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Rivet analyses reference


Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I+II
Experiment: L3 (LEP I+II)
Inspire ID: 652683
  • Adil Jueid
  • Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71-174
  • 10.1016/j.physrep.2004.07.002
  • arXiv: hep-ex/0406049
Beams: e+ e-
Beam energies: (20.7, 20.7); (27.6, 27.6); (32.7, 32.7); (37.9, 37.9); (41.1, 41.1); (42.5, 42.5); (45.6, 45.6); (65.0, 65.0); (68.0, 68.0); (80.7, 80.7); (86.2, 86.2); (91.4, 91.4); (94.3, 94.3); (97.2, 97.2); (100.1, 100.1); (103.1, 103.1) GeV
Run details:
  • $e^+ e^- \to q \bar{q}$ at several energies. Beam energy must be specified as analysis option "ENERGY" when rivet-merge'ing samples.

Event shapes, charged particle multiplicity and scaled momentum distributions, flavour separated at the Z-boson peak. The analysis also includes non-flavour separated event shapes, charged particle multiplicity and scaled momentum distributions at events both above and below the Z pole. There are also jet distributions in the paper which are not currently implemented. Beam energy must be specified as analysis option "ENERGY" when rivet-merging samples.

Source code: L3_2004_I652683.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/Beam.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  6#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
  7#include "Rivet/Projections/Thrust.hh"
  8#include "Rivet/Projections/ParisiTensor.hh"
  9#include "Rivet/Projections/Hemispheres.hh"
 12#include "Rivet/Projections/InitialQuarks.hh"
 13#include "fastjet/EECambridgePlugin.hh"
 15namespace Rivet {
 18  /// Jet rates and event shapes at LEP I+II
 19  class L3_2004_I652683 : public Analysis {
 20  public:
 22    /// Constructor
 23    RIVET_DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_CTOR(L3_2004_I652683);
 25    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 26    void init() {
 27      // Projections to use
 28      const FinalState FS;
 29      declare(FS, "FS");
 30      declare(Beam(), "beams");
 31      const ChargedFinalState CFS;
 32      declare(CFS, "CFS");
 33      const Thrust thrust(FS);
 34      declare(thrust, "thrust");
 35      declare(ParisiTensor(FS), "Parisi");
 36      declare(Hemispheres(thrust), "Hemispheres");
 37      declare(InitialQuarks(), "initialquarks");
 38      FastJets jadeJets = FastJets(FS, JetAlg::JADE, -1, JetMuons::ALL, JetInvisibles::DECAY);
 39      FastJets durhamJets = FastJets(FS, JetAlg::DURHAM, 0.7, JetMuons::ALL, JetInvisibles::DECAY);
 40      FastJets cambridgeJets = FastJets(FS, JetAlg::CAM, 0.7, JetMuons::ALL, JetInvisibles::DECAY);
 41      declare(jadeJets, "JadeJets");
 42      declare(durhamJets, "DurhamJets");
 44      // Book the histograms
 45      if (isCompatibleWithSqrtS(91.2*GeV)) {
 46        // z pole
 47        book(_h_Thrust_udsc             , 47, 1, 1);
 48        book(_h_Thrust_bottom           , 47, 1, 2);
 49        book(_h_heavyJetmass_udsc       , 48, 1, 1);
 50        book(_h_heavyJetmass_bottom     , 48, 1, 2);
 51        book(_h_totalJetbroad_udsc      , 49, 1, 1);
 52        book(_h_totalJetbroad_bottom    , 49, 1, 2);
 53        book(_h_wideJetbroad_udsc       , 50, 1, 1);
 54        book(_h_wideJetbroad_bottom     , 50, 1, 2);
 55        book(_h_Cparameter_udsc         , 51, 1, 1);
 56        book(_h_Cparameter_bottom       , 51, 1, 2);
 57        book(_h_Dparameter_udsc         , 52, 1, 1);
 58        book(_h_Dparameter_bottom       , 52, 1, 2);
 59        book(_h_Ncharged                , "/TMP/NCHARGED"     , 28, 1, 57);
 60        book(_h_Ncharged_udsc           , "/TMP/NCHARGED_UDSC", 28, 1, 57);
 61        book(_h_Ncharged_bottom         , "/TMP/NCHARGED_B"   , 27, 3, 57);
 62        book(_h_scaledMomentum          , 65, 1, 1);
 63        book(_h_scaledMomentum_udsc     , 65, 1, 2);
 64        book(_h_scaledMomentum_bottom   , 65, 1, 3);
