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Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in DIS (H1 1996)
Experiment: H1 (HERA)
Inspire ID: 424463
  • Suraj Kumar Singh
  • Hannes Jung
  • Andrii Verbytskyi
References: Beams: e+ p+, p+ e+
Beam energies: (27.5, 820.0); (820.0, 27.5) GeV
    No run details listed

Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles produced in deep inelastic scattering are measured as a function of the kinematic variables x and Q2 using the H1 detector at the epcollider HERA. The data are compared to different patton emission models, either with or without ordering of the emissions in transverse momentum. The data provide evidence for a relatively large amount of patton radiation between the current and the remnant systems.

Source code: H1_1996_I424463.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Tools/ParticleIdUtils.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/DISKinematics.hh"
  6#include "Rivet/Projections/ChargedFinalState.hh"
  7#include "Rivet/Projections/DISKinematics.hh"
  9namespace Rivet {
 12  /// @brief Transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in DIS
 13  class H1_1996_I424463 : public Analysis {
 14  public:
 16    /// Constructor
 17    RIVET_DEFAULT_ANALYSIS_CTOR(H1_1996_I424463);
 20    /// @name Analysis methods
 21    /// @{
 23    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 24    void init() {
 26      // Book projections
 27      declare(DISLepton(), "Lepton");
 28      declare(DISKinematics(), "Kinematics");
 29      declare(ChargedFinalState(), "CFS");
 30      declare(FinalState(), "FS");
 32      // Book histograms
 33      book(_NevAll, "TMP/Nev_all");
 34      _h_dndpt_high_eta_bin.resize(10);
 35      _h_dndpt_low_eta_bin.resize(10);
 36      _hdndeta_pt1_bin.resize(10);
 37      _hdndeta_bin.resize(10);
 38      _hdndptmax_low_eta_bin.resize(8);
 39      int ixx = 0 ;
 40      for (size_t ix = 0; ix < 10; ++ix) {
 41        book(_Nevt_after_cuts[ix], "TMP/Nevt_after_cuts" + to_string(ix));
 42        book(_h_dndpt_high_eta_bin[ix], ix+1, 1, 1);
 43        book(_h_dndpt_low_eta_bin[ix], ix+11, 1, 1);
 44        if (ix != 6 && ix != 9) {
 45          book(_hdndptmax_low_eta_bin[ixx], ixx+21, 1, 1);
 46          ixx=ixx+1;
 47        }
 48        book(_hdndeta_pt1_bin[ix], ix+29, 1, 1);
 49        book(_hdndeta_bin[ix],  ix+39, 1, 1);
 50      }
 53    }
 56    /// Perform the per-event analysis
 57    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 58      // const ChargedFinalState& cfs = apply<ChargedFinalState>(event, "CFS");
 59      const FinalState& fs = apply<FinalState>(event, "FS");
 60      const DISKinematics& dk = apply<DISKinematics>(event, "Kinematics");
 61      const DISLepton& dl = apply<DISLepton>(event,"Lepton");
 63      // Get the DIS kinematics
 64      double x  = dk.x();
 65      double y = dk.y();
 66      double Q2 = dk.Q2()/GeV;
 67      double W2 = dk.W2()/GeV;
 69      // Momentum of the scattered lepton
 70      FourMomentum leptonMom = dl.out().momentum();
 71      double enel = leptonMom.E()/GeV;
 72      double thel = 180.-leptonMom.angle(dl.in().momentum())/degree;
 74      _NevAll -> fill() ;
 76      bool cut = y > 0.05 && Q2 > 5. && Q2 < 100.&& enel > 12. && W2 > 4400. && thel > 157. && thel < 173.;
 77      if (!cut) vetoEvent;
 79      int ibin[10] ;
 80      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ibin[i] = 0;
 81      if ( 5. < Q2 && Q2 < 50. && x > 0.0001 && x < 0.0010) ibin[0] = 1;
 82      if ( 5. < Q2 && Q2 < 10. && x > 0.0001 && x < 0.0002) ibin[1] = 1;
 83      if ( 6. < Q2 && Q2 < 10. && x > 0.0002 && x < 0.0005) ibin[2] = 1;
 84      if (10. < Q2 && Q2 < 20. && x > 0.0002 && x < 0.0005) ibin[3] = 1;
 85      if (10. < Q2 && Q2 < 20. && x > 0.0005 && x < 0.0008) ibin[4] = 1;
 86      if (10. < Q2 && Q2 < 20. && x > 0.0008 && x < 0.0015) ibin[5] = 1;
 87      if (10. < Q2 && Q2 < 20. && x > 0.0015 && x < 0.0040) ibin[6] = 1;
 88      if (20. < Q2 && Q2 < 50. && x > 0.0005 && x < 0.0014) ibin[7] = 1;
 89      if (20. < Q2 && Q2 < 50. && x > 0.0014 && x < 0.0030) ibin[8] = 1;
 90      if (20. < Q2 && Q2 < 50. && x > 0.0030 && x < 0.0100) ibin[9] = 1;
 91      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
