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Rivet analyses reference


Measurement of prompt hadron production ratios in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 7 TeV
Experiment: LHCb (LHC)
Inspire ID: 1119400
  • Andrea Contu
  • Alex Grecu
References: Beams: p+ p+
Beam energies: (450.0, 450.0); (3500.0, 3500.0) GeV
Run details:
  • Minimum bias events at $\sqrt{s} = 0.9$ and 7 TeV. Beam energy must be specified as analysis option "ENERGY" when rivet-merging samples.

WARNING --- particle map is incomplete for determination of promptness, assume unknown particles to have a life time of 0 --- Measurement of the production ratios of prompt charged particles (protons, pions and kaons). Promptness is defined as originating from the primary interaction, either directly, or through the subsequent decay of a resonance. Beam energy must be specified as analysis option "ENERGY" when rivet-merging samples.

Source code: LHCB_2012_I1119400.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
  5namespace Rivet {
  8  class LHCB_2012_I1119400 : public Analysis {
  9    public:
 11    /// @name Constructors etc.
 12    /// @{
 14    /// Constructor
 15    LHCB_2012_I1119400() : Analysis("LHCB_2012_I1119400"),
 16      _p_min(5.0),
 17      _pt_min(0.0),_pt1_edge(0.8), _pt2_edge(1.2),
 18      //_eta_nbins(4),
 19      _eta_min(2.5),
 20      _eta_max(4.5)
 21    {   }
 23    /// @}
 26    public:
 28    /// @name Analysis methods
 29    /// @{
 31    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 32    void init() {
 33      fillMap(_partLftMap);
 35      int id_shift = 0;
 36      if (isCompatibleWithSqrtS(7000*GeV)) id_shift = 1;
 37      // define ratios if second pdgid in pair is -1, it means that is a antiparticle/particle ratio
 39      _ratiotype["pbarp"]         = make_pair(2212, -1);
 40      _ratiotype["kminuskplus"]   = make_pair(321, -1);
 41      _ratiotype["piminuspiplus"] = make_pair(211, -1);
 42      _ratiotype["ppi"]           = make_pair(2212, 211);
 43      _ratiotype["kpi"]           = make_pair(321, 211);
 44      _ratiotype["pk"]            = make_pair(2212, 321);
 46      std::map<string, int > _hepdataid;
 47      _hepdataid["pbarp"]         =  1 + id_shift;
 48      _hepdataid["kminuskplus"]   =  3 + id_shift;
 49      _hepdataid["piminuspiplus"] =  5 + id_shift;
 50      _hepdataid["ppi"]           =  7 + id_shift;
 51      _hepdataid["kpi"]           =  9 + id_shift;
 52      _hepdataid["pk"]            = 11 + id_shift;
 54      std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int> >::iterator it;
 56      // booking histograms
 57      for (it=_ratiotype.begin(); it!=_ratiotype.end(); it++) {
 58        book(_h_ratio_lowpt [it->first], _hepdataid[it->first], 1, 1);
 59        book(_h_ratio_midpt [it->first], _hepdataid[it->first], 1, 2);
 60        book(_h_ratio_highpt[it->first], _hepdataid[it->first], 1, 3);
 61        book(_h_num_lowpt   [it->first], "TMP/num_l_"+it->first,refData(_hepdataid[it->first], 1, 1));
 62        book(_h_num_midpt   [it->first], "TMP/num_m_"+it->first,refData(_hepdataid[it->first], 1, 2));
 63        book(_h_num_highpt  [it->first], "TMP/num_h_"+it->first,refData(_hepdataid[it->first], 1, 3));
 64        book(_h_den_lowpt   [it->first], "TMP/den_l_"+it->first,refData(_hepdataid[it->first], 1, 1));
 65        book(_h_den_midpt   [it->first], "TMP/den_m_"+it->first,refData(_hepdataid[it->first], 1, 2));