 65      }
 66      else if(sqrtS()/GeV < 90) {
 67        int i1(-1),i2(-1);
 68        if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(41.4*GeV)) {
 69          i1=0; i2=1;
 70        }
 71        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(55.3*GeV)) {
 72          i1=0; i2=2;
 73        }
 74        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(65.4*GeV)) {
 75          i1=0; i2=3;
 76        }
 77        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(75.7*GeV)) {
 78          i1=1; i2=1;
 79        }
 80        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(82.3*GeV)) {
 81          i1=1; i2=2;
 82        }
 83        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(85.1*GeV)) {
 84          i1=1; i2=3;
 85        }
 86        else {
 87          MSG_ERROR("Beam energy not supported!");
 88        }
 90        book(_h_thrust , 21+i1,1,i2);
 91        book(_h_rho    , 26+i1,1,i2);
 92        book(_h_B_T    , 31+i1,1,i2);
 93        book(_h_B_W    , 36+i1,1,i2);
 94      }
 95      else if(sqrtS()/GeV > 120) {
 96        int i1(-1),i2(-1);
 97        if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(130.1*GeV)) {
 98          i1=0; i2=1;
 99        }
100        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(136.1*GeV)) {
101          i1=0; i2=2;
102        }
103        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(161.3*GeV)) {
104          i1=0; i2=3;
105        }
106        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(172.3*GeV)) {
107          i1=1; i2=1;
108        }
109        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(182.8*GeV)) {
110          i1=1; i2=2;
111        }
112        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(188.6*GeV)) {
113          i1=1; i2=3;
114        }
115        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(194.4*GeV)) {
116          i1=2; i2=1;
117        }
118        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(200.2*GeV)) {
119          i1=2; i2=2;
120        }
121        else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(206.2*GeV)) {
122          i1=2; i2=3;
123        }
124        else {
125          MSG_ERROR("Beam energy not supported!");
126        }
128        book(_h_thrust , 23+i1,1,i2);
129        book(_h_rho    , 28+i1,1,i2);
130        book(_h_B_T    , 33+i1,1,i2);
131        book(_h_B_W    , 38+i1,1,i2);
132        book(_h_C      , 41+i1,1,i2);
133        book(_h_D      , 44+i1,1,i2);
134        book(_h_N      , "/TMP/NCHARGED", 22, 9, 53);
135        book(_h_xi     , 66+i1,1,i2);
136        // and the jets
137        int i3 = 3*i1+i2;
138        book(_s["y_2_JADE"],     i3,1,1);
139        book(_s["y_3_JADE"],     i3,1,2);
140        book(_s["y_4_JADE"],     i3,1,3);
141        book(_s["y_5_JADE"],     i3,1,4);
142        book(_s["y_2_Durham"], 9+i3,1,1);
143        book(_s["y_3_Durham"], 9+i3,1,2);
144        book(_s["y_4_Durham"], 9+i3,1,3);
145        book(_s["y_5_Durham"], 9+i3,1,4);
146        if (i3==8 || i3==9) {
147          book(_s["y_2_Cambridge"], 11+i3,1,1);
148          book(_s["y_3_Cambridge"], 11+i3,1,2);
149          book(_s["y_4_Cambridge"], 11+i3,1,3);
150          book(_s["y_5_Cambridge"], 11+i3,1,4);
151        }
152      }
154      book(_sumW_udsc, "_sumW_udsc");
155      book(_sumW_b, "_sumW_b");
156      book(_sumW_ch, "_sumW_ch");
157      book(_sumW_ch_udsc, "_sumW_ch_udsc");
158      book(_sumW_ch_b, "_sumW_ch_b");
160    }
163    /// Perform the per-event analysis
164    void analyze(const Event& event) {
165      // Get beam average momentum
166      const ParticlePair& beams = apply<Beam>(event, "beams").beams();
167      const double beamMomentum = ( beams.first.p3().mod() + beams.second.p3().mod() ) / 2.0;
169      // InitialQuarks projection to have udsc events separated from b events
170      /// @todo Yuck!!! Eliminate when possible...