 92        if (ibin[i]==1) _Nevt_after_cuts[i]->fill();
 93      }
 95      // Extract the particles other than the lepton
 96      /// @todo Improve to avoid HepMC digging
 97      Particles particles;
 98      particles.reserve(fs.particles().size());
 99      ConstGenParticlePtr dislepGP = dl.out().genParticle();
100      for (const Particle& p : fs.particles()) {
101        ConstGenParticlePtr loopGP = p.genParticle();
102        if (loopGP == dislepGP) continue;
103        particles.push_back(p);
104      }
106      // Boost to hadronic CM
107      const LorentzTransform hcmboost = dk.boostHCM();
109      // Loop over the particles
110      int mult = 0 ;
111      double ptmax_high[10], ptmax_low[10];
112      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
113        ptmax_high[i] = 0.; ptmax_low[i] = 0.;
114      }
115      double EtSum = 0;
116      for (size_t ip1 = 0; ip1 < particles.size(); ++ip1) {
117        const Particle& p = particles[ip1];
119        double eta = p.momentum().pseudorapidity();
120        // Boost to hcm
121        const FourMomentum hcmMom = hcmboost.transform(p.momentum());
123        // Apply safety cuts
124        if (eta > -5  && eta < 10.) {
125          mult = mult + 1;
126          double pThcm =hcmMom.pT() ;
127          double etahcm = hcmMom.pseudorapidity();
128          if (etahcm > 0. && etahcm < 2.0) {
129            EtSum = EtSum + hcmMom.Et();
130          }
131          if (PID::charge(p.pid()) != 0) {
132            if (etahcm > 0.5 && etahcm < 1.5) {
133              for ( int i=0; i< 10; i++) {
134                if (ibin[i]==1) {
135                  _h_dndpt_low_eta_bin[i] ->fill(pThcm);
136                  if (pThcm > ptmax_low[i] ) ptmax_low[i] = pThcm;
137                }
138              }
140            }
141            if (etahcm > 1.5 && etahcm < 2.5){
142              for ( int i=0; i< 10; i++) {
143                if (ibin[i]==1) {
144                  _h_dndpt_high_eta_bin[i] ->fill(pThcm);
145                  if (pThcm > ptmax_high[i] ) ptmax_high[i] = pThcm;
146                }
147              }
148            }
149            for ( int i=0; i< 10; i++) {
150              if (ibin[i]==1) _hdndeta_bin[i] ->fill(etahcm);
151              if (ibin[i]==1 && pThcm > 1.) _hdndeta_pt1_bin[i] ->fill(etahcm);
152            }
153          }
154        }  // end of loop over the particles
155      }
156      int ii=0;
157      for ( int i=0; i< 10; i++) {
158        if (i != 6 && i != 9 ) {
159          if ( ibin[i]==1 && EtSum > 6. ) {
160            _hdndptmax_low_eta_bin[ii] ->fill(ptmax_low[i]);
161            // cout << " filling ptmax " << ii << "  " <<  i << endl;
162          }
163          ii=ii+1;
164        }
165      }
167    }
170    /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
171    void finalize() {
172      MSG_DEBUG("All events: " << _NevAll->val() << " after cuts: "<<  _Nevt_after_cuts[0]->val());
173      MSG_DEBUG("Cut1 events: " << _NevAll->val() << " after cuts: "<<  _Nevt_after_cuts[1]->val());
174      int ii = 0;
175      for ( int i=0; i< 10; i++) {
176        if (_Nevt_after_cuts[i]->val()  != 0) {
177          scale(_h_dndpt_high_eta_bin[i], 1./ *_Nevt_after_cuts[i]);
178          scale(_h_dndpt_low_eta_bin[i], 1./ *_Nevt_after_cuts[i]);
179          scale(_hdndeta_bin[i], 1./ *_Nevt_after_cuts[i]);
180          scale(_hdndeta_pt1_bin[i], 1./ *_Nevt_after_cuts[i]);
181        }
182        if ( i !=6 && i!=9) {
183          // if (_Nevt_after_cuts[i]->val()  != 0) scale(_hdndptmax_low_eta_bin[ii], 1./ *_Nevt_after_cuts[i]); ii=ii+1; };
184          if (_Nevt_after_cuts[i]->val()  != 0) normalize(_hdndptmax_low_eta_bin[ii]); ii=ii+1;
185        }
186      }
187    }
189    /// @}
192    /// @name Histograms
193    /// @{
194    map<string, Histo1DPtr> _h;
195    map<string, Profile1DPtr> _p;
196    map<string, CounterPtr> _c;
197    array<CounterPtr,10> _Nevt_after_cuts;
198    vector<Histo1DPtr> _h_dndpt_low_eta_bin, _h_dndpt_high_eta_bin;
199    vector<Histo1DPtr> _hdndeta_bin, _hdndeta_pt1_bin, _hdndptmax_low_eta_bin;
200    CounterPtr _NevAll ;
201    /// @}
203  };
206  RIVET_DECLARE_ALIASED_PLUGIN(H1_1996_I424463, H1_1997_I424463);