 66        book(_h_den_highpt  [it->first], "TMP/den_h_"+it->first,refData(_hepdataid[it->first], 1, 3));
 67      }
 69      declare(ChargedFinalState(Cuts::etaIn(_eta_min, _eta_max) && Cuts::pT >= _pt_min*GeV), "CFS");
 70    }
 73    // Perform the per-event analysis
 74    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 75      const ChargedFinalState& cfs = apply<ChargedFinalState>(event, "CFS");
 77      for (const Particle& p : cfs.particles()) {
 78        int id = p.pid();
 79        // continue if particle not a proton, a kaon or a pion
 80        if ( !( (abs(id) == 211) || (abs(id) == 321) || (abs(id) == 2212)))  {
 81          continue;
 82        }
 84        // cut in momentum
 85        const FourMomentum& qmom = p.momentum();
 86        if (qmom.p3().mod() < _p_min) continue;
 88        // Lifetime cut: ctau sum of all particle ancestors < 10^-9 m according to the paper (see eq. 5)
 89        const double MAX_CTAU = 1.0e-9; // [m]
 90        double ancestor_lftsum = getMotherLifeTimeSum(p);
 91        if ( (ancestor_lftsum < 0.0) || (ancestor_lftsum > MAX_CTAU) ) continue;
 93        double eta = qmom.eta();
 94        double pT  = qmom.pT();
 96        std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int> >::iterator it;
 98        for (it=_ratiotype.begin(); it!=_ratiotype.end(); it++) {
 99          // check what type of ratio is
100          if ((it->second.second)==-1) {
101            // check ptbin
102            if (pT < _pt1_edge) {
103              // filling histos for numerator and denominator
104              if (id == -abs(it->second.first)) _h_num_lowpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
105              if (id ==  abs(it->second.first)) _h_den_lowpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
106            }
107            else if (pT < _pt2_edge) {
108              // filling histos for numerator and denominator
109              if (id == -abs(it->second.first)) _h_num_midpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
110              if (id ==  abs(it->second.first)) _h_den_midpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
111            }
112            else {
113              // filling histos for numerator and denominator
114              if (id == -abs(it->second.first)) _h_num_highpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
115              if (id ==  abs(it->second.first)) _h_den_highpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
116            }
117          }
118          else {
119            // check what type of ratio is
120            if (pT < _pt1_edge) {
121              // filling histos for numerator and denominator
122              if (abs(id) == abs(it->second.first))  _h_num_lowpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
123              if (abs(id) == abs(it->second.second)) _h_den_lowpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
124            }
125            else if (pT < _pt2_edge) {
126              // filling histos for numerator and denominator
127              if (abs(id) == abs(it->second.first))  _h_num_midpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
128              if (abs(id) == abs(it->second.second)) _h_den_midpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
129            }
130            else {
131              // filling histos for numerator and denominator