171      int iflav = 0;
172      // only need the flavour at Z pole
173      if (_h_Thrust_udsc) {
174        int flavour = 0;
175        const InitialQuarks& iqf = apply<InitialQuarks>(event, "initialquarks");
176        Particles quarks;
177        if ( iqf.particles().size() == 2 ) {
178          flavour = iqf.particles().front().abspid();
179          quarks  = iqf.particles();
180        } else {
181          map<int, Particle> quarkmap;
182          for (const Particle& p : iqf.particles()) {
183            if (quarkmap.find(p.pid()) == quarkmap.end()) quarkmap[p.pid()] = p;
184            else if (quarkmap[p.pid()].E() < p.E()) quarkmap[p.pid()] = p;
185          }
186          double max_energy = 0.;
187          for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
188            double energy = 0.;
189            if (quarkmap.find(i) != quarkmap.end())
190              energy += quarkmap[ i].E();
191            if (quarkmap.find(-i) != quarkmap.end())
192              energy += quarkmap[-i].E();
193            if (energy > max_energy)
194              flavour = i;
195          }
196          if (quarkmap.find(flavour) != quarkmap.end())
197            quarks.push_back(quarkmap[flavour]);
198          if (quarkmap.find(-flavour) != quarkmap.end())
199            quarks.push_back(quarkmap[-flavour]);
200        }
201        // Flavour label
202        /// @todo Change to a bool?
203        iflav = (flavour == PID::DQUARK || flavour == PID::UQUARK || flavour == PID::SQUARK || flavour == PID::CQUARK) ? 1 : (flavour == PID::BQUARK) ? 5 : 0;
204      }
205      // Update weight sums
206      if (iflav == 1) {
207        _sumW_udsc->fill();
208      } else if (iflav == 5) {
209        _sumW_b->fill();
210      }
211      _sumW_ch->fill();
213      // Charged multiplicity
214      const FinalState& cfs = apply<FinalState>(event, "CFS");
215      if(_h_Ncharged) _h_Ncharged->fill(cfs.size());
216      if (iflav == 1) {
217        _sumW_ch_udsc->fill();
218        _h_Ncharged_udsc->fill(cfs.size());
219      } else if (iflav == 5) {
220        _sumW_ch_b->fill();
221        _h_Ncharged_bottom->fill(cfs.size());
222      }
223      else if(_h_N) {
224        _h_N->fill(cfs.size());
225      }
227      // Scaled momentum
228      const Particles& chparticles = cfs.particlesByPt();
229      for (const Particle& p : chparticles) {
230        const Vector3 momentum3 = p.p3();
231        const double mom = momentum3.mod();
232        const double scaledMom = mom/beamMomentum;
233        const double logScaledMom = std::log(scaledMom);
234        if(_h_scaledMomentum) _h_scaledMomentum->fill(-logScaledMom);
235        if (iflav == 1) {
236          _h_scaledMomentum_udsc->fill(-logScaledMom);
237        } else if (iflav == 5) {
238          _h_scaledMomentum_bottom->fill(-logScaledMom);
239        }
240        else if(_h_xi) {
241          _h_xi->fill(-logScaledMom);
242        }
243      }
245      // Thrust
246      const Thrust& thrust = apply<Thrust>(event, "thrust");
247      if (iflav == 1) {
248        _h_Thrust_udsc->fill(thrust.thrust());
249      } else if (iflav == 5) {
250        _h_Thrust_bottom->fill(thrust.thrust());
251      }
252      else if(_h_thrust) {
253        _h_thrust->fill(1.-thrust.thrust());
254      }
256      // C and D Parisi parameters
257      const ParisiTensor& parisi = apply<ParisiTensor>(event, "Parisi");
258      if (iflav == 1) {
259        _h_Cparameter_udsc->fill(parisi.C());
260        _h_Dparameter_udsc->fill(parisi.D());
261      } else if (iflav == 5) {
262        _h_Cparameter_bottom->fill(parisi.C());
263        _h_Dparameter_bottom->fill(parisi.D());
264      }
265      else if(_h_C) {
266        _h_C->fill(parisi.C());
267        _h_D->fill(parisi.D());
268      }
270      // The hemisphere variables
271      const Hemispheres& hemisphere = apply<Hemispheres>(event, "Hemispheres");
272      if (iflav == 1) {
273        _h_heavyJetmass_udsc->fill(hemisphere.scaledM2high());
274        _h_totalJetbroad_udsc->fill(hemisphere.Bsum());
275        _h_wideJetbroad_udsc->fill(hemisphere.Bmax());
276      } else if (iflav == 5) {
277        _h_heavyJetmass_bottom->fill(hemisphere.scaledM2high());
278        _h_totalJetbroad_bottom->fill(hemisphere.Bsum());
279        _h_wideJetbroad_bottom->fill(hemisphere.Bmax());
280      }
281      else if (_h_rho) {
282        _h_rho->fill(hemisphere.scaledM2high());
283        _h_B_T->fill(hemisphere.Bsum());
