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Rivet analyses reference


Measurement of electroweak 4 lepton + 2 jet production
Experiment: ATLAS (LHC)
Inspire ID: 2690799
  • Zuchen Huang
References: Beams: p+ p+
Beam energies: (6500.0, 6500.0) GeV
Run details:
  • inclusive 4 leptons + 2jet production at 13 TeV

Differential cross-sections are measured for the production of four charged leptons in association with two jets. These measurements are sensitive to final states in which the jets are produced via the strong interaction as well as to the purely-electroweak vector boson scattering process. The analysis is performed using proton-proton collision data collected by ATLAS at $\sqrt{s}$=13 TeV and with an integrated luminosity of 140 fb${}^{-1}$. The data are corrected for the effects of detector inefficiency and resolution and are compared to state-of-the-art Monte Carlo event generator predictions. The differential cross-sections are used to search for anomalous weak-boson self-interactions that are induced by dimension-six and dimension-eight operators in Standard Model effective field theory.

Source code: ATLAS_2023_I2690799.cc
  1// -*- C++ -*-
  2#include "Rivet/Analysis.hh"
  3#include "Rivet/Projections/FinalState.hh"
  4#include "Rivet/Projections/VetoedFinalState.hh"
  5#include "Rivet/Projections/FastJets.hh"
  6#include "Rivet/Projections/LeptonFinder.hh"
  7#include "Rivet/Projections/PromptFinalState.hh"
  9namespace Rivet {
 12  /// @brief Measurement of electroweak 4 lepton + 2 jet production
 13  class ATLAS_2023_I2690799 : public Analysis {
 14  public:
 16    /// Constructor
 19    /// A Z Boson structrue:
 20    struct Z_can {
 21       int lep_1, lep_2;
 22       double dZ;
 23       FourMomentum p;
 24    };
 26    /// Book histograms and initialise projections before the run
 27    void init() {
 29      // Initialise and register projections
 32      // FinalState of prompt photons and bare muons and electrons in the event
 33      PromptFinalState photons(Cuts::abspid == PID::PHOTON);
 34      PromptFinalState electrons(Cuts::abspid == PID::ELECTRON);
 35      PromptFinalState muons(Cuts::abspid == PID::MUON);
 37      // Dress the prompt bare leptons with prompt photons within dR < 0.05,
 38      // and apply some fiducial cuts on the dressed leptons
 39      Cut cuts_el = (Cuts::pT > 7*GeV) && ( Cuts::abseta < 2.47);
 40      Cut cuts_mu = (Cuts::pT > 5*GeV) && ( Cuts::abseta < 2.7);
 42      LeptonFinder dressed_electrons(electrons, photons, 0.1, cuts_el);
 43      declare(dressed_electrons, "DressedElectrons");
 45      LeptonFinder dressed_muons(muons, photons, 0.1, cuts_mu);
 46      declare(dressed_muons, "DressedMuons");
 48      // We define AntiKt4TruthWZJets here, the leptons here are not used for next step selection.
 49      // Muons
 50      PromptFinalState bare_mu(Cuts::abspid == PID::MUON, TauDecaysAs::PROMPT); // true = use muons from prompt tau decays
 51      LeptonFinder all_dressed_mu(bare_mu, photons, 0.1, Cuts::abseta < 2.5);
 52      //
 53      // Electrons
 54      PromptFinalState bare_el(Cuts::abspid == PID::ELECTRON, TauDecaysAs::PROMPT); // true = use electrons from prompt tau decays
 55      LeptonFinder all_dressed_el(bare_el, photons, 0.1, Cuts::abseta < 2.5);
 57      VetoedFinalState vfs(FinalState(Cuts::abseta < 4.5));