132              if (abs(id) == abs(it->second.first))  _h_num_highpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
133              if (abs(id) == abs(it->second.second)) _h_den_highpt[it->first]->fill(eta);
134            }
135          }
136        }
137      }
138    }
141    // Generate the ratio histograms
142    void finalize() {
143      std::map<std::string, std::pair<int, int> >::iterator it;
145      // booking histograms
146      for (it=_ratiotype.begin(); it!=_ratiotype.end(); it++) {
147        divide(_h_num_lowpt[it->first],  _h_den_lowpt[it->first],  _h_ratio_lowpt[it->first]);
148        divide(_h_num_midpt[it->first],  _h_den_midpt[it->first],  _h_ratio_midpt[it->first]);
149        divide(_h_num_highpt[it->first], _h_den_highpt[it->first], _h_ratio_highpt[it->first]);
150      }
151    }
153    /// @}
156    private:
159    // Get particle lifetime from hardcoded data
160    double getLifeTime(int pid) {
161      pid = abs(pid);
162      double lft = -1.0;
163      map<int, double>::iterator pPartLft = _partLftMap.find(pid);
164      // search stable particle list
165      if (pPartLft == _partLftMap.end()) {
166        if (pid <= 100) return 0.0;
167        for (size_t i=0; i < sizeof(_stablePDGIds)/sizeof(unsigned int); i++) {
168          if (pid == _stablePDGIds[i]) {
169            lft = 0.0;
170            break;
171          }
172        }
173      } else {
174        lft = (*pPartLft).second;
175      }
176      if (lft < 0.0 && PID::isHadron(pid)) {
177        MSG_WARNING("Lifetime map imcomplete --- " << pid
178            << "... assume zero lifetime");
179        lft = 0.0;
180      }
181      return lft;
182    }
184    // Data members like post-cuts event weight counters go here
185    double getMotherLifeTimeSum(const Particle& p) {
186      if (p.genParticle() == nullptr) return -1.;
187      double lftSum = 0.;
188      double plft = 0.;
189      ConstGenParticlePtr part = p.genParticle();
190      ConstGenVertexPtr ivtx = part->production_vertex();
191      while(ivtx){
193        vector<ConstGenParticlePtr> part_in = HepMCUtils::particles(ivtx, Relatives::PARENTS);
195        if (part_in.size() < 1) { lftSum = -1.; break; };
196        part = part_in.at(0);
197        if ( !(part) ) { lftSum = -1.; break; };
198        ivtx = part->production_vertex();
199        if ( (part->pdg_id() == 2212) || !(ivtx) ) break; // reached beam
200        plft = getLifeTime(part->pdg_id());
201        if (plft < 0.) { lftSum = -1.; break; };
202        lftSum += plft;
203      };
204      return (lftSum * c_light);
205    }
207    /// @name Private variables
208    // Momentum threshold
209    double _p_min;
211    // The edges of the intervals of transversal momentum
212    double _pt_min;
213    double _pt1_edge;
214    double _pt2_edge;
216    // The limits of the pseudorapidity window
217    //int    _eta_nbins;
218    double _eta_min;
219    double _eta_max;
221    // Map between PDG id and particle lifetimes in seconds
222    std::map<int, double> _partLftMap;
224    // Set of PDG Ids for stable particles (PDG Id <= 100 are considered stable)
225    static const int _stablePDGIds[205];
227    // Define histograms
228    // ratio
229    std::map<std::string, Estimate1DPtr > _h_ratio_lowpt;
230    std::map<std::string, Estimate1DPtr > _h_ratio_midpt;
231    std::map<std::string, Estimate1DPtr > _h_ratio_highpt;
232    // numerator
