( 4, 1, 1);
00045       _hist_Ups1_KStarPlus = bookHisto1D( 5, 1, 1);
00046       _hist_Ups4_KStarPlus = bookHisto1D( 6, 1, 1);
00048       _hist_cont_KStar0    = bookHisto1D( 7, 1, 1);
00049       _hist_Ups1_KStar0    = bookHisto1D( 8, 1, 1);
00050       _hist_Ups4_KStar0    = bookHisto1D( 9, 1, 1);
00052       _hist_cont_Rho0      = bookHisto1D(10, 1, 1);
00053       _hist_Ups1_Rho0      = bookHisto1D(11, 1, 1);
00054       _hist_Ups4_Rho0      = bookHisto1D(12, 1, 1);
00056       _hist_cont_Omega     = bookHisto1D(13, 1, 1);
00057       _hist_Ups1_Omega     = bookHisto1D(14, 1, 1);
00058     } // init
00061     void analyze(const Event& e) {
00062       const double weight = e.weight();
00064       const Beam beamproj = applyProjection<Beam>(e, "Beams");
00065       const double s = sqr(beamproj.sqrtS());
00066       const double roots = sqrt(s);
00068       // Find the upsilons
00069       Particles upsilons;
00070       // First in unstable final state
00071       const UnstableFinalState& ufs = applyProjection<UnstableFinalState>(e, "UFS");
00072       foreach (const Particle& p, ufs.particles())
00073         if (p.pdgId() == 300553 || p.pdgId() == 553) upsilons.push_back(p);
00074       // Then in whole event if that failed
00075       if (upsilons.empty()) {
00076         foreach (GenParticle* p, Rivet::particles(e.genEvent())) {
00077           if (p->pdg_id() != 300553 && p->pdg_id() != 553) continue;
00078           const GenVertex* pv = p->production_vertex();
00079           bool passed = true;
00080           if (pv) {
00081             /// @todo Use better looping
00082             for (GenVertex::particles_in_const_iterator pp = pv->particles_in_const_begin() ; pp != pv->particles_in_const_end() ; ++pp) {
00083               if ( p->pdg_id() == (*pp)->pdg_id() ) {
00084                 passed = false;
00085                 break;
00086               }
00087             }
00088           }
00089           if (passed) upsilons.push_back(Particle(*p));
00090         }
00091       }
00093       // continuum
00094       if (upsilons.empty()) {
00095         _weightSum_cont += weight;
00096         unsigned int nOmega(0),nRho0(0),nKStar0(0),nKStarPlus(0),nPhi(0);
00097         foreach (const Particle& p, ufs.particles()) {
00098           int id = abs(p.pdgId());
00099           double xp = 2.*p.momentum().t()/roots;
00100           double beta = p.momentum().vector3().mod()/p.momentum().t();
00101           if (id == 113) {
00102             _hist_cont_Rho0->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00103             ++nRho0;
00104           }
00105           else if (id == 313) {
00106             _hist_cont_KStar0->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00107             ++nKStar0;
00108           }
00109           else if (id == 223) {
00110             _hist_cont_Omega->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00111             ++nOmega;
00112           }
00113           else if (id == 323) {
00114             _hist_cont_KStarPlus->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00115             ++nKStarPlus;
00116           }
00117           else if (id == 333) {
00118             ++nPhi;
00119           }
00120         }
00121         /// @todo Replace with Counters and fill one-point Scatters at the end
00122         _mult_cont_Omega    ->fill(10.45,weight*nOmega    );
00123         _mult_cont_Rho0     ->fill(10.45,weight*nRho0     );
00124         _mult_cont_KStar0   ->fill(10.45,weight*nKStar0   );
00125         _mult_cont_KStarPlus->fill(10.45,weight*nKStarPlus);
00126         _mult_cont_Phi      ->fill(10.45,weight*nPhi      );
00127       }
00128       else {
00129         // find an upsilon
00130         foreach (const Particle& ups, upsilons) {
00131           int parentId = ups.pdgId();
00132           if (parentId == 553)
00133             _weightSum_Ups1 += weight;
00134           else
00135             _weightSum_Ups4 += weight;
00136           Particles unstable;
00137           // find the decay products we want
00138           findDecayProducts(ups.genParticle(),unstable);
00139           LorentzTransform cms_boost;
00140           if (ups.momentum().vector3().mod() > 0.001)
00141             cms_boost = LorentzTransform(-ups.momentum().boostVector());
00142           double mass = ups.momentum().mass();
00143           unsigned int nOmega(0),nRho0(0),nKStar0(0),nKStarPlus(0),nPhi(0);
00144           foreach(const Particle & p , unstable) {
00145             int id = abs(p.pdgId());
00146             FourMomentum p2 = cms_boost.transform(p.momentum());
00147             double xp = 2.*p2.t()/mass;
00148             double beta = p2.vector3().mod()/p2.t();
00149             if (id == 113) {
00150               if (parentId == 553) _hist_Ups1_Rho0->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00151               else                 _hist_Ups4_Rho0->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00152               ++nRho0;
00153             }
00154             else if (id == 313) {
00155               if (parentId == 553) _hist_Ups1_KStar0->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00156               else                 _hist_Ups4_KStar0->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00157               ++nKStar0;
00158             }
00159             else if (id == 223) {
00160               if (parentId == 553) _hist_Ups1_Omega->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00161               ++nOmega;
00162             }
00163             else if (id == 323) {
00164               if (parentId == 553) _hist_Ups1_KStarPlus->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00165               else                 _hist_Ups4_KStarPlus->fill(xp,weight/beta);
00166               ++nKStarPlus;
00167             }