 58      // The final-state particles declared above are clustered using FastJet with
 59      // the anti-kT algorithm and a jet-radius parameter 0.4
 60      // AntiKt4TruthWZJets
 61      vfs.addVetoOnThisFinalState(all_dressed_el);
 62      vfs.addVetoOnThisFinalState(all_dressed_mu);
 63      FastJets jetfs(vfs, JetAlg::ANTIKT, 0.4, JetMuons::ALL, JetInvisibles::DECAY);
 64      declare(jetfs, "jets");
 66      // Book histograms
 67      book( _h["m_jj_SR"],     7, 1, 1);
 68      book( _h["m_jj_CR"],     8, 1, 1);
 69      book( _h["m_4l_SR"],     9, 1, 1);
 70      book( _h["m_4l_CR"],    10, 1, 1);
 71      book( _h["pt_4l_SR"],   11, 1, 1);
 72      book( _h["pt_4l_CR"],   12, 1, 1);
 73      book( _h["dphi_SR"],    13, 1, 1);
 74      book( _h["dphi_CR"],    14, 1, 1);
 75      book( _h["dY_SR"],      15, 1, 1);
 76      book( _h["dY_CR"],      16, 1, 1);
 77      book( _h["costs1_SR"],  17, 1, 1);
 78      book( _h["costs1_CR"],  18, 1, 1);
 79      book( _h["costs3_SR"],  19, 1, 1);
 80      book( _h["costs3_CR"],  20, 1, 1);
 81      book( _h["pt_jj_SR"],   21, 1, 1);
 82      book( _h["pt_jj_CR"],   22, 1, 1);
 83      book( _h["pt_4ljj_SR"], 23, 1, 1);
 84      book( _h["pt_4ljj_CR"], 24, 1, 1);
 85      book( _h["st_4ljj_SR"], 25, 1, 1);
 86      book( _h["st_4ljj_CR"], 26, 1, 1);
 88    }
 91    /// Perform the per-event analysis
 92    void analyze(const Event& event) {
 94      // Retrieve dressed leptons, sorted by pT
 95      DressedLeptons muons = apply<LeptonFinder>(event, "DressedMuons").dressedLeptons();
 96      DressedLeptons elecs = apply<LeptonFinder>(event, "DressedElectrons").dressedLeptons();
 97      DressedLeptons leps;
 98      leps.insert( leps.end(), muons.begin(), muons.end() );
 99      leps.insert( leps.end(), elecs.begin(), elecs.end() );
101      size_t n_leps = leps.size();
102      if (n_leps < 4) vetoEvent;
104      //leading and sub-leading leps pt
105      sort(leps.begin(), leps.end(), cmpMomByPt);
106      if (leps[0].pT() < 20*GeV || leps[1].pT() < 20*GeV) vetoEvent;
107      //lepton seperation
108      double dR_min = 9999;
109      for (size_t i = 0; i < n_leps - 1; ++i) {
110        for (size_t j = i + 1; j < n_leps; ++j) {
111          double dR = deltaR(leps[i], leps[j]);
112          if (dR < dR_min)  dR_min = dR;
113        }
114      }
115      if (dR_min < 0.05) vetoEvent;
118      //ZZ pairing
119      size_t sfos_pair = 0;
120      double minm2l    = 9999.;
121      vector<Z_can> z;
122      Particle *l1, *l3;
123      for (size_t i = 0; i < n_leps - 1; ++i) {
124        for (size_t j = i + 1; j < n_leps; ++j) {
126          if (leps[i].pid() != -1*leps[j].pid())  continue;
127          ++sfos_pair;
128          FourMomentum twoL = leps[i].momentum() + leps[j].momentum();
129          if (twoL.mass() < minm2l) minm2l = twoL.mass();
131          double deltaM = fabs( twoL.mass() - Zmass_PDG);
132          Z_can tmp_z;
133          tmp_z.dZ = deltaM;
134          tmp_z.p  = twoL;
135          if (leps[i].pid() < 0) {
136            tmp_z.lep_1 = i;
137            tmp_z.lep_2 = j;
138          } else{
139            tmp_z.lep_1 = j;
140            tmp_z.lep_2 = i;
141          }
142          z.push_back(tmp_z);
143        }
144      }
145      if (minm2l < 5*GeV) vetoEvent; //All SFOS ll pairs should have m2l > 5 GeV.