233    std::map<std::string, Histo1DPtr > _h_num_lowpt;
234    std::map<std::string, Histo1DPtr > _h_num_midpt;
235    std::map<std::string, Histo1DPtr > _h_num_highpt;
236    // denominator
237    std::map<std::string, Histo1DPtr > _h_den_lowpt;
238    std::map<std::string, Histo1DPtr > _h_den_midpt;
239    std::map<std::string, Histo1DPtr > _h_den_highpt;
241    // Map of ratios and IDs of numerator and denominator
242    std::map<string, pair<int,int> > _ratiotype;
244    // Fill the PDG Id to Lifetime[seconds] map
245    // Data was extracted from LHCb Particle Table through LHCb::ParticlePropertySvc
246    bool fillMap(map<int, double> &m) {
247      m[6] =  4.707703E-25;  m[11] =  1.E+16;  m[12] =  1.E+16;
248      m[13] =  2.197019E-06;  m[14] =  1.E+16;  m[15] =  2.906E-13;  m[16] =  1.E+16;  m[22] =  1.E+16;
249      m[23] =  2.637914E-25;  m[24] =  3.075758E-25;  m[25] =  9.4E-26;  m[35] =  9.4E-26;
250      m[36] =  9.4E-26;  m[37] =  9.4E-26;  m[84] =  3.335641E-13;  m[85] =  1.290893E-12;
251      m[111] =  8.4E-17;  m[113] =  4.405704E-24;  m[115] =  6.151516E-24;  m[117] =  4.088275E-24;
252      m[119] =  2.102914E-24;  m[130] =  5.116E-08;  m[150] =  1.525E-12;  m[211] =  2.6033E-08;
253      m[213] =  4.405704E-24;  m[215] =  6.151516E-24;  m[217] =  4.088275E-24;  m[219] =  2.102914E-24;
254      m[221] =  5.063171E-19;  m[223] =  7.752794E-23;  m[225] =  3.555982E-24;  m[227] =  3.91793E-24;
255      m[229] =  2.777267E-24;  m[310] =  8.953E-11;  m[313] =  1.308573E-23;  m[315] =  6.038644E-24;
256      m[317] =  4.139699E-24;  m[319] =  3.324304E-24;  m[321] =  1.238E-08;  m[323] =  1.295693E-23;
257      m[325] =  6.682357E-24;  m[327] =  4.139699E-24;  m[329] =  3.324304E-24;  m[331] =  3.210791E-21;
258      m[333] =  1.545099E-22;  m[335] =  9.016605E-24;  m[337] =  7.565657E-24;  m[350] =  1.407125E-12;
259      m[411] =  1.04E-12;  m[413] =  6.856377E-21;  m[415] =  1.778952E-23;  m[421] =  4.101E-13;
260      m[423] =  1.000003E-19;  m[425] =  1.530726E-23;  m[431] =  5.E-13;  m[433] =  1.000003E-19;
261      m[435] =  3.291061E-23;  m[441] =  2.465214E-23;  m[443] =  7.062363E-21;  m[445] =  3.242425E-22;
262      m[510] =  1.525E-12;  m[511] =  1.525E-12;  m[513] =  1.000019E-19;  m[515] =  1.31E-23;
263      m[521] =  1.638E-12;  m[523] =  1.000019E-19;  m[525] =  1.31E-23;  m[530] =  1.536875E-12;
264      m[531] =  1.472E-12;  m[533] =  1.E-19;  m[535] =  1.31E-23;  m[541] =  4.5E-13;
265      m[553] =  1.218911E-20;  m[1112] =  4.539394E-24;  m[1114] =  5.578069E-24;  m[1116] =  1.994582E-24;
266      m[1118] =  2.269697E-24;  m[1212] =  4.539394E-24;  m[1214] =  5.723584E-24;  m[1216] =  1.994582E-24;
267      m[1218] =  1.316424E-24;  m[2112] =  8.857E+02;  m[2114] =  5.578069E-24;  m[2116] =  4.388081E-24;
268      m[2118] =  2.269697E-24;  m[2122] =  4.539394E-24;  m[2124] =  5.723584E-24;  m[2126] =  1.994582E-24;
269      m[2128] =  1.316424E-24;  m[2212] =  1.E+16;  m[2214] =  5.578069E-24;  m[2216] =  4.388081E-24;
270      m[2218] =  2.269697E-24;  m[2222] =  4.539394E-24;  m[2224] =  5.578069E-24;  m[2226] =  1.994582E-24;
271      m[2228] =  2.269697E-24;  m[3112] =  1.479E-10;  m[3114] =  1.670589E-23;  m[3116] =  5.485102E-24;
272      m[3118] =  3.656734E-24;  m[3122] =  2.631E-10;  m[102134] =  4.219309E-23;  m[3126] =  8.227653E-24;
273      m[3128] =  3.291061E-24;  m[3212] =  7.4E-20;  m[3214] =  1.828367E-23;  m[3216] =  5.485102E-24;