284        _h_B_W->fill(hemisphere.Bmax());
285      }
286      // jade jet rates
287      if (_s.count("y_2_JADE")) {
288        const FastJets& jadejet = apply<FastJets>(event, "JadeJets");
289        if (jadejet.clusterSeq()) {
290          const double y_23 = jadejet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(2);
291          const double y_34 = jadejet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(3);
292          const double y_45 = jadejet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(4);
293          const double y_56 = jadejet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(5);
294          for (auto& b : _s["y_2_JADE"]->bins()) {
295            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
296            if (y_23 < ycut)  _s["y_2_JADE"]->fill(b.xEdge());
297          }
298          for (auto& b : _s["y_3_JADE"]->bins()) {
299            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
300            if (y_34 < ycut && y_23 > ycut) {
301              _s["y_3_JADE"]->fill(b.xEdge());
302            }
303          }
304          for (auto& b : _s["y_4_JADE"]->bins()) {
305            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
306            if (y_45 < ycut && y_34 > ycut) {
307              _s["y_4_JADE"]->fill(b.xEdge());
308            }
309          }
310          for (auto& b : _s["y_5_JADE"]->bins()) {
311            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
312            if (y_56 < ycut && y_45 > ycut) {
313              _s["y_5_JADE"]->fill(b.xEdge());
314            }
315          }
316        }
317      }
318      // Durham jet rates
319      if (_s.count("y_2_Durham")) {
320        const FastJets& durhamjet = apply<FastJets>(event, "DurhamJets");
321        if (durhamjet.clusterSeq()) {
322          const double y_23 = durhamjet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(2);
323          const double y_34 = durhamjet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(3);
324          const double y_45 = durhamjet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(4);
325          const double y_56 = durhamjet.clusterSeq()->exclusive_ymerge_max(5);
326          for (auto& b : _s["y_2_Durham"]->bins()) {
327            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
328            if (y_23 < ycut)  _s["y_2_Durham"]->fill(b.xEdge());
329          }
330          for (auto& b : _s["y_3_Durham"]->bins()) {
331            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
332            if (y_34 < ycut && y_23 > ycut) {
333              _s["y_3_Durham"]->fill(b.xEdge());
334            }
335          }
336          for (auto& b : _s["y_4_Durham"]->bins()) {
337            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
338            if (y_45 < ycut && y_34 > ycut) {
339              _s["y_4_Durham"]->fill(b.xEdge());
340            }
341          }
342          for (auto& b : _s["y_5_Durham"]->bins()) {
343            const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
344            if (y_56 < ycut && y_45 > ycut) {
345              _s["y_5_Durham"]->fill(b.xEdge());
346            }
347          }
348        }
349      }
350      // Cambridge
351      if (_s.count("y_2_Cambridge")) {
352        PseudoJets pjs;
353        const FinalState& fs = apply<FinalState>(event, "FS");
354        for (size_t i = 0; i < fs.particles().size(); ++i) {
355          fastjet::PseudoJet pj = fs.particles()[i];
356          pjs.push_back(pj);
357        }
358        for (size_t i = 1; i < _s["y_2_Cambridge"]->numBins()+1; ++i) {
359          const auto& b = _s["y_2_Cambridge"]->bin(i);
360          const double ycut = std::stod(b.xEdge());
361          fastjet::EECambridgePlugin plugin(ycut);
362          fastjet::JetDefinition jdef(&plugin);
363          fastjet::ClusterSequence cseq(pjs, jdef);
364          size_t njet = cseq.inclusive_jets().size();
365          if (njet==2) {
366            _s["y_2_Cambridge"]->fill(b.xEdge());
367          }
368          else if (njet==3) {
369            if (i < _s["y_3_Cambridge"]->numBins()+1) {
370              _s["y_3_Cambridge"]->fill(b.xEdge());
371            }
372          }
373          else if(njet==4) {
374            if (i < _s["y_4_Cambridge"]->numBins()+1) {
375              _s["y_4_Cambridge"]->fill(b.xEdge());
376            }
377          }
378          else if(njet==5) {
379            if (i < _s["y_5_Cambridge"]->numBins()+1) {