00168             else if (id == 333) {
00169               ++nPhi;
00170             }
00171           }
00172           if (parentId == 553) {
00173             _mult_Ups1_Omega    ->fill(9.46,weight*nOmega    );
00174             _mult_Ups1_Rho0     ->fill(9.46,weight*nRho0     );
00175             _mult_Ups1_KStar0   ->fill(9.46,weight*nKStar0   );
00176             _mult_Ups1_KStarPlus->fill(9.46,weight*nKStarPlus);
00177             _mult_Ups1_Phi      ->fill(9.46,weight*nPhi      );
00178           }
00179           else {
00180             _mult_Ups4_Omega    ->fill(10.58,weight*nOmega    );
00181             _mult_Ups4_Rho0     ->fill(10.58,weight*nRho0     );
00182             _mult_Ups4_KStar0   ->fill(10.58,weight*nKStar0   );
00183             _mult_Ups4_KStarPlus->fill(10.58,weight*nKStarPlus);
00184             _mult_Ups4_Phi      ->fill(10.58,weight*nPhi      );
00185           }
00186         }
00187       }
00188     } // analyze
00191     void finalize() {
00192       if (_weightSum_cont > 0.) {
00193         /// @todo Replace with Counters and fill one-point Scatters at the end
00194         scale(_mult_cont_Omega    , 1./_weightSum_cont);
00195         scale(_mult_cont_Rho0     , 1./_weightSum_cont);
00196         scale(_mult_cont_KStar0   , 1./_weightSum_cont);
00197         scale(_mult_cont_KStarPlus, 1./_weightSum_cont);
00198         scale(_mult_cont_Phi      , 1./_weightSum_cont);
00199         scale(_hist_cont_KStarPlus, 1./_weightSum_cont);
00200         scale(_hist_cont_KStar0   , 1./_weightSum_cont);
00201         scale(_hist_cont_Rho0     , 1./_weightSum_cont);
00202         scale(_hist_cont_Omega    , 1./_weightSum_cont);
00203       }
00204       if (_weightSum_Ups1 > 0.) {
00205         /// @todo Replace with Counters and fill one-point Scatters at the end
00206         scale(_mult_Ups1_Omega    , 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00207         scale(_mult_Ups1_Rho0     , 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00208         scale(_mult_Ups1_KStar0   , 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00209         scale(_mult_Ups1_KStarPlus, 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00210         scale(_mult_Ups1_Phi      , 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00211         scale(_hist_Ups1_KStarPlus, 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00212         scale(_hist_Ups1_KStar0   , 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00213         scale(_hist_Ups1_Rho0     , 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00214         scale(_hist_Ups1_Omega    , 1./_weightSum_Ups1);
00215       }
00216       if (_weightSum_Ups4 > 0.) {
00217         /// @todo Replace with Counters and fill one-point Scatters at the end
00218         scale(_mult_Ups4_Omega    , 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00219         scale(_mult_Ups4_Rho0     , 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00220         scale(_mult_Ups4_KStar0   , 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00221         scale(_mult_Ups4_KStarPlus, 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00222         scale(_mult_Ups4_Phi      , 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00223         scale(_hist_Ups4_KStarPlus, 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00224         scale(_hist_Ups4_KStar0   , 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00225         scale(_hist_Ups4_Rho0     , 1./_weightSum_Ups4);
00226       }
00227     } // finalize
00230   private:
00232     //@{
00233     Histo1DPtr _mult_cont_Omega    ;
00234     Histo1DPtr _mult_cont_Rho0     ;
00235     Histo1DPtr _mult_cont_KStar0   ;
00236     Histo1DPtr _mult_cont_KStarPlus;
00237     Histo1DPtr _mult_cont_Phi      ;
00239     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups1_Omega    ;
00240     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups1_Rho0     ;
00241     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups1_KStar0   ;
00242     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups1_KStarPlus;
00243     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups1_Phi      ;
00245     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups4_Omega    ;
00246     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups4_Rho0     ;
00247     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups4_KStar0   ;
00248     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups4_KStarPlus;
00249     Histo1DPtr _mult_Ups4_Phi      ;
00251     Histo1DPtr _hist_cont_KStarPlus;
00252     Histo1DPtr _hist_Ups1_KStarPlus;
00253     Histo1DPtr _hist_Ups4_KStarPlus;
00255     Histo1DPtr _hist_cont_KStar0   ;
00256     Histo1DPtr _hist_Ups1_KStar0   ;
00257     Histo1DPtr _hist_Ups4_KStar0   ;
00259     Histo1DPtr _hist_cont_Rho0     ;
00260     Histo1DPtr _hist_Ups1_Rho0     ;
00261     Histo1DPtr _hist_Ups4_Rho0     ;
00263     Histo1DPtr _hist_cont_Omega    ;
00264     Histo1DPtr _hist_Ups1_Omega    ;
00266     double _weightSum_cont,_weightSum_Ups1,_weightSum_Ups4;
00267     //@}
00270     void findDecayProducts(const GenParticle* p, Particles& unstable) {
00271       const GenVertex* dv = p->end_vertex();
00272       /// @todo Use better looping
00273       for (GenVertex::particles_out_const_iterator pp = dv->particles_out_const_begin(); pp != dv->particles_out_const_end(); ++pp) {
00274         int id = abs((*pp)->pdg_id());
00275         if (id == 113 || id == 313 || id == 323 ||
00276             id == 333 || id == 223 ) {
00277           unstable.push_back(Particle(*pp));
00278         }
00279         else if ((*pp)->end_vertex())
00280           findDecayProducts(*pp, unstable);
00281       }
00282     }
00284   };
00287   // The hook for the plugin system
00288   DECLARE_RIVET_PLUGIN(ARGUS_1993_S2789213);
00290 }