274      m[3218] =  3.656734E-24;  m[3222] =  8.018E-11;  m[3224] =  1.838582E-23;  m[3226] =  5.485102E-24;
275      m[3228] =  3.656734E-24;  m[3312] =  1.639E-10;  m[3314] =  6.648608E-23;  m[3322] =  2.9E-10;
276      m[3324] =  7.233101E-23;  m[3334] =  8.21E-11;  m[4112] =  2.991874E-22;  m[4114] =  4.088274E-23;
277      m[4122] =  2.E-13;  m[4132] =  1.12E-13;  m[4212] =  3.999999E-22;  m[4214] =  3.291061E-22;
278      m[4222] =  2.951624E-22;  m[4224] =  4.417531E-23;  m[4232] =  4.42E-13;  m[4332] =  6.9E-14;
279      m[4412] =  3.335641E-13;  m[4422] =  3.335641E-13;  m[4432] =  3.335641E-13;  m[5112] =  1.E-19;
280      m[5122] =  1.38E-12;  m[5132] =  1.42E-12;  m[5142] =  1.290893E-12;  m[5212] =  1.E-19;
281      m[5222] =  1.E-19;  m[5232] =  1.42E-12;  m[5242] =  1.290893E-12;  m[5312] =  1.E-19;
282      m[5322] =  1.E-19;  m[5332] =  1.55E-12;  m[5342] =  1.290893E-12;  m[5442] =  1.290893E-12;
283      m[5512] =  1.290893E-12;  m[5522] =  1.290893E-12;  m[5532] =  1.290893E-12;  m[5542] =  1.290893E-12;
284      m[10111] =  2.48382E-24;  m[10113] =  4.635297E-24;  m[10115] =  2.54136E-24;  m[10211] =  2.48382E-24;
285      m[10213] =  4.635297E-24;  m[10215] =  2.54136E-24;  m[10223] =  1.828367E-24;  m[10225] =  3.636531E-24;
286      m[10311] =  2.437823E-24;  m[10313] =  7.313469E-24;  m[10315] =  3.538775E-24;
287      m[10321] =  2.437823E-24;  m[10323] =  7.313469E-24;  m[10325] =  3.538775E-24;
288      m[10331] =  4.804469E-24;  m[10411] =  4.38E-24;  m[10413] =  3.29E-23;  m[10421] =  4.38E-24;
289      m[10423] =  3.22653E-23;  m[10431] =  6.5821E-22;  m[10433] =  6.5821E-22;  m[10441] =  6.453061E-23;
290      m[10511] =  4.39E-24;  m[10513] =  1.65E-23;  m[10521] =  4.39E-24;  m[10523] =  1.65E-23;
291      m[10531] =  4.39E-24;  m[10533] =  1.65E-23;  m[11114] =  2.194041E-24;  m[11116] =  1.828367E-24;
292      m[11212] =  1.880606E-24;  m[11216] =  1.828367E-24;  m[12112] =  2.194041E-24;
293      m[12114] =  2.194041E-24;  m[12116] =  5.063171E-24;  m[12126] =  1.828367E-24;
294      m[12212] =  2.194041E-24;  m[12214] =  2.194041E-24;  m[12216] =  5.063171E-24;
295      m[12224] =  2.194041E-24;  m[12226] =  1.828367E-24;  m[13112] =  6.582122E-24;  m[13114] =  1.09702E-23;
296      m[13116] =  5.485102E-24;  m[13122] =  1.316424E-23;  m[13124] =  1.09702E-23;  m[13126] =  6.928549E-24;
297      m[13212] =  6.582122E-24;  m[13214] =  1.09702E-23;  m[13216] =  5.485102E-24;  m[13222] =  6.582122E-24;
298      m[13224] =  1.09702E-23;  m[13226] =  5.485102E-24;  m[13314] =  2.742551E-23;
299      m[13324] =  2.742551E-23;  m[102142] =  1.828367E-22;  m[20022] =  1.E+16;  m[20113] =  1.567172E-24;
300      m[20213] =  1.567172E-24;  m[20223] =  2.708692E-23;  m[20313] =  3.782829E-24;
301      m[20315] =  2.384827E-24;  m[20323] =  3.782829E-24;  m[20325] =  2.384827E-24;
302      m[20333] =  1.198929E-23;  m[20413] =  2.63E-24;  m[20423] =  2.63E-24;  m[20433] =  6.5821E-22;
303      m[20443] =  7.395643E-22;  m[20513] =  2.63E-24;  m[20523] =  2.63E-24;  m[20533] =  2.63E-24;
304      m[21112] =  2.632849E-24;  m[21114] =  3.291061E-24;  m[21212] =  2.632849E-24;
305      m[21214] =  6.582122E-24;  m[22112] =  4.388081E-24;  m[22114] =  3.291061E-24;
306      m[22122] =  2.632849E-24;  m[22124] =  6.582122E-24;  m[22212] =  4.388081E-24;
307      m[22214] =  3.291061E-24;  m[22222] =  2.632849E-24;  m[22224] =  3.291061E-24;