380              _s["y_5_Cambridge"]->fill(b.xEdge());
381            }
382          }
383        }
384      }
385    }
387    Estimate1DPtr convertHisto(unsigned int ix,unsigned int iy, unsigned int iz, Histo1DPtr histo) {
388      Estimate1DPtr mult;
389      book(mult, ix, iy, iz);
390      barchart(histo, mult);
391      return mult;
392    }
394    /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
395    void finalize() {
396      // Z pole plots
397      if(_h_Thrust_udsc) {
398        scale(_h_Thrust_udsc,  1/_sumW_udsc->sumW());
399        scale(_h_heavyJetmass_udsc,  1/_sumW_udsc->sumW());
400        scale(_h_totalJetbroad_udsc, 1/_sumW_udsc->sumW());
401        scale(_h_wideJetbroad_udsc, 1/_sumW_udsc->sumW());
402        scale(_h_Cparameter_udsc, 1/_sumW_udsc->sumW());
403        scale(_h_Dparameter_udsc, 1/_sumW_udsc->sumW());
404        scale(_h_Thrust_bottom, 1./_sumW_b->sumW());
405        scale(_h_heavyJetmass_bottom, 1./_sumW_b->sumW());
406        scale(_h_totalJetbroad_bottom, 1./_sumW_b->sumW());
407        scale(_h_wideJetbroad_bottom, 1./_sumW_b->sumW());
408        scale(_h_Cparameter_bottom, 1./_sumW_b->sumW());
409        scale(_h_Dparameter_bottom, 1./_sumW_b->sumW());
410        scale(_h_Ncharged, 1./_sumW_ch->sumW());
411        scale(_h_Ncharged_udsc, 1./_sumW_ch_udsc->sumW());
412        scale(_h_Ncharged_bottom, 1./_sumW_ch_b->sumW());
413        convertHisto(59,1,1,_h_Ncharged       );
414        convertHisto(59,1,2,_h_Ncharged_udsc  );
415        convertHisto(59,1,3,_h_Ncharged_bottom);
417        scale(_h_scaledMomentum, 1/_sumW_ch->sumW());
418        scale(_h_scaledMomentum_udsc, 1/_sumW_ch_udsc->sumW());
419        scale(_h_scaledMomentum_bottom, 1/_sumW_ch_b->sumW());
420      }
421      else {
422        if(_h_thrust) normalize(_h_thrust);
423        if(_h_rho) normalize(_h_rho);
424        if(_h_B_T) normalize(_h_B_T);
425        if(_h_B_W) normalize(_h_B_W);
426        if(_h_C) normalize(_h_C);
427        if(_h_D) normalize(_h_D);
428        if(_h_N) normalize(_h_N);
429        if(_h_xi) scale(_h_xi,1./sumOfWeights());
432        Estimate1DPtr mult;
433        if(_h_N) {
434          if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(130.1*GeV)) {
435            convertHisto(60, 1, 1, _h_N);
436          }
437          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(136.1*GeV)) {
438            convertHisto(60, 1, 2, _h_N);
439          }
440          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(161.3*GeV)) {
441            convertHisto(60, 1, 3, _h_N);
442          }
443          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(172.3*GeV)) {
444            convertHisto(61, 1, 1, _h_N);
445          }
446          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(182.8*GeV)) {
447            convertHisto(61, 1, 2, _h_N);
448          }
449          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(188.6*GeV)) {
450            convertHisto(61, 1, 3, _h_N);
451          }
452          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(194.4*GeV)) {
453            convertHisto(62, 1, 1, _h_N);
454          }
455          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(200.2*GeV)) {
456            convertHisto(62, 1, 2, _h_N);
457          }
458          else if(isCompatibleWithSqrtS(206.2*GeV)) {
459            convertHisto(62, 1, 3, _h_N);
460          }
461        }
462        // // the jets
463        scale(_s, 1./sumOfWeights());
464      }
465    }
468    /// Weight counters
469    CounterPtr _sumW_udsc, _sumW_b, _sumW_ch, _sumW_ch_udsc, _sumW_ch_b;
471    /// @name Histograms
472    /// @{
473    // at the Z pole
474    Histo1DPtr _h_Thrust_udsc, _h_Thrust_bottom;
475    Histo1DPtr _h_heavyJetmass_udsc, _h_heavyJetmass_bottom;
476    Histo1DPtr _h_totalJetbroad_udsc, _h_totalJetbroad_bottom;
477    Histo1DPtr _h_wideJetbroad_udsc, _h_wideJetbroad_bottom;
478    Histo1DPtr _h_Cparameter_udsc, _h_Cparameter_bottom;
479    Histo1DPtr _h_Dparameter_udsc, _h_Dparameter_bottom;
480    Histo1DPtr _h_Ncharged, _h_Ncharged_udsc, _h_Ncharged_bottom;
481    Histo1DPtr _h_scaledMomentum, _h_scaledMomentum_udsc, _h_scaledMomentum_bottom;
482    // at other enegies
483    Histo1DPtr _h_thrust, _h_rho, _h_B_T, _h_B_W, _h_C, _h_D, _h_N, _h_xi;
484    Histo1DPtr _h_y_2_JADE,_h_y_3_JADE,_h_y_4_JADE,_h_y_5_JADE;
485    map<string, BinnedHistoPtr<string>> _s;
486    /// @}
488  };
491  RIVET_DECLARE_PLUGIN(L3_2004_I652683);