146      if (sfos_pair < 2)  vetoEvent;
149      std::sort(z.begin(), z.end(), [](const Z_can& z1, const Z_can& z2) { return z1.dZ < z2.dZ;});
151      int z1_id = -1;
152      int z2_id = -1;
153      FourMomentum fourL;
154      bool found_4l = false;
155      for (size_t i = 0; i < z.size() - 1; ++i) {
156        for (size_t j = i + 1; j < z.size(); ++j) {
157          if (z[i].lep_1 == z[j].lep_1 ||
158              z[i].lep_1 == z[j].lep_2 ||
159              z[i].lep_2 == z[j].lep_1 ||
160              z[i].lep_2 == z[j].lep_2) continue;
161          fourL = z[i].p + z[j].p;
162          if (fourL.mass() > 130*GeV) {
163            z1_id = i;
164            z2_id = j;
165            found_4l =true;
166            break;
167          }
168        }
169        if (found_4l)  break;
170      }
171      if (!found_4l) vetoEvent;
173      // To judge which is the leading pair
175      FourMomentum twoL_1, twoL_2;
177      if (abs(z[z1_id].p.rap()) > abs(z[z2_id].p.rap())){
178        twoL_1 = z[z1_id].p;
179        twoL_2 = z[z2_id].p;
180        int i = z[z1_id].lep_1;
181        int j = z[z2_id].lep_1;
182        l1 = &leps[i];
183        l3 = &leps[j];
184      } else {
185        twoL_1 = z[z2_id].p;
186        twoL_2 = z[z1_id].p;
187        int i = z[z2_id].lep_1;
188        int j = z[z1_id].lep_1;
189        l1 = &leps[i];
190        l3 = &leps[j];
191      }
193      // Retrieve clustered jets, sorted by pT, with a minimum pT cut
194      Jets jets = apply<FastJets>(event, "jets").jetsByPt(Cuts::pT > 30*GeV && Cuts::absrap < 4.5);
195      if (jets.size() < 2) vetoEvent;
196      if (jets[0].pt() < 40*GeV) vetoEvent;
197      FourMomentum twoJ;
198      double dY = -1;
199      int jet_id1 = -1, jet_id2 = -1;
200      bool found_2j = false;
201      for (size_t i = 0; i < jets.size() - 1; ++i) {
202        for (size_t j = i + 1; j < jets.size(); ++j) {
203          if (jets[i].rap()*jets[j].rap() > 0)  continue; // First pair in A/C
204          dY = fabs(jets[i].rap() - jets[j].rap());
205          twoJ = jets[i].momentum() + jets[j].momentum();
206          jet_id1 = i;
207          jet_id2 = j;
208          found_2j = true;
209          break;
210        }
211        if (found_2j)  break;
212      }
213      if (!found_2j)  vetoEvent;
214      if (dY < 2)     vetoEvent;
215      if (twoJ.mass() < 300*GeV) vetoEvent;
217      // Calculate Observables!
219      double phi1, phi2;
220      if (jets[jet_id1].rap() > jets[jet_id2].rap()) {
221        phi1 = jets[jet_id1].phi(); phi2 = jets[jet_id2].phi();
222      }
223      else {
224        phi1 = jets[jet_id2].phi(); phi2 = jets[jet_id1].phi();
225      }
226      const double dphi = mapAngleMPiToPi(phi1 - phi2);
227      const double mjj  = twoJ.mass();
228      const double m4l  = fourL.mass();
229      const double pt4l = fourL.pT();
230      const double ptjj = twoJ.pT();
231      const double pt4ljj = (fourL + twoJ).pT();
232      const double st4ljj = twoL_1.pT() + twoL_2.pT() + jets[jet_id1].pT() + jets[jet_id2].pT();
233      const double centrality =   abs(fourL.rap() - 0.5*(jets[jet_id1].rap() + jets[jet_id2].rap())) \
234                                / abs(jets[jet_id1].rap() - jets[jet_id2].rap());
236      //negetive leps1 in Z rest frame work
237      Vector3 beta2lcom_1 = twoL_1.betaVec();
238      LorentzTransform com2lboost_1 = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta(beta2lcom_1);
239      FourMomentum l1_2lcom = com2lboost_1.transform(l1->momentum());
240      const double costs1 = cos(twoL_1.angle(l1_2lcom));
243      //negetive leps3 in Z rest frame work
244      Vector3 beta2lcom_2 = twoL_2.betaVec();
245      LorentzTransform com2lboost_2 = LorentzTransform::mkFrameTransformFromBeta(beta2lcom_2);
246      FourMomentum l3_2lcom = com2lboost_2.transform(l3->momentum());
247      const double costs3 = cos(twoL_2.angle(l3_2lcom));
249      const string suff = (centrality < 0.4)? "_SR" : "_CR";
250      _h["dphi"+suff]->fill(dphi);
251      _h["m_jj"+suff]->fill(mjj/GeV);
252      _h["dY"+suff]->fill(dY);
253      _h["m_4l"+suff]->fill(m4l/GeV);
254      _h["pt_4l"+suff]->fill(pt4l/GeV);
255      _h["pt_jj"+suff]->fill(ptjj/GeV);
256      _h["pt_4ljj"+suff]->fill(pt4ljj/GeV);
257      _h["st_4ljj"+suff]->fill(st4ljj/GeV);
258      _h["costs1"+suff]->fill(costs1/GeV);
259      _h["costs3"+suff]->fill(costs3/GeV);
260    }
263    /// Normalise histograms etc., after the run
264    void finalize() {
266      const double norm = crossSection()/sumOfWeights()/femtobarn;
267      scale(_h, norm);
269    }
271    private:
273      map<string, Histo1DPtr> _h;
274      const double Zmass_PDG = 91.1876;
275  };