308      m[23112] =  7.313469E-24;  m[23114] =  2.991874E-24;  m[23122] =  4.388081E-24;
309      m[23124] =  6.582122E-24;  m[23126] =  3.291061E-24;  m[23212] =  7.313469E-24;
310      m[23214] =  2.991874E-24;  m[23222] =  7.313469E-24;  m[23224] =  2.991874E-24;
311      m[30113] =  2.632849E-24;  m[30213] =  2.632849E-24;  m[30221] =  1.880606E-24;
312      m[30223] =  2.089563E-24;  m[30313] =  2.056913E-24;  m[30323] =  2.056913E-24;
313      m[30443] =  2.419898E-23;  m[31114] =  1.880606E-24;  m[31214] =  3.291061E-24;
314      m[32112] =  3.989164E-24;  m[32114] =  1.880606E-24;  m[32124] =  3.291061E-24;
315      m[32212] =  3.989164E-24;  m[32214] =  1.880606E-24;  m[32224] =  1.880606E-24;
316      m[33122] =  1.880606E-23;  m[42112] =  6.582122E-24;  m[42212] =  6.582122E-24;
317      m[43122] =  2.194041E-24;  m[53122] =  4.388081E-24;  m[100111] =  1.645531E-24;
318      m[100113] =  1.64553E-24;  m[100211] =  1.645531E-24;  m[100213] =  1.64553E-24;
319      m[100221] =  1.196749E-23;  m[100223] =  3.061452E-24;  m[100313] =  2.837122E-24;
320      m[100323] =  2.837122E-24;  m[100331] =  4.459432E-25;  m[100333] =  4.388081E-24;
321      m[100441] =  4.701516E-23;  m[100443] =  2.076379E-21;  m[100553] =  2.056913E-20;
322      m[200553] =  3.242425E-20;  m[300553] =  3.210791E-23;  m[9000111] =  8.776163E-24;
323      m[9000211] =  8.776163E-24;  m[9000443] =  8.227652E-24;  m[9000553] =  5.983747E-24;
324      m[9010111] =  3.164482E-24;  m[9010211] =  3.164482E-24;  m[9010221] =  9.403031E-24;
325      m[9010443] =  8.438618E-24;  m[9010553] =  8.3318E-24;  m[9020443] =  1.061633E-23;
326      m[9030221] =  6.038644E-24;  m[9042413] =  2.07634E-21;  m[9050225] =  1.394517E-24;
327      m[9060225] =  3.291061E-24;  m[9080225] =  4.388081E-24;  m[9090225] =  2.056913E-24;
328      m[9910445] =  2.07634E-21;  m[9920443] =  2.07634E-21;
329      return true;
330    }
332  };
335  const int LHCB_2012_I1119400::_stablePDGIds[205] = {
336    311, 543, 545, 551, 555, 557, 1103, 2101, 2103, 2203, 3101, 3103, 3201, 3203, 3303,
337    4101, 4103, 102144, 4201, 4203, 4301, 4303, 4312, 4314, 4322, 4324, 4334, 4403, 4414,
338    4424, 4434, 4444, 5101, 5103, 5114, 5201, 5203, 5214, 5224, 5301, 5303, 5314, 5324,
339    5334, 5401, 5403, 5412, 5414, 5422, 5424, 5432, 5434, 5444, 5503, 5514, 5524, 5534,
340    5544, 5554, 10022, 10333, 10335, 10443, 10541, 10543, 10551, 10553, 10555, 11112,
341    12118, 12122, 12218, 12222, 13316, 13326, 20543, 20553, 20555, 23314, 23324, 30343,
342    30353, 30363, 30553, 33314, 33324, 41214, 42124, 52114, 52214, 100311, 100315, 100321,
343    100325, 100411, 100413, 100421, 100423, 100551, 100555, 100557, 110551, 110553, 110555,
344    120553, 120555, 130553, 200551, 200555, 210551, 210553, 220553, 1000001, 1000002,
345    1000003, 1000004, 1000005, 1000006, 1000011, 1000012, 1000013, 1000014, 1000015,
346    1000016, 1000021, 1000022, 1000023, 1000024, 1000025, 1000035, 1000037, 1000039,
347    2000001, 2000002, 2000003, 2000004, 2000005, 2000006, 2000011, 2000012, 2000013,
348    2000014, 2000015, 2000016, 3000111, 3000113, 3000211, 3000213, 3000221, 3000223,
349    3000331, 3100021, 3100111, 3100113, 3200111, 3200113, 3300113, 3400113, 4000001,
350    4000002, 4000011, 4000012, 5000039, 9000221, 9900012, 9900014, 9900016, 9900023,
351    9900024, 9900041, 9900042 };
354  RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN(LHCB_2012_I1119400);